

Character skeleton:





Appearance with picture:

Previous job:


Any family left, if so, where?:

Personality, positives and negatives:



Something they would usually say:

Back story:


My characters:

Name: Charlie Dougherty.

Nickname(s): None.

Age: 23.

Sexuality: Straight.

Appearance with picture:


Soft brown curls, light blue eyes. He is tall and has big shoulders. He plays a lot of sport so is muscled.

"I'm nothing special, really, just average."

Previous job: McDonalds cashier.

"I was trying to buy me and my brother a better place."

Nationality: Irish.

Any family left, if so, where?:

"Only my brother. Me Mam died when I was 10 and I never met me Dad. I'm an only child, 'spose it isn't great."

Personality, positives and negatives:

Positives: Funny, Irish, tried to make the best of things.

Negatives: Always relies on his brother, always stays under his wing and lets him take the lead.

Dislikes: The sound of scissor blades clashing together, paper ripping, the smell of petrol, when people tried to be bigger than him, when people stereotype him as a drunk Irishman.

Likes: A beer; sometimes, football, running, reading, being with his brother.

Something they would usually say: "Will you shut the hell up? Me ears are ringing like a church bell at noon."

Back story: His parents weren't around much and he was raised by his brother, Joe. They had saved up enough money to fly from Ireland to America and live the American dream. They don't know much about American culture, or American places or states, which isn't helpful. He and his brother moved to Vegas to live the dream, but only ended up becoming nearly bankrupt. They bought an apartment, but had next to no money left. So Charlie worked at McDonald's to raise enough money to get them more than just a bowl of cornflakes and a sandwich a day; so they can really live the dream...But it's too late now.

Other: Infected. He hates them. He's killed a few so far, not as many as his brother.

Name: Joseph Doherty.

Nickname(s): Joe.

Age: 28.

Sexuality: Straight.

Appearance with picture:


Taller than his brother, but not as handsome. He's also stronger, more beefed up. He shares the same hair as his younger sibling but his eyes are a deep brown.

Previous job: Drug dealer.

"Does it really matter what I was? I had to do things, okay? I had to raise myself and my brother from the age of 16."

Nationality: Irish.

Any family left, if so, where?: "Just my bro. I don't like to talk about my parents."

Personality, positives and negatives:

Positives: He's a loving guy, protective, a good fighter, strong willed, takes the lead, fatherly.

Dislikes: He's bossy, rude, noisy, angry.

Likes: Beer, rugby, being with his brother, women.

Something they would usually say: "Aye, come on Charlie boy."

Back story: Same as his brothers.

Other: He dabbled in cocaine which often triggers anger inside him. He's been off it for years, but if any comes his way; he'll take it. He was once a professional rugby player until his Mum couldn't afford his training. He has a kid. When he first arrived in America, he was with a woman called Isabelle, he left her after a one night stand and she called him six months later saying she was pregnant. He never looked into it, but it's always in the back of his mind.

Read more about this role play...
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I decided that i'm not willing to take this RP on at the moment. Thank you anyway!
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Name: Sidney Liou

Nickname(s): Sid

Age: 25

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance with picture:

Previous job: Meteorologist (Not the pretty girls telling the weather, the person who examines the clouds and such to estimate the weather.)

Nationality: Japanese-American

Any family left, if so, where?: She doesn’t know if her family is still alive, as she left them in her hometown.

Personality, positives and negatives:

Positives: Adventurous, tough, loyal, humorous, and intelligent.

Negatives: Reserved, cold to people who ask too many questions, and has trust issues.

Dislikes: Being told to stay put because she’s a girl, bees, fish (the food), and being tickled.

Likes: Dogs (especially german shepherds), killing the infected, travelling, and cigarettes.

Something they would usually say: “Don’t you dare leave me behind!”

