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Realistic or Modern Suck My Rock!


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  • I don't know.

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"Yo, Val. Take a look at this shit. Battle of the Bands. Boom,"

Marcel spoke, plopping the paper in front of her as they both sat at a booth in Burger Barn.

"Let's do it. Y'know. Join?"

"We don't even have a manager, c'mon, man,"

the young woman replied, taking a bite out of her bacon burger, hoping it would repel the memory of the night prior. The taste of vomit, sadly, still remained in her mouth.

"Hey, next time we go out drinkin', make sure I don't drink so much that I-"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, kid. Look. Battle of the Bands. We don't necessarily need a manager. All we need is confidence and the talent we already got. Val, this is a great fuckin' opportunity, you feel?"

Marcel went on, spinning the paper under his fingertip. Although they haven't joined just yet,

"we practically blew that house show away, why not get somethin' bigger?"

Val sighed as she shook her head, nausea flooding back.

"And if we do, how do you think we're gonna get there? Your motorcycle? You can't exactly keep a drumset and guitar on a bike."

Marcel gasped, almost as if he were offended by the fact Val had called his motorcycle a "bike."

"Don't you dare call Misha a fuckin' bike!"

"You named it?"

"Am I not allowed to name her?"

Marcel ran a hand through his soft, blue-ish hair and stood up, patting his clothing to free them from crumbs.

"I gotta get back to work, kid. You should go out, beat 'ya drums, and stop worrying about being fired. You're free - my dad didn't exactly like you, anyways."

The young woman rolled her eyes at his words,

"how reassuring of you."

The other smirked, making a "pay up" gesture; food wasn't on the house.

"More walkin', less talkin. Now go."

Val dug in her pockets, putting together all the money she had at the moment.

"Here, sir Farquaad. Hope you're happy."

The saying made Marcel snicker as he swiped the currency off the tabletop and made his merry way to the next table where he greeted a few happy, regular customers. From there, Val collected her things, left the store, and began to walk around the shopping district Burger Barn was at - surprisingly, it was a good place to do some hardy thinking.


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It was early afternoon and Darcie had just gotten up. Being summer and all, she never felt the need to get up early. Besides, after years of sleeping on the streets she was glad to have a bed. Why would anyone want to give up sleeping in a soft warm bed and walk around the real world? However, the sun was shining through the blinds in just the right position, causing the sun to practically blind Darcie even with her eye's closed. The small girl sat up, looking around the room. She shared a room with Alex and the other girl was already up. Darcie flopped out of bed, her XL go to hell unicorn tee shirt hung to her knees. The girl ran a hand through her hair, still slightly damp from her shower the night before. She then made her way to the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Darcie was sitting on her bed, pulling up her socks when Alex busted into the room.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked. Her voice seemed calm, but from the worried look in her eyes Darcie knew she was upset.

"Um...I was getting dressed?" She spoke softly, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Alex just scoffed, crossing her arms and jutting a hip out to the side.

"I woke you up two hours ago. You said you'd be my lookout this summer so i fired Roger. Didn't trust the bastard anyways." Alex mumbled the last part under her breath. Darcie's eyes widened, remembering the promise she made. "Did you even wake up when i woke you up? You look like you got dressed in five minutes. You dont match at all." Alex nagged. Darcie just puffed out her cheeks, looking like a child. "I never match..." She quickly tugged on her yellow Doc Martins. However, she was unable to tie them correctly before Alex had a firm grip around her wrist and was pulling her down the street.

Darcie and Alex made their way to the shopping district. As it got more and more crowded Darcie got closer and closer to her friend. Alex didn't mind though. She felt the need to always protect the other girl. Almost like a lioness and her cub. Right then Alex felt the arm she was holding onto jerk back. She stopped and turned around, noticing Darcie was now on her knees and a hand.

"Sorry. I fell." Darcie whispered, slowly standing up and dusting off her skirt. Alex just rolled her eyes and pulled out the box of comic book themed band-aids she kept around, just for the reason of Darcie.

"Why didn't you tie your shoes properly?" Alex asked as she cradled Darcie's hand in hers. The taller girl carefully placed the band aid on the palm of the purple haired girls hand that was bleeding. She then raised an eyebrow, still questioning Darcie. Darcie just simply shrugged, mumbling "You didn't give me time" under her breath. Alex just sighed before taking Darcie wrist again and leading her to a bench right outside an alley.

