• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource   ❀༉ sugarvine 〯fluticasone

Glad to see you're still around! I would love to see an in character code, but I'm always happy for one of those
icon area
Biri-Biri — sugarvine.exe
October 30, 2024 - posted Biri-Biri
The only reason I chose the english version for the video is because gengar is the thumbnail. That's it.
I know people wanted an IC code, but to warm up, I decided to update an old pokemon layout that someone requested to use. I took a peek under the hood and it made me shudder, so I quickly cleaned it up. It's still the same at its core, but I made it a little easier to fill out. There's some pointers to help you navigate on what you need to copy paste, as well as syntax toggles to display filters or pokemon slots.
I actually think this is one of the best simple layouts for people to take a crack at TTCode. There's a lot of lines as I manipulate quite a few properties, but the actual editable area is very small. Like it all fits within one screen level of brevity.
Seeing the old sprites makes me sad as the sprite work degraded after Gen VI when they switched to 3D models. Very few Pokemon translated very well and to be honest that makes sense earlier gens were designed to be only seen in a 2D space.
start of cs copy paste + specific variables for images
banner area
icon area
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis lobortis velit, at ornare dolor. Donec convallis interdum tellus id convallis. In consectetur dui pretium mauris rhoncus congue. Quisque mollis nunc purus, et dictum felis rutrum a. Ut commodo lorem erat, ut tempus ligula suscipit sit amet. In ac venenatis justo, et tempus leo. Nam dapibus ac nunc quis pulvinar.

Cras feugiat justo libero, a scelerisque quam auctor quis. Curabitur maximus tortor sit amet ante mollis dictum. Nunc purus mi, pretium sit amet pulvinar ac, lobortis non sapien. Nulla facilisi. Aenean enim enim, condimentum ut mauris eu, lacinia mattis nisi. Nulla et pellentesque lacus. Donec pretium quam sed placerat placerat. Nam tincidunt in eros at scelerisque. Aenean blandit nulla purus, et maximus dui blandit sit amet. Integer et purus lectus. Nulla in egestas neque, quis pharetra arcu. Integer eleifend gravida tincidunt.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis lobortis velit, at ornare dolor. Donec convallis interdum tellus id convallis. In consectetur dui pretium mauris rhoncus congue. Quisque mollis nunc purus, et dictum felis rutrum a. Ut commodo lorem erat, ut tempus ligula suscipit sit amet. In ac venenatis justo, et tempus leo. Nam dapibus ac nunc quis pulvinar.

Cras feugiat justo libero, a scelerisque quam auctor quis. Curabitur maximus tortor sit amet ante mollis dictum. Nunc purus mi, pretium sit amet pulvinar ac, lobortis non sapien. Nulla facilisi. Aenean enim enim, condimentum ut mauris eu, lacinia mattis nisi. Nulla et pellentesque lacus. Donec pretium quam sed placerat placerat. Nam tincidunt in eros at scelerisque. Aenean blandit nulla purus, et maximus dui blandit sit amet. Integer et purus lectus. Nulla in egestas neque, quis pharetra arcu. Integer eleifend gravida tincidunt.
banner area
icon area
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis lobortis velit, at ornare dolor. Donec convallis interdum tellus id convallis. In consectetur dui pretium mauris rhoncus congue. Quisque mollis nunc purus, et dictum felis rutrum a. Ut commodo lorem erat, ut tempus ligula suscipit sit amet. In ac venenatis justo, et tempus leo. Nam dapibus ac nunc quis pulvinar.

Cras feugiat justo libero, a scelerisque quam auctor quis. Curabitur maximus tortor sit amet ante mollis dictum. Nunc purus mi, pretium sit amet pulvinar ac, lobortis non sapien. Nulla facilisi. Aenean enim enim, condimentum ut mauris eu, lacinia mattis nisi. Nulla et pellentesque lacus. Donec pretium quam sed placerat placerat. Nam tincidunt in eros at scelerisque. Aenean blandit nulla purus, et maximus dui blandit sit amet. Integer et purus lectus. Nulla in egestas neque, quis pharetra arcu. Integer eleifend gravida tincidunt.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis lobortis velit, at ornare dolor. Donec convallis interdum tellus id convallis. In consectetur dui pretium mauris rhoncus congue. Quisque mollis nunc purus, et dictum felis rutrum a. Ut commodo lorem erat, ut tempus ligula suscipit sit amet. In ac venenatis justo, et tempus leo. Nam dapibus ac nunc quis pulvinar.

