Street Knights Character Sheets


One Time Luck

Character Sheet




Date of Birth: (month and day)

Nationality: (Japanese, American, German, etc.)

Appearance: (tons of detail or otherwise picture. always include height and weight)

Personality: (be in depth)

Kidnapped Loved One:

Weapon: (generalized category, picture)

Motorcycle: (you can make the name up. Make it sound like a motorcycle, not a watch)

Upgrades: (nitro, torque, wheels, “special” upgrades, etc.)


You must have a picture of your motorcycle, which must be futuristic. It can be a concept bike so long as it looks futuristic.

You can change the paint job of your motorcycle so it is different from the picture. This can be color and type – pearlescent, gloss, matte, candy, etc. – of paint, vinyl, and pieces that are carbon fiber, in which case they would be black.

You get one bladed weapon. This weapon must be bladed, but it can be in any way possible, so long as the majority of it is blade with the exception of spear-like weapons.

Your weapon is confiscated after each race. Getting these weapons back requires breaking several rules and thereby getting you in big trouble, so do so at your own risk. This also applies to refusing to give up your weapon.

Your bike may have any type of futuristic upgrade after moderation by me.

I will move the storyline along accordingly as well as play the announcer.



1 – Sentaiyo (Kizuato Nakarakuen)

2 – bettsyboy (Grey)

3 – Riddle78 (Nathan Dillon)

4 –

5 –
My Character

Issue: Name: Kizuato Nakarakuen

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: November 4th

Nationality: born and raised in Japan, but is of Italian background

Appearance: 6’1”, 165 lbs


Personality: A casual attitude towards most aspects in life, with the exception of racing; here he is very passionate, and often races himself, trying to beat his own best times. He knows every square inch of Tokyo and Kyoto by heart, because he spends hours driving in and out of the city, finding all of the shortcuts to different parts of the cities. His brother, Ryusan, looks up to him, and he is proud to be his brother’s mentor, and has raised him since Kizuato was his age, when their parents died in a plane crash off the coast of Portugal on a business trip.

Kidnapped Loved One: younger brother (age 16)

Weapon: Sword


Motorcycle: Porsche 9111 E-Strider “Heavy Cannon” Special, crimson Candy paint, blue LED headlights, black stock vinyl instead of white, black seat, black exhaust pipes, black chinese dragon tribal vinyl snaking across the space on the body between the seat and the “E”



Upgrades: Twin 4-Liter Nitrox 9 Tanks (Turbo), satellite laser-guided GPS/Radar, wheel covers make tires slash-proof, and a heavy Titanium alloy body frame that makes for better durability and more power in the case of collisions and dueling (bashing back and forth between 2 or more vehicles)
Character Sheet

Name: Grey (real name unknown)

Age: 25

Sex: male

Date of Birth: eighth August

Nationality: Australian

Appearance: 6ft 3in 105kg boys/blonde-emerald.jpg

Personality: a cool, calm personality, a heavy drinker and a streak of smart-ass remarks at ever turn.

bio: (added myself) Born in the Northern territory in Australia to an aboriginal mother and a caucasian father, one of the heads of australia's biggest biker gangs, the "hell's angels" when he grew a bit "Grey" decided to forsake his name of birth and hunt down his father, after a long search he found his dad, and took down 5 hells angel bodyguards before he was subdued, they ere about to kill him, untill he said "not untill i kick my dad's f**king ass!" then everything went silent... Grey was then given the choice to fight and die, or join the Hells angels, he joined.

things were great for a little while, Grey learned the inner workings of a bike, an he learned not to rob stores, but to rob the robbers and take their loot, but eventually, the gov decided to crack down on the hels angels, and after a long night of drinking Grey decided to rob his dad and get out of the country, so he did so, he stole from his father, and got out the night before the safehouse he and his father were in was raided, he was out of the country by duck that day.

he went to Papau New Guinea, from there he went up through Indonesia, then he got on a boat to South Korea, after a few months there, working as a roadside mechanic, he got to japan, where he found a woman he almost instantly fell in love wth, Sakura Juichi, a widdowed mother trying to raise 2 babies born from rape, when he first ever boyfriend raped and impregnated her when she was 18, Grey became a real man in her life, and he swore to help her raise her kids, and to marry her one day... however, one day after a long day of work he came home to find the kids and Sakura gone, with a DVD on their table with the video, and a note saying the kids were safe... it seemed his skills taught to him by the hells angels would be put to the trest, he could outrun any cop on a bike easily, but now.... it was something more.

Kidnapped Loved One: Girlfriend - Sakura Juichi.

