Styx - A Second Life


Revenants are submitted here! Just put up your profile and I'll accept or deny. You can start roleplaying the second your character has been accepted.

Character Template

Name: Full name.

Physical Age: Revenants don't age. They're stuck looking like they did when they died. How old does your character look?

Actual Age: How old is your character actually, counting both lives?

First Death: How did your character die on Earth? This death is what took them to Styx.

Personality: Describe how your character acts here. What they like, what they dislike, how they react to different people and so on.

Appearance: A picture and text is ideal, but only text or only picture is also okay.

Memento: Your character's unique weapon, tied to their soul. Describe it here. You can only have one Memento at character creation, more Mementos are gained through play. A Revenant's first Memento is usually symbolically tied to their First Death somehow.

Pyre: What is your character's Pyre, their unique Second Lifer power? It can be anything from turning to mist to controlling fire to super speed. A Revenant only has one Pyre and it cannot change. A character's Pyre is usually tied to their First Death somehow.

Abilities: Any other noteworthy skills or tricks your character possesses? If they know Manifestation, state it here. Note that Manifestation is a rare craft.

History: Describe anything noteworthy about your character's past here, First and Second Life.
Name: Michael Sessile

Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: 34

First Death:
Michael was killed in a terrorist attack on a shopping centre in England where he lived, the terrorist group comprised of 4 gunmen who walked into the shopping centre and began shooting off bullets in every direction randomly. Michael used himself as a a shield and stopped any bullets hitting his sister, but he died because of this. The gunmen managed to kill 34 people before being taken down by armed police some of which may be in styx as well.

Michael is an empathetic, kind hearted guy who feels he needs to take action even if it means his life, however he can come across pretentious at first, but anyone one who knows him well will know this is entirely unintentional. (He's also gay, I'm just adding this here because I didn't know where to put it and I didn't even know if it would matter)



Michael is a white skinned, tall, male. His hair is blonde and his eyes are a strange blue. He could be called cute by some but he wouldn't ever call himself that, not because he has a low self esteem or anything, but simply because it's just not his 'style'. His usual attire is a loose fitting shirt, a scarf and jeans, (he rarely wears the hat shown in the picture). His build is quite thin, however despite having little muscle he is quite strong.

His memento is a bow, but it is no ordinary bow. First of all it's different in terms of looks, it appears to be incredible ornate, with a small skull tipping each point connected by a winding bone encrusted with various precious things. Secondly it's abilities are far beyond that of a normal bow, It is impossible to break, it can fire amazing distances extremely well, and flaming arrows can be fired without them needing to be lit, however this is optional whenever one an arrow is fired (An unlit arrow can be fired too). it's symbolism could originate from the bow being a ranged weapon, killing from a distance, and so killing almost unfairly, with no possible retaliation from the target party, very similar to a terrorist attack.

Michael's pyre is very unique and quite powerful. He can break down and reshape the molecules of an object into something entirely different, however he needs the molecules of the original thing, he cannot make things out of thin air. For example he might have a predicament where there is a wall blocking his way, his solution would be to transform a section of that wall into a door by reshaping it. Another limitation of his power is that the type of molecules he is using as a source cannot change, lets say he needs to make a chair out of a part of the ground, if the ground which Michael was using is made out of stone the chair will have to be made out of stone too, he cannot change the material to wood or another material more suitable for a chair. He cannot change living things either due to the risk of him mixing the organic material with his own, and the complexity of cells that make up something alive, the exception being plants as their makeup is relatively simple.

Michael is extremely good with a bow, hw can perform extraordinary feats with it from his long practice with it and the abilities of the bow, but archery is not the only thing Michael practiced, over the 15 years he has been in styx Michael has spent many of those days slaving away in order to be able to perform the art of manifestation. He now can, and he his extremely proficient with it.

Michaels first years in university were his last alive. Even though he did get into a highly rated university he didn't spend very much time time studying, and so his grades were drastically impacted by this. He preferred to spend his time gaming and browsing the web, it's most likely that if he'd carried on and not died he would have been kicked out.

Michaels close family included his mother and his fraternal (non-identical) sister. He and his mother were present at the terrorist attack, and his inevitable first death however they still both live to this day. The terrorist attack occurred on the 24th of January. A plane was high jacked and forced to land in a nearby field, the police rushed to the plane to apprehend of course but by the time they had tracked the high jackers it was too late, they had already made their way to a nearby shopping centre, armed to the teeth with guns and explosives. By the time they were shot dead the had killed 34 civilians, one of which of course included Michael, he was shot dead as he shielded his sister from the bullets. Though now none of that really matters, he's dead after all. he'll never see them again, but at least they still live in a world they would prefer over the one Michael was in.
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Name: Ancell of Lynn

Physical Age: 28

Actual Age: 444

First Death: The cause of death remains uncertain. Was it the fall from the bell tower that killed him? Or did he drown in the river he fell into?

Personality: Intellectually quick with a rather short fuse when things don't go his way. Quiet and prone to brooding, Ancell prefers the solitary life. He has, however, a great love for music and would go as far as to seek it out in the city.

Appearance: Tall and lean with grey piercing eyes and a kind smile (when he smiles at all).


Memento: An altered silver bishop's cross that fits in his hand and emits light. The head and arms can protract and retract, turning them into serrated whips, each end very much like a sharp claw. Ancell detests his Memento and uses it only when there is no other option.


Pyre: Flight

Abilities: Knows the ins and outs of the city and is a reliable source of information. Ancell is often hired as a guard and guide to Gehenna. Is rumored to know the art of Manifestation due to his years and experience in Styx, but has yet to show anyone proof. He is incredibly proficient with a halberd and prefers this weapon to his Memento.

History: Ancell was a former soldier from Lynn, a town that prospered around the 16th century. He was a well-respected young man, known to be fair and kind. That's why it came as a shock to the townspeople when Ancell murdered the newly appointed Bishop. He had been possessed by the devil, according to most people, and had dragged the poor old Bishop to the church's bell tower where the two fought for control. They had seen Ancell push the Bishop out, and the Bishop — in a last attempt at salvation — had been seen grabbing Ancell's shirt, plunging the two of them into the cold, raging waters of the waiting Berkshire River.
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Character Template

Ace Fina Limsan

Physical Age: 17 1/2

Actual Age: 27 1/2

First Death: Ace died tragically in an earthquake after being crushed to death by her household. The earthquake took place in modern day Northern California, Sacramento. The quake was large, one of the largest natural disaster the area had seen in some time. Ace was currently listening to modern K-POP at the time of the earthquake.

