Street Kids

(Glad you appreciate my Devin humour Niv xD I would quote Jason's hilariousness too, but he does it in every sentence, so it's sorta hard :P )

May is relieved when Sheena suggests Caroline go ask Cain to come inside - as hopefully it will distract the girl from what she just saw - and she mentally reminds herself to kick Devin's ass later for having two, not one, but TWO dead bodies in their house - a house that he wasn't even welcome in - and that Caroline saw it! Yeah. She was going to drop-kick him in the face when she got a chance.

But then Caro is back, and she is muttering about hating all the killing, May nods, holding back a sigh as she looks to Caroline, the young girl, not even a teenager yet, who had already experienced so much blood shed May was surprised her eyes hadn't been stained red. She hated how Caroline's innocence had to be ruined in that way. Every girl should be allowed to keep all kinds of her innocence for as long as possible. "I hope so too Caro." Is her only comment on the situation, but it is sincere. It was wrong how used to killing and death they all were - she had just watched a heart drop out of a bag and barely blinked at it, only worried for Caroline's innocence than her own.

Cain appears then, going to protect Sheena from the stranger in the kitchen. May watches, then follows after Caroline as she moves closer. The girl gives herself the name of Ana and quickly defends her being there. Jason and Devin invited her in? Why? Was she hurt? Was she homeless? Well, there were tons of homeless people out there, she hoped they didn't all start joining this supernatural zoo of a house.

Jason jumped up then, May noticing the recently-awakened boy for the first time and smiling lightly at the relief that filled her when she saw him safe and sound. Jason was like the awkward yet incredibly adorable little brother of their family. May watches as Sheena slowly puts the knife down, not worried herself anymore, actually a bit annoyed that Devin invited ANOTHER person to come and stay here when even he wasn't wanted. Of course she wasn't mad at Jason for it - he was just a kid anyway.

May listens as Sheena, Jason and Ana talk back and forth, each explaining themselves, then nods in agreement with Sheena. "Yeah, we should really shorten down the amount of people invited to live here, I'm still trying to get rid of Devin and that's hard enough." Luckily, Devin is still outside 'disposing' of the bodies and misses this snide comment. Caroline chirps up then, asking if she is normal, and May looks to her with a half-smile, "Only if you want to be." By that she meant that being normal wasn't always a good thing. If she was 'normal' she wouldn't have been able to be where she was right now, her Father would still be a living drunkard, she would most likely be six feet deep in the ground by now, and so many evil men would have corrupted other girls instead of her.

She was glad to be 'abnormal'

She hears Sheena's worried voice about someone disappearing, and frowns, also taking this in, "Who left?" Oh god, it had to have been Rhys. Devin was annoyingly still here, Jason thankfully too, so Rhys must have left, but why? Didn't he like them?


Devin meanwhile, was idly burning the dead bodies around the back of the house, slightly into the forest that expanded out just in case one of the newbies decided to pop out in the back garden for a bit of fresh air. He hummed lightly as he watched the bodies burn, both hands shoved into his pockets. He still worried though. He knew May would confront him later, and of course he wasn't worried about that. No, he was worried about telling her WHY he had killed those men, those shifters.

They were Calius's men. Sent for Devin, sent for May. That meant the man was still after his precious gem of a girl, and that he was desperate to call her his own again. How would she react? He couldn't bear to see May cry again.
(I seem to notice no one really likes Devin... Pandora will feex! x3)

The voices eventually roused Pandora, but she stayed on the bottom of the bath tub for a moment, content with just lying there. Other than the voices in the hall, which were giving her an uneasy feeling, she stayed focus on the shuffling from the window. Her mind seemed to have righted itself overnight, as she remembered yesterday’s events…but everything before that was still a blur to Pandora.

The small girl sat up, the stiff porcelain making her back ache, her amber eyes meeting the window. Gingerly climbing out of the tub and onto the seat of the toilet, she peered out of the window and what she saw made her giggle. After fiddling with the window, and making somewhat of a ruckus for poor Devin outside, she opened it and stuck her face up against the screen.

