(SU) RP Training School.


This is the Sign-up for the RP Training session. For all that wish to join, I need to know a few things;

Name: (Weather it be your RPN name, or a name you use for just the RP)

Age: (Character Age, your age, what ever age you want it to be.)

Appearance: (No pictures. I want you to actually discribe your character. this will be used later in the training)

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: (1[lowest]-10[highest])

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: (1[lowest]-10[highest])

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: (Out of the list of possible fields that are available on this site)

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: (Out of the list of possible fields that are available on this site)

What you hope to get out of the class: (Anything that you want to learn, that you believe could help either you, or the entire class as a whole, become better.)
Name: Miss Rose

Age: 19


Rose has pure black eyes to match her dark grey skin.She has white teeth and red gums,toungue and throat.She is 5' tall and has a lithe,slim and graceful in her build features and movement.Rose's fingers are long,slender and highly sensitive granting her an enhanced tactile sence.Her hair is long and pure white she has bang that are long enough to cover her left eye.her nails are short but sharp.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 3

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: At least a 6

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable preforming: Fantasy and what ever zombies fall into

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Si-Fi and Animal

What you hope to get out of the class: Better Role-Playing and hopefully more confidence in my role playing.
Name: Paul Newbarg

Age: 19

Appearance: His Soft long aurburn hair falls gently across his face and covers his Gentle blue eyes, he stand's tall at 6' 11", He Often Wears Faded Jeans and a Purple Hoody, He Doesn't talk much, but he has a Radiant smile.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 2-3

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: Right now, I'd like to get past 5.

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: Slice of Life, Fantasty, Sci-fi,

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Animal Roleplays,

What you hope to get out of the class: I just want to become better, Longer Replys, more Diverse Genres, Everything!
Name: Rain Ann Reda

Age: 17

Appearance: Black scene hair with blue streaks in the bangs layers and jaged. Brown eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. 5'8 in height. Outgoing and not afraid to stand up for herself.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 2

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: 7 or 8

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: Slice of Life

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Animal

What you hope to get out of the class: Kind of on how to start it and how to start and keep going on the role play part
Name: Lucy

Age: 17

Appearance: Lucy looks like a porcelain doll come to life, with her smooth white skin with no visible blemishes, long blonde hair that falls past her shoulders in cascading curls, and pale blue eyes that seem wise beyond her years. With a height of 5'4" and a slender frame, she appears fragile and delicate. The comparison continues to her demeanor as any expression of any emotion was harder to come by than a unicorn.

Current Skill Level: 3

Desired Skill Level: at least a 6

Types of Role plays comfortable with: fantasy, really anything with action except sci-fi

Types of Role plays you wish to join, but do not believe you are ready for: I only like role plays with action and fighting.

What you hope to get out of the class: I want to be able to expand my posts. I find it hard to create more that one or two lines of posts and I'd like to be able to put together a paragraph. I know people say to load it with descriptive details but it's a bit hard for me. I'm usually a more straight to the point sort of person so I end up not thinking of any sensory details.
Name: Carnage

Age: 15

Appearance: In short an albino. Pale skin that doesn't color, and white-blonde hair which falls half way down her back, her eyes are a deep red, in which the intensity seems to change in varying situations. Her figure is long and slim and starting to fill out as she ages and develops

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 5?

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: But of course 10 xD

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: Fantasy, realistic

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: technology(sci-fi), fighting improvement

What you hope to get out of the class: Increase skills, style of writing, learn something new
Name: Nivrad

Age: 13

Appearance: First off and quite importantly, he's a penguin. Your run-of-the-mill emperor penguin, he's about the height of a young child; somewhere around three-and-a-half feet, elbow-height to most people. Stubby ol' legs, flippity flippers, built-in tuxedo and squawking speech constitute a quite normal penguin. Immensely average. He can also talk. But he's completely pedestrian, yep.

Current skill level: Six and a smidge.

Target skill level: Eight.

Types of role plays I am comfortable performing: Fantasy, Realistic, Supernatural/Superhero

Types of role plays I wish I could join but do not believe I am ready for: Sci-fi

What I hope to get out of the class: I'd love to be more comfortable in fights- I really don't know what movements are plausible, or what's impossible. Future environments are iffy- I don't trust myself pretending to be a character who's used to crazy technology. I don't know how to have a crush or fall in love (penguins don't go in for all that sappy stuff) or even how to confidently establish any relationships with other characters. Certain personalities seem inaccessible to me; how exactly does a leader act? How do you give encouragement? How do you make people feel better?
Name: Honey Jackal

Age: 22


Height: Five Feet Six Inches. In Boots, Five Feet Six and Three Fourth's Inches.