Cras feugiat justo libero, a scelerisque quam auctor quis. Curabitur maximus tortor sit amet ante mollis dictum. Nunc purus mi, pretium sit amet pulvinar ac, lobortis non sapien. Nulla facilisi. Aenean enim enim, condimentum ut mauris eu, lacinia mattis nisi. Nulla et pellentesque lacus. Donec pretium quam sed placerat placerat. Nam tincidunt in eros at scelerisque. Aenean blandit nulla purus, et maximus dui blandit sit amet. Integer et purus lectus. Nulla in egestas neque, quis pharetra arcu. Integer eleifend gravida tincidunt.
end of cs copy paste, insert next
Last edited:
icon area
Romeo and Cinderella — sugarvine.exe
November 12, 2024 - posted ROMEO AND CINDERELLA
At people's request, an IC code! I was a little fixated on using vintage framing in some way, yet modernizing it a touch. It started with 10+ frames until it was whittled down to one... after changing my mind at least four time during the process. As per usual, thanks to a certain miku avatar admin for going through the frame-duce 101 with me as part of the judge panel.
The original title for this was actually something else, but Alt insisted that it reminded him of doriko's Romeo and Cinderella, so here we are. I could even add the iconic polka dots to the framed image if you're interested~
body text bg
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis eleifend nisi sed dignissim. Sed feugiat dapibus pellentesque. Nunc id urna nunc. Vestibulum a ligula semper, hendrerit velit auctor, auctor orci. Curabitur id gravida quam. Aenean volutpat ipsum ex, eget viverra ipsum pharetra sit amet. Proin semper neque sit amet nibh finibus mattis. Vivamus vitae metus dapibus, sagittis ex non, elementum nunc. Aliquam aliquam lacus eget ligula luctus sollicitudin.
Suspendisse ut nulla a massa placerat pharetra eu non leo. Etiam convallis mi sit amet elit vulputate iaculis. Nunc consequat erat sed porttitor porta. Morbi eget accumsan nisl, suscipit volutpat nulla. Cras a velit purus. Nulla commodo libero quam, vitae malesuada neque ultrices non. Etiam in finibus tortor, et tempor lacus. Fusce ornare urna justo, quis dapibus urna lacinia ac. Ut odio elit, laoreet eu tortor a, euismod mattis eros. In et odio sodales nisi lacinia cursus. Aliquam a venenatis erat. Nam non consequat lectus. Nam hendrerit placerat diam, nec fermentum enim viverra sed. Aliquam efficitur magna id libero molestie vehicula. Maecenas risus nibh, pulvinar vel sem a, rhoncus consectetur dui. Duis purus lorem, interdum eu suscipit sed, aliquet sed justo.
Pellentesque iaculis nibh eu eleifend euismod. Duis molestie luctus nisl quis luctus. Proin ipsum sapien, finibus in feugiat non, vestibulum a nunc. Integer lorem ligula, scelerisque eget lacus at, sollicitudin finibus felis. Maecenas et dolor ultrices, aliquam sem eu, tincidunt lacus. Ut tempus justo sit amet imperdiet elementum. Fusce et auctor libero, a gravida ex. Nam consequat odio tincidunt, pharetra odio et, tempus ante. Mauris a enim sodales, tincidunt leo id, imperdiet neque. Nam tincidunt pretium varius. Vivamus quis lectus eget arcu sodales porttitor vitae in felis. Ut vel turpis aliquet, sagittis quam in, egestas odio. Aliquam varius velit non dui faucibus pulvinar.
Morbi eget neque ac libero imperdiet ultrices a quis felis. In euismod enim a dolor hendrerit placerat. In sem magna, fermentum et turpis in, gravida tincidunt mi. Donec eu tristique elit, sit amet varius lorem. Proin ornare felis lacus, et dignissim diam blandit vel. Sed vel nunc eu turpis eleifend vehicula. Aenean vel lectus quis magna porttitor aliquet. Duis sed diam vehicula, interdum augue sed, rhoncus eros. Suspendisse non nunc nisi. Mauris eu orci consequat, aliquet erat id, varius tortor. Integer scelerisque convallis lacus ut laoreet. Aenean tortor dolor, pellentesque eget luctus sed, eleifend vitae magna. Praesent molestie euismod libero, id varius tortor posuere eu. Sed lobortis faucibus ipsum, sed hendrerit nisl bibendum vitae. Proin imperdiet metus ut mi eleifend, hendrerit bibendum purus facilisis. Fusce sodales nisl purus, vel iaculis nibh mattis ac.
Aliquam volutpat tortor id justo dictum hendrerit. Integer a lorem ut nibh tristique maximus et non tellus. Nam sodales ullamcorper magna, ac laoreet enim pellentesque sit amet. Phasellus justo lacus, faucibus vitae tempor euismod, luctus vel nulla. Nullam faucibus molestie enim eu laoreet. Nulla ullamcorper malesuada tempor. Nulla dignissim in mauris vitae pulvinar. Morbi consequat molestie lectus, nec iaculis mauris tristique at. Etiam eleifend quam nec nisl ullamcorper tincidunt vel at mauris.
