Suitable music for Exalted funtiems


Drunken master
Does anyone have some? In RL games I like to have some music on in the background to set the mood, switching between general, creepy and combat scenes.

I found that Okami (An absolute gem of a game and the best reason to own a Wii) has a

that can cover pretty much all of that with excellent Japanese flair. Movie soundtracks in general tend to be handy, 300 had some

that suit Exalted down to the ground. And for fights, I take a leaf out of the Devil May Cry series and mix it up with instrumental metal (Hybrids of Steel by Arch enemy is exactly how I think an Exalted fight should be accompanied) and some techno, with a couple of pieces from the

, which is just awesome stuff.
Any particular music get you into the mood for Exalted?
The first thing that springs to mind is gothic metal, such as Nightwish. Nightwish has a very broad range of songs that can serve in a lot of circumstances;



, and

At work, so I can't grab you links, but I usually reach for OSTs for Xenogears. Id's theme and Grahf's theme are damned good for evil bosses, and there's some nice fight music in there as well.
Ooh, Guild Wars has some fantastic music too (<3 Jeremy Seoule), and Factions and Nightfall in particular have the oriental/southern flavour to them that fits the setting.
I've been playing the Guild Wars 2 Beta (preorder events), and the music is great there as well, for whenever they release the soundtrack.
Here are a few personal favorites of mine that I think might fit Exalted.

Pretty much the Exalted theme song in my opinion

Theme song to the Primordial War.

Infernals, Abyssals or a Solar on a combat high, either way you better run.

Another for the Exalted theme song
And a few more for giggles.

Lunar/Sidereal Propaganda
Not at all. It tends to put me in mind of the Scarlet Empire or Lookshy more than the others though.

When playing in the North, I always think of the Icewind Dale soundtrack. My goodness, but some of that music was heartbreakingly wonderful.
Wandering the old towers of Chiaroscuro:

Perhaps you have a moody Solar or Alchemical who never asked for this?


LIMB Clinic (Great for discovered ruins or artifacts)
Holy balls, I thought Michael McCann got lucky with the Deus Ex soundtrack. That first one is glorious.
I can't believe I forgot to include the music from the game Jade Empire, it's mentioned in the Corebook and practically bleeds Exalted!

A few of my favorites:

Way of the Open Palm

The Water Dragon

There are dozens more, but I'll let you find your personal favorites!

EDIT: oh, and of course,
I must play Jade Empire again. Hell of a game.

By chance on my way into work this morning, my mp3 player shuffled onto some Nine Inch Nails Year Zero album, and I thought to myself "

I think I'll be working a few of these suggestions and more into my games here. Nice way to start or wrap up a thread or a scene.

In the mean time, The Witcher 1 and 2 have provided me with a huge amount of freaking excellent fantasy music, suitable for just about any situation. Absolute gems.


How IS Witcher 2? Still not played it and thinking about buying for 360, seeing as I don't have a good gaming rig.
Get it.

Voice acting is much improved, visuals are stunning, it's trimmer and leaner regarding combat, a control pad would suit it actually. The story seems to be pretty boss and it seems there are almost two completely different games depending on who you side with near the start. Well worth a look.

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