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BattleRoyale- Season1


Unlucky Member
You awaken, along with your class, in a dark classroom, filled with desks. Nobody is entirely sure just what is going on. You were all riding the bus on the way to a fun class trip, earlier. A man, whom you recognize as your school district's superintendent, peter howard, walks in with several armed soldiers. he looks to you and says:

Hello everyone. Your class has been selected, through random draw for the Millenium Education Reform Act, also known as the BR Act

then he starts to explain the situation:

You will have 5 days to be the last person left on the island. If there is more than one person left in one hundred and twenty hours, nano-explosives in your bloodstream will kill all of you automatically. Trying to leave the island will also result in your death. So promise me you won't try that!

Every morning, I will also read out danger zones over the island's intercom. You will then have just a few minutes to leave the danger zones. If you linger in the danger zones, your nano-explosives will explode!

Each of you will also be provided with a bag. Each bag contains a laminated map of the island, a compass, a watch, a list of all the other students participating in the contest, a pen, one bottle of juice, one candy bar, a sanitary napkin, and a random weapon. The weapon helps to remove any predetermined advantage!

You will each be sent out in 30 second intervals, in order of student number. When I call your name, please grab your bag and go out the door.

now you can start roleplaying after you get out of the building.remember you can roleplay all the other npc and everything you want or let me do it:D there is no restrictions on roleplaying
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