☼Summer at Camp Walla Walla☼ [Inactive]

Robby didn't look up for a long while, just hugging his teddy carefully and sniffling. He heard a conversation and peeked up, a whispered sorry, and the face of another boy. He blinked, ten curled up tighter and kissed Williams head softly. He looked around the hall, eyes flashing from place to place. He lifted his skinny self up and slowly walked towards the other two. A nervous habit kicked up and he softly smacked his head, eyes a bit teary. He was so nervous. Finally, when he reached the two, he stared at them and shifted, silent.

I wonder what's taking that Welcoming Presentation so long . ., Kenji wondered as he was looking at the wide empty space in front of the chairs. A moment later, he heard the door of the Entrance Hall open. He saw a blonde guy come in; he also seemed to look autistic. Since he wasn't really talking to anyone at where he sat, he took no hesitation to stand up and make friends with the guy.

Walking towards the guy, he looked for a chair to sit beside him. Quickly spotting a chair to his right, Kenji hurried over to sit.

Hey",Kenji said with a warm smile spread across his face

I'm Kenji Hideaki. But you can call me Ken. What's your name?"

Robby peeked up at him and shifted a bit, fiddling with William's arms, then back up at the boy. He was quiet for a long while, then spoke up as he shifted so he was sitting. "...I Robby..." he said softly, rubbing his head and picking at little burn spots on his teddy's head. "I Robby mmmm.....mMmmmmmmc...cccarthy..."

Robby McCarthy, Kenji repeated in his head.

He also noticed that Robby seemed melancholic and anxious. He wondered if it was because of him, but assumed that looking at a place like this as a dude with autism, it will indeed seem intimidating. Setting this thought aside in his head, he decided to give him a more welcoming and warm approach. Kenji was willing to be one of this guy's first friends at camp and spend the summer with him. Making up his mind, he finally decided to say

"That's a nice name", he said enthusiastically. "So uhh. .who's that little guy?" pointing at the teddy bear as he mentioned it.

A spark of happiness filled the boys features, lifting William up and smiling widely. He wiggled the little things paws, his bright green eyes sparkling with awe that someone was actually interested in his one true friend. "He William." He explained. "He real nice and real smart. You can shake hand if wan." He outstretched the teddy's hand towards the other boy and wiggled a bit more, face turning red with excitement.

He stopped and set William down in the others lap, curling his legs close to his chest and blinking softly, then up at the new boy. "...are you gonna be my friend?" he asked sweetly. "Cause...never had a friend...other then William and he my friend for long time..."
Raiki continued humming until she spotted a pair of guys talking . She stood and walked over to them. They seemed friendly, might as well try to make some friends. "Hello." Raiki said in a bright voice.
The blonde haired boy jerked and covered his head, eyes wide with fear. He nuzzled himself into the other and grabbed William tightly, shielding himself with him. Once he realized she wasn't going to hit him, he perked up and peered at her, bright eyes shining. "...Hi..."
"What's your name?" Raiki asked, wanting to make some friends. She had some back home, but they could get annoying from time to time. It was time fore a fresh start.
He curled a bit and picked at his teddy's head. "Robby..." he mumbled, looking away and back at her, then away again. "You real pretty." he blurted out, but didn't seem fazed by it at all. He just sat and fiddled or cooed once and a while, sucking on Williams ear and peeking at all the others in the room. "I this old." he showed her ten fingers, then whined and bit his lip, holding up his teddy's arms and legs and three of his toes. "see that old!"
"17.... huh.." Raiki said as a sweat drop appeared on her face. 'How can a 17 year old be like such a child!' She flushed a little when he said she was pretty. No one ever told her that.
He smiled brightly, showing his missing tooth, then hugging his teddy closer and peeking about. "...There lots people here...is scary." he mumbled sweetly, kicking his feet. "I don make friends real easy. Daddy says cause I stupid." he mumbled the last bit, peering down at his teddy.
"Well that's a first." Raiki mumbled. "So, what do you like to do? Not everyone here is the same. I like to sing." Raiki said, leaning backwards in her chair a bit. She loved this kid! He was the little brother kind of adorable.
"Oh! I like coloring an...an flowers...an swimming~" He said softly, wiggling madly and gripping at his chair. "I real good at drawing, mommy said so~!"
"Could you draw something then?" Raiki asked, trying not to force him. She loved watching people draw. She usually found a song to fit each character.
He blinked, eyes wide, before blushing and hiding his face in his teddy. "okay..." he said softly, looking about for a pencil and paper, but couldn't find anything. He nibbled on his fingers and stood up to go find some.

Madison entered the camp in a whirlwind of frazzled blond hair.

Her fluttery light pink tank top swished over her white shorts, while her pink flip flops slapped against the ground as she hurried towards the hall. Once inside, she had to lean against the wall to catch her breath. "Oh...good....I didn't...miss...the announcement" she gasped out, placing a hand over her thudding heart. Looking around, she saw that most of the other campers had already arrived, including some people that had come last year. That was good, it was always nice to see familiar faces.

