Suitable music for Exalted funtiems

Another artist that I've found useful is Lisa Gerrard. I've often used her music in the background for monasteries, rituals, or creepy bad guys.

I used to have this song wheeled out whenever my custom Deathlord showed up in my games:


Oh, wait, here's some more music-


A good fight scene song


Travelling, anyone?


Descending into the madness of the Labyrinth


I dont know...just like this one
[QUOTE="Cthulhu_Wakes]Another song for when you approach an enemy who isn't quite what you expected...

Oh, what a cover.

Well played, sir.

But... I raise you these:



I tend to use these guys for my game. It really helps get my players amped up especially when they're having trouble getting into a stunting mood.




[/media] A mega track of one of their albums. You can check the description on the youtube page for track titles.
MrBojangles said:
I tend to use these guys for my game. It really helps get my players amped up especially when they're having trouble getting into a stunting mood.



[/media] A mega track of one of their albums. You can check the description on the youtube page for track titles.
Personally, I tend to go to Two Steps from Hell's album All Drums Go to Hell when I need inspiration for a fast-paced action scene.

As for really depends on what I'm writing or running or playing. I tend to use the old Diablo II soundtrack a fair bit for more atmospheric bits.

This track always gave me an Autocthonia or SWLiHN vibe.
This one's also pretty awesome, if only for:

a) the final chorus, "Arise and be, all that you dreamed, all that you dreamed."

b) it can be one heck of an image song...I'm using for my Twilight Solar.

As a note, I agree with all things Two Steps From Hell, but I can't believe y'allst forgot about:



Forgot about this one, totally badass, totally Full Moon Lunar:



~Welcome to the Request Hour with your DJ, F13~
Exalted Fight! Ready, GO!


The final confrontation between two hated rivals


G Gundam was Gurren Lagann before Gurren Lagann was Gurren Lagann.
Double post, and honestly guys...<.<

I was very, very surprised about this one...had a very subtle Exalted tip to it, and once you hear it. Well, you know how it is.

Plus Queen is involved, so clearly, 'tis amazing.

Next on the list, is from the Sengoku Basara Anime, I swear that anime is basically Exalted without the Striders (yet)...regardless.

Season 1:

Season 2:



~Watch this space for more!~
Abyssal or Ebon Dragon themed, really. Either one. xD

Ihave to say, though, those are now some of my favorite lyrics of all time. xD
[QUOTE="Chained Divinity]Abyssal or Ebon Dragon themed, really. Either one. xD
Ihave to say, though, those are now some of my favorite lyrics of all time. xD

Same :D !

It's a shame that voice actress died :( .
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]
It's a shame that voice actress died :( .

It sounds like her life was on the decline anyway. :P

(But yes, it is a shame)




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