Weapon: one-hand chainsaw-sword

Motorcycle: Honda CT-12 "Powerplayer"

View attachment 1133

Upgrades: Nitro, 4 "booster" engines at the back, Satelite Laser Guided GPS/Radar, "hardened" tires to aboid punctures (its the future, i can make stuff up XP) sonar-vision detector and screen (in case of visibility-hindering traps) extra 3 batteries under seat for quick activation (in case the bike runs out of juice)
Name: Nathan Dillon

Age: 30

Sex: Male

DoB: June third

Natonality: Canadian

Appearance: Five foot six,fair skin,210 lbs. Lean build,angular features. Sports a "Gordon Freeman" styled goatee. Brown hair and eyes. Steep,narrow nose. Hair is thick,and kept fairly short at three inches. His bike suit is visibly armoured,with a breastplate,vembraces,pauldrons,greaves,shin guards,and elbow and knee guards. All of the armoured parts have a convex wedge on their outward faces,making a square blow difficult. His helmet looks like a standard helmet,however it's reinforced,and the visor is made of an incredibly high durability pollycrystalline polymer,made of multiple layers of quartz,sapphire,and traces of titanium. The suit as a whole,including helmet,is black,with dark gray armoured points,and maroon highlights. His normal outfit consists of black dress pants and shoes,a black formal vest over a white,long sleeved button-up shirt. Wears a Timex Ironman Digital watch.

Personality: He's extremely intelligent,and will not hesitate to use his intelligence. On top of that,he's cunning and ruthless. He won't hesitate to use the incredible weight of his bike to his advantage. He's cold and wary of strangers,however he's the exact opposite to those he knows and trusts.

Kidnapped Individual: His brother,Joshua Dillon,age 33.

Weapon: Hard Light Blade (3.5 feet) and Hard Light Projector Gauntlet (Left handed)

View attachment 1136

Bike: McLaren Concept "XL-B 002",customized (No,as far as I know,this does not exist)

View attachment 1137

Black,with dark red "Tron Lines",gloss finish.

Upgrades and Systems: Hard Light Wall Projector (manual activation via dashboard button,hard mounted to rear of vehicle,10 meter maximum length at top speed)*;"Tires" are made of a metallic material with some rubber-like qualities,rendering them very difficult to puncture,and nearly impossible to cut,however it renders them more vulnerable to permanent denting via blunt force;Wheels are toothed for traction (somewhat poorer than standard tires,though);Although it's stock,the bike is as heavy as a 1985 Mercedes Turbo Diesel SD;Although stock,the bike is made entirely out of dense metalic materials;The engine is powerful enough to move the bike at a top speed of 250 kilometers per hour,however the acceleration is poor;Hot Fusion Reactor with L N2 Coolant;Live-Feed Navigation System.

*If it isn't allowed,then the bike lacks that system. The whole bike is powered by the reactor.

Other Info: Nathan is the leading intelligence in Hard Light research and technology,making him famous in the scientific community. He also happens to be a motorcycle enthusiast,and McLaren gave him his bike recently. In between now and the time he got the email,he modified the bike into the mini-tank it is now. Hard Light technology uses energized particles and air-suspended micro-projectors to create a hologram that one can "touch". The Blade adds vibrating "strike" particles to the projection,creating something with cutting power,whilst the Wall Projector adds ultra dense particles which simply drop with force to cause damage. The bike has several structural weaknesses,most prominently being the rear wheel assembly. If the reactor is overheated,or destabilized,the bike will more than likely explode,taking at least the surrounding block with it.

Projected "Stats": [Top Speed: High] [Acceleration: Poor] [Weight: Massive] [Traction: Poor]

Projected Race Behaviour: Extremely aggressive and combative;exercise caution.
*sigh* i knew the tron bike would appear sooner or later. yknow you don’t have to have a matching suit with the bike. There are a few concept bikes that look like the tron bike if that’s what you’re stuck on. The wall projector, if you want it, has to be on the bike, not a separate gauntlet. It also has to have some sort of limit, like what force can it take, or if it’s bulletproof, or cutproof, or burnproof. Also, if your wheels are part metal, their traction will decrease dramatically, so youll have to either take that out or put the info into your upgrades, though it would seem to be detrimental if anything. You put pointed nose twice, and you need to describe his hair style and bike suit, not just say it’s a bike suit. I like pictures. and also, go into a little detail on hard light tech.
Alright,I guess I wasn't clear...

The Hard Light Wall Projector is hard-mounted to the rear of the bike. It's simply activated by a button on the dash. The gauntlet if solely for the blade. I'll add more details to the wheels,and maybe tweak a few other things (like structural weaknesses). "Hard Light" is essentialy just that: A "solid" hologram,caused by high energy particles and air-suspended micro-projectors. And about the matching suit and bike...I'm a fan of that stuff,alright?

And I can NEVER find a good picture for what I have in mind,and I'm a horrible artist with no scanner. So...I'll revamp the descriptions.


Edits made.
EDIT - changed cast to only 5 characters needed. one is reserved for a character so that only leaves one spot left.

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