Suddently In Love (Shianne & Shy Shadow)

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
This is about a boy and a girl being best friends for almost there hole life. They have been through the worst and best times of there life together. They know almost everything about each other (Almost it's okay to have secrets). But they have always have been JUST friends and nothing more. But what happens when they haven't seen each other all summer? What happens when they start to feel for each other more than friends?


1.Online rules

2.Keep it pg-13

3.If the romance starts to get instance than fade to black or time skip.

4. Try to reply as most as you can.


(Looks here)

Name: (Full)

Nick Name:(Opt.)



Personality:(The length of your choice)



BF or GF?: (Opt.)

(I will put mine up in a little) 

She has deep green eyes and pitch black hair.

Name: Andrea Reed

Nick Name: Andy


Gender: Female

Personality: She can be a little quiet when you first meet her but once get close to her she is talkative and will tell you what is on her mind. She is fun, loving and sweet and easily gets attached to people. Lot's of people take advantage of her easily.


Other: She is a great singer but doesn't sing in front of anybody other than (The boys name). She also has asthma and carries an enhailer around in her bag or pocket just in case she has an attak.

BF or GF?: Nope single
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/emo-boy-cute-cradle.jpg.cabb73c8ba0926de8d723883b93ec232.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/emo-boy-cute-cradle.jpg.cabb73c8ba0926de8d723883b93ec232.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: James Micheal Smith

Nick Name:Jammie


Gender: male

Personality: James is very shy and quiet. The only time he really talks is when he is with his best friend Andrea.

Pet:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1013590_439061869542138_729413516_n.jpg.3b472fe27e5f16c484798b0206acd29d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1013590_439061869542138_729413516_n.jpg.3b472fe27e5f16c484798b0206acd29d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He is bisexual

BF or GF?: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf488065_cuteemo.jpg.f9080cd2505ccd0b2ff6a6547b6673ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf488065_cuteemo.jpg.f9080cd2505ccd0b2ff6a6547b6673ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Looks great I will put the starter up in a minute. :)  

Andrea pulled up into the school parking lot in her black jeep. She hadn't missed school at all the only thing she missed from school was her best friend James, she didn't really get to see him much this summer because she had been on vacation in the UK all summer. She got out and graved her back pack then went inside making her way through the crowded halls and to her locker. She put her sun glasses away along with some other items.

(What she is wearing :)

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James pulled up to the school. His boyfriend, Max, was in the passenger seat. Today, Andrea would meet his new boyfriend. They had started dating the week after she had left for the UK. He squeezed Max's hand and got out of the car. He quickly ran over to Max's side and opened the door for him. It was easy to see who was the male in this relationship. After Max had got out, he shut the door and locked his car. Max grabbed James hand and they walked into school together. People kept staring at them, but he didn't mind. He was nervous as to what Andrea would say though. He saw her at her locker, which was right beside his. "Andrea!" He called for her. He watched her put her sunglasses and other stuff away. When they reached her, he said "Andrea. This is Max. He is new here. He is also my boyfriend.: Then he turned to Max and said, "This is Andrea. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember."

(What's funny about this is, my first name is Andrea. Lol.)
(Oh really that is cool I love the name :) )