Back story: She grew up in a small town in Iowa with her mother, father, and little brother. She didn’t like her homelife; often claimed it ‘wasn’t interesting enough.’ She had 2 part-time jobs almost all the way through high school, making sure she could get enough to go to college somewhere besides Iowa. Finally, when she graduated, she moved out, taking her money and her things with her. She only wishes she could have seen her younger brother graduate as well.

She made it into a nice college, majoring in sciences and maths. When she graduated near the top of her class, she got her job almost right away. She was happy for a while... until people started getting infected.

Other: She used to go to the shooting range every so often, so she knows how to shoot a gun. She also took a fencing class and wants to get her hands on a sword.

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Name:Robert Compton

Nickname(s): Bobby


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance with picture:


Previous job: Military - Medic

Nationality: American

Any family left, if so, where?: Brother - Unknown if Alive.

Personality, positives and negatives:

+Funny, Loyal, Solid Shot, Knows basic medicine, will make the hard decisions, Isn't afraid of Death.

-Easily Angered, Easy to pull into confrontation, takes awhile to earn his trust, isn't afraid of Death.

Dislikes: Spiders, Infected, and the lack of steak.

Likes: Videogames, Sunsets, and steak.

Something they would usually say: "Yeah, I'll do it. Hold this."

Back story: From Dallas, Texas originally enlisted in the Army at 18. Met his wife while he was in the military, and started a family with her. Had a 3 year old and a 1 year old at the start of the infection. Lost his family during the first few weeks, but not to the infected, to regular humans... Hasn't fully recovered from the loss and is a little loose in the head.

Other: Will kill others outside a group he trusts if they pose a threat, without hesitation.
Name: Rory Wiles

Nickname(s): “The guys at the bar called me Leo. Y’know, Rory, Roar, Lion, Leo. It evolved over time.”

Age: 27

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance with picture:


Previous job:
He was in the military, but after he lost his right leg he worked as a bartender.

Nationality: American

Any family left, if so, where?: His little brother, Fletcher. He's here.

Personality, positives and negatives: +Energetic, +Brave, +Tough, +Cautious, +Optimistic, +friendly, +loyal. -Optimistic, -Sensitive to insults, -Immature, -Awkward, -Friendly, -PTSD.

Dislikes: Infected, when people try to tell him he can’t do something because he has a prosthetic leg, spicy foods, cheetos, grouchy peeps, his chronic depression.

Likes: Teasing people, spiders, doritos, dancing, music, flirting, fighting, doing things his own way.

Something they would usually say: “How’s my little brony doin’?”

Backstory: At eighteen Wiles signed up to join the military, specifically, the Marines. During wartime in another country he lost many of his friends and his leg, the memories of that time are forever engraved in his brain. He began working at a bar where he quickly fit in, chatting with the customers, friends with everyone that had ever been to that bar… But one day a man came in, holding his shoulder, groaning and spitting blood. He came up and leaned against the wall, “Call me an ambulance, would ya?”

But that ambulance, by the time it got there everyone was dead, a horde of infected had followed the injured man to the bar. Rory had managed to defend himself with the handgun that was put behind the counter in case of emergency. That was when everything changed, it took a while to reach him where he lived in DC, as it was snowing the week the outbreak began. Now he’s with these strangers, he isn’t entirely sure of them yet, but they’re all he’s got.

Other: He has swords from what used to be his sword collection that are now his weapons of choice, he’s become skilled with all of the fighting he’s done since the .infected. took over.

Name: Fletcher Parks

Nickname(s): Parker

Age: 21

Sexuality: Asexual, homoromantic.

Appearance with picture:


Previous job:
Law Student

Nationality: English

Any family left, if so, where?: “Ugh… Rory Wiles... He's here...”

Personality, positives and negatives: +Calm, +Sneaky, +Artistic. -Angsty, -Pessimist, -Grumpy almost all of the time, -Sharp-tounged, -two-faced at times, -secretive, -sneaky.

Dislikes: Rory, “bad boys”, flirts, extreme optimism, sunlight, harsh weather, current lack of internet, having his flaws pointed out.