beginning of tag copy paste
end of tag copy paste
basement stairs
insert copy paste tag before this div
icon area
Romeo and Cinderella — sugarvine.exe
November 12, 2024 - posted ROMEO AND CINDERELLA
At people's request, an IC code! I was a little fixated on using vintage framing in some way, yet modernizing it a touch. It started with 10+ frames until it was whittled down to one... after changing my mind at least four time during the process. As per usual, thanks to a certain miku avatar admin for going through the frame-duce 101 with me as part of the judge panel.
The original title for this was actually something else, but Alt insisted that it reminded him of doriko's Romeo and Cinderella, so here we are. I could even add the iconic polka dots to the framed image if you're interested~
body text bg
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis eleifend nisi sed dignissim. Sed feugiat dapibus pellentesque. Nunc id urna nunc. Vestibulum a ligula semper, hendrerit velit auctor, auctor orci. Curabitur id gravida quam. Aenean volutpat ipsum ex, eget viverra ipsum pharetra sit amet. Proin semper neque sit amet nibh finibus mattis. Vivamus vitae metus dapibus, sagittis ex non, elementum nunc. Aliquam aliquam lacus eget ligula luctus sollicitudin.
Suspendisse ut nulla a massa placerat pharetra eu non leo. Etiam convallis mi sit amet elit vulputate iaculis. Nunc consequat erat sed porttitor porta. Morbi eget accumsan nisl, suscipit volutpat nulla. Cras a velit purus. Nulla commodo libero quam, vitae malesuada neque ultrices non. Etiam in finibus tortor, et tempor lacus. Fusce ornare urna justo, quis dapibus urna lacinia ac. Ut odio elit, laoreet eu tortor a, euismod mattis eros. In et odio sodales nisi lacinia cursus. Aliquam a venenatis erat. Nam non consequat lectus. Nam hendrerit placerat diam, nec fermentum enim viverra sed. Aliquam efficitur magna id libero molestie vehicula. Maecenas risus nibh, pulvinar vel sem a, rhoncus consectetur dui. Duis purus lorem, interdum eu suscipit sed, aliquet sed justo.
Pellentesque iaculis nibh eu eleifend euismod. Duis molestie luctus nisl quis luctus. Proin ipsum sapien, finibus in feugiat non, vestibulum a nunc. Integer lorem ligula, scelerisque eget lacus at, sollicitudin finibus felis. Maecenas et dolor ultrices, aliquam sem eu, tincidunt lacus. Ut tempus justo sit amet imperdiet elementum. Fusce et auctor libero, a gravida ex. Nam consequat odio tincidunt, pharetra odio et, tempus ante. Mauris a enim sodales, tincidunt leo id, imperdiet neque. Nam tincidunt pretium varius. Vivamus quis lectus eget arcu sodales porttitor vitae in felis. Ut vel turpis aliquet, sagittis quam in, egestas odio. Aliquam varius velit non dui faucibus pulvinar.
Morbi eget neque ac libero imperdiet ultrices a quis felis. In euismod enim a dolor hendrerit placerat. In sem magna, fermentum et turpis in, gravida tincidunt mi. Donec eu tristique elit, sit amet varius lorem. Proin ornare felis lacus, et dignissim diam blandit vel. Sed vel nunc eu turpis eleifend vehicula. Aenean vel lectus quis magna porttitor aliquet. Duis sed diam vehicula, interdum augue sed, rhoncus eros. Suspendisse non nunc nisi. Mauris eu orci consequat, aliquet erat id, varius tortor. Integer scelerisque convallis lacus ut laoreet. Aenean tortor dolor, pellentesque eget luctus sed, eleifend vitae magna. Praesent molestie euismod libero, id varius tortor posuere eu. Sed lobortis faucibus ipsum, sed hendrerit nisl bibendum vitae. Proin imperdiet metus ut mi eleifend, hendrerit bibendum purus facilisis. Fusce sodales nisl purus, vel iaculis nibh mattis ac.
Aliquam volutpat tortor id justo dictum hendrerit. Integer a lorem ut nibh tristique maximus et non tellus. Nam sodales ullamcorper magna, ac laoreet enim pellentesque sit amet. Phasellus justo lacus, faucibus vitae tempor euismod, luctus vel nulla. Nullam faucibus molestie enim eu laoreet. Nulla ullamcorper malesuada tempor. Nulla dignissim in mauris vitae pulvinar. Morbi consequat molestie lectus, nec iaculis mauris tristique at. Etiam eleifend quam nec nisl ullamcorper tincidunt vel at mauris.
beginning of tag copy paste
end of tag copy paste
basement stairs
insert copy paste tag before this div