Personality: Ace is witty and intelligent - horrible at jokes. She is usually alone, listening to some beat with her Memento Headphones. Ace can be cold at times, and her demeanor is one that is secluded and distant. She is a very picky eater and sometimes does not know when to stop trying. She is determined and stubborn. Ace loves any type of beat, and she fears the dark.



Ace is a slim female with a slightly shorter than average height. Her hair is a dark black and the bottom edges are dyed a deep violet; Ace's hair reaches down to her upper thighs. She usually wears a casual, light colored t-shirt, and shorts. Since she is a little under weight, she is not very strong and is easily overpowered.

Memento: A set of peacock themed headphones that can be seen around her neck or on her head. The headphones give her the ability to listen to things from miles away and cause sound waves in different frequencies. The headphones have intricate designs and they are virtually indestructible, which is a good ting since Ace is constantly dropping them.

Ace is able to render sound waves at different frequencies and use them as she likes. She has the ability to change a person's pitch and octave - a perfect prank idea. Ace can also temporarily cause someone to be deaf, and her hearing is unlike any.

Ace has the ability to sway and persuade the most secluded persons, which proves valuable when she wants something. She can perform Manifestation, but it does drain her energy.

History: Ace was born in a hospital, something many persons share. Her mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer when she was 5, so she lived with the thought that her mother was dwindling and ebbing away tediously. Her family was very close until her mother passed away when she was 8 Her family grew apart after that, and her father remarried to a detached woman. Ace soon had a new sister named Mia who was constantly ignoring her. At the age of 14, four years after her step-sister's birth, Ace used music to help her cope with her chaotic life. School had never been a problem for her, so her grades were fine.

When she first entered Styx, she set out to find her mother, which proved unsuccessful. Ace then lost all hope and resorted to living in a small area in Styx. The past ten years have been spent taking walks around the city, and observing. Many like to stop by at her household, for there is always some tune emitting out of it. She learned Manifestation from watching other Revenants perform and by practicing it when she had the chance. Her Manifestation powers are very week, as she is only a novice.



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Name: Damien Lake

Physical Age:18

Actual Age:38

First Death: a planned fire burned down freyja's home while she had her younger brother damien over. not much is known about the cause of the farmer.


Damien was always the shy sibling and wasnt always the strong type. but he will use whatever strength he has to protect his older sibling though she doesnt really need it. He also trusts people a little to easily. around strangers he gets quite and timid. he thinks hes an embarrassment to his sister and all the she does for him but they are all they have anymore and need each other.



Damien is 6'1 and has a slim build, his hair is brighter red than his sister and his his fathers dark red eyes


A gun that fires flaming bullets, it has a lot of the same abilities as his sisters except that his once piercing its victim burns them from the inside out and only burns the skin.


he doesnt use it often but he can blow fire and when fire is present he can manipulate and control it


History: freyja and damiens parents were your every day workers and lived in a nice house by ocean. once freyja was old enough to move out she found a nice small house in a nearby neighborhood. one day her brother came over at a really late hour and was crying over something that had happened at home. he had come out to his parents about being homosexual. after that day he had started staying with his sister more often since their parents were not taking his choices well. after about a year of living off and on with his sister the tragic fire broke out and killed them both.
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Saul said:
Name: Michael Sessile
Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: 34

First Death:
Michael was killed in a terrorist attack on a shopping centre in England where he lived, the terrorist group comprised of 4 gunmen who walked into the shopping centre and began shooting off bullets in every direction randomly. Michael used himself as a a shield and stopped any bullets hitting his sister, but he died because of this. The gunmen managed to kill 34 people before being taken down by armed police some of which may be in styx as well.

Michael is an empathetic, kind hearted guy who feels he needs to take action even if it means his life, however he can come across pretentious at first, but anyone one who knows him well will know this is entirely unintentional. (He's also gay, I'm just adding this here because I didn't know where to put it and I didn't even know if it would matter)



Michael is a white skinned, tall, male. His hair is blonde and his eyes are a strange blue. He could be called cute by some but he wouldn't ever call himself that, not because he has a low self esteem or anything, but simply because it's just not his 'style'. His usual attire is a loose fitting shirt, a scarf and jeans, (he rarely wears the hat shown in the picture). His build is quite thin, however despite having little muscle he is quite strong.

His memento is a bow, but it is no ordinary bow. First of all it's different in terms of looks, it appears to be incredible ornate, with a small skull tipping each point connected by a winding bone encrusted with various precious things. Secondly it's abilities are far beyond that of a normal bow, It is impossible to break, it can fire amazing distances extremely well, and flaming arrows can be fired without them needing to be lit, however this is optional whenever one an arrow is fired (An unlit arrow can be fired too). it's symbolism could originate from the bow being a ranged weapon, killing from a distance, and so killing almost unfairly, with no possible retaliation from the target party, very similar to a terrorist attack.

Michael's pyre is very unique and quite powerful. He can break down and reshape the molecules of an object into something entirely different, however he needs the molecules of the original thing, he cannot make things out of thin air. For example he might have a predicament where there is a wall blocking his way, his solution would be to transform a section of that wall into a door by reshaping it.

Michael is extremely good with a bow, and can perform manifestation due to him being able to reshape the molecules of wisps into new memento's with his pyre. This method of manifestation has proven to be just as affective (and difficult) as the regular way.

Michaels first years in university were his last alive. Even though he did get into a highly rated university he didn't spend very much time time studying, and so his grades were drastically impacted by this. He preferred to spend his time gaming and browsing the web, it's most likely that if he'd carried on and not died he would have been kicked out.

Michaels close family included his mother and his fraternal (non-identical) sister. He and his mother were present at the terrorist attack, and his inevitable first death however they still both live to this day. The terrorist attack occurred on the 24th of January. A plane was high jacked and forced to land in a nearby field, the police rushed to the plane to apprehend of course but by the time they had tracked the high jackers it was too late, they had already made their way to a nearby shopping centre, armed to the teeth with guns and explosives. By the time they were shot dead the had killed 34 civilians, one of which of course included Michael, he was shot dead as he shielded his sister from the bullets. Though now none of that really matters, he's dead after all. he'll never see them again, but at least they still live in a world they would prefer over the one Michael was in.
Looking good overall, though his Pyre is indeed quite powerful. Perhaps you could add some kind of limitation, like that it can only affect certain materials? Additionally, there is only one way of performing Manifestation and it has nothing to do with molecules. It's as much a spiritual as it is a scientific craft. As such, if he hasn't learned it in the traditional way (An impressive feat) he wouldn't be able to do it. Sorry!