"Alright Doll Face. Keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they'd call the cops. And keep another eye out for cops. Stay right here and Do. Not. Move." Alex started explaining everything that was about to happen to Darcie. The small girl just nodded at everything she said, ready to take this job as seriously as any other. "If cops come near, make conversation with them. I know that will be hard for you, but just remember it for the sake of the band. If i go to jail, you become homeless again and the band ends there." Darcie nodded once again, letting out a squeak in agreement. With that Alex patted Darcie on the head and headed into the alley, cloaked by shadow, ready to make her drug deal.

Darcie took her place on the bench, tapping her foot to her own beat. Right then the wind picked up slightly and a paper blew past Darcie. The girl couldn't ignore it for some reason, standing up and chasing after the blowing paper. She finally caught it and made her way over to the nearest trash can. That's when she actually read the paper. "...Battle of the Bands..." She mumbled under her breath. Sirens then went off in the distance, reminding her of her job. The skipped back over to the bench and sat down, studying every word on the flyer.
Bridgett had woken up to the sounds of her phone, it had been ringing for a while now, but she had ignored it and rolled over, trying to get more sleep, this would prove to be useless as it seemed the phone would not stop ringing, finally giving up she sat up, rubbing her eyes and finally stretching, she turned to grab her phone, hoping this was something important. For Bridgett, a babysitting job was not important. Sure she needed money, but she had really thought about taking it easy this summer, it looked like her plans would be changed.

After laying down on her bed for some more minutes she hesitantly got out of bed and grabbed some clothes she had set out for herself the night before, in a few minutes she was dressed and ready to start her day; Bridgett walked into her kitchen and peeking into her fridge "I guess I should just go grab a coffee". She hung her head as she made her way to the door, grabbing her keys and her bag she swiftly closed the door behind her.

Finally reaching the little shop she sat down at a nearby seat, she always waited for the line to get smaller before steeping up to the cashier, she opened her bag and grabbed a book, which was the only item she carried in her bag, aside from he keys. Flipping through the pages she finally found where she had left of before heading to bed and continued reading.

It had been a while now and the book was closed, Bridgett stood up and headed to the cashier, after ordering a coffee, she handed the money and grabbed her coffee, once again heading out the door into the streets, trying to remember if she had anything else to do for the day; she didn't think there would be a band practice, so no use in calling. Bridgett decided to wander around the streets for a while before going back home to sleep.
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{Magdelena Alamilla}

Magdalena woke up as her Phone woke her up exactly, though she was still tired. The night prior she was up until 3:00 am on the computer. All she was doing was drinking chocolate milk and eating cookies while looking for a gig, or checking on her Twitter. She woke up and stretched, feeling groggy and sleepy but, a nice brunch would always wake her up. She had been wearing a white flannel that reached her thighs with her hair in mini buns, though she would take them off. She changed out of her Pjs and then dressed up into anything she could get her hands on, mostly consisting a basic shirt and a pair of jeans. Madgelena had breakfast though, all of it consisted of cereal and oatmeal. "An excuse to go into town and visit." She said quietly as she grabbed her bag and keys and headed out to her garage.

"Let's see..Motorcyle or Car?" Madgelena said as she tapped her chin. She had got a motorcycle about 6 months ago as a present from herself. Madgelena had rode it from time to time but today wasn't the day for them. She walked out the house closing her door and locking it shut.

She walked to the Cafe which was a few blocks away from her apartment. She walked in and sat at a booth by herself. She began to tap her fingers at the table then something had popped into her head. "Aw shit, I need to call Doll!" She thought as she took out her phone and called her, waiting for a reply.
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Dylan "Dessy" Paen