only venus flytrap and river left until i've caught up to updating the codes whoo \o/ my current project at work is about to finish so i might be able to return to design and rp soon.

still taking ideas and loose requests for layout types. it keeps the artsy side of my brain active~
only venus flytrap and river left until i've caught up to updating the codes whoo \o/ my current project at work is about to finish so i might be able to return to design and rp soon.

still taking ideas and loose requests for layout types. it keeps the artsy side of my brain active~
Aragami victoria secrets model :^)
icon area
Beep Beep — sugarvine.exe
December 8, 2024 - posted BEEP BEEP
And once again I prove, I am motivated by the big three S: Spite, Shitposts, and Sickness. This is the product of all three. This all started because of A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight 's most recent post... i was just gonna stop at photoshopping it to be honest... and then it escalated. And just kept escalating. So now we have a dating app profile for an aragami wearing lingerie.
As you can probably imagine when dealing with accordions, this one's a bit of a beast. Had to drop some things from the image I had in mind like perspective blobs (filters break transforms!) and the dotted texture behind the main image. Speaking of that texture, that shit caused me at least 8 hours of pain, only to find out it's a bug on the CSS level. Apparently mix-blend-mode and transforms don't like to play on occasion, and different browsers also read the behavior differently. There's also some weird scrolling behavior that you may notice, but at that point I blame accordions as doing the same transforms on a sterile environment render normal scroll behavior.
All this said, the true GOAT of this layout is cq units as they were the ONLY thing consistent throughout this. Truly the best thing they could've added to css since working gap property to flexboxes.
On a different note: Alteras Alteras is the only one without a god eater OC so my headcanon is that the Nemain is named Alteragami.
love eater
looking for fellow corvids ;)
olivia nutella (20)
A bizarre mid-sized ARAGAMI that looks like a cross between a knight and a crow. A Nemain is extremely agile and can cover ground in the blink of an eye by beating the wings on its head. While the claws on its arms are not as dangerous as they look, wounds from repeated and relentless charge attacks can become fatal. Break the bonds on its head wings to slow its charges, making dodging attacks easier.
All muscles in its body become augmented, increasing its charge speed and attack.
not hedgehog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Integer efficitur consequat tellus. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor quis egestas. Donec in interdum nisl. Donec non tempus eros. Integer commodo tincidunt tristique. Nunc scelerisque, erat id eleifend feugiat, dui nulla tristique orci, id rutrum orci massa mattis odio. Etiam felis enim, convallis sit amet varius eget, pellentesque varius tortor. Curabitur ultricies eleifend diam, a tempor nibh posuere vel. Mauris feugiat mi et magna faucibus ultricies. Aliquam fermentum augue libero, eu iaculis nulla malesuada et. Donec sed congue neque. Nam in nulla ac enim ultrices condimentum elementum a ligula. Sed ipsum mi, congue non mauris eget, consequat malesuada turpis. Integer sollicitudin enim est, ac feugiat metus sagittis vitae. Aenean vitae tortor at urna blandit lobortis non non orci. Praesent odio ipsum, ultricies eu augue id, tristique efficitur velit.
birds . aragami . feeding grounds . seeds . blaze . knights . oreb . corvid
god eaters . freeze . divine . god arcs . blast cannons . fenrir
12:03AM 13 DEC 2024
Hello Hello もしもし Ciao Ciao Busy Busy Everytime 愛が Beep Beep Beep Beep
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
The goody-two-shoes that peaked in high school but someone managed to turn that into a career.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
mathias the dumbass
With what she gets away with, she just lands in GO! instead of jail in monopoly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
lola lola
You're supposed to just get two of everything. No one said shit about eliminating the extra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
noah but no h(ope)
The name "Nemain" comes from Irish mythology. She is a goddess that personifies the frenzied havok of war and is heavily associated with a trio of war goddesses known The Morrígan who can take the form of crows. Nemain being the name of one of the 3 sisters in select myths. (Used interchangably with the name Anand)
The name of Fallen Nemain's Heavy moon God Arc "Macha" comes from the same myths.
The names of Nemain's God Arcs come from various mythological birds such as the Fenghuang, Phoenix and Garuda.
love eater
looking for fellow corvids ;)
olivia nutella (20)
A bizarre mid-sized ARAGAMI that looks like a cross between a knight and a crow. A Nemain is extremely agile and can cover ground in the blink of an eye by beating the wings on its head. While the claws on its arms are not as dangerous as they look, wounds from repeated and relentless charge attacks can become fatal. Break the bonds on its head wings to slow its charges, making dodging attacks easier.
