☼Summer at Camp Walla Walla☼ [Inactive]

Mallow looked at her brother who was still avoiding people. She let out a sigh in disappointment, but then smiled back at Nonie quickly before her sadness was noticed, "Yeah, I'm Mallow and yes, I know that kid. He's my brother and sadly he can be a bit rude at times, but once you get to know him, he's a sweetheart."

Mallow looked at the girl that had just made her way to the group,
Madison if I remember correctly. She had learned all her camper's names before hand so she wouldn't look like a complete loser in front of them. She followed Madison's gaze and noticed that there was a small little commotion with one of the male campers. She took a step forward to offer her help, but decided to let Jeremy take care of it. It was his camper, but if he needed help she was just a call away. She turned to look to see if Mrs. Jenna was aware of the situation, but she seemed busy with several other campers.

Pathetic. Yasen looked over at the blonde kid who was making a scene. Isn't he like what 17. Such a baby. Yasen moved his hair out of his forehead and headed out of the Event Hall. He didn't look back to see if anyone was following him or getting after him. Yasen just made his way to the boys' cabin.
Jeremy retracted his hand in an instant, as if it was about to be bitten by a viper, when campers panicked standing bemused as the sight. He swore under his breath as he released who the campers might be, after making his oath as a camp leader jeremy was told that campers was suffering from a mental condition. Great going, jerry, he though to himself before slowing walking up to the campers kneeling down to his level at what he figured was comfortable distance for the camper.

"Hey, sorry that touched you like that i didn't know."He said as softly as he could, trying to find the right words"Eh...I am jeremy i...I 'm here to make sure you and your friend are safe and have fun here....You and your friend have a name?"
Robby looked up at him, then slowly down at his teddy, sniffling. "Yeah..." he mumbled softly, shifting. Well, now at least he didn't look too mean, maybe he didn't mean to hurt you. Or maybe this is some sort of evil twisted joke! Either way, Robby seemed to curl up tighter. "I Robby an...this William." He very slowly showed him his tattered little used teddy. "He really smart...he s...smarter then ME even." He cuddled it close and picked at its fur again.

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"I am sure William is if he picked such good friend in you." He said forming a smile." How about we show him to your new bed you guys will be resting in>We can get some food later as well, i am sure both of you are hungry from all the excitement, the canteen is cooking some nice pizzas. What does he think of that?"

That's a relief, Kenji thought, sighing with relief. He'd been shocked to see Robby tense up like that when he had looked back while making his way to the line Jeremy had formed for the boys. He had so many thoughts running in his head that he wasn't sure what to do. He had looked stupid there. Standing, mouth agape ; and he was supposed to be his friend. This act certainly made Kenji mad at himself.

Fortunately, Camp Leader Jeremy comforted Robby though Robby tensed up more.

He decided that he'd let Robby cool down from his mental breakdown and would talk to him later.

So he walked towards the boy's line, went at the back of the line, and waited for Jeremy's orders.

Though, he noticed something odd. Like someone was missing from the line.

Robby sniffled softly and nodded. He was a bit hungry, a and curious as to where he'd be sleeping. He slowly shifted off the floor and stood, cradling his teddy close. He stared awkwardly at the other boys, backing up a bit in an almost panicked manner. There were so many, he didn't want to be squished.

That's when he saw his friend at the back. His eyes flashed and he looked at the other. "That my friend!" He pointed to Kenji. He hurried about the leader, softly smacking his chest in a way to tell him he was okay, just scared at first, then rushed to his friend. "K-Kenji?" He asked softly, staring up at him. "...I...I still friends with you right?"

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Seeing that the guy was fine Mallow turned back to her girls, "Alright ladies! I can see you're all here so lets go!" Mallow turned around and began to lead the girls to Cabin A. As they walked along she began to give them a small tour of the place. "We're located in some mountains in between the fishing dock and the aquatics dock. Since it's near water it get a bit humid during the day, but if you're a night owl the place is gorgeous. The water keeps the cabin area cool and the mountains give off an amazing view. Oh and that small building you saw before coming here is the shower room. That's where all the shower's and restrooms are at. Yes I know community showers may sound gross, but I assure you the water is clean and our staff does a wonderful job of maintaining it. "

When they got to the cabin, Mallow show them around.
"Okay! This is it. Cabin A. Right now we're in our living room. You girls can hang out here to get ready, or just talk. I saw some of you had instruments so you all can play here if you want." In the back of the living room were 3 doors that lead to the bunks. "Those are the rooms they each have their own closet a night stand and a bunk bed. That door to the right is the 1st bunk, the middle door is the 2nd bunk, and the left door is the 3rd bunk. I placed your stuff inside the rooms already, but you can change them if you'd like."

Mallow looked at her campers,
"Well I'm going to let you ladies settle in. I'm going to check on the guys to see if they need any help. If you need anything, I'm going to leave my walkie-talkie here and you girls can page Jeremy on channel 2." Mallow smiled and left the girls alone to unpack and get settled in.