"Welcome to Crapaccino Cafe, can I interest you in our new Chocolate Flush? It's a mocha frappe, swirled with extra dark chocolate..."
Dylan kept his voice high and inviting, but felt himself zone out into the monotony of explaining the coffee shop's newest drink for what felt like the thousandth time that day. It was strange to reflect on the not so distant past of his short-lived but successful acting career, now in a town hundreds of miles away from all of that, where no one knew who he was aside from being a barista at a coffee shop uncleverly dubbed Crappaccino Cafe, trying to push a drink called Chocolate Flush. With most drinks that had any quantity of brown or yellow color given a name of not so subtle toilet humor, as if the ideas were being generated by an eight-year-old, it was a wonder that so many people flocked in to get their drinks without losing their appetite. "...and topped off with bite-sized Tootsie Rolls. The Chocolate Flush is this month's special, and we're offering a large for only $6.99, would you like to try one?" Finally done with the lengthy, corporate-ordered spiel, Dylan stopped to take a breath, feeling more like he was trying to persuade the poor customer to join a cult rather than just buy a Chocolate Flush, which they declined anyway. I don't blame you, he thought to himself, I wouldn't want to put anything called a Chocolate Flush in my mouth, either. As he handed the customer one of the cafe's few drinks not named after something bathroom related, his pewter gaze shifted to a girl on the other side of the counter, ordering a drink from another employee. Why does she look so familiar? Have I seen her somewhere before? he wondered. The thought occurred to him to talk to her, but other customers kept him busy, and soon he saw her heading out. Dylan shrugged, turning to the next customer in his line. "Welcome to Crapaccino Cafe, can I interest you in our new Chocolate Flush?"


Saralina "Sinless" Jones

The shopping district was not as inviting to Sinless as she felt it should have been. With her hands still as empty and her wallet still as full as when she left that morning, her day off was starting to feel like a waste. Is there nothing worth my time in this town? she wondered, grinning slightly as she soaked in the sense of vanity that came with such a thought, before chuckling at herself. She knew that the problem did not lie within the stores or their wares, but in the fact that it was more than just clothes and such that she searched for. It had been about a month since she and her roommate had moved to this town, and she was ready for some sort of adventure. The pressure to find a job quickly and acquire the necessary funds to pay off all of the moving fees had kept her from being able to just relax and explore the town, see what kind of people resided around her, and observe their shenanigans.

Sirens blared in the distance, seeming to alert a brightly-clad girl sitting on a bench. She seems nice enough, Sinless thought, maybe I should make conversation? I mean, I literally have no friends here yet other than Dessy, it's worth a shot. Sinless cleared her throat, running her fingers through her dyed azalea and alabaster hair. "Wow," she muttered, glancing between Darcie and the direction of the sirens, "what do you suppose is goin' on down there? By all the commotion, you'd think it's some major drug bust."

Henry just finishes taking two orders before his boss calls Henry's favorite phrase. "Alright, last call, everyone, finish your drinks and go home!" There were only five people in the bar, two of them had just ordered right before Last Call was sounded, the other three were just now finishing their alcohol. After serving the two gentleman at the bar a pint, they thank him and down it as quickly as they can so they don't postpone the closing of the bar.

No, it wasn't nighttime, but Henry's boss was closing the bar early so him and other employees could relax, their boss was doing this to help with morale and such. Henry grabs his coat off the coat rack and walks outside, several other employees follow. "
See you later, Frank! Bye, Henry!" One of his co-workers, Felicia, says. "Yeah, see you later." Henry says, he takes out his cell phone and dials the number of a certain friend. After waiting for a couple of seconds, it picks up. "Hey, Val, I'm off work and I need a ride. My Truck is in the shop due to tire damage, so if it's alright with you, could I have a lift?" Henry asks while he glances around the outside of the bar. "I'm at Dusty's Springfield, you know, the one over there beside Pair-o-dice. If you can, bring Marcel, I have some bad news to tell him." Henry hangs up and puts his phone away, he then draws a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket. Henry lights the cig and takes a couple of drags from it.

@Fallout Bandit

"Hey, buddy boy! What up?" Val spoke as she picked up the phone, listening in on what the younger counterpart had to say. "Mhm. Yeah. Uh, well. I'll go on and get 'ya then," she sighed, as they hung up. The young woman looked down at her phone, checking the time. "God dammit," Val face palmed herself, bursting into Burger Barn. "C'mon chef hat, we're gettin' Henry!" She grabbed marcel by the wrist, bringing him out of the diner and into the parking lot where her car sat, glistening in the hot sun. "Val, you can't just do that!" The older male spoke as he was being pulled away from the premises and pulled into the old car. "It's important. Dude says he's got bad news."


"Henry, dammit. Now buckle your seat belt," Val huffed as she started the car, rushing her way to Dusty's Springfield. Then, after a while, Val and Marcel finally got to the place where they were needed, watching Henry smoke. "You know, that kills you, right?" Val rolled her eyes as Marcel stuck his head out the window. "Hop in, man."

[[ Tbh, my writing sucks right now bc I'm lazy as fuck lmao ]]

(I know how you feel, also forgot to include Henry's outfit.)