All muscles in its body become augmented, increasing its charge speed and attack.
not hedgehog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Integer efficitur consequat tellus. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor quis egestas. Donec in interdum nisl. Donec non tempus eros. Integer commodo tincidunt tristique. Nunc scelerisque, erat id eleifend feugiat, dui nulla tristique orci, id rutrum orci massa mattis odio. Etiam felis enim, convallis sit amet varius eget, pellentesque varius tortor. Curabitur ultricies eleifend diam, a tempor nibh posuere vel. Mauris feugiat mi et magna faucibus ultricies. Aliquam fermentum augue libero, eu iaculis nulla malesuada et. Donec sed congue neque. Nam in nulla ac enim ultrices condimentum elementum a ligula. Sed ipsum mi, congue non mauris eget, consequat malesuada turpis. Integer sollicitudin enim est, ac feugiat metus sagittis vitae. Aenean vitae tortor at urna blandit lobortis non non orci. Praesent odio ipsum, ultricies eu augue id, tristique efficitur velit.
birds . aragami . feeding grounds . seeds . blaze . knights . oreb . corvid
god eaters . freeze . divine . god arcs . blast cannons . fenrir
12:03AM 13 DEC 2024
Hello Hello もしもし Ciao Ciao Busy Busy Everytime 愛が Beep Beep Beep Beep
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
The goody-two-shoes that peaked in high school but someone managed to turn that into a career.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
mathias the dumbass
With what she gets away with, she just lands in GO! instead of jail in monopoly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
lola lola
You're supposed to just get two of everything. No one said shit about eliminating the extra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
noah but no h(ope)
The name "Nemain" comes from Irish mythology. She is a goddess that personifies the frenzied havok of war and is heavily associated with a trio of war goddesses known The Morrígan who can take the form of crows. Nemain being the name of one of the 3 sisters in select myths. (Used interchangably with the name Anand)
The name of Fallen Nemain's Heavy moon God Arc "Macha" comes from the same myths.
The names of Nemain's God Arcs come from various mythological birds such as the Fenghuang, Phoenix and Garuda.
Last edited:
icon area
Beep Beep — sugarvine.exe
December 8, 2024 - posted BEEP BEEP
And once again I prove, I am motivated by the big three S: Spite, Shitposts, and Sickness. This is the product of all three. This all started because of A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight 's most recent post... i was just gonna stop at photoshopping it to be honest... and then it escalated. And just kept escalating. So now we have a dating app profile for an aragami wearing lingerie.
As you can probably imagine when dealing with accordions, this one's a bit of a beast. Had to drop some things from the image I had in mind like perspective blobs (filters break transforms!) and the dotted texture behind the main image. Speaking of that texture, that shit caused me at least 8 hours of pain, only to find out it's a bug on the CSS level. Apparently mix-blend-mode and transforms don't like to play on occasion, and different browsers also read the behavior differently. There's also some weird scrolling behavior that you may notice, but at that point I blame accordions as doing the same transforms on a sterile environment render normal scroll behavior.
All this said, the true GOAT of this layout is cq units as they were the ONLY thing consistent throughout this. Truly the best thing they could've added to css since working gap property to flexboxes.
On a different note: Alteras Alteras is the only one without a god eater OC so my headcanon is that the Nemain is named Alteragami.
love eater
looking for fellow corvids ;)
olivia nutella (20)
A bizarre mid-sized ARAGAMI that looks like a cross between a knight and a crow. A Nemain is extremely agile and can cover ground in the blink of an eye by beating the wings on its head. While the claws on its arms are not as dangerous as they look, wounds from repeated and relentless charge attacks can become fatal. Break the bonds on its head wings to slow its charges, making dodging attacks easier.
All muscles in its body become augmented, increasing its charge speed and attack.
not hedgehog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Integer efficitur consequat tellus. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor quis egestas. Donec in interdum nisl. Donec non tempus eros. Integer commodo tincidunt tristique. Nunc scelerisque, erat id eleifend feugiat, dui nulla tristique orci, id rutrum orci massa mattis odio. Etiam felis enim, convallis sit amet varius eget, pellentesque varius tortor. Curabitur ultricies eleifend diam, a tempor nibh posuere vel. Mauris feugiat mi et magna faucibus ultricies. Aliquam fermentum augue libero, eu iaculis nulla malesuada et. Donec sed congue neque. Nam in nulla ac enim ultrices condimentum elementum a ligula. Sed ipsum mi, congue non mauris eget, consequat malesuada turpis. Integer sollicitudin enim est, ac feugiat metus sagittis vitae. Aenean vitae tortor at urna blandit lobortis non non orci. Praesent odio ipsum, ultricies eu augue id, tristique efficitur velit.