Xan said:
Name: Ancell of Lynn
Physical Age: 28

Actual Age: 444

First Death: The cause of death remains uncertain. Was it the fall from the bell tower that killed him? Or did he drown in the river he fell into?

Personality: Intellectually quick with a rather short fuse when things don't go his way. Quiet and prone to brooding, Ancell prefers the solitary life. He has, however, a great love for music and would go as far as to seek it out in the city.

Appearance: Tall and lean with grey piercing eyes and a kind smile (when he smiles at all).


Memento: An altered silver bishop's cross that fits in his hand and emits light. The head and arms can protract and retract, turning them into serrated whips, each end very much like a sharp claw. Ancell detests his Memento and uses it only when there is no other option.


Pyre: Flight

Abilities: Knows the ins and outs of the city and is a reliable source of information. Ancell is often hired as a guard and guide to Gehenna. Is rumored to know the art of Manifestation due to his years and experience in Styx, but has yet to show anyone proof. He is incredibly proficient with a halberd and prefers this weapon to his Memento.

History: Ancell was a former soldier from Lynn, a town that prospered around the 16th century. He was a well-respected young man, known to be fair and kind. That's why it came as a shock to the townspeople when Ancell murdered the newly appointed Bishop. He had been possessed by the devil, according to most people, and had dragged the poor old Bishop to the church's bell tower where the two fought for control. They had seen Ancell push the Bishop out, and the Bishop — in a last attempt at salvation — had been seen grabbing Ancell's shirt, plunging the two of them into the cold, raging waters of the waiting Berkshire River.
Nice! Again on Manifestation though, if you want to keep his capabilities of it a more mysterious rumor, go ahead, but please PM me if he actually knows how to do it or not, as I would like to know. Once that is done, he is ACCEPTED.

CloudKitteh said:

Character Template

Ace Fina Limsan

Physical Age: 17 1/2

Actual Age: 27 1/2

First Death: Ace died tragically in an earthquake after being crushed to death by her household. The earthquake took place in modern day Northern California, Sacramento. The quake was large, one of the largest natural disaster the area had seen in some time. Ace was currently listening to modern K-POP at the time of the earthquake.

Personality: Ace is witty and intelligent - horrible at jokes. She is usually alone, listening to some beat with her Memento Headphones. Ace can be cold at times, and her demeanor is one that is secluded and distant. She is a very picky eater and sometimes does not know when to stop trying. She is determined and stubborn. Ace loves any type of beat, and she fears the dark.



Ace is a slim female with a slightly shorter than average height. Her hair is a dark black and the bottom edges are dyed a deep violet; Ace's hair reaches down to her upper thighs. She usually wears a casual, light colored t-shirt, and shorts. Since she is a little under weight, she is not very strong and is easily overpowered.

Memento: A set of peacock themed headphones that can be seen around her neck or on her head. The headphones give her the ability to listen to things from miles away and cause sound waves in different frequencies. The headphones have intricate designs and they are virtually indestructible, which is a good ting since Ace is constantly dropping them.

Ace is able to render sound waves at different frequencies and use them as she likes. She has the ability to change a person's pitch and octave - a perfect prank idea. Ace can also temporarily cause someone to be deaf, and her hearing is unlike any.

Ace has the ability to sway and persuade the most secluded persons, which proves valuable when she wants something. She can perform Manifestation, but it does drain her energy.

History: Ace was born in a hospital, something many persons share. Her mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer when she was 5, so she lived with the thought that her mother was dwindling and ebbing away tediously. Her family was very close until her mother passed away when she was 8 Her family grew apart after that, and her father remarried to a detached woman. Ace soon had a new sister named Mia who was constantly ignoring her. At the age of 14, four years after her step-sister's birth, Ace used music to help her cope with her chaotic life. School had never been a problem for her, so her grades were fine.

When she first entered Styx, she set out to find her mother, which proved unsuccessful. Ace then lost all hope and resorted to living in a small area in Styx. The past ten years have been spent taking walks around the city, and observing. Many like to stop by at her household, for there is always some tune emitting out of it.

Deucalion said:
Looking good overall, though his Pyre is indeed quite powerful. Perhaps you could add some kind of limitation, like that it can only affect certain materials? Additionally, there is only one way of performing Manifestation and it has nothing to do with molecules. It's as much a spiritual as it is a scientific craft. As such, if he hasn't learned it in the traditional way (An impressive feat) he wouldn't be able to do it. Sorry!
Nice! Again on Manifestation though, if you want to keep his capabilities of it a more mysterious rumor, go ahead, but please PM me if he actually knows how to do it or not, as I would like to know. Once that is done, he is ACCEPTED.

Looks good. Again on Manifestation though (sorry to keep pushing this point) as her Second Life began only ten years ago, she would be quite the novice as far as Manifestation goes and probably can't make too spectacular Mementos. She should also probably have it in her history where she picked up the craft.

I will comment on the characters themselves in just a moment, but first you should pick one of them and give them a solo profile. While you can play multiple characters in Styx, I want them submitted one at a time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
thats quite alright it shouldnt take to long ill do it asap
Name: Isadora Cole

Physical Age: 22

Actual Age: 22

First Death: Osteosarcoma, bone cancer. Diagnosed at age 20.

Personality: Easy-going, quirky, cute, and socially awkward. She is a lover of jazz and cats, a hater of large crowds and boy bands. In social situations she clings to the corner and hides, but she isn't afraid to speak her mind or tell it like it is. She enjoys taking long walks and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Isadora is a homebody with the dream of great adventure. She's open minded towards any and everything. Isa loves to make people smile.


She's small, in the 5'1 100lb kind of way. She has long black lashes to complement her dark green eyes. Isadora keeps her brown hair cut in the pixie style. She dresses trendy, but comfortable and always seems to be carry a book.

Memento: A small, thin bone dagger with a poisonous tip capable of causing up to a minute of temporary paralysis depending on the size of the stabee.

Pyre: A deadly kiss that temporary devoids the recipient of their pyre.

Abilities: She can play the ukulele, sing, and hide very very well.

History: Before her first death Isadora was a energetic young person. She had always considered herself an "old soul". She loved jazz, she loved napping, and she hated anyone younger than her-- just because they were younger than her. Being extremely open-minded, Isadora opened her mind to life of drugs and promiscuous activity at the age of 19, but she always had morals and believed in treating everyone with respect. She wasn't surprised when she was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer at 20. She always had the intuition that she would grow old. She had never had any aspirations in life. So at the age of 22 she stopped treatment.
Name: Darcie Alto

Physical Age: 20

Actual Age: 26

First Death: Jealous of Darcie for the money left to her in their father's will, and knowing well her lack of awareness to her surroundings, her younger sister brought her on a walk deep into the mountains at night. She trapped her in a cave to die of starvation in the dark.