Andrea turned and to see her best friend with his new boyfriend. She had a uneasy feeling but ignored it and didn't let it show. She gave a worm friendly smile. "Hi nice to meet you," she told the boy holding out a hand for him to shake.
James smiled at Andrea. Her and Max were seeming to get along. He had been so afraid they wouldn't get along. James opened his locker and got his first period book out. "Well, we need to get to class. I will see you 2nd period." he said taking Max's hand and showing him the way.
"Okay," she said and quickly moved away from them and went to class. For some.reason when Jamie took Maxs hand it made her a bit upset, even if she.didn't show it... She sat down in class and listened as the teacher with her lesson but couldn't stop thinking about James and Max....
James sat down in the back of the room and Max sat next to him. The whole class, they passed notes. It was stuff that should never be said aloud. James giggled at everything that was said. Soon, the bell rang and they were off to second period. Again, they sat in the back. James waited for Andrea to come into class
Andrea got out of her seat and went to second class. She went in class to see the they were sitting right besides each.other in second class to, but she went over and sat next to them in the back row of the class.
James immediately turn to her, "So, what's new with you. I'm excited to hear how your vacation went!" he said, temporarily forgetting about Max.
"Nothing really new," Other than my Asthma got worst...she thought but wasn't about to tell him that. He was the only one that she told about her asthma, other than her parents and principle of coarse. "Oh and my Vacation was great I loved it. Oh that reminds me I have a supise for you but it's at my house, do you maybe wanna come over after school?" she asked him excited to catch up with him.
He nodded and smiled at her. He loved going over to her house because his house was so boring. Her house was usually lots of fun. "Sure! I would love to!" he said and then turned to Max, "I'm hanging out with Andrea today. We can hang out tomorrow!" He turned back to Andrea completely forgetting about Max. A little voice in the back of his mind kept telling him something was wrong.
Okay cool," she said excited that's when the annoying loud bell wrang and the class began. Class.was always so.boring it made
James quieted down when the bell rang. The teacher was giving a lecture that he wasn't really listening to. He started aimlessly drawing in the notebook. When he finished, the top said James and Max. He looked over his art work and saw in the bottom corner said James and Andrea. He quickly erased that part, afraid that Andrea or Max would see it.
Andrea sat there board out of her mind listening to the teacher give It soon started to become hardtop breath. She raised her hand and asked if she could go to the restroom, when he told her it was alright she took her bag and darted out to the empty hall. She searched through her bag for her enhailer, but everything was becoming dizzy and her head was spinning. "Where is it... where is it," she mumbled her breath heavy, she was glad no one was in the hall, to see her like this.
James noticed Andrea run out of the class. He wondered if she was okay. After a few minutes he raised his hand and asked to go to the guidance office. He figured he could use this opportunity to check on Andrea. He saw her on the floor frantically looking through her bag. He ran over to her to see if she was okay, thinking she just needed a pad or something. When he saw she was having a hard time breathing he took the purse from her and looked through it, dumping almost everything out. When he couldn't find it he tried to calm her down.
She saw Jamie and looked at all the stuff and the floor franticly but couldn't find. It was strange she always had it on her always. She tried to stand up but her head was spinning and she just ended up on the floor again. "Nurse... Office..." she gasped, they had an extra enhailer for her there.
James took her in his arms to steady her. Is there time to get to the nurse's office? He thought frantically. He picked her up and ran with her in his arms. When he got there he laid her down on the bed. "She needs an inhaler!" He yelled. He got impatient and started giving her mouth to mouth until the nurse came with the inhaler.
Andy held on to him as he carried her to the nurse. The nurse soon came with the inhaler and the nurse sat her up and she breathed in the inhaler. Her breathing got easier.
James stayed until he knew she would be okay, then he left. He still needed to go to the guidance office. Although, now he forgot what he was going for, so he just went back to class and told the teacher what had happened.
The nurse had her wait there to make sure everything was okay and to call her mom to let her know what happened. When the bell rang telling her it was lunch time the nurse told her it was fine for her to go to lunch and the rest of her classes for the day but just to hold on to the inhaler.
James walked to lunch in a zombie state. Max didn't have the same lunch as him, but Andrea did. He got his food and then sat at the table they sat at last year.
Andy walked to lunch not as cheery and happy as she did when she came into school, but at least she got to have lunch with James. She went in line for lunch. She was a little embaressed that the hole thing happened but her cheeks turned a bright red when she thought of James putting his mouth on hers.But she made the blush disappear as she went and sat down with him. "Hi..." she said sitting down.
He looked up at her and smiled. "I'm glad your okay. I was so worried!" He said. James didn't know what he would do with out his best friend. He sighed. He had all the confusing feelings deep inside. He had always kind of liked her more than a friend.
"Yeah sorry about that, Thanks for the help," she told him and gave him a light smile. She was glad that he was there. "I could have sworn I had my inhaler," she said thinking back to herself.

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