Journal stupid people

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alex the fox

forsaken star
people don't give warnings so i am sick of it, they just kill their characters and don't let them grow from it.
This sounds like perhaps something that would be better settled in PMing? I'm not sure how you think we could help with this.
That is unfortunate. I'm sorry you've had games that have had that.

Also, this belongs in the Personal Topics section. I'll go ahead and move this to the proper location for you. :)
they just don't listen they don't even care if i get banned or delete my account. so i decided there should be like a warning for people who kick for no reason or kill of without tellling them the reason
I am sorry that you feel that way. However, I am sure you will find something if you keep on looking! Each person has a certain way that they play their Characters and their respective reactions to certain events, so maybe you just haven't found the right group? Maybe you could attempt to plan with people in your threads so you all can figure how you want to react to an event?

Of course, it is still up to each individual, so it would be best to be polite and not refer to those as "Stupid". It really isn't constructive and doesn't help anyone. This situation is also out of our hands, and as Elle says, we can't help with this type of problem.
[QUOTE="alex the fox]they just don't listen they don't even care if i get banned or delete my account. so i decided there should be like a warning for people who kick for no reason or kill of without tellling them the reason

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but people will be people.
So, umm...I don't exactly have had that problem before, but that is very rude of people to do to someone. What I would do is PM the person and at least try to understand why they did what they did. Sometimes we see what is on the surface and don't look for anything else. In other words, maybe the person has personal issues that they need to deal with or it could be that they just got bored.

In either case, it's better to ask the person what's up before making assumptions.
[QUOTE="alex the fox]i think i will suggest the warning system to random kickers and other jerks

Wait did they kick you from the roleplay? Because they're totally allowed to do that without a reason. It's the power that creating a roleplay gives you. If I recall correctly.
Alex - There is already a warning system in use, but it doesn't involve kicking anyone because of RP disputes. If the rules of the site aren't being broken, all you can do is PM the offending person and talk to them about it.
i gave them the reason why they killed me off yet they were like " NOPE!! you will never grow go to simple forumns
[QUOTE="alex the fox]i gave them the reason why they killed me off yet they were like " NOPE!! you will never grow go to simple forumns

They were being a jerk? Still don't quite understand but I'm trying to.
[QUOTE="alex the fox]they never give second chances

That's just the attitude of the GM. Unfortunately we all have to deal with people like that.
I think I found the roleplay.

Yeah, those people weren't exactly nice about it. Just move on, forget about those guys and join another roleplay. Nothing you can do.

I do believe they broke some site rules though, by calling alex some pretty mean things. :\
[QUOTE="alex the fox]and this is why i wanted the post length tags, or no tags at all

That still doesn't give you the right to change roleplay tags - they weren't kind about it, so you leave, you join roleplays that are fit for you.
no i am not like that, i am about to explode in rage and coldness. so i thought about deleting my account so i can just ugh break some stuff
For those of you struggling to comprehend the situation, I'll put it to rest for you.

Alex joined an RP thread based in a Walking Dead like apocalypse in the casual section. He first made unrealistic characters even for a zombie apocalypse with little to no detail and even using a nail gun as a weapon. After an amount of discussion with the thread creator and other members of the thread, he was accepted under the assumption that he would follow the rule of posting at least a short paragraph in character. He did not post in character for most of his time in the In Character thread and when he did post it was one lined post. This broke the rules stated of not posting out of character content on the In Character tab and that posts should be at least a paragraph.

Other thread members as well as the creator of the thread discussed the matter by PM and settled that Alex was not fit for the thread. Having prior experience with Alex on other threads and knowing that it is his norm to RP on a Simple level in Casual threads, I was tasked with killing his characters by the thread creator. His characters were killed of and he was informed of this in the same post. After his characters being killed, he threw somewhat of a tantrum in the Out Of Character tab while I tried to offer him solutions so that he could roleplay more effectively elsewhere. There was some name calling by one of the members that was uncalled for but it was not the main argument made against him.

The main problem is the clash of skill level against the type of thread as well as specific rules set by the thread creator. We have nothing against Alex, he was just in the wrong thread for his skill level.
I think you need to take a break until you've cooled off and then maybe go look and find some RPs that are more accepting. But you do need to remember that GMs make their own rules as well and if you don't follow said rules, they have the right to boot you from the RP. Just reviewing the threads, while I admit they were pretty rude about it (or at least the person using the word "dumb" was) they were in the right... If the GM asked for longer posts and you failed to deliver, it was a legitimate cause to remove you from the RP.

Just be sure to review all the rules before you join and if you have questions, ask the GM in a conversation message -- but honestly, all I'm seeing here is salt, over having been kicked...

@Sensei Fox - And while I thank you for the clarification I would probably just recommend that before you or anyone else kill off another person's character you at least inform that person ahead of time, instead of after the fact. Put yourself in Alex's position ... You log on to post and your character is dead and no one told you it was going to happen. It's just bad form... *Shrug* Unfortunately, it's also not against the site rules... but bad form, nonetheless.
GMs have the ability to kick people from the roleplay whenever they please. Getting upset over it isn't helping you or hurting them, @alex the fox . Please consider this next time you join an RP on here. I don't want you to feel you need to delete your account over such a trivial thing, but you can do as you wish.
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