Personality: If you were to use a single word to describe Darcie's external character, it would be absent. No matter what is going on, she always seems to be thinking about something else. Because of this, she is typically thought to be slow, though her mind itself is keen. Reality had always annoyed her anyway, and she found Styx to be an improvement upon it. Darcie is clever, quiet (and likes quiet), lazy, arrogant, and occasionally manipulative when she wants something, though she rarely does. She has a love of science (especially astronomy) and an (understandable) fear of being caught in tight spaces.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-girl-with-brown-hair-HD-Background-wallpaper-1024x575.jpg.0def83178ab4f97a70394629107baeb8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-girl-with-brown-hair-HD-Background-wallpaper-1024x575.jpg.0def83178ab4f97a70394629107baeb8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Darcie has a thick mass of dark waves dropping down to just below her shoulder blades. She is sturdy and around 5'4"-5'5"; she stopped keeping track a while ago. With clouded copper eyes and fair skin, she's pretty in a far off, dreamy sort of way.

Memento: A series of rings on her fingers with sharp jewels. These, when piercing a victim's skin, render them momentarily blind, and forces them into a mindless panic for those few seconds. This allows Darcie to escape whatever spot of trouble she happens to be in.

Pyre: Darcie has the ability to communicate with shadows, which hold vital information about and keys to the nature and emotions of their owners.

Abilities: Having an individual and general knowledge of people due to her pyre, Darcie is skilled in the art of persuasion. Afraid of being caught in a similar situation to her first death, she has trained herself to be stronger and in basic self-defense. She has limited knowledge of manifestation and little desire to learn.

History: Darcie grew up wealthy and, being her father's favorite, got the best of everything. Her family (her mother, father, and younger sister) lived in a large secluded house in the Rocky Mountains. She was home-schooled excelled in almost every subject, but had little ambition to do anything with it. So Darcie continued to live a very comfortable lifestyle with her parents, oblivious (as she was to most things) to her younger sister's resentment towards her. Then, her dad left for a business trip on a plane destined to crash in the Pacific Ocean, and everything changed.

In Styx, she became wisp dealer to support herself, all the while keeping an eye out for her father. As her pyre grew in strength, so did her ability and thus fame as a dealer. She has forged connections with some of the biggest and most powerful wisp hunters and manifestors in Styx, but ironically has little use for them.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-girl-with-brown-hair-HD-Background-wallpaper-1024x575.jpg.0d7b435edbb0308aab3c480c848854ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-girl-with-brown-hair-HD-Background-wallpaper-1024x575.jpg.0d7b435edbb0308aab3c480c848854ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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fatfatsrevenge said:
Name: Isadora Cole
Physical Age: 22

Actual Age: 22

First Death: Osteosarcoma, bone cancer. Diagnosed at age 20.

Personality: Easy-going, quirky, cute, and socially awkward. She is a lover of jazz and cats, a hater of large crowds and boy bands. In social situations she clings to the corner and hides, but she isn't afraid to speak her mind or tell it like it is. She enjoys taking long walks and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Isadora is a homebody with the dream of great adventure. She's open minded towards any and everything. Isa loves to make people smile.


She's small, in the 5'1 100lb kind of way. She has long black lashes to complement her dark green eyes. Isadora keeps her brown hair cut in the pixie style. She dresses trendy, but comfortable and always seems to be carry a book.

Memento: A small, thin bone dagger with a poisonous tip capable of causing up to a minute of temporary paralysis depending on the size of the stabee.

Pyre: A deadly kiss that temporary devoids the recipient of their pyre.

Abilities: She can play the ukulele, sing, and hide very very well.

History: Before her first death Isadora was a energetic young person. She had always considered herself an "old soul". She loved jazz, she loved napping, and she hated anyone younger than her-- just because they were younger than her. Being extremely open-minded, Isadora opened her mind to life of drugs and promiscuous activity at the age of 19, but she always had morals and believed in treating everyone with respect. She wasn't surprised when she was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer at 20. She always had the intuition that she would grow old. She had never had any aspirations in life. So at the age of 22 she stopped treatment.
Very nice! I see no issues here. ACCEPTED.

[QUOTE="Dromio of Ephesus]
Name: Darcie Alto
Physical Age: 20

Actual Age: 26

First Death: Jealous of Darcie for the money left to her in their father's will, and knowing well her lack of awareness to her surroundings, her younger sister brought her on a walk deep into the mountains at night. She trapped her in a cave to die of starvation in the dark.

Personality: If you were to use a single word to describe Darcie's external character, it would be absent. No matter what is going on, she always seems to be thinking about something else. Because of this, she is typically thought to be slow, though her mind itself is keen. Reality had always annoyed her anyway, and she found Styx to be an improvement upon it. Darcie is clever, quiet (and likes quiet), lazy, arrogant, and occasionally manipulative when she wants something, though she rarely does. She has a love of science (especially astronomy) and an (understandable) fear of being caught in tight spaces.


View attachment 68123

Darcie has a thick mass of dark waves dropping down to just below her shoulder blades. She is sturdy and around 5'4"-5'5"; she stopped keeping track a while ago. With clouded copper eyes and fair skin, she's pretty in a far off, dreamy sort of way.

Memento: A series of rings on her fingers with sharp jewels. These, when piercing a victim's skin, render them momentarily blind, and forces them into a mindless panic for those few seconds. This allows Darcie to escape whatever spot of trouble she happens to be in.

Pyre: Darcie has the ability to communicate with shadows, which hold vital information about and keys to the nature and emotions of their owners.

Abilities: Having an individual and general knowledge of people due to her pyre, Darcie is skilled in the art of persuasion. Afraid of being caught in a similar situation to her first death, she has trained herself to be stronger and in basic self-defense. She has limited knowledge of manifestation and little desire to learn.

History: Darcie grew up wealthy and, being her father's favorite, got the best of everything. Her family (her mother, father, and younger sister) lived in a large secluded house in the Rocky Mountains. She was home-schooled excelled in almost every subject, but had little ambition to do anything with it. So Darcie continued to live a very comfortable lifestyle with her parents, oblivious (as she was to most things) to her younger sister's resentment towards her. Then, her dad left for a business trip on a plane destined to crash in the Pacific Ocean, and everything changed.

In Styx, she became wisp dealer to support herself, all the while keeping an eye out for her father. As her pyre grew in strength, so did her ability and thus fame as a dealer. She has forged connections with some of the biggest and most powerful wisp hunters and manifestors in Styx, but ironically has little use for them.

