Street Kids storylines and plotting

I think I'll go with the second one, cause I'm going for very ethereal shady beings in both Pandora and Cain.

so Cain can fool them into thinking he's a lycan for a while.


[MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION]
[MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION]

[MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION]

What kind of vampires are these? Like what are they weak to besides sunlight and silver?
All Nosferatu have their physical appearance hideously mutated and, due to this, they must live in seclusion. irredeemably insane in some form or another, Extremely susceptible to sunlight, Affected by religious symbols and silver.
All right let's plan what's going on here......

Kagu and Macal, (and Joboz, who needs to catch uppppp :P ) I'd say let's get to the point where the girls meet up with Christian. Macal, what will Christian now want or expect from Sheena, where are the vamps coming from and who are they, and is there any way that Sheena could manage to have ties both with the original group and with the Lycans? Exactly how much of an agenda does Chris really have right now? I'd like to work a way for her to still be able to be with the original group too but also to have the Lycan storyline.
I think it's my post, but I'm giving Joboz a chance to catch up...wherever the hell she is.

Cain is hoping to eventually join the group because of other things...

Pandora's continuing to be weird, y'know.
I would assume she'll follow Sheena, Joboz, I mean, so the question is really for Macal then, and he could post as well to set up the scene when they arrive
I'm thinking now that Sheena will not want or be ready to join Chris's pack and fight a Lycan war. So she and May and Sheena will go back home with the others and maybe Cain can come back with them. From there, Macal's guys will somehow intersect with her or need her. Maybe the vamps attack them, maybe they coerce her somehow or maybe the Lycans need her or she needs them as a result of this war. Or maybe the other kids are in danger due to her being Lycan and constantly targeted as a result of the war
[MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION]

I already explained this to Lilac, dunno if you saw Maar...

But if Christians all supposedly super worried about Sheena and etc, maybe he'd send Cain to protect them?

Just an ideaaaa.
Ok, tomorrow I'm time skipping to the point where the girls and Cain have just arrived back at May's house. We can take it up from there, the other group, you guys can set yourself where you need to be or else go with my time skip
Scathach can proabably show up anywhere in the city, though she mostly tends to head out at night due to her vampire like nature. Is there a specific spot in the city where those of the clan Vampire congregate?
Well, currently the kids are no longer in New York City, they're living a few hours outside it. vamps have just recently been brought into the mix and I'm not even totally sure where it's headed yet, other than a war between Lycans and vampires, it seems, that some of the kids may be drawn into in part. So probably not unless Macal had a specific spot in mind
Ok... currently living outside of the city... I can work with that. Macal, do you have a problem with Scathach joining your group, and is there a certain spot or area where she should turn up in the end?
Were you still wanting to join? Also, everyone else, where are we headed with this? I say we should time skip soon or else move this along to get into soem action.
We're waiting for joboz!

I kinda wanted some interaction and i thought it was story enough wth ana being there...doesn't she have her own plotline?

Also me and joboz were gonna do a whole Pandora and May meeting.

Plus I kinda have to figure out what will happen when Pandora and Cain she has to meet all of you. We'd be plopping character's who've had basically no time to develop together :/

Like everyoes stll weary of ana, but maybe they'll be friendsies, etc etc.
Yeah, well, now Joboz hasn't posted for a month pretty much across the board...and Legendless has been gone for almost a month too, lol. So what are we doing, people? It's a shame to let this one die, it was so detailed and it was the first I ever started :/ I guess I'd be okay with ending it since there's pretty much a spin off I'm doing now, but what do the rest of you think? I could come up with an ending on the fly but I'd like input

[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] [MENTION=1503]Nivrad00[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION] [MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION]
Pfft, no

You can't end an RP because two people stopped posting, that's just silly.

Besides, most people just leave their RPs lingering until it dies on its own. There's no point in definitively ending it, since it might end up picking up again.

And if it doesn't, then well, guess that's too bad, but at least you tried.

Also I attach a certain amount of sentiment to this RP and if you kill it I will be very sad at you.
I could have Pandora come out and meet shenna and etc, but the original plan was that May and her /do/ actually know each other... so it'll be hard to convince sheena of that with her saying nothing.

You can have lycans show up?

Cain and Pandora will each others true nature if they meet, and I didn't want to do that until Pandora at least met May but... gooddamn. Such prime characters!

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