Weight: One Hundred and Twenty Two Pounds.

Body Type: If at the proper, healthy weight, Jackal would have an hour glass figure. At her current, the form is there, though she is thin and battle worn, with almost defined muscles under the flesh rather than the harder fatty tissues needed.

Skin Colour: Caucasian, though she has developed a permanent darker tanned skin tone.

Skin Defects: Jackal's body is riddled out with scars, some fainter than others.More noticeable ones: An off coloured scar running from just above her right eyebrow, down over her nose, to the middle of her left cheek long faded to have smooth edges. Her Left hand has the remains of a long ago burn still showing, though the flesh is not wrinkly or rough. From her right shoulder and onto part of her neck, a great deal of criss-crossing scars over lap.

Facial Defects: In Proper lighting without the hat, it is clear to see that she has dark marks under her eyes from lack of sleep, and that her face is thin, edging towards a hollow, and almost always set into an expression of grimness and apathy, if not just a little bit of intimidation.

Eye Colour: Heterochromia; Right Eye is Hazel, Left Eye Is Green

Hair Colour: Ebony Black

Hair Style: Hair is pin straight, and goes back an inch farther than her shoulder blades do. It is always pulled back into a low pony tail, though it still remains clear that the ends of the hair are jagged and uneven, as if cut with a dull knife. Bangs, mostly falling to the left of the face, hold the same jagged nature and range from chin length to mid cheek, with two smaller sections falling off across the face towards the right.

Clothing: A simple white button up shirt, the sleeve cuffs left unbuttoned and folded over, and the top three buttons left undone, a black undershirt can be seen underneath. Both are tucked into a pair of dark wash jeans which follow the shapes of her legs. A pair of black cow girl boots go over them, missing the spurs.

Accessories: A black Stetson,almost always on and casting a shadow over a good portion of her face. A tri-set of belts that overlap each other, and fall over her waist and hips though not actually run through the pants. The two lowest bands, one on each side, have holsters attached, with duel pistols, one in each, stored inside.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 6.5

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: 8-9

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: Fantasy/Supernatural/Animal/Slice of Life

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Sci-Fi/Super Hero/Fandom/A lot of time Private RPS (I feel like I'd let them down as far as expectations go)Anything with a lot of combat

What you hope to get out of the class: Increasing Lengths of Posts, Better Roleplaying Combat Skills, Breaking away of run-ons, more comfortable with a variety of roleplays, coming up with better back stories to characters, to learn something.
Name: Marie

Age: 18

Appearance: 5'7, mocha skinned, violet eyes, shoulder length, wavy black hair, brown highlights. She has dimples. Full figured, toned body through yoga. Has a goofy laugh, she even snorts. She is also double jointed and can bend her arms backwards and around her neck. Usually dresses like a mod style Hippie. It reflects her mellow, go-with-the-flow life stlye.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 7

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: 10

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: Fantasy/Supernatural, Slice of Life

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Sci-Fi, Private Rps

What you hope to get out of the class: Rp combat skills. And how to rp as a male character.
Name: Erack

Age: 18 (Char age 128)

Appearance: Erack is a tall man with wirey muscles, he has bright green eyes and long black hair, he normaly wears either black or green clothing, nothing else.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 7

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: 10

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: any, i can adapt well

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for:

What you hope to get out of the class: improvement in my roleplaying skills
Name: Nicolette Marcelle

Age: 18

Appearance: Her dome-shaped eyes are a chocolate brown, her hair consists of a series of tight black curls filling her head. Honey-copper skin, that glows during a certain time of year. Slight curves, with muscle definition only known through direct contact.

Skill level you believe you are at for RPing: 5.9 maybe?

Skill level you wish to be at for Rping: 8 at least.

Type's of Role plays you are comfortable performing: sice of life and other, safe to say xD

Type's of Role Plays you wish to be able to join, but do not believe you are ready for: Animal and Sci-fi. (The vast majority of the roleplays I'm in are sci-fi, but I mean real science fiction. Like, aliens chasing you for vital organs and threatening to take over the world.)

What you hope to get out of the class: Playing my characters better. I make what I believe to be amazing characters, and sometimes they become so complex that even I have a hard time playing them. I also haven't played a male character yet. With that in mind, I also want my posts to be longer, and I have never done a combat scene.

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