@Icefox11 @Cierra111 @Madam Red @Omicron

"Of course you are, bud !" ,Kenji said, beaming at Robby, then gently patting his back.

Fall in line behind me. I can't wait to see our Cabin!", he said with his expression puffy and full of anticipation.

"Ok with that sorted we can get the show on the road, follow me."He said walking past the group and waving them to come."Were situated at cabin C overlooking the lake used for swimming events, in fact we can jump in from the back door. Suggest you all take advantage of that though be careful in the morning that you don't go through the wrong door....It happens trust me. North to it is the archery range and to the south east is the communal showers and restrooms, sorry to say.,no its not co-ed. On that matter the girls cabin is on the others side of the camp from us, cutting through the rangers station...You think there trying to tell us something?"

He led them in the cabin, into the main living area.

"Three rooms down the back at the left and right, find a free bunk and settle in. The pool table is free use but please keep it civil and in order, no throwing of the balls to others without my express permission and appropriate bribe. Time is yours until the lunch bell rings if you have any questions i will be happy to answer them..unless there stupid then i wont be so happy to do so."
Robby kept his mouth shut, clinging to his new friends shirt softly. As he walked, he watched the tree's pass and the hall leave behind him. Watching his step carefully, Robby scampered after the other campers. The trip towards the lake took only a few minutes and Robby had picked up a cricket or two on his way, before staring up at the dock and the small hut like building.

Wow...it was big compared to his house.

Once he got inside, Robby peered at each thing, finding most of it boring but did see a stack of paper and pencils n a table nearby. He tilted his head and looked at the councilor, then back at the papers.
Madison was not completely ashamed to say that she did not really listen as Mallow spoke, but not because she was being thoughtless, she just already knew where everything was. When the group reached the cabin, she quickly checked to see which room she'd been placed in this year, finding her pink peace duffel bag in the third room. Now that she knew where she was sleeping, she went back to the group of girls and finally got around to introducing herself. "Well, hi everyone, my name is Madison, but you can call me Maddi, I hope we can all become good friends over the summer" she said with a friendly smile.

Mallow made her way across the camp, past the Ranger's station and into the boy's cabin. She was so happy that the campers were finally in their cabin. Although some of them seemed to be 'lost' she hoped that this would play out nicely. Getting to the boy's cabin, she knocked loudly on the door. "Hey you guys in there?" Mallow knocked again, "Hello? Do you guys need help with anything?"
"Come in and see. Things are terrible."Jereme said jokingly opening the door for Mellow and letting her walk in the noisy but orderly room."I have lost control. This people are...Are...i.."

He found himself out of breath and has began to sweat more than usual.
Robby sat quietly and sweetly in the corner, coloring quietly and gripping his little teddy's arm, wobbling about. He saw a woman come in and smiled slightly, bobbing softly. "Hi~" he waved softly, giggling sweetly. He noticed she was talking and frowned, but shrugged and fiddled with his teddy again. He was drawing a very detailed picture of a landscape.
Mallow looked behind her to make sure she wasn't being watched. After all girl's weren't allowed in the boy's cabin, not even cabin leaders. She took a cautious step inside. "Jeremy are you okay?" She placed a hand on his back. That's when she noticed that she had been spoken to by the guy with the teddy bear. Huh wasn't he the one who started a ruckus back in the event hall? Noticing his teddy bear and the expression on his face she guess he must have autism. She bend over to be at eye level with him. With a warm smile and a friendly voice she said, "Hey you! What are you drawing?" She looked over his shoulder and saw a beautiful landscape, "Wow. That's amazing! You're a good artist aren't you?"
He blushed and slowly hid his drawing from her sight, peeking up Sat her. "I do it all self..." he said softly. "I-I not that good I need draw better...then. you see." He giggled and hugged his teddy closer, losing his head a great deal. "You one leaders like lady with loud mic'phone?"

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Mallow laughed, "No hun, I'm a different type of leader. I'm like Jeremy. I'm in charge of a group of young girls just like he's in charge of a group of young guys." Mallow straightened up, "Speaking of which I better get back to them." Mallow waved goodbye at the boys and ran back to the girls cabin to see how they were doing. On her way out she noticed she hadn't seen her brother. Maybe he was just in the bathroom.

Mallow got to the girls' cabin and looked around. "Is everyone still here?"

Kenji was sitting on the couch alone. He had wandered on his thoughts too much and was spacing out. He didn't even notice the other Camp Leader who came in their Cabin. What was on his mind? He doesn't really know. Suddenly he remembered Robby and how he wanted to show his drawing skills.

Quickly snapping out of his trance, he quickly glanced around the room and spotted him sitting on a table in the corner. Standing up, he approached him

"Hey Rob!", he said, tapping his shoulder. "What'cha drawin?"

Thhe slightly crumpled paper was now flat on the table, and he peeked up at the other. "I drawing...mmm" he looked to be thinking, then smiled. "I'm drawing mmmy daddy!" He giggled. He went back to sketching quietly, each stroke formed a new image on the paper, and as he worked quietly, the picture became almost as detailed as a photograph.

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