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Fantasy Strife [Interest Check]

Literally Batman

World's Greatest Detective

In the world of Aeternum, harmony is rare to find. The many disagreeing notions make it impossible to form a country of united people, for the people are always so sharply divided. For many years, Aeternum was a bloody war of 'every man for themselves.' Most people just created weapons and just charged into bloody battle. A few formed tribes, but very few tribes were formed because of the sheer strife of the land.

Eventually, a philosopher named Yidda, who claims to have seen the undead, urged everybody to stop the fighting. He said those who died in the Rampant War (as it came to be known) were angry at them. He proposed them form, not countries, but city-states, large metropolitan areas where people didn't have to live in harmony, but could at least live together to protect them. Each city-state would be ruled by a leader who's job was to make sure the opposing conflicts in the city were to be balanced. The people were not thrilled about living in tightly packed areas, but it was better than death. They agreed to Yidda's suggestion and created city-states.

With the creation of city-states and the end of the war, many people began investigations into sciences and the workings of the world. In their studies, they found magic. Magic was something that was passed down through families, and allowed them to perform things that were not human. These revelations shocked the people of all the city-states. Soon, people began to realize they were, in fact, the magicians- for magic requires knowledge of magic to use. These families of magicians began to 'take over' their respective city-states in a way, for no man would ever argue with a man of magic. These families of magic- dubbed 'houses', also began to quickly reproduce, because magic could only be transferred by heredity. Despite these increases, only one in 50 or so people would be born with magic.

Enter the city-state of Cosmopolis. Cosmopolis had always been divided, of course, for every city state in Aeternum was. But this division was furthered by the take-over of 3 magic families- the Ves, the Imper, and the Sacramenta.

The Ves House's magic was of the elements. Every Ves was born with the power to control elements- some could release blazes from their hands, some could make water bend to their will, some could control the ground beneath them, and some could release bolts of lightning from their fingertips. The Ves came to control the industry of Cosmopolis- the factories and craftsmen all worked for the Ves.

The Imper House's magic was of the mind and spirit. The House of Imper's magic was the magic of the will, forcing them to use their brains to control and manipulate their surroundings. The most common ability in the House of Imper is telekinesis, the ability to move objects, but there are many more, including illusions, projection, animal taming, and much more. The Imper came to control the intellectual quotient of Cosmopolis- the libraries, the courts, the apothecaries, the laboratories- and because of the magnitude of these jobs became incredibly rich. Imper also has ties to the government.

the Sacramenta House's magic was of the arcane. Arcane meaning "unknown to few," the Sacramenta House's magic is very mysterious, but that is what makes it deadly. While the other magics revolve around the manipulation of what is around them, the Sacramenta House draws its magic from the source of all magic- the arcane. This allows them to manipulate magic energies, see the future, summon strange beasts to Aeternum, animating inanimate objects, and, mostly oddly, bestow magic upon a non-magical person (only temporarily, however.) The Sacramenta's odd magic lead for it to control only magic shops and psychic houses, causing them to become the most poor of the three Houses (though still living above the poor non-magical people.)

The House's feuds have led to loss of life in the past, angering the governor of Cosmopolis, Dux. However, hard times will soon fall upon Cosmopolis as the other city-states begin to work in harmony and expand. Will the houses of Cosmopolis rise to the challenge, or will they crumble?

That decision is up to you.

Wow, Batman, that was long. I don't want to read that, what is this?
-in world of Aeternum, harmony is rare, so for a long time there was a giant battle royale of people fighting because they hated each other
-"First Magician" philosopher guy Yidda convinces everybody to lay down arms and form city-states
-now in city-states and not fighting, magic is discovered and is found to run in families
-These families, called Houses, begin to expand and take over the city, though only 1/50 of the population of a given city-state is born a magician
-In Cosmopolis, a pretty OK city-state, there are 3 magic houses- Ves, Imper, and Sacramenta
-Ves people control the elements and run industries in Cosmopolis- they're pretty well off
-Imper control mind magic and run intellectual things in Cosmopolis- super rich
-Sacramenta does spooky voodoo-y magic and runs magic stuff- not rich, but they don't live on the streets
-Other city-states approaching, will they unite etc etc etc

Hope you enjoyed that, lol. Any interest at all is very appreciated.

Any questions, feel free to ask here.

Also, note: just because i did lots of writing doesn't mean this is a detailed rp at all. Anybody interested is welcomed and encouraged to join, whether it's your first or 200th RP!
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I am interested, however, I have a question. Is loyalty in the rp limited to the three houses or can a chsracter have loyalty to another city-state or none at all?

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