Likewise, ACCEPTED.
Deucalion said:
Looking good overall, though his Pyre is indeed quite powerful. Perhaps you could add some kind of limitation, like that it can only affect certain materials? Additionally, there is only one way of performing Manifestation and it has nothing to do with molecules. It's as much a spiritual as it is a scientific craft. As such, if he hasn't learned it in the traditional way (An impressive feat) he wouldn't be able to do it. Sorry!
Nice! Again on Manifestation though, if you want to keep his capabilities of it a more mysterious rumor, go ahead, but please PM me if he actually knows how to do it or not, as I would like to know. Once that is done, he is ACCEPTED.

Looks good. Again on Manifestation though (sorry to keep pushing this point) as her Second Life began only ten years ago, she would be quite the novice as far as Manifestation goes and probably can't make too spectacular Mementos. She should also probably have it in her history where she picked up the craft.

I will comment on the characters themselves in just a moment, but first you should pick one of them and give them a solo profile. While you can play multiple characters in Styx, I want them submitted one at a time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What about he can only change things into the material they where, ie if he made a door from a wall which was made of wood the door had to made of wood as well, it couldn't be made of metal, will that be okay for a limitation? And okay I'll change the knowing manifestation due to him being in styx for 15 years.
I would greatly prefer if you also added that you could not change living materia (like people). Otherwise yeah, that seems good.
Name: Freyja Lake

Physical Age: 21

Actual Age: 38

First Death: a planned fire burned down freyja's home while she had her younger brother damien over. not much is known about the cause of the farmer.

Personality: freyja is a woman with a little mixed personality. Around someone she likes and or trusts she is pretty laid back and tries to keep a light atmosphere in their current situation of death. But if she feels threatened or that someone she cares about is in danger she will not hesitate in using her abilities or skills against them and can harvest quite a temper.

Appearance: freyja is 5'5 and weighs about 125, she has vibrant red orange hair and bright amber eyes. her skin is a light ivory and she has a slim strong build.


Memento: A long sword that at her command burns a bright searing red and sets fire to anything she cuts into. at her more threatened times the flames actually surround the sword and make it hard to approach.

Pyre: her body can withstand very high temperatures

Abilities: She can sense things from far away and has a good reaction time which helps to get out of bad situations

History: freyja and damiens parents were your every day workers and lived in a nice house by ocean. once freyja was old enough to move out she found a nice small house in a nearby neighborhood. one day her brother came over at a really late hour and was crying over something that had happened at home. he had come out to his parents about being homosexual. after that day he had started staying with his sister more often since their parents were not taking his choices well. after about a year of living off and on with his sister the tragic fire broke out and killed them both.
Last edited by a moderator:
Saul said:
Name: Michael Sessile
Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: 34

First Death:
Michael was killed in a terrorist attack on a shopping centre in England where he lived, the terrorist group comprised of 4 gunmen who walked into the shopping centre and began shooting off bullets in every direction randomly. Michael used himself as a a shield and stopped any bullets hitting his sister, but he died because of this. The gunmen managed to kill 34 people before being taken down by armed police some of which may be in styx as well.

Michael is an empathetic, kind hearted guy who feels he needs to take action even if it means his life, however he can come across pretentious at first, but anyone one who knows him well will know this is entirely unintentional. (He's also gay, I'm just adding this here because I didn't know where to put it and I didn't even know if it would matter)



Michael is a white skinned, tall, male. His hair is blonde and his eyes are a strange blue. He could be called cute by some but he wouldn't ever call himself that, not because he has a low self esteem or anything, but simply because it's just not his 'style'. His usual attire is a loose fitting shirt, a scarf and jeans, (he rarely wears the hat shown in the picture). His build is quite thin, however despite having little muscle he is quite strong.

His memento is a bow, but it is no ordinary bow. First of all it's different in terms of looks, it appears to be incredible ornate, with a small skull tipping each point connected by a winding bone encrusted with various precious things. Secondly it's abilities are far beyond that of a normal bow, It is impossible to break, it can fire amazing distances extremely well, and flaming arrows can be fired without them needing to be lit, however this is optional whenever one an arrow is fired (An unlit arrow can be fired too). it's symbolism could originate from the bow being a ranged weapon, killing from a distance, and so killing almost unfairly, with no possible retaliation from the target party, very similar to a terrorist attack.

Michael's pyre is very unique and quite powerful. He can break down and reshape the molecules of an object into something entirely different, however he needs the molecules of the original thing, he cannot make things out of thin air. For example he might have a predicament where there is a wall blocking his way, his solution would be to transform a section of that wall into a door by reshaping it. Another limitation of his power is that the type of molecules he is using as a source cannot change, lets say he needs to make a chair out of a part of the ground, if the ground which Michael was using is made out of stone the chair will have to be made out of stone too, he cannot change the material to wood or another material more suitable for a chair. He cannot change living things either due to the risk of him mixing the organic material with his own, and the complexity of cells that make up something alive, the exception being plants as their makeup is relatively simple.

Michael is extremely good with a bow, hw can perform extraordinary feats with it from his long practice with it and the abilities of the bow, but archery is not the only thing Michael practiced, over the 15 years he has been in styx Michael has spent many of those days slaving away in order to be able to perform the art of manifestation. He now can, and he his extremely proficient with it.

Michaels first years in university were his last alive. Even though he did get into a highly rated university he didn't spend very much time time studying, and so his grades were drastically impacted by this. He preferred to spend his time gaming and browsing the web, it's most likely that if he'd carried on and not died he would have been kicked out.

Michaels close family included his mother and his fraternal (non-identical) sister. He and his mother were present at the terrorist attack, and his inevitable first death however they still both live to this day. The terrorist attack occurred on the 24th of January. A plane was high jacked and forced to land in a nearby field, the police rushed to the plane to apprehend of course but by the time they had tracked the high jackers it was too late, they had already made their way to a nearby shopping centre, armed to the teeth with guns and explosives. By the time they were shot dead the had killed 34 civilians, one of which of course included Michael, he was shot dead as he shielded his sister from the bullets. Though now none of that really matters, he's dead after all. he'll never see them again, but at least they still live in a world they would prefer over the one Michael was in.
Since the requested modifications have been made, Michael has been ACCEPTED.

MorticiansDaughter said:
Name: Damien Lake
Physical Age:18

Actual Age:38

First Death: a planned fire burned down freyja's home while she had her younger brother damien over. not much is known about the cause of the farmer.


Damien was always the shy sibling and wasnt always the strong type. but he will use whatever strength he has to protect his older sibling though she doesnt really need it. He also trusts people a little to easily. around strangers he gets quite and timid. he thinks hes an embarrassment to his sister and all the she does for him but they are all they have anymore and need each other.