birds . aragami . feeding grounds . seeds . blaze . knights . oreb . corvid
god eaters . freeze . divine . god arcs . blast cannons . fenrir
12:03AM 13 DEC 2024
Hello Hello もしもし Ciao Ciao Busy Busy Everytime 愛が Beep Beep Beep Beep
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
The goody-two-shoes that peaked in high school but someone managed to turn that into a career.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
mathias the dumbass
With what she gets away with, she just lands in GO! instead of jail in monopoly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
lola lola
You're supposed to just get two of everything. No one said shit about eliminating the extra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
noah but no h(ope)
The name "Nemain" comes from Irish mythology. She is a goddess that personifies the frenzied havok of war and is heavily associated with a trio of war goddesses known The Morrígan who can take the form of crows. Nemain being the name of one of the 3 sisters in select myths. (Used interchangably with the name Anand)
The name of Fallen Nemain's Heavy moon God Arc "Macha" comes from the same myths.
The names of Nemain's God Arcs come from various mythological birds such as the Fenghuang, Phoenix and Garuda.
love eater
looking for fellow corvids ;)
olivia nutella (20)
A bizarre mid-sized ARAGAMI that looks like a cross between a knight and a crow. A Nemain is extremely agile and can cover ground in the blink of an eye by beating the wings on its head. While the claws on its arms are not as dangerous as they look, wounds from repeated and relentless charge attacks can become fatal. Break the bonds on its head wings to slow its charges, making dodging attacks easier.
All muscles in its body become augmented, increasing its charge speed and attack.
not hedgehog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Integer efficitur consequat tellus. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor quis egestas. Donec in interdum nisl. Donec non tempus eros. Integer commodo tincidunt tristique. Nunc scelerisque, erat id eleifend feugiat, dui nulla tristique orci, id rutrum orci massa mattis odio. Etiam felis enim, convallis sit amet varius eget, pellentesque varius tortor. Curabitur ultricies eleifend diam, a tempor nibh posuere vel. Mauris feugiat mi et magna faucibus ultricies. Aliquam fermentum augue libero, eu iaculis nulla malesuada et. Donec sed congue neque. Nam in nulla ac enim ultrices condimentum elementum a ligula. Sed ipsum mi, congue non mauris eget, consequat malesuada turpis. Integer sollicitudin enim est, ac feugiat metus sagittis vitae. Aenean vitae tortor at urna blandit lobortis non non orci. Praesent odio ipsum, ultricies eu augue id, tristique efficitur velit.
birds . aragami . feeding grounds . seeds . blaze . knights . oreb . corvid
god eaters . freeze . divine . god arcs . blast cannons . fenrir
12:03AM 13 DEC 2024
Hello Hello もしもし Ciao Ciao Busy Busy Everytime 愛が Beep Beep Beep Beep
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit. Phasellus in congue tortor, ut fringilla dolor. Donec magna nunc, euismod non metus eget, tempus congue velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec lacinia turpis vel magna rhoncus, quis aliquam arcu interdum. Maecenas facilisis est orci, id bibendum nunc vestibulum vel. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit quam, sed tincidunt velit. Donec in fringilla turpis. Etiam aliquam dolor sed cursus iaculis. Etiam odio massa, tempus vel semper ornare, condimentum eu diam. Aenean gravida magna et purus molestie, in sodales quam tincidunt. Aenean fringilla congue condimentum.
The goody-two-shoes that peaked in high school but someone managed to turn that into a career.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
mathias the dumbass
With what she gets away with, she just lands in GO! instead of jail in monopoly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
lola lola
You're supposed to just get two of everything. No one said shit about eliminating the extra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie, dolor at eleifend fermentum, massa felis scelerisque ante, semper molestie turpis tellus vitae velit.
noah but no h(ope)
The name "Nemain" comes from Irish mythology. She is a goddess that personifies the frenzied havok of war and is heavily associated with a trio of war goddesses known The Morrígan who can take the form of crows. Nemain being the name of one of the 3 sisters in select myths. (Used interchangably with the name Anand)
The name of Fallen Nemain's Heavy moon God Arc "Macha" comes from the same myths.
The names of Nemain's God Arcs come from various mythological birds such as the Fenghuang, Phoenix and Garuda.


