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Realistic or Modern Stupid Cupid


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
(<3)Welcome to Stupid Cupid(</3)

There are 7.125 billion people on the planet and you're supposed to find that one person to spend the rest of your life with. The odds don't really appear to be in your favor, do they? It's okay we're here to help.

Welcome to Stupid Cupid! A live television show in which a scientific formula is used to match up our contestants with another contestant with the capability of being soulmates. However, throughout the process they don't know who their soulmates are and nothing says they'll even end up with their initial soulmate. So join us each week as we watch the friendships, love, and maybe even some love grow among our contestants.


Hello and welcome to the first episode of Stupid Cupid! Tonight all 6 of our contestants will meet for the very first time. They'll spend the night just getting to know each other over drinks, casual conversation, and maybe even the pool and jacuzzi outside. Will sparks fly like the 4th of July or will the hope of true love die? Let's welcome our guests and find out. Here comes the first limo now.
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Riley Banks

It was time. The mansion was coming into view, there was no running for Riley now. She had told herself over and over that she was ready to open herself up again. It was time, she couldn't let this single relationship leave her alone forever. Riley took a breath as the limo that was provided by the show pulled up into driveway. She got out and stared at the new mansion that was going to be her home for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, it will also be the house in which she is paired with the love of her life. Riley had turned to get her bags, but crews were already carrying her things inside for her. The redhead followed the crew inside and was in awe at how large the house was. She came from a comfortable economic background but this was still a huge house. Riley pulled out the dress she was going to wear tonight in efforts to begin getting ready for the meet and greet. She finished up her hair and makeup then slipped the dress on. Riley smiled as she put on the finishing touches. It had been forever since she got dressed up to meet new people and it was kind of exciting. Riley slipped her heels on just in time to be summoned down to the living room with the rest of the contestants.

**Places everyone, All contestants are to report to the living room.**

With each descending step, everything became more and more real. It was time for Riley to change who she was. She needed to open her heart back up. She needed to let someone in. She wanted to meet someone who made her feel whole again. Riley entered the living room and sat down where the producers told her and waited silently. Her mind was racing with what type of guys were going to be joining her. One of them will possibly be her soulmate. She chewed her lip as she imagined the type of guys that could be coming downstairs right this moment. Her mind was quickly filled the perfect man that she had hoped would be walking through that door to sweep her off her feet, just like in every romance novel that she had read throughout her education.

Riley was pulled away from her thoughts as the producers were quickly ushering more contestants into the living room to join her. She glanced up to see a tall blond haired male walking in with a mop of unruly hair on his head. She raised a slight eyebrow, he wasn't exactly what she was picturing in her head, but he was still cute. Maybe he had an even better personality. Riley gave him a polite smile as he was seated on the couch across from her. It looked like the producers were doing the seating based on gender. If there were more guys with similar attractive features this would be a bit more fun than she had initially intended.



Samuel Michaels

Samuel sat in the limo cursing his mother for signing him up for this show. Granted, he couldn't really be that mad at her. It was just he didn't really mind being single. His concerns were making sure that he and his mother had everything that they ever needed, and that their past didn't follow them to their new home. The two were finally happy, but his mother insisted that he find a girl to share his life with. He begrudgingly agreed and that landed him in his current situation. He was watching a ginormous house coming into view as the limo drove towards it. His mother sent him a brief text reminding him to go in their with an open mind. Sam just smiled and chuckled softly to himself, his mother and him really did love each other unconditionally. But maybe having a girlfriend could fill a hole that he didn't realize that he had. The limo came to a stop and the door was opened for him and his bags were taken to the house. He followed the crew in and to his bedroom. He thanked them and glanced at the mirror after they left. He was just going to go to the meet and greet in his jeans and zip up hoodie, but his mother's voice echoed through his head about making a good first impression. So naturally, he pulled out a suit and got changed. He tried taming his hair, but it was a bit of a hopeless cause. He had just adjusted his tie when he was summoned down to the living room.