Once she could breath without feeling like she was going to cough up a lung, she patted gingerly at her hair and actually winced at just how messed up it felt. "Well, that's just unacceptable" she muttered. Reaching into her back pocket, she pulled out a comb and ran it though her long locks.

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"Hi there" Kenji said to the girl who had just come to talk with them. "I'm Kenji Hideaki, what's your name?", he asked curiously.

Taking the time to learn more about this girl so that Robby could also find time to get his pencil and his paper to draw. Then he'd heard the Entrance Hall's door open, and caught a side glance of a blonde girl wearing a pink top, white shorts, and pink flip flops; though he didn't see much of the girl's facial features. He returned his gaze to the girl who was sitting across from him.

"Raiki. Nice to meet you!" Raiki said giving the peace sign to Kenji. She liked this kid too. He seemed to be slightly more mature than the other. She smiled, hopping to get on his good side.
((I'm back! Sorry for the Delay, but I went to Warped Tour and it was amazing! Ugh such a crazy/amazing day. Anywho... I'm here and ready to catch up =P ))

Mallow smiled as the last girl made her way into the Ranger's Station. She took her pink bag and went to the cabin to place it in the bottom 3rd bunk. Mallow looked at the bags that filled the beds. A jolt of excitement rushed through her body. She was so ready for this summer. It was going to be the best Summer of her life. Taking a deep breath Mallow made her way to the Event Hall.

When she went inside she noticed all the camper's had started already acquainting themselves.
That's a relief. It makes the whole introductions easier.Her eyes then turned to a boy who was alone, Yasen. Mallow shook her head in disappointment. It always was like him to stray away from the crowd and be a loner. That's why she had instead he come along to camp with her, so he could break out of his loner shell and make friends. However, that plan wasn't working out.

Rolling her eye's Mallow went up and sat next to him, "Hey Yase. Why are you here all alone? Don't you want to make some friends?"

Yasen was staring at all the other campers talking. He rolled his eyes and ignored them. Look at all those losers. Thinking they're so cool because their in a stupid camp. Yasen focused on a bright ceiling light that seemed to be flickering. I wonder if I get badly hurt, if they'll make me go back home. Yasen was about to stand up and look for a way to get hurt when Mallow joined him.

He gave her a look of disgust and spat at her, "Bah!" He crossed his arms over his chest and inched as far away from her as the chair could allow. Yasen's facial expression harden as his brow furrowed. Mallow was about to speak again when a lady walked up to the small podium that was in the middle of the stage in front of them. Yasen huffed and tuned out the words of the lady.

Jenna Ferris walked up to the podium. Her heart was racing and her hands were shaking. Since this was her first time giving a big speech, Jenna's nerves where acting up. She cleared her throat and tapped on the microphone, creating an ear shattering feedback. Wincing and the pain in her ears, Jenna's nerves intensified. Don't mess up. Don't mess up. Don't mess up. DON'T. MESS. UP.

Even though the nervous feeling was tearing Jenna apart from the inside, on the outside she reflected a calm and collected woman who knew what she was doing. Once the feedback had stopped, Jenna cleared her throat and began the Welcoming Speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls, welcome to Camp Walla Walla. My name is Jenna Ferris and I will be the coordinator for this summer's camp. If you look underneath your chairs, I have placed a packet of information that you need to know, such as who to contact in case of emergencies and the names of our staff. All of the Cabin Leaders and Staff are equipped with walkie-talkies, so if you need help with anything just let them know and they'll notify the appropriate person to help you out."

Jenna let out a breath.
Okay so far so good.

"Also inside of the information packet, you will find the rules of Camp Walla Walla. I'm sure everyone has read the rules by now, but in case you haven't please take a moment to look at them. There is one rule though that is not written. It is the common sense rule. We are obviously out in the wilderness, and there are animals in the wilderness. I don't want anyone taking food to the cabins since we don't want bears to come down the mountains and attack you guys in the cabins. So no food outside the Dinning hall unless otherwise specified. If you are found with food, you will be punished."

Jenna looked around hoping everyone was still listening and she hadn't lost anyone in the process.

"In your stay at Camp Walla Walla, you will be free to roam around and participate in any of the activities that we offer as long as you take a buddy with you. We do not want anyone roaming the grounds by themselves. However you will have to check back with your Cabin leader at least four times a day. There will be a bell indicating the start of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as one indicating for campers to return to your cabins. Use those times to check in with your cabin leader so they can make sure you guys are okay."

Alright Jenna you're almost done. Hang in there.

"I, as well as the staff and cabin leaders, want you to have an amazing time in Camp Walla Walla. There will be several events through out the summer, and although the events we hold aren't mandatory, we strongly encourage you to attend them in order to get the full bonding experience. Our events, if any, will be announced in breakfast and they usually happen during dinner. Don't worry about missing dinner, food will be provided at all of the events. If you choose to skip an event, you can always go to the dinning hall to have dinner. The first event will take place tonight outside the Nature Trails. We will be having our Welcoming Bonfire in order to get to know one another. I hope you all choose to attend."