Henry tosses the cigarette on the ground, now just a filter. He gets into Val's car and puts on a seatbelt. "Yes, I do, but it's really keeping me from being pissed off. So the bad news is, I was driving down a country road the other day to go and see a friend which I haven't visited in a long time. As I'm driving down it, I accidentally run into a washed out hole in the road, thus causing my truck to receive massive tire damage. I got out and inspected the tires, but I found that there wasn't anything I could do. It was around then that I remembered my Bass in the bed of the truck, I rushed over to see if it was ok and despite being in its case, the neck was absolutely trashed and the tuning pegs were bent all to Hell. I can only afford the tuck repairs, so I don't have an instrument until about maybe a week after the Battle of the Bands. And before you ask, yes, I read all about it on the poster on my way to work this morning." Henry says as he stares out the window, occasionally looking towards his other band members.

Henry clears his throat and shakes his head. "
I'm at a terrible loss here, unless you guys know someone who can repair him for cheap. Ol' Portugal has seen better days, I can say that for sure. Also, my truck should be out of shop in a couple of days so transport for our gear will be available." Henry says, scratching his neck once he's finished talking. Henry seemed to be unnervingly quiet, quiet enough to let somebody know that he's contemplating something. "Hey, Marcel, I know we've kind-of discussed this before, but not directly; but, uh, do you mind if I could do a couple of covers at our next gig? And maybe, possibly, I don't know.... sing?" Henry was slow to get to the actual question, and he was being mighty awkward about the whole situation since he knows how Marcel may or may not react to the situation.

@Fallout Bandit






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A thought had crossed her mind, however, there was an unwritten agreement not to even ask his father for anything else. "Well, uh.. Shit, man," Val rubbed her temples at the stop light and sighed in frustration. "Maybe.. Maybe we can rent you a bass - just gotta drive around town and find some place cheap?" Surely, she was worried, but not as much as Marcel who seemed to be the most excited out of the bunch. "Let's.. call Bridgett? She's gotta know this shit." She let out a sharp sigh that cut through the air. "Next gig? Uh, well. Yeah. I could sit out, anyways. I got work next gig, anyways," Marcel replied sheepishly, hoping that Val wouldn't react like she usually would. "What?!" Val stomped on the break, looking at Marcel. "Dude, what the fuck!" Her eyes grew wide, and afterwards, she pinched the bridge of her nose to keep in all of her frustrations. "Let's. Let's just call Bridgett, alright?"


Bridgett stopped in her tracks as she felt her phone buzz in her hand, it was Val, she answered the call as a bus stop came into sight, she reached a bus stop, sitting down on a bench "Yees?" after a while of listening to Val talk about Henry's bass; she could only think of one place a instrument could be repaired "Try Ortiz music city, that place has everything, I just hope Henry has gotten paid recently, it's probably gonna cost him more than minimum wage...oh and are we gonna have practice today? I'm at a bus stop so if there is i'll catch up to you guys, I actually have my guitar over at Ortiz, so..." Bridgett felt a raindrop fall onto her check "Hey Val, I have to go, i'll see ya soon" she climbed onto the bus and hung up, handing the driver some coins as she took a seat, the bus was quite empty, with the exception of two or three people. Knowing she could sit anywhere, she she sat in the middle of the bus, where she took a little nap before she got to her destination.

@Fallout Bandit
Ashley had woken up very late in the day, but this was common of her, luckily she had the night shift so being late for work was put of the question, she decided to skip breakfast for the day and went straight to her closet where she put on a white shirt over her tank top and exchanged her pijama pants for her ripped old jeans, she laid on her couch for some time before she decided to go over to grab the house's phone and dialing Darcie's phone number, if she remembered it correctly that was; she crossed her fingers and then proceeded play with her hair rolling it and then putting it behind her ear, she wondered if they were going to meet up, last night she had seen a poster around the store "battle of the bands" she said aloud, like she were remembering it in her mind.
In the back of Ortiz Music City the members of Blood Psycho were gathered around Patty O'Brian as he tinkered with a funny shaped guitar. Rooster carried Willy on his shoulder, both sporting their matching mohawks, while Patty answered every question toddler Willy; no one other than Patty understood toddler speak but no one understands the Irishman half the time, either. Nacho hovered over Patty's shoulder and smiled real big towards his cousin Tommy Try-Hard "This thing is crazy lookin', Patty! Is it a bass, too?" Asked the drummer, Patty nodded and held the guitar up; it was a two necked guitar with a set of bass strings. "I c'll it t'guitar bass. Nay a bass guitar loike I pick but a guitar bass. A guitar'n bass fer t'player o'both worlds." Rambled Patty as he plugged it into and amplifier that AA3Ch@ unfortunately has his back to while he played on his phone, his headphones on. The irishman gave the rest of the crew a shit eating grin as he struck a cord on the guitar portion of the guitar bass and giving the poor DJ a scare so bad he shot forward with a scream. Everyone, except AA3Ch@, were having a laugh.

