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Realistic or Modern Subjects of Fear - Horror Rp (Open)


i was gone and now I’m back
Subjects of Fear

A Supernatural/Paranormal Horror Rp
Please read the lore and rules before reading the "Known Fears" tab.
"Fear has many eyes and can see things underground" - Miguel de Cervantes
it was always me vs. the world
  • the plot
    "I'm too goddamned old for this," was the first thought that crossed Senior Researcher Dr. Jules Chastain's mind as she walked into the crime scene.

    It was her 30th anniversary at the Society of Paranormal Investigators. And as the only member who'd survived more than three decades (most people only lasted a couple of months. Maybe a year, if they were careful), she'd seen her fair share of ghastly displays. Circles of fire spread across scorched remains of crops and livestock, mutilated birds, people buried alive with only their feet sticking out of the earth, and reports of people followed by masked strangers were amongst the cases she expected to deal with on a typical workday. This one wasn't any different. Someone called an anonymous report - they were always anonymous - of a rat infestation that had overwhelmed an entire village in Yakutia, of all places. The rats were, of course, all dead by the time she'd gotten off the plane. Though, interestingly enough, not because of the extreme cold. Rather, as a result of the viral infestation that manifested itself through the pus seeping out of their still-foaming mouths. It was a catastrophe in the eyes of the public. To Dr. Chastain, it was another Monday.

    Then, on Tuesday, another report came through. Of fishermen in Japan catching eyeless fishes, only to then find the eyes under their pillows. On Wednesday, it was blackouts in Germany. Thursday it was mannequins moving on their own in 5th Avenue. Friday was the busiest marketplace in Lagos suddenly being completely empty save for one fruit salesman. A young man who, once interviewed, rambled endlessly about feeling a presence he couldn't quite describe. A monster, maybe, or a demon, or a ghost. Whatever it was, it'd passed by the salesman and within a second, all of his customers and colleagues had left the market. Leaving him completely alone. "How could it have known?" the man asked Dr. Chastain, "loneliness is my biggest fear. How could it have known that?"

    Dr. Chastain wished she had the answer to that.

    She'd worked the same field for thirty long, thankless years and still she knew nothing of the Entity she'd fought so hard to wipe off the planet. It wasn't human - that was for sure. As to what it actually was though; God, demon, monster, ghost, spirit, whatever. She had no idea. They called it the "Entity "for simplicity's sake. An Entity that, throughout recorded history, preyed on humans by manipulating that which they feared the most. From what she'd been able to make out, it only preyed on individuals. Then, out of necessity or simply for the thrill of it, it spent some time studying its target. Sometimes, this was done by simply following them. Other times, it possessed or manipulated other creatures to get closer and more personal to the victim. Then, it would manifest itself. Causing the target's worst fear to come true right before their eyes. It could be something very sudden, or (in the cruelest cases) more subtly taking over the victim's life slowly, bit by bit ripping at their psyche until they were reduced to nothing but a pile of mumbling, defeated husks of their old self.

    What happened after differed from person to person. The luckiest died. The unlucky, however, became consumed by their experience. Doomed to live under the influence of the Entity until their last dying breath. There were very few who, through what sometimes seemed as sheer miracles, managed to escape the Entitie's grasp. They managed to heal. Though, only for a short amount of time. As they always seemed to be reconquered by their fears. The Society recognized them only as "pawns". And there were so many of them.

    They were rapidly increasing in numbers. Investigators were swarmed with reports and emergency calls, more than they ever had been before. The Entity was increasing its reach, its attacks, its pawns. What for? No one knew. But Dr. Chastain was determined to stop it before it could finish its objective.


    Only Dr. Chastain.


    Truth was, the Society of Paranormal Investigation had long ago been less of a society and more of a...partnership Of sorts. They had been a community, once. Before failure after failure destroyed morale until only a handful of investigators remained. Struggling with whatever meager resources they could gather from their "contact" at the government. Dr. Chastain knew well that if they wanted to establish some sort of communication with the Entity, they were going to need a lot of help. So, she figured, why not find those who'd already established a connection in the first place?

    They set up camp in a secluded little forest in Maine, in a place disguised to seem like an upscale rehab campsite (as to keep out any unwanted attention from the local authorities). Then bring in people who'd been victims of the Entity but survived to recover. Not to serve as Investigators, necessarily, but more as... test subjects. Guinea Pigs, some might call them. People who could be studied through physical and psychological experiments. All under the assumption that they're simply there to heal from their traumatic experience. It wasn't an ethical plan, by any means. And the risk of one of them succumbing to the Entity's corruption. But it was that, or nothing. And Dr. Chastain had certainly not dedicated the best years of her life to a lost cause. She would make sure of that.

    Though, with waves of reports coming in, and the threat of the Entity more prominent than ever before, no one would dare blame her for doubting the dangerous plan. Especially as the new recruits for the Society of Paranormal Investigation begin to sense an unfamiliar presence slowly creeping back into their lives.