**Places everyone, All contestants are to report to the living room.**

As he made his way down the stairs, he saw a wisp of red trail behind a girl as she turned the corner. Sam began to realize that he was going to be trying to 'woo' girls. He had never had a girlfriend, let alone flirted with a girl. Sam took a deep breath and began to give himself a pep talk as he approached the living room. Girls are just like guys. They're people too. He could do this, he just needed to talk to them and if it was meant to be a spark would fly...right? That's how love works, right? Stuff just happens. Sam had to look confident, girls liked that right? He ran a nervous hand through his hair, only making it a bit more unruly but that was always his hair. He had to put ten pounds of product in it if he wanted it to stay in place. Sam wasn't one to be all too concerned with his looks anyway.

The producer ushered him in and the only other person in there right now was a red head. She was pretty cute, but he still would have to get to know her more before he made any judgments. Sam returned the polite smile that he received from her. He bounced his leg nervously as he waited for the other contestants to come out and join them. So far it looked like the producers did a fairly good job at getting attractive girls so he wasn't worried. All Sam had to do was find a girl with a compatible personality and someone he just clicked with. Hopefully one of these girls could be the one. That is if he learned how to flirt with a girl properly. Hell, maybe they'd find his inexperience cute.

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Jesse Calloway sat in the back of the cab. How had he let his sister talk him into this? So what, he hadn't dated in a while? He was capable of finding a girl on his won, without using some stupid game show. He sighed, fixing his suit. A suit, he hadn't worn once since his sister's wedding. Sure, he looked halfway decent in it, but did it matter? He looked out the window and sat up when he saw the house, letting out a low whistle. "Wow." He muttered. It was... Huge. Was this for rich people? He thought about his small apartment back in Queens, his crappy job. Fantastic, he was fitting in already. The cab pulled up front, and Jesse paid the driver before grabbing his bag and walking in. He didn't pack much, just a suitcase and his backpack. He was escorted to his bedroom and unpacked quickly before walking into the bathroom, staring at himself. He fixed his jacket quickly, messing with his hair.

"Please everyone, all contestants are to report to the living room."

Where did that voice come from? Jesse shrugged, giving himself one last cursory glance before walking slowly downstairs to where he had seen the living room. The house felt even bigger from the inside, and he felt like a flea. A very replaceable flea. The producer saw him, smiling, and showed him where to sit. Two people were there already, a pretty redheaded girl and a nervous looking guy. He looked at both before reclining in his chair, biting the inside of his lip. He wasn't scared. He wasn't uncomfortable. He had some dating experience, it just never ended well. What was the point of falling in love if it always came crashing down? But his sister, Toni, disagreed.

You need to get out there, Jesse. You need to fall in love again, you were happier.

Of course he had been happier. Love was just... Nature's way of tricking you into reproducing. But it's fake. He had stopped believing in it. That was why he didn't want to be there, in that mansion, looking for the love of his life. The other ones wanted this. He didn't.
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Breann sat nervously in the limo on the way to the location of the tv show, part of her was excited and yet the other side was scared. She really had no clue what she was in for, she kept thinking about her family, when she left they seemed excited for her to go, hopefully finding that perfect person for her. She kept looking back and forth from the window then down to her hands, her hands were shaking a little. She opened up a small compact mirror out of her purse, she checked to make sure her makeup looked nice and her hair was cooperating for once, if she were to meet her future husband she wanted to look her best. She instantly thought of the past, her last relationship and how heart broken she was when she found out that he had cheated. She had to think positive, she quietly said to herself "You can do this, you will be fine" she repeated over and over again.

She looked out the window noticing a large house coming into view, she felt the limo slow down and eventually come to a stop. She could hear the driver get out and noticed his shadow through the window approaching the back door, she took a deep breath and when the door opened she slowly stepped out and looked around. It was a very nice place, in fact she was in awe over it, a lot fancier than she had originally expected. She smiled politely at the man who grabbed her bags and she followed him into the house, she tried to continue to look around but also follow the man up to her bedroom. Once she arrived there, she looked around more, she sat down for a second, but then she was able to hear something, some one on the intercom saying to go down stairs to the living room.

