Submit OCs/crossover characters and claim canons here

Name: Sweet Pea


Species: Never fairy

Gender: Female

Age: ageless

Royal or Rebel: rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): Crossover from Disney Fairies

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): Aaron Stone (as side character)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): none

Physical description:latest.png

Personality: Sweet Pea is social, sassy and always up for fun. She loves to tell a good story, but can be hyperactive or dramatic at times.

Powers and abilities: control over plants

History (optional): 

Other: She is a member of the Never Council

Name: Slate


Species: Never sparrowman

Gender: male

Age: ageless

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): same

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): same

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): none

Physical description:Slate_pose.png

Personality: Slate is friendly and creative. He likes to have fun and to make fun of whatever he can.

Powers and abilities: Repairing and inventing

History (optional):

Other: he's a member of the Never Council

Name: Kit


Species: Never fairy

Gender: Female

Age: ageless

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover: same

Story: same

Family: none

Physical description:576.png

Personality: Kit is tomboyish and slightly immature. She usually teases others playfully and pokes her nose into things, sometimes just to annoy someone.

Powers and abilities: Talking to animals


Other: She is a member of the Never Council

Name: Marina


Species: Never fairy

Gender: female

Age: ageless

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover: same

Story: same

Family: none

Physical description:latest-1.png

Personality: Marina is a kind and energetic fairy, always full of one. She is a talented artist and is very calm and friendly. She is crazy over fashion, and much the same over music

Powers and abilities: Hydrokinesis


Other: She is a member of the Never Council

umm...accepted, I guess :3
Name: Iliara Cereza Maurice

AKA: Princess of Joy (among her people, on the planet Mobius)

Species: Mobian/Mystic Light hybrid (Mystic Light=living being blessed with the power to repel evil)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Royal or Rebel: Rebel (while she is eager to become a hero like her parents, she would prefer to have her own adventures rather than relive their lives)

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): original with elements from Sonic the Hedgehog and Strawberry Shortcake (make fun of it and no hugs for you)

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): The Mobian Prince (basically the Sonic the Hedgehog series in fairytale form)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Sonic the Hedgehog (father), Strawberry Shortcake (mother), Kaylen, Alethea (first cousins)

Physical description:oc__iliara_maurice_by_xitsnousex-d9pwpsz.jpg

Because she isn't pureblood Mobian, she looks human for the most part. Only her Mobian Hedgehog fangs, ears and tail, which she can make appear and disappear at will, are a clear indicator of her Mobian heritage.

Personality: Iliara is very bubbly, energetic and cheerful, with a childlike innocence that makes her stand out among others of her age. However, she can sometimes be too sweet and innocent for her own good.

Powers and abilities: Power to repel evil, super speed, Super Form, Unleashed Form, Mystic Light Form (a powered-up form that she can only activate using her own positive energy, which gives her additional powers; she hasn't learnt how to control it yet), Savage Fury, werewolf form, she can make her heart-shaped birth mark glow with a light that tames animals

History (optional): Iliara was born years after the civil war on her planet ended with the victory of her father. Now, as an important member of the Royal Family of Mobius, it is her duty to compete for the crown with the other royal family members of her generation (this is how inheritance of the throne works on Mobius, the title of High King or Queen goes to the one who deserves it the most in the family)

Other: speaks with an English accent, she loves to hug

Name: Kaylen Maurice

AKA: Princess of Wisdom

Species: Mobian/Mystic Light hybrid

Gender: female

Age: 15

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): same as above

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): same

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Shadow the Hedgehog (father), Blueberry Muffin (mother)

Physical description: oc__kaylen_maurice_by_xitsnousex-d9pwu40.jpg

same thing about the fangs, ears and tail

Personality: Calm and competent, Kaylen is normally the one who thinks everything through. She is regarded as the smart one of the trio, but can be immature and fun when she wants to.

Powers and abilities: Power to repel evil, super speed, Chaos Control, Super Form, Unleashed Form, Mystic Light Form, Savage Fury, weaponsmithing

History (optional):

Other: she speaks with an English accent

Name: Alethea Maurice

AKA: Princess of Loyalty

Species: Mobian/Mystic Light hybrid

Gender: female

Age: 15

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): same

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): same

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Silver the Hedgehog (father), Cherry Jam (mother)

Physical description:oc__alethea_maurice_by_xitsnousex-d9pwwgq.jpg

not pureblood Mobian, fangs, ears, tail, you know the story

Personality: Alethea isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's for sure. Well intentioned as she might be, she will more often than not miss the point comically and forget important things.

Powers and abilities: Power to repel evil, psychokinesis, spellcasting, Super Form, Unleashed Form, Mystic Light Form

Other: she speaks with an English accent

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