She hesitantly climbed onto the back of the toilet, so she wouldn’t have to balance precariously on the seat and called out. “Pssst! Devin, I see you!” the girl smiled at him, noticing what exactly he was doing before and anxiously spoke again. “We’re they bad people?” she queries, pushing her hand up against the screen uselessly.


With the mess sorted out, Cain waved lazily at Jason before moving over and taking up his space on the couch, collapsing. There was no way he was moving…he was inside the house now wasn’t he? Sheena couldn’t complain now, May seemed too distracted by Devin or Ana…or both, and Caroline seemed content now that they weren’t all fighting. He could sleep now….
(No I am sure Rhys liked Devin a lot. ;) )

"You seemed to have invited someone else into your home," Ana said gesturing to Cain. Not that she knew who really lived here and who didn't. Something about him just made it seem that way. Ana didn't want to be having this conversation. She didn't want to be here, around people. People who she might touch by accident. She tugged on her gloves, shifting uneasily. Maybe it was a bad choice to come after all.

"Normal is a relative word," Ana said. Something felt off here. That boy disappearing so suddenly. These people were not normal. At least not in the sense they might be suggesting. "It depends on what you would consider normal. What one thinks is, another might think isn't. But no I have to agree. I do not think any of you are normal."

Ana shrugged then. "Not that I am normal myself. I am in no place to judge." She looked at Sheena. "I believe his name Rhys. Yes. He was with the other two boys. I believe he vanished into the ocean. It is the only logical assumption."
Caroline seemed to be considering what May had said to her about being normal, her brow slightly furrowed, and after a few moments she nodded, appearing to come to a conclusion. "I don't think I'm normal," she decided, but her voice was calm rather than worried, simply stating the facts as she saw them. "I can't even go home because I'm so weird now. And none of you are normal either and I'd rather be with I think I'm not normal. But I guess it's okay if you are too."

She yawned then, eyes drooping with renewed tiredness as she let herself lean against May for support. Sheena, meanwhile, is not really listening to this conversation about normality, nor to Ana's point about Cain being a stranger they had taken home to them either. She stares at Ana, latching on only to her confirmation of who was now gone. Rhys...why would he go? What in the world would make him leave when they had gotten rid of his witch, and he had seemed to like them, he had seemed content to stay?

She isn't sure why it is that this is such a shock to her, or why it is she even cares. She had only known Rhys for a few days, after all. She had only been getting used to him...still, somehow he had seemed already to be part of them, and for her to come back to so many changes was hard to deal with. It seemed that nothing could ever become expected and ordinary, even in their sense of the word.

"Vanished into the...he didn't DROWN, did he? He left? Swam away...I mean, I guess he had his tail back, but...shit," she said softly, genuinely bothered. But then she quickly neutralized her face, not wanting this Ana, who she didn't really know, to see emotion from her. "Why would he do something like that?"

She barely waited for a response from anyone before seeing Caroline listing against May's side and seizing this as her own opportunity to leave an uncomfortable conversation. Going to her and taking her by the shoulder, she started to steer her out the room and towards the stairs again. "There an empty room or have you filled every last one of them up with supernatural people in our absence? Or is this Ana not? Whatever...if someone's in our bed, they're getting kicked out, we haven't slept all night."
Wolf powers under control? Sounded good to Jason. And no one was dying, like Caroline said; which was good. Jason gave her half a glance. Mission successful!

He gave Cain a skeptical look. Was there really something so dangerous that they needed protection? Even before they'd found a house or anything, there had been plenty of dangers. Kira and May had gotten kidnapped, but they had gotten out alright....

Well. Sort of.

The boy walked over to get himself a glass of water, having just woken up, after all. Before he could reach the fridge, however, Sheena made her pointed remark; Jason turned and held up his hands apologetically. "I... don't know, she was just sort of..." he looked at her. "There, and Pandora wanted to meet May- um, Pandora's this other girl who was at the...." Jason scratched the back of his head. "Beach. She's upstairs too..."