Likes: Memes, the internet, foreign culture, Rory, cats, sleeping.

Something they would usually say: “BLOODY- Rory I swear to god, I’m going to kill you.”

Backstory: It all started when he was born into the Wiles family in Manchester, his mother and his father argued about whether he’d become Fletcher Wiles, or Parker Wiles, and Rory got the lovely idea to mix the names and have him be Fletcher Parks. When he was eight years old their parents got divorced, and Parks stayed with his father, who blamed him until he died. This forever ruined his personality, he can only think badly about things because his father was so negative. He moved to America to live with his mother and Rory to find that he no longer found it enjoyable to be around his brother. Eventually, Fletcher pursued a career in law only to have his work float down the drain with the sudden appearance of infected that came a few years after his brother returned from the war, all of this stressing his brother out so much that it became his job to support the disheartened man.

Other: The one similarity Fletcher shares with Rory is his love of weapons, though his collection is much smaller and consists of poisons and explosives, not all are effective against the .infected. though.

Character skeleton


Emmie Avereé




(They cannot ALL be around the same age, right?)



Appearance with picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f54d7cb2db3c2f147fa9a00e321106f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27301" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f54d7cb2db3c2f147fa9a00e321106f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Previous job|

Student Medic


Native American

"My mother and father were Irish, but they were fascinated by the lifestyle of Native Americans. They moved to an indian reserve, where I was born. I was raised Native American."

Any family left, if so, where?|

"The only one left is Ghava. My aunt. My entire village was torn to pieces...Those bastards took away everything I've ever known."


Emmie has never been calm, unlike the other medicine women that she was raised by.


Strong willed

Skilled in medicine




Dislikes| Darkness

Likes| Animals, insects, herbs

Something they would usually say|

"That's poisonous."

Back story|

"There's nothing I regret more than leaving. My home, the so-called indian reserve. I know we are basically aliens to anyone and everyone, and I hated that."

Emmie comes from a long line of medicine women that could make teas and rubs out of anything. She was unabashedly one of the most skilled of her age, and knew exactly how to mend almost anything with the simplest of ingredients.



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Name: Charlotte Hunter

Nickname(s): Charlie

Age: 22

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance with picture:


Previous job: Archaeology Student

Nationality: English

Any family left, if so, where?: Dad, back in England. Manchester.

Personality, positives and negatives: T Adaptable, Hardworking, Humor, Kind-hearted, Intelligent - Petty, Perfectionist to a fault, Vulnerable, Over critical, Impulsive.

Dislikes:Spiders (despite being a tomboy), tomatoes, heat

Likes: comics, video games, jokes, swimming

Something they would usually say: “Hey! Is that a reason to leave?” *Walks away*

"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you."

Back story: Charlie was brought up in Manchester by her dad after her mother died when she was five. This event left Charlie’s father, a goliath of a man, with the difficult job of bringing up their tiny daughter, a kid, who at this point, still picked their noise and occasionally wet their bed.

However, regardless of money difficulties with only one pay check coming in. Dean Ferral did a good job. Charlie grew up to be a well-rounded woman with a good head on her shoulders. He watched he through school, noting with a prideful glee in his eyes, that Charlie was by no means, a girly girl. Time after time she chose jeans and shirts over skirts, basketball and hockey over dance and ballet and of course, books over shopping.

On graduation from university, Charlie had stood next to her dad with a grin spread from ear to ear, while the flashes of cameras captured the moment for the books. It was here that her dad presented her with a surprise trip to the US. He had saved up and counting down the days till graduation, he had baught tickets and sealed the envelope.

Charlie had been over the moon and the next month her and a few friends, jumped on a plane for an adventure.

On arrival, She found herself in the hotel enjoying a weekend away with the guys, when they got separated in the first days of the break out. One their friends ended up being sick on day one and putting it down to just really bad food poisoning, her friends went to the hospital, not expecting what would follow.