She took a few minutes to check her hair and make up once again, she slowly walked out her door, closed it quietly behind her. Her heels making a loud clicking sound as she descended down the stairs. She walked with caution mainly because she really wasn't sure exactly where she was supposed to go, the producer directed her to the living room, she smiled as she walked in keeping her head held high. She noticed 2 guys and girl already in the room. The girl was a red head, she looked nice but you never really know, the one guy seemed really nervous to be there while the other seemed very calm and relaxed, she smiled at the three of them before sitting down. She let out a shaky breath and waited for the others to arrive.

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Maddox Calloway (no relation to Andrew--or Jesse?--Calloway, who had also been cast on the show) was fully enjoying the ride in the limo. He'd been in one a few times before, but every time it just felt like the lap of luxury. Ah, what a life. It suits me, he thought to himself. He eyed the mansion as it pulled into view, impressed in spite of himself. He'd been lucky enough to come from a rather wealthy home, but even his parents' house was a little on the small side compared to this. All this space for only six people. Originally, he had been a little surprised at the size of the cast; he had thought there would be more. The more he thought about it, though, the more he thought that perhaps the producer was on to something by having fewer people. They would all be forced to know each other a little better, and emotions would probably run higher if, say, all three men preferred one particular girl, because you couldn't help but know who she was hanging out with and what they were doing while all you could do was pretend to smile and be friends. For a time. Oh, he could practically smell the drama.

His phone buzzed twice in quick succession as the driver parked in front of the doors, and Maddox glanced at it before stepping out of the limo. He laughed at the texts. One from his sister telling him to have fun but please don't embarrass her, and one from his brother telling him not to do anything stupid and please don't embarrass him. "Oh, ye of little faith," he muttered, stepping out. His bags were apparently being taken care of for him, so he followed the workers' lead to his room. "Nice," he whistled. The view was awesome, but he was a little dubious about the comfort of the chair that had been provided. Still, the whole room felt like a very high-end, publicity-garnering hotel. This show was going to be great.

He had been told beforehand that his first official, recorded meeting with the other contestants--cast members?--would be that night and that he should dress appropriately, so Maddox moved to slip into a pair of stain- and hole-free darkwash jeans, a pale blue button-up shirt, and a silver-and-blue striped tie. He rolled up his sleeves and combed his pale blond hair until he was happy with it. No need to dress up too much for this meeting, right? Besides, he'd tucked his shirt in, and that was fancy enough. Casual, but still stylish. Perfect.

The voice over the intercom urged him downstairs. Once Maddox got there, he briefly wondered if he should have dressed up more, since the other two were in suits. But in the next second, he decided it would just make him stand out, and that was the point, right? "Evening, fellas. Ladies." He sat where the producer directed him and glanced briefly at the girls. Very pretty, both of them. Where was the third one? He glanced at the producer and the camera crew, wondering how exactly this was gonna go down.

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Aurelia sat in the limo, dressed to the nines as she fiddled with her thumbs in nervousness. It would be her first time on national television and she had no clue how to act in front of a camera. Psh. That was a lie and she knew it. She's a dancer for pete's sakes and being in front of the camera is a daily thing to her. No, she was nervous of how the other people would think of her. Would she be too outgoing? Too meek? Will she always smile? Will she annoy people more easily? Questions kept coming into her head one after the other that she didn't notice that she had reached her destination.

Looking out the window, she let out a low whistle as the mansion came into view. It was a nice mansion, very roomy for supposedly housing just six people.
'I wonder if they're all going to be taller than me...?' She thought to herself as she opened the door as soon as the limo halted. Her bags were apparently going to be taken care of and she was going to be lead around by the staff. Just as she stepped onto the pavement, a woman appeared in front of her, leading her into the mansion and passed on to a man who she assumed was the producer as he ushered her into a room that was occupied by two women and three men. 'They must be the other cast members...' She thought as she sat at her designated area. Aurelia looked at each one of them, all as beautiful as the next. She felt inferior to the other five, but didn't want to show it.

She smiled at each one of them, first the red head, then the brunette, then to the three men on the other side.
'They are certainly good looking...'