Damien is 6'1 and has a slim build, his hair is brighter red than his sister and his his fathers dark red eyes


A gun that fires flaming bullets, it has a lot of the same abilities as his sisters except that his once piercing its victim burns them from the inside out and only burns the skin.


he doesnt use it often but he can blow fire and when fire is present he can manipulate and control it


freyja and damiens parents were your every day workers and lived in a nice house by ocean. once freyja was old enough to move out she found a nice small house in a nearby neighborhood. one day her brother came over at a really late hour and was crying over something that had happened at home. he had come out to his parents about being homosexual. after that day he had started staying with his sister more often since their parents were not taking his choices well. after about a year of living off and on with his sister the tragic fire broke out and killed them both.
I would like you to pay a bit more mind to things like grammar, punctuation and capitalization when actually writing in-character, but otherwise Damien is ACCEPTED.

MorticiansDaughter said:
Name: Freyja Lake
Physical Age: 21

Actual Age: 38

First Death: a planned fire burned down freyja's home while she had her younger brother damien over. not much is known about the cause of the farmer.

Personality: freyja is a woman with a little mixed personality. Around someone she likes and or trusts she is pretty laid back and tries to keep a light atmosphere in their current situation of death. But if she feels threatened or that someone she cares about is in danger she will not hesitate in using her abilities or skills against them and can harvest quite a temper.

Appearance: freyja is 5'5 and weighs about 125, she has vibrant red orange hair and bright amber eyes. her skin is a light ivory and she has a slim strong build.


Memento: A long sword that at her command burns a bright searing red and sets fire to anything she cuts into. at her more threatened times the flames actually surround the sword and make it hard to approach.

Pyre: her body can withstand very high temperatures and she can will her body to be consumed in fire

Abilities: .can call upon more of her power to create canine like creatures that are made purely of flames.

History: freyja and damiens parents were your every day workers and lived in a nice house by ocean. once freyja was old enough to move out she found a nice small house in a nearby neighborhood. one day her brother came over at a really late hour and was crying over something that had happened at home. he had come out to his parents about being homosexual. after that day he had started staying with his sister more often since their parents were not taking his choices well. after about a year of living off and on with his sister the tragic fire broke out and killed them both.
Freyja's Pyre would either be the heat immunity and combustion, or it would be summoning fiery familiars. Not both. I realize you put the canine creatures under Abilities, but a power of that sort does falls under Pyre still. Abilities are more mundane skills and crafts.
Deucalion said:
Since the requested modifications have been made, Michael has been ACCEPTED.
I would like you to pay a bit more mind to things like grammar, punctuation and capitalization when actually writing in-character, but otherwise Damien is ACCEPTED.

Freyja's Pyre would either be the heat immunity and combustion, or it would be summoning fiery familiars. Not both. I realize you put the canine creatures under Abilities, but a power of that sort does falls under Pyre still. Abilities are more mundane skills and crafts.
ok ill make the changes now and yea i have a new laptop so it doesnt auto capitalize like my old one sadly and still getting used to it
Name: Tristan Walhart.

Physical Age: 27

Actual Age: 39

First Death: Tristan was a Police Officer stationed in a humble rural town. Despite his humble position, he was loved by the general populace due to his inmense sense of duty and selfless sacrifice. Sadly, his virtues ended up being his undoing: Tristan pushed out a distracted, lovey-dovey couple out of a collapsing sign-post's way, and was crushed in the act.

Personality: Most would imagine a stern Police Officer to be the peak of seriousness, but Tristan has always been laid back. He is a very social person, who doesn't mind chatting up and learning more about those around him while cracking a joke or two. He keeps a cool head at all time, keeping his training to heart. He has no qualms with sacrifice, and will get extremely serious when others are in danger. Even though he does all he can, he always takes every life he fails to save as a serious blow in his conscience.

Appearance: Tristan sports a height of about 1.91m. His short hair is crimson red, contrasting with his blue eyes. His eyes perpetually stay half closed, even when he's expressing joy. His build, while not like a bodybuilder's, is bulky and toned. After arriving in Styx, he took to wearing a white & gold plated armor to ward off attacks. All in all, he's basically a male version of


Memento: Tristan carries a shield of considerable size, adorned with ornate patterns,which he uses to both protect others and attack alike. This shield seems to be nigh unbreakable, in Tristan's several years in Styx is has never suffered a crack. It can also shoot blinding rays of light in front of it, mostly used to stun & run or to bash into the distracted target. It is incredibly heavy, almost unbearably so, to anyone who isn't Tristan.

Pyre: Life-Link. This pyre enables the user to link his soul to another's, and redirect damage caused to himself while reducing it a fair amount. While this makes his target not suffer pain, they would still be displaced by attacks affecting them (a punch would still send them flying, but Tristan would bear the brunt of the hit, pain included).

Abilities: Revenants are sturdy by default. But if one could say Tristan has a notable ability, it would be just how much pain he can bear, compared to others. Tristan constantly endures harsh training to raise his endurance and make the most out of his Pyre

History: An Orphan (by no untimely accident, and rather by abandonment), Tristan was taken in by two humble farmers, who weren't able to have children. While he was never told of this, he began to suspect it due to his crimson hair not matching anyone in his family. Regardless, he never cared, and loved his family dearly. Remembering that he died before his parents, bringing them great pain, is always troubling in his mind.

Tristan always looked up to the police force in his rural town, ever since he was saved by a burglar in his childhood. He never gave thought to other careers, and immediately jumped into training after finishing his studies. Even to this day, the moment he began being reffered to as "Officer Walhart" is perhaps the memory that fills him with utmost joy, and he always took pride in his job.

While you wouldn't say his life was exceptional, dozens would refer to him as their savior. He would often work while off duty if a colleague got sick, and never took vacations. Seeing his town safe was all he needed to be happy, choosing not to pursue relationships of any kind.

After arriving at Styx, he felt incredibly distressed, just wandering about and mourning his loss silently. However, he never regretted his choice, as he was sure the couple had surely lived. His grief was short-lived, however, as every day he found out little ways to help others in this ever changing world, specially during the Hauntings.
Plight said:
Name: Tristan Walhart.
Physical Age: 27

Actual Age: 39

First Death: Tristan was a Police Officer stationed in a humble rural town. Despite his humble position, he was loved by the general populace due to his inmense sense of duty and selfless sacrifice. Sadly, his virtues ended up being his undoing: Tristan pushed out a distracted, lovey-dovey couple out of a collapsing sign-post's way, and was crushed in the act.