"Ye see 'ow far 'e went? Sweet Jesus, I 'bout wet meself sumt'ing terrible."

"AA3Ch@, you okay? Man, you sure can fly! Lemme help you up."

"I almost dropped Willy that was so funny! Hey, hey. Go help Nacho, Willy."

"Bro, seriously, you got mad flying skills. We gonna put that in our first video, fo'sho!"

AA3Ch@ grumbled as he accepted Nacho's help and thanking Willy for picking up his phone, bumping the kids little fist "Thanks, Willy. You're the man." This made the toddler giggle as he ran back to Rooster and held his hand. After they collected themselves and people in the store quit staring Tommy Try-Hard clapped his hands together "A'ight, while everyone is here I wanna show y'all someth--" He'd be cutoff as Nacho picked a flier off the wall and showed it to the group "Battle of the Baaaands! Heck yeah!" Nacho said excitedly as Tommy smacked his palm against his face "God damn it, Nacho!" Sighed the rapper as he motioned to the flier half-heartedly "Battle of the bands and we're going. This is a huge deal, guys. If we get this then we ain't working clubs, tattooing drunk guys, fixin' retarded instruments, or flippin' god damn burgers!"

Tommy, lad, y'better qui'takin' t'fuckin' lord's name n'vain."

Suck my rod, you babbling Mick."

"Guys, language. Willy doesn't need to hear that. Seriously."

"I like cooking at Burger Barn, though..."

AA3Ch@ sighed as he put his headphones back on and turned his camcorder on to record the heated argument between Patty and Tommy, because YouTube loves a good fist fight, with Rooster intervening between the two while Nacho wandered off with Willy to go beat on some drums in the demo room. After about three minutes of vicious insults and colorful slurs Rooster managed to separate them. How this band managed to stay together was beyond AA3Ch@.
"Ortiz fuckin-- God, always Ortiz's. Whatever, yeah, we got practice today. Usual place. Cell's," Val let out a harsh sigh after hanging up and ran a hand through her hair. "Look, I can't go back there. I just got fuckin' fired from there, man!" The young woman jumped back in her seat, hearing the car behind her honk their horn. That in which she honked back and began driving again. "Val. Chill. We'll.. Find some, yeah?" Marcel spoke, trying to calm her before she went into more of a rage due to traffic. "Whatever. Whatever. Hey. At least our bassist wasn't hurt, but seriously? Fuckin--" Val was automatically shushed, Marcel turning on the stereo. "Guys.. How 'bout some Judas Priest or like.. The Adicts?"

Val inhaled deeply, turning the corner, "I'm feeling more like Garbage right now."

"Don't say that!"

"Dude, it's a band," Val grumbled, stopping in front of Ortiz Music City "Anyways, we might all have to go in Ortiz's."

"While we're in there, you should fight for you job back, I mean. You've been kinda.. grumpy and you've only been fired for like two hours.." Marcel spoke, stepping out of the car. "Well?"

"Fine. Plus, the manager's your dad. Maybe you can convince him. Hey, Henry. While we're in there, try and find a cheap bass you can rent for now.. if you want, anyways."



[ on iPad right now sob sob ]
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Axl & Chris.

"Fuuu.... How the hell'd you manage to get Cinderblocks into your Bag..." Axl would stand there trying to pick up the endlessly heavy and filled bag. "I Don't know. I just did it." He was staring at her muffling a laugh as she tried to pick it up. "Fuck this i'm getting the Dolly." "Hey i thought you were supposed to be strong!" Axl glanced at him with an angry look. "I'll fucking show you Strong!" They both chased each-other around the hotel room for a moment. Axl finally getting hold of him and throwing him around for a bit. "I want nothing to do with this. Kay'?" "Whos gunna pick this up for me now!?" "Get Eva to do it for you!" Axl Ran off down the hallway to the elevator Opening it. "I'd rather pick up more Stereo's than you could. Ever!"