He looked down, then back up at Sheena. "Okay, it was a rash decision, but she wanted to meet May and she didn't know how to shake hands, so of course I had to invite her in." Then, before anyone could question his logic, he spun to grab a glass from a cabinet.

May offered her thoughts, and Ana responded, as guarded and detached as always. Sheena seemed confused about Rhys' actions.

Jason thought. "He was homesick," he offered. "He has family and everything. That's, uh, why we were at the beach, and met Ana and Pandora." The boy brightened. "Oh, you should have seen Rhys with a tail! It was awesome." He could think of some other things to say- like Rhys kissed Devin- but he stayed tastefully quiet and took a drink from his cup.

The girls probably weren't going to enjoy hearing that there was another other random stranger living in the house.
Sheena comes to a stop in the doorway of the kitchen, turning and steering Caroline to turn too as she takes in Jason's responses to her. One hand on Caroline's shoulder, absently noticing the younger girl stifle a yawn behind her hand, she listens with some weary cynicism to Jason's explanation of Ana's presence. Only Jason would think it perfectly acceptable to invite a total stranger to stay with them simply because she was "there." The question was why DEVIN was stupid enough to go along with it. What, did he think Ana was hot or something? Was he hoping he'd make May jealous?

"So...she was just sort of there, so that means she should of course get to live with us?" she says out loud, letting him hear in her tone and from her spoken words how ridiculous that sounds. "So if Freddy Krueger just happened to be there, he'd get to live with us too?"

"I was just sort of there, and you guys asked me to live with you," Caroline piped up, and Sheena's face flushed slightly as she looked down at her. That was perfectly true, but somehow that seemed different now that she considered Caroline to be "one of them."

"Yeah, but you're..." she started to say something alone the lines of "a scrawny twelve-year-old who clearly couldn't hurt a dying mouse if she tried," but then, looking at Jason, who also somewhat met the description, and then remembering the determined set of Caroline's face as she had held the gun in the diner, even as her hand shook, she rethought this. "You're you," she said finally, before hastily addressing the rest of what Jason had shared.

"So...Ana knows May? May, you didn't seem to know Ana..."

This is suspicious enough for her to turn directly to Ana herself, her voice tightening as she asks her, "How did you even know about May if she hasn't met you? Why do you want to meet her, did someone send you? How did you even know where we lived? Who are you really and what is going on?"

Caroline blinks several times, hoping that if she stays quiet enough Sheena will let her remain down there watching all these exchanges and forget that she's there, let alone that she was about to direct her to go to bed. And this is when the last part of Jason's explanations sunk in to Sheena.

"There's ANOTHER girl here? What the hell, when did this become a hotel? No, not even a hotel, I doubt a girl who didn't know how to shake hands has figured out about paying with cash...what, are you on drugs?" she addressed towards Ana again, then shook her head as soon as the words were out. "No, you're another supernatural, but hell if I know what from looking at you." Her eyes then fell to the gloves covering her palms, and this too aroused her suspicions. Pointing, she asked, "Those gloves have anything to do with the handshake thing?"

Back to Jason- Sheena has a LOT of questions about all this. "So where's this...Pandora? If she's in our bed, she's getting out in about two minutes."

No point in talking about Rhys...if he was gone, he was gone, and even if this was sad, she couldn't bring him back by talking about it. And these two girls now in their house were a lot more of a concern to her at the moment.
"I don't know May. It was the other girl." Ana could tell Sheena was getting quite upset by their presence. She tugged on her gloves again feeling self-conscious. She could feel the sweat and her palms itched something good. But she wouldn't take them off. Not in the presence of strangers. Only if she was absolutely alone. And maybe only then to strangle herself. She already knew the curse wouldn't effect herself. Pity that.

"I don't mean to cause you any distress. I just...he offered a place to stay for the night and I missed my boat. I don't plan on staying. I only...I am sorry." Ana ignore the question about her gloves. She would never talk about it either. It was none of their business. Besides if they knew they'd hate her. Like everyone else. If they knew and she stayed, they'd die too. Ana was cursed and she knew better. But despite the unwarm welcome from the other residents, Ana wish she could stay for a bit longer.