    If you've reached this part, thank you for reading the introduction for Subjects of Fear. Essentially, this rp will take place in a place rehab facility. Our characters will be survivors who've gone through some sort of experience (I'm keeping this as vague as possible so people can be creative with what happened with their characters before the rp) and has been marked by an Entity that feeds off of people's biggest fears. They'll believe they've been invited to just to heal from their traumatic experiences. Only to then just be experimented on by Investigators trying to figure out what the Entity is, what its plans are, and how to kill it.

    If you read the "Known Fears", it shows which fears are most commonly exploited by the Entity. Every character will have to have been a victim to one at some point or another. HOWEVER, the ones listed here are not the only options. If you'd like your character to have been marked by a fear that isn't listed, please feel welcome to add it in! Remember, the ones listed are only the known fears.

    If this reminds you of the Magnus Archives, it's because it was very much inspired by that. Though you don't need any knowledge on it before joining. It won't even be referenced in the rp (that being said, I recommend it, it's amazing).

coded by incandescent

Uncoded Version:

"I'm too goddamned old for this," was the first thought that crossed Senior Researcher Dr. Jules Chastain's mind as she walked into the crime scene.

It was her 30th anniversary at the Society of Paranormal Investigators. And as the only member who'd survived more than three decades (most people only lasted a couple of months. Maybe a year, if they were careful), she'd seen her fair share of ghastly displays. Circles of fire spread across scorched remains of crops and livestock, mutilated birds, people buried alive with only their feet sticking out of the earth, and reports of people followed by masked strangers were amongst the cases she expected to deal with on a typical workday. This one wasn't any different. Someone called an anonymous report - they were always anonymous - of a rat infestation that had overwhelmed an entire village in Yakutia, of all places. The rats were, of course, all dead by the time she'd gotten off the plane. Though, interestingly enough, not because of the extreme cold. Rather, as a result of the viral infestation that manifested itself through the pus seeping out of their still-foaming mouths. It was a catastrophe in the eyes of the public. To Dr. Chastain, it was another Monday.

Then, on Tuesday, another report came through. Of fishermen in Japan catching eyeless fishes, only to then find the eyes under their pillows. On Wednesday, it was blackouts in Germany. Thursday it was mannequins moving on their own in 5th Avenue. Friday was the busiest marketplace in Lagos suddenly being completely empty save for one fruit salesman. A young man who, once interviewed, rambled endlessly about feeling a presence he couldn't quite describe. A monster, maybe, or a demon, or a ghost. Whatever it was, it'd passed by the salesman and within a second, all of his customers and colleagues had left the market. Leaving him completely alone. "How could it have known?" the man asked Dr. Chastain, "loneliness is my biggest fear. How could it have known that?"

Dr. Chastain wished she had the answer to that.

She'd worked the same field for thirty long, thankless years and still she knew nothing of the Entity she'd fought so hard to wipe off the planet. It wasn't human - that was for sure. As to what it actually was though; God, demon, monster, ghost, spirit, whatever. She had no idea. They called it the "Entity "for simplicity's sake. An Entity that, throughout recorded history, preyed on humans by manipulating that which they feared the most. From what she'd been able to make out, it only preyed on individuals. Then, out of necessity or simply for the thrill of it, it spent some time studying its target. Sometimes, this was done by simply following them. Other times, it possessed or manipulated other creatures to get closer and more personal to the victim. Then, it would manifest itself. Causing the target's worst fear to come true right before their eyes. It could be something very sudden, or (in the cruelest cases) more subtly taking over the victim's life slowly, bit by bit ripping at their psyche until they were reduced to nothing but a pile of mumbling, defeated husks of their old self.

What happened after differed from person to person. The luckiest died. The unlucky, however, became consumed by their experience. Doomed to live under the influence of the Entity until their last dying breath. There were very few who, through what sometimes seemed as sheer miracles, managed to escape the Entitie's grasp. They managed to heal. Though, only for a short amount of time. As they always seemed to be reconquered by their fears. The Society recognized them only as "pawns". And there were so many of them.

They were rapidly increasing in numbers. Investigators were swarmed with reports and emergency calls, more than they ever had been before. The Entity was increasing its reach, its attacks, its pawns. What for? No one knew. But Dr. Chastain was determined to stop it before it could finish its objective.


Only Dr. Chastain.


Truth was, the Society of Paranormal Investigation had long ago been less of a society and more of a...partnership Of sorts. They had been a community, once. Before failure after failure destroyed morale until only a handful of investigators remained. Struggling with whatever meager resources they could gather from their "contact" at the government. Dr. Chastain knew well that if they wanted to establish some sort of communication with the Entity, they were going to need a lot of help. So, she figured, why not find those who'd already established a connection in the first place?

They set up camp in a secluded little forest in Maine, in a place disguised to seem like an upscale rehab campsite (as to keep out any unwanted attention from the local authorities). Then bring in people who'd been victims of the Entity but survived to recover. Not to serve as Investigators, necessarily, but more as... test subjects. Guinea Pigs, some might call them. People who could be studied through physical and psychological experiments. All under the assumption that they're simply there to heal from their traumatic experience. It wasn't an ethical plan, by any means. And the risk of one of them succumbing to the Entity's corruption. But it was that, or nothing. And Dr. Chastain had certainly not dedicated the best years of her life to a lost cause. She would make sure of that.