Being none the wiser, Charlie and her friends remained at the hospital all day, until her friend was checked in. They noted the busy ward with mild curiosity, but didn’t link their friend’s illness as the cause. When night came rolling in, the remaining friends pulled straws to find out who would stay and who would go, thinking about cutting their trip short to get Michael (their sick friend) back home.

Charlie, never having luck on her side, got the short straw and was sent back to check out of the rooms the next day and it was then that a quarantine was called.

Fun Facts:

She has a habit of quoting nerdy pop-culture.

Loves films, kittens and puppies.

Hates gore. Loves horror.

Favorite books: The Princess Bride.

"You heard nothing!"

Can punch so hard she can knock out a guy (but only if she is really pissed.)

"And the guy is drunk...and already partly unconscious."

Was raised by her father and a bunch of regulars at their gym.

They taught her to fight and how to take apart any bike and reassemble it blind folded.

"Okay so the blind fold is a bit of an exaggeration."

She can paint. Cannot sing.

Despite her persistence on the subject.

"No I can sing. You guys just have crap taste."
Name: Arabella Brown

Nickname(s): Ara

Age: 23

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance with picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c026f3c1b_heynow.jpg.1fb7cdd8c3b3501091b8329774feb7fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c026f3c1b_heynow.jpg.1fb7cdd8c3b3501091b8329774feb7fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Previous job: Bartender, college student

Nationality: Italian/American

Any family left, if so, where?: All killed by infected

Personality, positives and negatives: Distrusting, suspicious, overly-careful, brave, smart

The dark and loud noises

Likes: Cats, swimming, cooking

Something they would usually say: "Be careful."

Back story: Arabella was a typical college student studying psychology before the Infected took over. She was raised in the south, so her family went on hunting trips regularly throughout her childhood. Because of that she is decent with a gun and excellent with a bow. Although everyone she knows is dead now, she initially pretended to be helpless and allowed others to take care of her and keep her alive though she is quite capable on her own with the right equipment.

Other: She is very cautious and distrusting, making her a bit of liability when you need to move fast. But she's got a strong stomach and willing to do almost anything to survive.



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(I hope that this post is acceptable, this is my first time using this website. I apologize for any mistakes!)

Name: Nauja Itani

Nickname(s): Her parents used to call her Nani when she was a small child, but it hasn't been used for years.

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance with picture:


Previous job: Motorbike courier.

Nationality: Lebanese-Canadian

Any family left, if so, where?: Her parents could possibly still be alive, but they are in Canada and she has no way to contact them.

Personality, positives and negatives:

+ Athletic - Nauja enjoyed many different sports before the outbreak, especially Track and Field events. She has the physique of a runner, so she does not have a lot of visible muscle. However, she is strong and has good endurance.

+ Quick thinking - Although not academic, Nauja is a quick thinker and can make fast decisions without much effort.

+/- Blunt and Direct - Nauja is an extremely blunt person. She will tell you things exactly as they are, even if that may hurt a little. Her facial expressions are usually flat, and she displays little emotion. She also speaks only when necessary, preferring to communicate with body language. Depending on your personality, this could be positive or negative. Some enjoy her directness, whilst others may find her hostile or even rude.

- Poor Leadership - Nauja dislikes the pressure of being a leader and would much prefer to be told what to do.

- Lack of experience with firearms - Pretty self-explanatory


- Hot Weather.

- Alcohol

- Infected

- Staying still for too long


+ Driving her Motorcycle

+ Exercising

+ Potato Chips

Something they would usually say: "...Uh, What's up?"

Back story:

Nauja was born in Canada to a Lebanese Father and Canadian Mother. Her early life was fairly average, and she went through the school system as a mediocre student, uninterested in the academic side of school life. However, she did excel at sports, and was a member of several sports teams. She was especially talented in track and field. She barely graduated High School, and soon after moved to the US to work as a motorbike courier while she tried to get into becoming a professional athlete (quite unsuccessfully).

