Strange things happened in RP

Pen and Paper

  • Killed a Vampire with a jar of marmelade (Vampire the Masquerade)
  • Played a Highly Acrobatic (I would even dare to say Breakdancing) Dwarven Monk
  • Had a cannibal player once, who decapitated Gnomes whenever he found them and ate their insides.


  • Tried to use my characters hanging entrails to choke my opponent
  • A character had a tantrum because he was ignored by others and carpet bombed London with miniature Black Holes
  • A character had 1.5 Flashbacks/Post in a single thread
i once had an rp that was (I shit you not) a crossover between;

BBC Sherlock (where Sherlock was a girl, and also a 'dark angel')


Welcome to Night Vale

i shit you not.

someone ought to remind me to write a fucking thread or two about that absolute trainwreck. i still have the logs. shudder.
hexaphenylbenzene said:
i once had an rp that was (I shit you not) a crossover between;
BBC Sherlock (where Sherlock was a girl, and also a 'dark angel')


Welcome to Night Vale

i shit you not.

someone ought to remind me to write a fucking thread or two about that absolute trainwreck. i still have the logs. shudder.
And how did that go...?
Donder172 said:
And how did that go...?
terribly. they were a bad writer (I was too, though, to be entirely fair) and they were a very poor sport about everything. towards the end i just had fun with it and fucked around, i wasn't taking anything seriously at all anymore.

like i said, i have the logs if anyone wants to see the absolute monstrosity. or at least an excerpt.
hexaphenylbenzene said:
terribly. they were a bad writer (I was too, though, to be entirely fair) and they were a very poor sport about everything. towards the end i just had fun with it and fucked around, i wasn't taking anything seriously at all anymore.
like i said, i have the logs if anyone wants to see the absolute monstrosity. or at least an excerpt.
Honestly, I don't think I could take that serious at all xD
Donder172 said:
How long did this rp survive...
well, it was 376,065 words and went on for around... five? six months? i don't even know to be honest. i've tried to block out as much of it as i could.
hexaphenylbenzene said:
well, it was 376,065 words and went on for around... five? six months? i don't even know to be honest. i've tried to block out as much of it as i could.
5 or 6 months... how?
Donder172 said:
5 or 6 months... how?
i have no clue. i was young and new and didn't know i could just go 'fuck this this is so stupid' and bail. this little quote pretty much sums up the entire rp (this was her writing btw)

" Sherlock sprinted to the asylum and stopped when she saw it was even more run down than it looked when she was released from it. She carefully stepped in, finding graffiti and abandoned beds, needles and small bags, along with the smell of urine inside, not hearing any heartbeats or even breathing, and knew she was alone. She quietly walked up the stairs where she remembered her room was, footsteps echoing with a steady thud before all sounds were replaced with screaming and the sounds of doctors and other patients walking and talking. She could still see her floor mates daily routines, seeing the doctors 'experiment' on them all before she heard her gut wrenching screams and had to clamp down on her ears. "S-stop! Stop it!!" She yelled, hearing insults thrown her way when she walked down the hall again. "N-not a freak, I-I'm not crazy! Don't hurt me!" She continued to yell, squeezing her eyes shut and dropping to her knees, hid in her face as she felt doctors attack her and hold her down. "

i feel the need to mention that this whole 'asylum' thing was an agenda that one day she decided 'i'm going to make this canon in the rp and never stop talking about it' and she never did. props to her for holding her ground.
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I was playing a character who was a severe insomniac and had to take this herb in order to sleep. However, after foraging, she found what was a hallucinogenic variety of the herb. Her girlfriend at the time sprouted dozens of breasts and extended into a totem pole. My character worshipped the hallucination as an idol.
There was this one RP partner I had who was into weird things. Conjoinments, multiple heads, body modification. Downside, among these... joys... was that he was massively nitpicky, to the point where he retconned a plot thread to be just a dream. Another friend of mine chewed him out after that.

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