Evan & Eva.

"Hmm..." "What is it?" "I saw a cool BoB Poster..." "No! I'm not doing another Battle of the bands! Got it?!" "Hah! Yeah i found the picture wanna see it!" "I'm good! No-No-No!"


"Shutup! I thought he was a Chick! Look at his damn hair!" "...He didn't have...." "I KNOW! Go talk to Axl!" "Nope! Stare at it! DO IT!" Eva started to press the photo on his face. "Stop!" He Started to run away although she chased him with it her arm outstretched with it. "Hahaha!"
Doll sat of the bench, patiently waiting for Alex. The girl occupied herself by winging her legs back and forth, reading over the piece of paper over and over again. By now she had also memorized the flyer. 'Discover - Preform - Connect. Battle of the bands!' she thought to herself, chanting it. Darcie soon got bored again, blowing out air from her puffed out cheeks. "How long do drug deals normally take?" She mumbled out loud, even though it had only been about 7 minutes. Her phone then rang out, the @Kawaii @Bonnnibues

Henry went quiet again, he hated it when Val got upset like that. "Damnit, Val, why do you have to get so fucking worked up over nothing, I know for a fact that Ortiz should have a cheap for-rent Bass." Henry gets out of the car along with his band mates. He walks into the music store and immediately heads to the Bass section, he then begins to search for the cheapest Bass he can find. After locating one, Henry takes it down from the rack and approaches an employee. "Do you mind if I just take this Bass for a ride to see if it meets my criteria?" The employee simply looks at Henry, then at the guitar, and nods; Henry walks over to the "testing" amps and takes a seat, he then readies the Bass before beginning to play.

As Henry plays, he goes through several different medleys, each varying in speed, chords, and tempo. Once he finishes, Henry gives a small nod of approval. "
Yeah, she'll work." He says as he heads up to the front to pay the cashier. "Now, Marcel, I'm not takin' your side or nothin', but you need to clear up your schedule, especially for gigs." All the sudden, Henry hears something coming from the back of the building, his gaze suddenly shoots in its direction. "There are those bastards at Blood Psycho, I guess they didn't get the memo that BotB was meant for Punk. Hey, speaking of gigs, Val, how many gigs do we have between now and BotB?" Henry asks, his attention jumping form the rival band to Val.

@Fallout Bandit


"Worked up over nothing," Val repeated the other's words in an annoyed tone and began looking for the Manager. "Now, where is that son of a bitch. I was five fucking minutes late and he wants to fire me?!" She clutched the end of her shirt tightly, trying not to burst before she even got to the man. She walked around a few of the familiar aisles as she gradually began to become even more frustrated. "Fuckin' fight for your job, why don't you?" Val grumbled, finally making her way to where Henry and Marcel were.

"Look, I know. I have to work on that, but really. I've asked for schedule changes far too many times and I don't want it to be a burden," Mmarcel spoke sheepishly, looking around for his father to make sure the old man wasn't listening or even around.

Suddenly, the sound of Blood Psycho pounded from wherever the Hell it came from, making Val cringe. "Ah, they're not bad, but they're not good. The only thing they got is a cute-ish kid," Val paused for a moment, calculating how many gigs they had before battle of the bands. "Uh.. Let's see. Like.. possibly 4? Two house shows, one underground bar gig thing.. and, uh, haha. Er-- Some convention for something." Then, in a rush, Val's head turned to the side, taking sight of the Manager. "Son of a bitch," the young woman stared with placid determination and ran a hand through her hair.

"Val.. no! Don't--"

"Try and stop me," Val replied, taking off towards the manager. "Yo, Benny!" The young woman growled as she approached, slamming her hand on the counter in front of him, her expression filled with utter anger, however the man seemed unshaken.