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"Hello everyone, my name is Chris and I'm your host of Stupid Cupid. I have here with me the 6 contestants of our show. I'll take a moment to introduce them and then we'll disappear and let the sparks fly between them. So first we have little miss ivy-league, Riley Banks. She is currently working towards her doctorate in literature and is coming off of a three year relationship. Then we have the comedic relief, Samuel Michaels. He has never been in a relationship, could he find his first and only love? Third, is quiet yet charming Jesse Calloway. Maybe he could 'teach' these girls a thing or two. Fourth is the lovely Breann King. Will this law school beauty lay down the law with one of these guys? For the final gentleman with have the suave Maddox Calloway, with no relation to Jesse. He doesn't seem to be lacking much of anything...except for a history of commitment. Can old habits die? Last but certainly not least, we have the precious Aurelia Elettra. We'll watch and see she can find her fairy tale happy ending. We'll take a short commercial break and when we return the constestants will be running this show." He gave a wink to the camera and turned back to the contestants. "Okay everyone, we're all leaving now. So just act natural. You guys are free to do as you please. Every morning date cards will arrive and those of you will go where the card states. There's plenty of booze. So good luck." The crew all began packing up and left.


Riley Banks

Riley glanced around as everyone began entering the room. All the guys were fairly attractive and the other two girls were beyond pretty, she had some competition. Maybe she wasn't ready for this. Maybe she shouldn't have came on this show at all. She gave a polite smile to each person that came in, she was going to be living with these people for a couple of weeks so it might as well be best to be nice to them. The host came in and began talking. When he started introducing her, she raised and eyebrow at the nickname he gave her. Little miss ivy league? She went to Princeton for undergrad, it wasn't a huge deal. When the host mentioned her three year relationship, it brought a slight stinging to her chest as she remembered her break up. It brought back all the memories of what she thought was the guy she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Riley had drifted to her thoughts as the host continued on introducing everyone else.

When the cameras turned off, Riley snapped back to reality. She looked up when the host told them about how they were going to be on their own, free to do as they please. That was until a date card showed up and then that's what they have to do. When the host left, Riley realized that she hadn't been listening to everyone else get introduced. Riley traced back to see if she subconsciously picked up anybody else's names. As she thought, their names did begin to come to her. Riley glanced up at the guy who was introduced as quiet yet charming. There was something about him that made Riley curious. She wanted to get to know him, but wasn't exactly sure how to approach him. Well, technically she didn't know how to approach guys in general. She took a breath and tried to think this through logically, like she does with all of her predicaments.

Riley realized that all the guys were there for the same thing they were. Everyone just wanted to find someone. All she had to do was talk to them it wasn't a huge deal. Just casual conversation. What should she bring up? Then it dawned on her. It's always easier to talk to people when everyone had a couple of drinks in them right? Riley quickly headed to the kitchen without a word and came back with six glasses and a bottle of champagne. She gave everyone a glass and then popped the bottle open pouring everyone a glass. Riley held her now full glass up "to us?" Riley proposed, hoping people wouldn't think she was weird.


Samuel Michaels

Samuel looked up and watched the last four contestants walk into the room. He raised his eyebrow. These girls were gorgeous, but was he really ready to tackle the whole dating thing? Sam rubbed the back of his neck, as he did when he was a bit on edge. Luckily, the pressure and attention was released when the host walked in and began addressing the cameras. Sam raised another eyebrow when the host introduced the first girl, she went to an ivy league. When the host got to him he was referred to as the comedic relief and of course they had to bring up that he had zero relationship experience. These girls were probably instantly turned off. The other two girls also seemed like they were beyond cute. The shorter petite one looked adorable and that she was extremely sweet. Sam really wanted to get to know her. He was surprised by his own thought about wanting to get to know a girl. He had never felt that before, maybe he was ready for this whole relationship thing.

The host winked to the camera after he finished introducing everyone, which was beyond cheesy. Sam looked up as he spoke about the house and how things were going to go. So they were going to get set up on dates and sent to different places to get to know each other and then they'd be given the opportunity to spend the night together if they choose. Sam glanced at the girl petite girl briefly before quickly looking back to his hands in his lap. Maybe he'd get to go on a date with her. The other two guys were clearly fierce competition. After all they were tall, blonde, muscular looking dudes. They both were definitely the type that girls fall for within seconds. He was probably going to have to fight really hard for the ladies' attention. But then again was he really ready for the whole love thing?