Personality: Most would imagine a stern Police Officer to be the peak of seriousness, but Tristan has always been laid back. He is a very social person, who doesn't mind chatting up and learning more about those around him while cracking a joke or two. He keeps a cool head at all time, keeping his training to heart. He has no qualms with sacrifice, and will get extremely serious when others are in danger. Even though he does all he can, he always takes every life he fails to save as a serious blow in his conscience.

Appearance: Tristan sports a height of about 1.91m. His short hair is crimson red, contrasting with his blue eyes. His eyes perpetually stay half closed, even when he's expressing joy. His build, while not like a bodybuilder's, is bulky and toned. After arriving in Styx, he took to wearing a white & gold plated armor to ward off attacks. All in all, he's basically a male version of


Memento: Tristan carries a shield of considerable size, adorned with ornate patterns,which he uses to both protect others and attack alike. This shield seems to be nigh unbreakable, in Tristan's several years in Styx is has never suffered a crack. It can also shoot blinding rays of light in front of it, mostly used to stun & run or to bash into the distracted target. It is incredibly heavy, almost unbearably so, to anyone who isn't Tristan.

Pyre: Life-Link. This pyre enables the user to link his soul to another's, and redirect damage caused to himself while reducing it a fair amount. While this makes his target not suffer pain, they would still be displaced by attacks affecting them (a punch would still send them flying, but Tristan would bear the brunt of the hit, pain included).

Abilities: Revenants are sturdy by default. But if one could say Tristan has a notable ability, it would be just how much pain he can bear, compared to others. Tristan constantly endures harsh training to raise his endurance and make the most out of his Pyre

History: An Orphan (by no untimely accident, and rather by abandonment), Tristan was taken in by two humble farmers, who weren't able to have children. While he was never told of this, he began to suspect it due to his crimson hair not matching anyone in his family. Regardless, he never cared, and loved his family dearly. Remembering that he died before his parents, bringing them great pain, is always troubling in his mind.

Tristan always looked up to the police force in his rural town, ever since he was saved by a burglar in his childhood. He never gave thought to other careers, and immediately jumped into training after finishing his studies. Even to this day, the moment he began being reffered to as "Officer Walhart" is perhaps the memory that fills him with utmost joy, and he always took pride in his job.

While you wouldn't say his life was exceptional, dozens would refer to him as their savior. He would often work while off duty if a colleague got sick, and never took vacations. Seeing his town safe was all he needed to be happy, choosing not to pursue relationships of any kind.

After arriving at Styx, he felt incredibly distressed, just wandering about and mourning his loss silently. However, he never regretted his choice, as he was sure the couple had surely lived. His grief was short-lived, however, as every day he found out little ways to help others in this ever changing world, specially during the Hauntings.
Looking good. No noteworthy problems here. ACCEPTED. 

CloudKitteh said:

Character Template

Ace Fina Limsan

Physical Age: 17 1/2

Actual Age: 27 1/2

First Death: Ace died tragically in an earthquake after being crushed to death by her household. The earthquake took place in modern day Northern California, Sacramento. The quake was large, one of the largest natural disaster the area had seen in some time. Ace was currently listening to modern K-POP at the time of the earthquake.

Personality: Ace is witty and intelligent - horrible at jokes. She is usually alone, listening to some beat with her Memento Headphones. Ace can be cold at times, and her demeanor is one that is secluded and distant. She is a very picky eater and sometimes does not know when to stop trying. She is determined and stubborn. Ace loves any type of beat, and she fears the dark.



Ace is a slim female with a slightly shorter than average height. Her hair is a dark black and the bottom edges are dyed a deep violet; Ace's hair reaches down to her upper thighs. She usually wears a casual, light colored t-shirt, and shorts. Since she is a little under weight, she is not very strong and is easily overpowered.

Memento: A set of peacock themed headphones that can be seen around her neck or on her head. The headphones give her the ability to listen to things from miles away and cause sound waves in different frequencies. The headphones have intricate designs and they are virtually indestructible, which is a good ting since Ace is constantly dropping them.

Ace is able to render sound waves at different frequencies and use them as she likes. She has the ability to change a person's pitch and octave - a perfect prank idea. Ace can also temporarily cause someone to be deaf, and her hearing is unlike any.

Ace has the ability to sway and persuade the most secluded persons, which proves valuable when she wants something. She can perform Manifestation, but it does drain her energy.

History: Ace was born in a hospital, something many persons share. Her mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer when she was 5, so she lived with the thought that her mother was dwindling and ebbing away tediously. Her family was very close until her mother passed away when she was 8 Her family grew apart after that, and her father remarried to a detached woman. Ace soon had a new sister named Mia who was constantly ignoring her. At the age of 14, four years after her step-sister's birth, Ace used music to help her cope with her chaotic life. School had never been a problem for her, so her grades were fine.

When she first entered Styx, she set out to find her mother, which proved unsuccessful. Ace then lost all hope and resorted to living in a small area in Styx. The past ten years have been spent taking walks around the city, and observing. Many like to stop by at her household, for there is always some tune emitting out of it. She learned Manifestation from watching other Revenants perform and by practicing it when she had the chance. Her Manifestation powers are very week, as she is only a novice.

Name: Alexander Blitz

Physical Age: 20

Actual Age:20

First Death:Shot to the heart

Personality:Eager to overcome himself in a very loud way , fails badly at cracking jokes but that never lets him down, even when he got rejected like 57 times at high school by almost every girl he met, but when he felt bad he just did exercise. He tries to help his friends in anyway he can (or tried at least) and he can't resist the urge to fight.

Appearance: His height is around 2.07 Meters , quite muscular , broad shoulders, jet black hair ,brown eyes , has a scar on the back.

Memento: Knuckles made out of some strange iron, it has some weird skulls on the top part of it and spikes on the front which seem to be stuck to his hands for some reason.

Pyre: Spacial Observation. Allows you to know where your enemy is coming from to "feel their presence". Coming along with enhanced reflexes to tell where your enemy is attacking you from but reacting to them depends entirely on Alexander.

Abilities: He's got quite some strength to be able to wield his knuckles without trouble but he lacks the speed and agility to use his pyre at 100 percent effectiveness but that won't be a problem for long. Having an affinity for martial arts the knuckles work well for him but his fists aren't his only weapons, thanks to his outstanding height his kicks have a farther reach than any normal martial artist .

History: Alexander is a bastard whom father left him with his mother , but that barely affected his everyday life because of her mother. A loving woman who cared deeply for him and did not see him as an accident but a bliss.

