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Stuck In Paradise and Falling In Love((Joshdog and I))

Child Of Nature

Nature's snake charmer.
A new virtual game has just come, called Paradise. The games has you wear a helmet and sync your mind into game. Leaving you in a dream like start in the real world. Once logged into the game you have over a thousands different races to choose from. What will you be?

Nova was a beta tester for the game. Mean before the game was sent out she had tested for bugs. Everything was fine till grand opening day. Once everyone had logged in at once there was no why out. Nova meets your character and you form a team to find a way out of Paradise. Only to find out the only waybout is to beat the game. You also learn that if you die in the game you die in real life. now when facing all this do you still wish you go on with Nova and beat the game as save your lives. Will love bloom in a game of life and death? Only time can tell use this.

Real Name: Nova Nightwolfe

Online Name: Lady_Gywn_of_the_Flame

Age: 21

Race Online: Fire Elemental

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