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{Magdelena Alamilla}

Magdelena heard Darcie's voice come through the phone, talking to her like a child, she still was anyways. "Hey, I heard about this cool Battle of the Bands thing while I was on the Internet, meet me a..." She was paused by Darcie as Scooter entered the conversation. "As I was saying, I found this awesome Battle of the Bands thing while I was on the Internet; Wanna try it?" She asked her as she tapped her fingers on her table, as she looked at her fingernails. She then began to feel bored, nothing was happening beside talking to Darcie. She happened to see that she her order was about to be ready. "Oh, by the way, I'm at the Burger Barn" she said as her order came, a mushroom and onion burger. She then said thank you to the waiter and began to conversate with the group of her band mates.
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Nacho was holding Willy's hand as they turned the corner to watch an angry Val storm towards the store manager "Whoa. Let's not go that way, Willy, I bet her language is more colorful than a dispersive prism." Commented the drummer as Willy asked what a "desperate prison" was. Nacho took the time to explain the geometric shape and how it breaks down light to constituent colors, commonly known as the colors of the rainbow. The drummer chuckled at the blank look on Willy's face and looked up to see Marcel and his friend "Marcel!" Called Nacho as he waved at his co-worker "What brings you here, man? You just get off?" Asked the overly friendly cook.

As the rest of the band simmered down they all turned their attention to AA3Ch@, who removed his headphones after a few minutes of intense staring. Tommy stepped over towards the DJ and leaned over to look at his phone "Is that-? You motherfucker! You recorded all that?" Growled the rapper as he tried to snatch the phone away from the scrambling DJ "I'm making a biography for the band! The good and bad stuff!" Explained the DJ sheepishly as he locked his phone and pulled his tablet from his messenger bag. Tommy sneered and flipped AA3Ch@ off "Nerd." But the DJ merely shrugged it off as he flipped through his tablet.

"I just got confirmation that we will be headlining that underground bar gig; keep your schedules clear for that."

Hell yeah. Our first headliner!"

We headlined a few shows as Baster Blaster so we got this."

Less jest see if Tommy can 'andle it."

What? Bro, I've been the main fucking act since high school. My flows are just that sick."

Whate'r ye tell yerself, lad. I haff t'git back ta werk. Text me ta schedule."

"Will do, Patty. Rooster, everything straightened out with Willy's mom? Can't have you ditching us at a gig again."

I'll make sure to keep her up to date, dude."

"Cool. Tommy and me won't be working the club that night, either."

Oh, yeah, I talked to Jorge and he said we can perform Tuesday night to see if the crowd enjoys it."

Dude, that's awesome! We're gonna kill it!"

After a few excited fist bumps AA3Ch@ finished going over the schedule with the present members and then sent out a mass text so Patty and Nacho were up to date, as well. Now they sat around waiting on Nacho to return with Willy so they could leave.

@Fallout Bandit

As ashley heard another voice quickly come into the conversation the battle of the bands came up "Yeah actually i'd seen that too...i'm in if you guys are" she said, still pulling and curling her hair. At the mention of the burger barn she could swear her stomach growled for food, she couldn't help but get up and search her fridge, finding only some cheese, which she took and began to eat as she awaited for her bandmates answers.
Darcie swung her legs back and forth as she listened to the girls talk back and firth. Even though she was in a strange place, the soothing sounds of the fimiliar voices made her feel safe. "Oh! The battle of the bands. I actual have a flyer for that right now." Darcie mentioned, pulling the folded up piece of paper from her pocket. As soon as it was in view Alex snatched it from her hand. "Hey give that to me!" Darcie groaned. Alex only took the phone from her hand. "Girls? Yeah it's Alex. We are totally doing this Battle of the Bands thing." She grinned. Darcie stood up and pouted, pulling Alex's ear and taking the phone back. "We'll be at Burger Barn in 5 minutes. Save us a booth. Scooter meet us there if you can. I call an emergency band meeting." And with that Darcie hung up. She took a deep breath, before placing her phone in her pocket.

"I love it when you get all band manger on me."Alex let out a low whistle and gave a wink before placing and on Darcie's head. Darcie swatted at her and gave her the stink eye before letting out a 'hmph'. They then started making their way to the fast food restaurant. Once there Alex burst through the door. "You're favorite person ever is here!" She called out to Magdelena, waving obnoxiously. Darcie just cowered her head, shivering as she felt the stares Alex was causing. Darcie then made her way over to the booth, taking a seat. "Does anyone know if Scooter can make it?" She asked, tilting her hand and letting her pastel purple curls fall to the side.


After finishing her little snack and hearing about the meeting at the burger barn she sighed as she streched and got ready to leave her house checking for her keys and some money, she was headed to the burger barn after all and she was probably going to get hungry. As she left her home, she decided to take her bike all the way to the meeting, it was better than taking the bus and walking, even though she caught many peoples eyes, and not exactly for the reasons Ashley might have wanted to, but either way she was soon entering the establishment with a wide grin, ready to spend some money in some burgers.

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