Alexander had an average education but his real affinity was being outside playing around with his friends , but one day he found a dojo on town for people of all ages. He convinced his mother of allowing him to join because of the idea of a new experience he was very intrigued hence he joined at the age of 10, but his mother felt it was quite dangerous for him so he didn't wanted her to feel worried about him therefore he thought about being the very best that dojo could ever come across. His mother hearing this from him decided to support him on this and bought some fighting gloves that were big for him but Alexander simply said that he would grow taller and bigger so his gloves being big didn't really matter .

8 years passed and he kept going at the same dojo in town but he was graduating soon and was going to college it was sad for him but he kept a broad smile on him because he knew he would be able to join another dojo wherever he went but he started to feel this emptiness for quite some time since he felt that fighting in the dojo on safe environment wasn't really a real life experience where he could feel adrenaline fill him up and to be able to punch with this feeling of a life - death situation, but that seemed to rarely happen on his hometown.

After 2 years he left his hometown he was in college studying philosophy for him later to join up with the Grand dojos on Asia to see if he could meet a challenge that would give him the adrenaline he always wanted to fight with, but the one night he found that opportunity when he discovered a thug robbing one of his classmates he went at him with the idea "my time is now" or so he believed yet destiny had something very different set for him. When he was approaching the thug he noticed Alexander going for him and he simply pulled a gun out of his jacket that Alexander couldn't notice due to the dark and the bullet that sent him to Styx was shot. He didn't even realize what hit him he was just thinking about becoming the very best and not being able to dodge bullet made him close his eyes on pure disappointment.As he died out on the ground his memory just showed him an image of his mother giving him the fighting gloves she bought him 10 years ago.
Caius said:
Name: Alexander Blitz
Physical Age: 20

Actual Age:20

First Death:Shot to the heart

Personality:Eager to overcome himself in a very loud way , fails badly at cracking jokes but that never lets him down, even when he got rejected like 57 times at high school by almost every girl he met, but when he felt bad he just did exercise. He tries to help his friends in anyway he can (or tried at least) and he can't resist the urge to fight.

Appearance: His height is around 2.07 Meters , quite muscular , broad shoulders, jet black hair ,brown eyes , has a scar on the back.

Memento: Knuckles made out of some strange iron, it has some weird skulls on the top part of it and spikes on the front which seem to be stuck to his hands for some reason.

Pyre: Spacial Observation. Allows you to know where your enemy is coming from to "feel their presence". Coming along with enhanced reflexes to tell where your enemy is attacking you from but reacting to them depends entirely on Alexander.

Abilities: He's got quite some strength to be able to wield his knuckles without trouble but he lacks the speed and agility to use his pyre at 100 percent effectiveness but that won't be a problem for long. Having an affinity for martial arts the knuckles work well for him but his fists aren't his only weapons, thanks to his outstanding height his kicks have a farther reach than any normal martial artist .

History: Alexander is a bastard whom father left him with his mother , but that barely affected his everyday life because of her mother. A loving woman who cared deeply for him and did not see him as an accident but a bliss.

Alexander had an average education but his real affinity was being outside playing around with his friends , but one day he found a dojo on town for people of all ages. He convinced his mother of allowing him to join because of the idea of a new experience he was very intrigued hence he joined at the age of 10, but his mother felt it was quite dangerous for him so he didn't wanted her to feel worried about him therefore he thought about being the very best that dojo could ever come across. His mother hearing this from him decided to support him on this and bought some fighting gloves that were big for him but Alexander simply said that he would grow taller and bigger so his gloves being big didn't really matter .

8 years passed and he kept going at the same dojo in town but he was graduating soon and was going to college it was sad for him but he kept a broad smile on him because he knew he would be able to join another dojo wherever he went but he started to feel this emptiness for quite some time since he felt that fighting in the dojo on safe environment wasn't really a real life experience where he could feel adrenaline fill him up and to be able to punch with this feeling of a life - death situation, but that seemed to rarely happen on his hometown.

After 2 years he left his hometown he was in college studying philosophy for him later to join up with the Grand dojos on Asia to see if he could meet a challenge that would give him the adrenaline he always wanted to fight with, but the one night he found that opportunity when he discovered a thug robbing one of his classmates he went at him with the idea "my time is now" or so he believed yet destiny had something very different set for him. When he was approaching the thug he noticed Alexander going for him and he simply pulled a gun out of his jacket that Alexander couldn't notice due to the dark and the bullet that sent him to Styx was shot. He didn't even realize what hit him he was just thinking about becoming the very best and not being able to dodge bullet made him close his eyes on pure disappointment.As he died out on the ground his memory just showed him an image of his mother giving him the fighting gloves she bought him 10 years ago.
All in all, seems good. When commenting on his height (which is quite impressive) I assume you mean that he's so tall so his legs would reach further. Just making sure, as 'farther reach than any normal martial artist' is a bit misleading. There's plenty of tall martial artists.

All in all though, this seems quite alright to me. ACCEPTED.
Character Template

Name: Savannah Marie Cross

Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: 21

First Death: She was stabbed to death after a concert, a cruel enemy after revenge.

Personality: She is generally accepting of most people, apart from people that believe they know it all. She loves music and wouldnt be able to function with out it. Dislikes most animals.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.0a512ca97d9f359d567fa6ccf72cb2ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.0a512ca97d9f359d567fa6ccf72cb2ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Momento: Her misleding seemingly huge gun, that shrinks into a small pocket sized version of itself.

Pyre: Savvy has the ability to sense danger, before the threat becomes aparent in the surroundings, before others. She ginds it extremely helpful, but is still very anxious about going on in this new world.

Abilities: She was born with a natural ablitly to read into others dreams, to help or harm other beings.

History: Savvy lived with only one other person, her younger sister, Wynter. She still hunts for a way to get back to wynter.



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SavvyCross said:
Character Template
Savannah Marie Cross

Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: 21

First Death: She was stabbed to death after a concert, a cruel enemy after revenge.

Personality: She is generally accepting of most people, apart from people that believe they know it all. She loves music and wouldnt be able to function with out it. Dislikes most animals.

Appearance: View attachment 71339

Momento: Her misleding seemingly huge gun, that shrinks into a small pocket sized version of itself.

Savvy has the ability to sense danger, before the threat becomes aparent in the surroundings, before others. She ginds it extremely helpful, but is still very anxious about going on in this new world.

Abilities: She was born with a natural ablitly to read into others dreams, to help or harm other beings.

History: Savvy lived with only one other person, her younger sister, Wynter. She still hunts for a way to get back to wynter.
Nice, nice. Nothing really sticks out as wrong to me. ACCEPTED.

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