Okay just the conclusion now.

"Finally, at the end of the camp we will be giving several awards of achievements, so the more you participate and socialize the more of a chance you have to win an award. Like I said before, Welcome to Camp Walla Walla. We hope you have a great stay. Feel free to come into my office located at the Ranger Station if you need anything, or just say hi if you see me walking around. At this time Cabin Leaders please escort your cabin member to their cabins and let them unpack and settle down. The bell for lunch will be ringing in a few minutes."

Jenna smiled at her campers and walked off the stage. She set off to the aside to see if anyone would approach her with questions.

Mallow stood up and motioned for all the girl campers to meet her in the left corner of the room so she could take them to the cabin.
Robby jerked at the sharp sound flaring in his ears, his head throbbing. He quickly covered his ears and whimpered, plopping on the floor and hiding his head in his knees. He trembled, before it stopped and he peeked up. He scurried behind a girl's chair, peeking over it to see a woman speaking at the front. wow...she talked a lot. He heard her speak of a pamphlet and he hurried over to a chair with no one in it. He grabbed it, peeking over it and smiling. He couldn't read. This was ridiculous. He looked back up and back at the paper, zoning out for a while until she suddenly stopped and stepped off the stage. Was what she was saying important? He had no idea. Suddenly, the mob of children started moving and going everywhere. His eyes went wide and he cried out a bit, covering his ears again and curling into a ball. Sensory overload. He whined and softly patted his ears, tearing up. Alright, just all these kids leave and he'd be fine, no worries! He didn't see any leave but a pack of girls were escorted out the door. He started to cry, tears rolling down his face. Where was William?!?

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"You heard the lady, guys. Front and center!"Jeremy said waving his boys towards him when the speech finished. Mentally doing a head count of the boys in the gathered campers and comparing it to the number bags he had received as a form of role call."Come on, i had a look at both your schedule and lunch menu you won't want to miss lunch because of unpacking. Trust me on this." 
As the campers gathered, Jeremy could help but notice one of the campers still in his seat and worse looked like his sobbing.

"Guys, stick around for a moment. Talk amongst yourself about football or.. Whatever.."He said to the gathered campers before running to the crying camper. He came up next to him and placed his hand on the campers shoulder and spoke in a mock drill seargent tone."Hey buddy, i know the coordinators speech was painfully long but suck it up like the rest of us. Not to mention the girls might see you and laugh at your crybabying."
Yasen stood up and headed over to where Jeremy was gathering the boys. This is stupid I already know where everything is. I don't need to be escorted anywhere. He looked over at the door and debated on going off on his own somewhere. He had already unpacked since he was gotten here with Mallow, so this was pointless, just like everything else. He approached the group of lingered on the outside of it, giving them his back and avoiding all types of eye contact.

Mallow is still waiting for her girls to gather =)
Robby's eyes flew wide open and he stared at the man like he would smack him at any moment. Tear stains covered his face, His breath becoming violent and jagged. "NonononONO!!" He cried, beginning to struggle and shoved the older away. He scurried to his teddy on the floor and grabbed it, holding it against him and curling into a ball, rocking back and forth violently. "No touch n-no touch no!" The poor autistic child sobbed.

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Nonie bounced over to the purple-haired young lady she had met earlier.

"Mallow, isn't it? My name is, um, errrrr… Nonie! Yeah… I forget it sometimes. Just seems to slip my mind! Ahahaha… "
Now if only I could remember my last name… oh well, it can't possibly be that important. It started with a 'W', right?

Her eyes darted to the guy she waved at earlier. "Oh, hey, do you know that kid? Kinda rude, huh? Didn't even wave back! He just kinda got confused, which was pretty funny, but still!"

Warren flipped through the packet, making sure to read everything thoroughly. What could he say, he was a total rule follower. Plus, it gave him something to read. He made his way over to the cabin leader - Jeremy, he recalled - when he heard one of the boys shouting and saw him push the leader away in fear. Ren decided not to say anything but regarded the young man curled up in a ball with worry.

Deciding instead to finally introduce himself to someone, he sidled up to the cabin leader with a nervous smile on his face. "How do you do? My name is Warren Brams. It is a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand awkwardly. People still shook hands right?
With her hair back under control, Madison made her way over to her cabins leader and the girls who where gathering around her. She listened with interest as one of the girls introduced herself in a rather unusual way, it was amusing and made her smile. Clasping her hands behind her back, she opened her mouth to introduce herself as well, but a commotion drew her attention. Turning around, she glanced over to where the boys were gathering and frowned worriedly at what she saw. One boy seemed to be sobbing hysterically on the floor while two others stood over him. Had they done something to him? She didn't think they would start something on the first day of camp. But you never knew.

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