It looks delicious!
icon area
Absolute Zero — sugarvine.exe
December 9, 2024 - posted ABSOLUTE ZERO
I didn't just magically make like two codes in quick succession before you get excited lol. This is an older CS from back in June. However, the original uses mostly masking for all the icons (I'm not a big fan of FA's design codes), so I had to convert them to FA icons for most people to use easily.
This was specifically designed for a mech rp, but you could probably reuse it for any roleplays that have alter egos or character-specific companions. Alternatively, make tab one the main CS and the second tab combat + inventory focused. If you don't mind desconstructing the code a bit, you could probably figure out a way to add more sections.
Do note that because I originally designed this for my exclusive use, I was lazy in how I did the images, hence all the background positions and sizes. Instead of cropping and resizing like a normal person, I just used bg position + size to adjust how the images filled out the space.
  • art: yoruno
    Alana Rie Nakamoto
    Ari, Rie, Ricchi
    Twenty-Two (22)
    Female (she/her)
    Country of origin
    previous military affiliation
    Rie's short, unassuming form has often lead to misconceptions that she performs clerical duties. Her pink hair is her biggest pride and also the most frequent cause of disciplinary action. Before moving to ARES, she lead the hours in involuntary training amongst the Pacific Islands recruits.
    Rie maintains a facade of optimism and enthusiasm, a product of having worn the cheerful mask since she first entered the social media game years ago. Whether she truly believes it is up in the air, but it doesn't change the fact her default response to most things is a cheeky smile.
    While her antics peg her as a troublemaker, she's fueled by praise and validation from her peers. She's no individualist — her playfulness is meant to distract and cheer rather than express her own opinions. Without clear goals and benchmarks, Rie falters with uncertainty and lack of conviction.
    advanced record