Everyone left and it was just the six of them. All of a sudden the girl named Riley left the room. Was she already done with the show? She didn't even get to know anyone. Sam thought he was hesitant. However, when the girl returned with champagne and put a glass in his hand, filling it with the bubbly alcohol he realized that she had just ran to get the drinks. He bit his lip, Sam didn't drink because of his father but then again he didn't want to be rude. So he figured that he'd oblige to the toast and put the glass to his lips, pretending to drink until he can discretely put the glass down somewhere. Then again, they were are adults. He could probably just put the glass down after the toast and no one would care. Same smiled and raised his glass to meet Riley's "to us." he repeated in agreement.

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Breann sat quietly as the host of the show started the introductions, as he introduced each of them she looked at each of them and mentally making note of their names and what little info they gave. She was a little weirded out that he mentioned that she was in law school, but she was proud of what she had accomplished. After the host and some of the crew left, she once again glanced at each of the other contestants. The two other girls were both really pretty, she did find it a little unique that the two of them had red hair and she had brunette. She then glanced over to the three guys, she could tell they each had completely different personalities, which she thought was perfect. When the one girl came into the room with glasses of Champaign, although she wasn't a big fan of Champaign she took a glass anyway and raised it up for the toast.

Maddox lifted a hand in a wave to the camera when their host introduced him, and had to fight not to laugh at the introduction they gave him. Ah, he was amused. Still hardly surprising a smile, he looked at each contestant as they were announced, memorizing their names and watching their faces. The each seemed pretty interesting... The next few weeks were going to be fun.

He chuckled after the cameras were turned off and Chrid had left, and clapped Sam on the shoulder. "Comic relief, huh? You and I are going to be friends," he said, grinning. He looked up wen the naturally red-haired girl--Riley?--handed out glasses. "Ah! Refreshments. Thanks, Riley." He raised his glass as well. "To us!" he agreed.

Aurelia listened attentively as Chris, the host, introduced each member of the group. She was surprised when she heard that the first woman was from an Ivg League college. "That's nice..." she murmured to herself knowing full well that she graduated from one herself; but that was due to a scholarship. She continued on, turning to face each person as they were introduced, with the last male, who was named Maddox, being labeled as the man who lacks nothing except commitment. 'Well, then.' she thought as she began studying his features. 'And he's a goodlooking fellow, too. Ah, well.' heaving a sigh as she smiled at herself.

Aurelia perked up as she heard her name being called.
'Precious?' she thought, pouting at her title. She knew she was tiny and she had nothing to do about it. Smiling at the camera, she gave a little wave to the audience who would or was already watching the show. Her eyes then trailed back to Maddox, who seemed amused at his little introduction. A short moment later, Chris bid adieu to the camera and moved over to face them when it was turned off. He spoke about the house and about the date cards that would appear daily. "Sounds fun." she murmured to herself, looking at the men once more: the comic relief, the silent man, and the playboy. This was really going to be fun.

As the camera crew along with Chris left, so did Riley. She returned as quickly as she left, carrying a bottle of champagne with six glasses to boot. Aurelia took on in her hands and swished the drink around its container. It had a sweet aroma and had a yellow tinge to it. Aurelia took a tiny sip, wrinkling her nose as the bubbles from the drink had tickled it. As Riley initiated the toast, Aurelia raised hers up to join the rest.
"To us." she replied back with a smile on her face.



Nolan felt like he barely slept at all, he was mainly nervous about what the next day would bring. He really wasn't sure what he was in for, he didn't want to come off as cold and heartless, but also not as this big loser either. He paced back and forth in his room, he tried his best to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't run the risk of waking his grand parents up. He had overheard them talking, they were concerned about the whole thing, they just didn't want him to look bad on TV, and they also didn't want their only grandson to fall in love with some girl, then to just have his heart broken after the cameras stop rolling. He understood that, but he was never one to back down from a challenge, no matter what it is. His grandmother had basically packed for him, she was one of those grandparents who loved to do little things like that for him, and he always showed his appreciation.

