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Fantasy Sublime Hatred Characters

Name: Keto Uskai 

Age: 248

Race: Vampire

Back ground: A warrior/soldier you may say. He has spent almost 200 years at war with the Lycans. A fierce, intimidating individual on the battle field. He has lead thousands of Vampires into gruesome battles for many many years. A master swordsman and martial artist. He now has to put his old ways behind him has decided to help train Lycans to better fend off the Slayers.

Special Ability: Control over the elements. 

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Full Name: Mariana Marcovici

Alias: Black Rose

Age: 26
Race: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Mariana is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, caused many of her guildmates to avoid her due to her social awkwardness. Mariana is strong, cool and a little scary but relied on by everyone. Secretly, she can be really girly and liked sweet things and cute clothes.

Bio: Mariana lived a fairly normal life when she's growing up. Raised by two loving parents in a peaceful village, she's on the path of becoming a sweet and cheerful little girl. He picks flowers in the morning, eat anytime she wants, play in the afternoon, and when night time comes, she has a house to rest. The perfect life that she is living did not last long. One by one, the villagers contracts a mysterious disease that kills them a week later. In five month's time, the village lost more than half of its original occupants. Mariana's family decided to flee to a nearby town, but it was too late. One morning her father started to show symptoms of the mysterious disease. He is constantly coughing blood, his mouth starts to foam, and his body convulses from time to time. Her mother doesn't know what to do, for the disease, at their time, did not have a cure. They stayed with her father even though they know that he'll suffer the same fate to the ones who showed the same symptoms of the mysterious disease. Night time comes, and the whole place is eerily quiet. Nothing, even the bugs that make noise in the night is not to be heard. Her father convulses for the last time, then stops, his body went limp and his face doesn't show any sign of strain. She and her mother knows that her father have faced death. Mariana tried to hold back her tears, but it was futile. She began to cry, but her mother didn't, though it is clear that she is also devastated by the loss of her husband. Their grieving was put to a halt when they heard a lot of people, all armored by the sounds of it, running closer and closer to their direction. The roof makes a noise, as if someone is on top of it. Her mother opens the window to try and take a look, she saw a figure on top of it. The figure didn't look like it was someone from their village. It was quite tall, pale like it was devoid of life, and its body is unnaturally skinny. Before her mother can close the window, the figure jumps through the window and crashes into their house. It grabs her mother's neck. The thing made Mariana almost puke, it glances Mariana and gave her a teasing smile before biting and sucking the life out of her mother. After a few second, the thing unhanded her mother. She falls to the floor with a loud thud, her body went limp, her eyes went to the back of her head, showing only white, and she turned very pale, more than that of the monster's skin now. Mariana ran as fast as she can downstairs as the monster goes after her. She opens the door and ran outside. She was looking for the monster behind her the whole time, then *smash*, she fell to the ground. She realized that she ran into a guy wearing full armor. A lot of people are outside too, and they are all armored and armed. Someone took her into the crowd, shielding her. The monster then came out of the door, unaware of the ambush, it was greeted by a barrage of arrows and guns firing at it. It now lies lifeless in front of their house. The group then sets the house and the whole village on fire. The guild that held Mariana, now an orphan, decides to adopt her. The incident was later explained to her, and it became the source of her hatred for vampires. She indulged all of her time to training, and vowed to exterminate every single one of them.

Special Ability: Flash Precognition

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Sorry, but what time frame are we looking at here? Modern, fantasy? I'm just curious is all, and couldn't find reference to the time frame in the background info


Kain Omen








Kain has fought Lycans for over two centuries, and harbors a burning hatred for them, as they have killed many of Kain's comrades and those he has turned. Well known on and off the battlefield for his aggressive tactics and blood lust, Kain welcomes the recognition, believing vampires to be divine. He is known to be a virtuoso of the sword, though those were in older times. Now, he follows Keto, out of respect for the old days of war, though his hatred of the Lycans is one that he finds hard to dismiss.

Special Ability: 

Kain can channel energy into his sword, effectively electrifying the blade. He can also discharge the energy in the blade at a single target.



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