Though, with waves of reports coming in, and the threat of the Entity more prominent than ever before, no one would dare blame her for doubting the dangerous plan. Especially as the new recruits for the Society of Paranormal Investigation begin to sense an unfamiliar presence slowly creeping back into their lives.



If you've reached this part, thank you for reading the introduction for Subjects of Fear. Essentially, this rp will take place in a place rehab facility. Our characters will be survivors who've gone through some sort of experience (I'm keeping this as vague as possible so people can be creative with what happened with their characters before the rp) and has been marked by an Entity that feeds off of people's biggest fears. They'll believe they've been invited to just to heal from their traumatic experiences. Only to then just be experimented on by Investigators trying to figure out what the Entity is, what its plans are, and how to kill it.

If you read the "Known Fears", it shows which fears are most commonly exploited by the Entity. Every character will have to have been a victim to one at some point or another. HOWEVER, the ones listed here are not the only options. If you'd like your character to have been marked by a fear that isn't listed, please feel welcome to add it in! Remember, the ones listed are only the known fears.

If this reminds you of the Magnus Archives, it's because it was very much inspired by that. Though you don't need any knowledge on it before joining. It won't even be referenced in the rp (that being said, I recommend it, it's amazing).

1. Don't be an asshole! This one is pretty self-explenatory but it still needs to be said. Follow rpn rules, keep drama between characters and not writers, don't be homophobic, racist, transphobic, sexist, ableist, classist, or just an overall hateful jerk. Keep other people in mind and be respectful of others.
1. No OP characters, perfect characters, and goddmodding.
3. Try to remain active! I completely understand that real life always comes first, but if you're taking a break or can't reply for a while please let the rest of the group know. Considering the length of each post (please keep it at least 2 paragraphs), I'm not asking for a post per day. But at least 1 - 2 per week in order to keep things rolling. Also remember that, while not mandatory, OOC convos are important for establishing plot points, events and character relationships so try to participate in those! (There will be a discord chat for this, as well as an ooc page)
4. Remember this is a horror roleplay. There will be graphic descriptions of violence, substance abuse, gore, mental health (all adhering to RPN rules, of course). Please refrain from joining if this is something you might be uncomfortable with.
5. This is a supernatural rp, so supernatural things will likely happen. That being said, remember the characters are human. Just because it's marked as supernatural or paranormal doesn't mean that all characters can suddenly be vampires. Keep everything within the logic with the rp's universe, please.

Known fears:

Death: The most common fear of all. Innate in every living being. The fear of the end. Of the loss of existence. Of the non-being. Known to manifest itself through corpses, skeletons, bones, and ghostly apparitions. Those who've brushed with Death often go through what remains of their life with extreme caution.[
The Filth: Fear of germs, rot, disease, insects, and plagues. Commonly manifested through roaches, flies, rats, pus and foam. Victims are known for being obsessed with cleanliness.
The Carnage: Fear of violence and pain. Of being hurt or disfigured. Often founds in those who have a history of abuse or violence. Typically manifests itself through violent acts, weapons, and blood. Paradoxically, most victims react to exposure to this fear by becoming aggressive and violent. Often with a "me vs them" attitude.
The Trap: Fear of being stuck or trapped. Of being drowned or somewhere there's no escape from. It often manifests itself through small spaces, loud sounds, closed doors, and water. Victims are known for being escapists, and are often considered "free spirits".
The Watcher: Fear of being watched, of being followed, of being someone's target. Typically manifests itself through eyes, strange people, masks and screens. Victims are often known for being overly suspicious and paranoid.
The Empty: Fear of being alone, of being excluded, of being forgotten. Often manifests itself through fogs thick enough to hide other people, and through whispers. Victims are known for being social, often to a fault.

1. When someone becomes overtaken by the Entity, it means they're under its direct control, but their appearance doesn't necessarily have to change. Meaning, a perfectly normal-looking person could be controlled by the Entity without anyone noticing. If you want your character to be overtaken at any point, and act against the other characters, the others don't necessarily have to know. (Except for me, because I'm the gm.)
2. Characters can, and likely will, die. Although not without permission from the player. Please keep this in mind.
3. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! If anything needs clearing up, I'll be happy to clear it up.
4. Discord will be the main form of communication for this rp. Invitations for Discord will be sent through DM's for people to express their interest.
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Definitely interested. Never made a character with Scopophobia before (fear of being watched) but it sounds fascinating to play with!
Definitely interested. Never made a character with Scopophobia before (fear of being watched) but it sounds fascinating to play with!
I didn’t even know there was a name for it! I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with!
Oo what an intriguing concept, will bat my hand at the trapped character.
Psychological horror, let's go! Are you looking for a character for each fear? Ps: I'll think of something for The Carnage, definitely
Psychological horror, let's go! Are you looking for a character for each fear? Ps: I'll think something for The Carnage, definitely
Not necessarily. A one for each could be cool, but I don’t mind if we end up with a mix that’s like 6 death and 1 trapped
this is so slay!!

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