Finally the time came, the limo pulled in the front of his house, his grandmother was crying tears of happiness, she basically hugged him for ten minutes, although they didn't really know each other a few years ago they now have a strong bond. He took a deep breath as he walked out the door and walked towards the limo, he had never been in a fancy vehicle before so he was in awe the whole ride to the new house. He took a little power nap and woke up once they reached the house. The driver opened the door exposing the large mansion, his eyes widened at the sight of the building. It felt weird that someone else carried his bags in, he casually placed his hands in his front pockets to keep himself from shaking from nerves. He opened the large door and looked in, he walked into the entry way and noticed a group of people "Hello all, the names Nolan" He said excitedly and not as smooth and cool as he had originally wanted to.


Riley Banks

At the positive response to her proposal of a toast, she sipped her champagne. Riley smiled at the guy who introduced himself as Nolan, she liked how natural he was. Riley brought the glass to her lips again, a bit unsure what to say. Everyone seemed to be a bit reserved right now, maybe after a couple of drinks people will begin to let their guard down. It was a show to find love and you can't find true love unless you let them in. Riley should learn to follow her own advice sometimes. Letting her guard down was going to be nearly impossible. She had tried telling herself that it's okay if she makes out with the guys here but doesn't find the special someone. She's still young and has so much time to find that special guy.

It looked like Riley was going to have to be the ring leader here. "Come on guys, I think I spotted a pool outside and there was a fire pit. We could all sit out there as we got to know each other." she suggested, hoping that she wasn't coming off as too strong. Riley made her way towards the sliding glass doors that lead out to the pool, hoping people would follow and that they wouldn't leave her to sit out there by herself.

She placed her glass down on the table and then went over to the fire pit to figure out how to turn it on. This task proved to be a bit more difficult than she had anticipated.


Samuel Michaels

Sam smiled after the toast, but never brought the glass to his lips. He didn't drink and he didn't plan on changing that while he was here. At the natural redhead speaking again he raised an eyebrow a little. Either she was always this outgoing or she talked when she was feeling nervous and awkward. Either way she was suggesting that they take this little meeting outside to get to know each other. He wasn't opposed to that. Sam decided to follow after her.

He had abandoned his drink as he made his way outside and noticed that Riley was having some difficulties getting the fire pit started. It was electric and it should just start at a flick of a switch or the turn of a knob or something. He figured he could try and help her. Sam squatted down next to her and tried to help, but to no avail. He chuckled awkwardly "I guess there's just not enough spark between us to start a fire." he teased jokingly. At her facial expression he could tell she didn't really get a kick out of it, "I-I mean...not that there isn't...I was just...we..." he was already embarrassing himself. "sorry, bad joke." he said softly as he stood up.

Sam couldn't believe he had just said that. He wasn't living up to his introduction. The pressure was impeding his jokes, he just needed to relax and be himself. If a girl liked him it would be for him, not someone he's trying to be.

"Cheers," Maddox murmured, taking a sip from his glass. Good stuff, impressive. He took another sip as he watched Riley talk. Did she always initiate herself as the ring leader? He shrugged off the flicker of irritation and stood up to follow her and the other boy--Sam, he was pretty sure...yeah! Sam, the comedic relief, of course--outside. Somebody had to get them all moving and talking. Why shouldn't it be her? She was taking initiative. "Ooh, a fire. Nothing like roasting marshmallows to bring people together," he joked lightly.

He was pretty sure Sam didn't know he was there when he made his joke about sparks. Maddox couldn't help laughing. He stepped forward and clapped Sam's shoulder again. "You and I are gonna get along just fine, Samuel. Hold this." He passed his glass to the other boy and crouched next to Riley. "Okay, Princess, what's going on here..." He fiddled with the controls and the pilot flame for a second before a small fire burst to life. He grinned over at Riley in the orange glow, then stood up and reached for his glass again. "That's what I'm talking about! I don't want to sound too excited, but does anybody know if we actually have marshmallows?" he asked with a grin.

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