    Before the Starfallen, Rie was an average teenager living in Hawai'i whose main claim to fame was her social media presence. Though far from being a household name, 'Ricchi' had enough of a following that they were recognized once or twice a month. She had intentions to attend university out of state, though these plans were cut short when Tartarus' sub-objects destroyed the northern hemisphere.

    In the relative safety of the islands, Rie, alongside the rest of the population, feigned normalcy. Maybe in these dark times, they could use a cute girl to distract them a bit. Unsurprisingly, some were critical of Rie and her seeming lack of care for the state of the world. In her haste to defend herself, she promised that she would do more when she came of age.

    She was forced to eat those words when the USA enabled drafts. Her last post for a while was a good-bye as she would soon be undergoing training. Her followers wished her well, joking that she better pilot a pink ETA.

    Truthfully, she had no plans to put herself in the frontlines as a pilot; she wanted to live, not throw away her life to the Starfallen. Her vivacity wound up backfiring on her as the recruits voluntold the star of their squad to become a symbol of hope for them all. Unable to refuse, she gave in to the peer pressure and underwent training to pilot one.

    While Rie's skills initially seemed above average at best, she had a knack for selecting the right teammates for a sortie and keeping morale up when things seemed grim. She followed orders, did her job, and most of all, survived.

    Even if survival meant living with the phantom stickiness of one hot summer day and a pocketful of melted candy. Oops.

    advanced record
    strengths & weaknesses

    Much of Rie's strength lies in her ability to take in details. While she's no master strategist or ace pilot, she's able to estimate damage and numbers at a glance, relaying it to someone who'd be better able to make use of it. As a result, she's a teamplayer suited to the frontlines where she can feed live data. There's never any danger of worrying if she would break formation or protocol, as she has standard maneuvers and Plans A to F memorized like the back of her hand.

    Unfortunately, in the event where the chain of command is broken, Rie's lack of self-confidence rears its ugly head and she's frozen by indecision. In the battlefield, each second wasted on hesitating meant another step closer to death. Whether in comedy or combat, imrov has never been her strong suit.

    advanced record
    on-foot equipment

    Standard Issue M18
    Bag of Candy
    Rappelling Equipment
    Common Over-the-Counter Medicines

  • art: yoruno
    Alana Rie Nakamoto
    Ari, Rie, Ricchi
    Twenty-Two (22)
    Female (she/her)
    Country of origin
    previous military affiliation
    Rie's short, unassuming form has often lead to misconceptions that she performs clerical duties. Her pink hair is her biggest pride and also the most frequent cause of disciplinary action. Before moving to ARES, she lead the hours in involuntary training amongst the Pacific Islands recruits.
    Rie maintains a facade of optimism and enthusiasm, a product of having worn the cheerful mask since she first entered the social media game years ago. Whether she truly believes it is up in the air, but it doesn't change the fact her default response to most things is a cheeky smile.
    While her antics peg her as a troublemaker, she's fueled by praise and validation from her peers. She's no individualist — her playfulness is meant to distract and cheer rather than express her own opinions. Without clear goals and benchmarks, Rie falters with uncertainty and lack of conviction.
    advanced record

    Before the Starfallen, Rie was an average teenager living in Hawai'i whose main claim to fame was her social media presence. Though far from being a household name, 'Ricchi' had enough of a following that they were recognized once or twice a month. She had intentions to attend university out of state, though these plans were cut short when Tartarus' sub-objects destroyed the northern hemisphere.

    In the relative safety of the islands, Rie, alongside the rest of the population, feigned normalcy. Maybe in these dark times, they could use a cute girl to distract them a bit. Unsurprisingly, some were critical of Rie and her seeming lack of care for the state of the world. In her haste to defend herself, she promised that she would do more when she came of age.

    She was forced to eat those words when the USA enabled drafts. Her last post for a while was a good-bye as she would soon be undergoing training. Her followers wished her well, joking that she better pilot a pink ETA.

    Truthfully, she had no plans to put herself in the frontlines as a pilot; she wanted to live, not throw away her life to the Starfallen. Her vivacity wound up backfiring on her as the recruits voluntold the star of their squad to become a symbol of hope for them all. Unable to refuse, she gave in to the peer pressure and underwent training to pilot one.

    While Rie's skills initially seemed above average at best, she had a knack for selecting the right teammates for a sortie and keeping morale up when things seemed grim. She followed orders, did her job, and most of all, survived.

    Even if survival meant living with the phantom stickiness of one hot summer day and a pocketful of melted candy. Oops.

    advanced record
    strengths & weaknesses

    Much of Rie's strength lies in her ability to take in details. While she's no master strategist or ace pilot, she's able to estimate damage and numbers at a glance, relaying it to someone who'd be better able to make use of it. As a result, she's a teamplayer suited to the frontlines where she can feed live data. There's never any danger of worrying if she would break formation or protocol, as she has standard maneuvers and Plans A to F memorized like the back of her hand.

    Unfortunately, in the event where the chain of command is broken, Rie's lack of self-confidence rears its ugly head and she's frozen by indecision. In the battlefield, each second wasted on hesitating meant another step closer to death. Whether in comedy or combat, imrov has never been her strong suit.

    advanced record
    on-foot equipment

    Standard Issue M18
    Bag of Candy
    Rappelling Equipment
    Common Over-the-Counter Medicines

This is absolutely incredibly designed. The blur, the tab, the way the images sit; I've seen literal thousands of profile codes, going all the way back to the Jcink and ProBoards days of forum roleplay, and this is almost certainly the coolest code I think I've ever seen. HUGE hats off. I would love to know what the customization parameters are to change colors, background images, and the like.

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