"I am a....witch. Not a good one or a strong one. But it is what I am."
A witch...this Ana girl is a witch? Somehow this is different to Sheena than what any of the rest of them were. As far as is Sheena's understanding, witches are not born a witch, without any choice in the matter, like she was born half Lycan or May was born a shapeshifter, or any of the rest of their group. From what she thought she understood, anyway, a witch chose to have powers rather than simply having them through no fault of her own. A witch would do dark spells and incantations, and could make herself fly and curse people. A witch was dangerous, much more so than the rest of them, because she CHOSE to be.

And hadn't the girl just said herself, she wasn't a good witch? Sheena wasn't sure she believed in "good" witches anyway, Wizard of Oz besides, but this girl had plainly spelled out: She was not a good witch.

This was so typical...the second she and May left, apparently doofus Devin would let in any number of enemies.

"So you think you get special points or something for being honest then?" she directed at Ana, eyes narrowed, hands again moving to grip Caroline's shoulders. "Great, awesome, so appreciated."

Caroline, interested, looks at Ana with wide eyes, giving a slight smile as she thinks over the statement about Ana's status as a witch. Unlike Sheena, she appears to not have heard her remark about not being a good or strong witch, the one Sheena has misinterpreted, and so she asks her with curiosity, "A witch? Like flying on a broom and having cauldrons and stuff? Are you a good one like Casper's friend or a bad one like in Snow White?"

When Sheena looks at her strangely, Caroline shrugs, yawning. "I want to see spells. That would be neat...maybe she can make me have magic powers too."
"Special points? Must everyone want something. Or are you so use to people lying that you can't understand that it's just the way I am." Ana felt like Sheena was bullying her. Maybe she wasn't, but she seemed to have an attitude and she just wanted to go. A part of her, a deep down part, wanted to remove a glove and strangle the lycan. She wanted to watch her get sicker and sicker and see the light go out. She had no right to speak to her this way. She had done nothing wrong.

Ana just licked her lips and kept on tugging at her gloves. "I'm..I'm sorry. I don't want anything. It was nice to have a place to stay. I don't want to be a burden. I was going to leave soon anyways. You do not have to worry."

Ana looked at Caroline and shook her head. "I am good I guess. I don't really use my powers. I can't do much anyways. I...Not anymore. I just want to be alone." Can't hurt anyone that way. She looked at the door. Maybe she should just leave and let these people be.
Ana leaving was no skin off Sheena's nose. She had hardly wanted or expected to return after their ordeal to more stranger to get used to, strangers she neither knew about nor trusted. Rhys leaving was enough to adjust to without two people being thrown into the mix. She didn't try to hide her relief as she shrugged, simply nodding her head towards Ana after she had spoke.

"Alright, bye then."

To her that solves the problem rather simply. But Caroline doesn't seem to see it that way. Yawning again, she half covers her mouth, her words a little muffled as she speaks up.

"I don't think that's very nice, Sheena...she said she's a good witch. We should help you guys help me."

"Caro, you don't just take people at their word and invite them to stay...Jason," Sheena said meaningfully, raising an eyebrow at him, but Caroline is insistent, putting one hand on Sheena's arm.

"She doesn't seem mean. You should at least give her a chance...I mean, it's not fun not having anywhere to go..."

Sheena just looks at her, knowing very well how naive Caroline is, but also knowing that the others might very well overthrow her opinion. She looks up then to the others, partly wanting back up, partly wondering genuinely what they are thinking. Other than Sheena, he's almost as bad as Caroline, and she's sure he's of the same opinion.
(Alright guys, this is two days from being inactive. I guess it's done with then? Joboz has been gone for almost two months, so it's either move on without her or just agree this is over. Really it could have ended with Rhys going back to sea and the girls returning from the Lycans with them uniting, it's just the addition of Pandora, Cain, and Ana that's kind of dragged it out more)

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