When the outbreak started, Nauja was delivering a pizza to one of the hotel rooms. However, when she arrived at the room the occupants had turned. She had to kill them with a fire axe luckily stored nearby, and escaped to one of the higher story rooms where she laid low for a while.

Other: Infected

Character skeleton:

Name: Connor Byeon

Nickname(s): None yet

Age: 10

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance with picture:


Previous job: Student

Nationality: Korean-American

Any family left, if so, where?: His mother died at the start of the outbreak, and his father and older sister's whereabouts are unknown.

Personality, positives and negatives:

+ Friendly - Connor is very outgoing and friendly, despite being so young. He tries to get along with everyone he meets.

+ Generous - Connor would share anything he had with a stranger, down to his last sip of water.

+ Stealthy

- Physically weak - Connor is not able to overpower the infected due to his short stature. He mostly has to sneak around them or rely on others for help.

- Naive

- Scared - This whole situation takes a toll on the young. Connor is understandably scared and mourning the loss of his mother.


- Snakes

- Infected

- People who are cruel


- Junk Food

- Video Games

- Dogs

Something they would usually say: "Everything is going to be just fine."

Back story:

Connor has lived in Nevada for as long as he can remember. A bright child, he excelled in school and had a great family life. His parents had good jobs, and they lived comfortably with a nice house in a good neighborhood. When the infected started to roam the streets, the family packed up their things and headed to Vegas, hoping to get evacuated. However, their car was overrun by the creatures on the borders of the city, killing his mother and separating Connor from his father and sister. He managed to sneak away, and slowly made his way to the hotel, the site that his family had been attempting to get to.

Other: Infected
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@Miyai Accepted, although we have already started the rp. You can try and find a way to get in. Currently we are in a hotel. If you want, I will make my character come into the kitchen and find your characters?
Character skeleton


Kimber Ionelle



(Last name + First name)




Boys have cooties

Appearance with picture|

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.d8a44dfa350d333919fcc7b3f6f21d91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.d8a44dfa350d333919fcc7b3f6f21d91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Previous job|




Any family left, if so, where?|

Mother, unknown


Kimber has always been a bubbly, sweet girl.






Easily frightened

Dislikes| Darkness, Meanies

Likes| Bubble gum, hair bows

Something they would usually say|

"I'm not a little kid!"

Back story|

Kimber was brilliant for her age, and thought she could face anything.

Until the infected came.

When she woke up, she was alone. And there was nothing she hated more than being alone. This time, she knew something was wrong. Their small home was torn to pieces, her own room strangely untouched. She had no idea where her family was, or why they had left her behind.



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Name: Dark

Nickname(s): Dafizh

Age: 21

Sexuality: Strait

Appearance with picture: (ill get one later ) tall, muscular yet skinny, overall good looking

Previous job:


Nationality: American/


Any family left, if so, where?: None

Personality, positives and negatives: Pro: Is compleatly fearless, wishes no harm on survivors Con: Gets pissed esaly, isent trusting of others

Dislikes: Light, Rain, Sonic sounds

Likes:Darkness, anything with a blade

Something they would usually say: " Oh shut up and just kill it! Or do you need me to? "

Back story: (ill type it as it gets reviled )

Other: none

( sorrnout quality but i rushed ill fix it later ) infected
Name: Angeline Grace


Age: 27

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance with picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.de75cfa5d5899817728045824e5b3ea4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.de75cfa5d5899817728045824e5b3ea4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Previous job: Pharmacist

Nationality: American

Any family left, if so, where?:

Has a ranch where her family lives, she plans to go there and see if they're alright

Personality, positives and negatives:

Pro: Motherly, Kind

Con: Emotional due to pregnancy

Dislikes: The woods, strong smells

Likes: Dresses

Something they would usually say:


Back story: (ill type it as it gets reviled )



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