Strange things happened in RP


Three Thousand Club

Did you had any strange, funny or weird things happening in your RP? I'll tell one of mine. During one event outside the website (swtor), my character and several of the enclave she was in meditated someone to death.

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In one RP I participated in, a space gypsy character tinkled as she walked. Someone took it as pissing, though the creator meant it as the jingling of little bells on her ankle. And no joke, her name was Analetta.
Okay so one time during a 5E game...

Her name was Sydney. She was an awesome swordsman, but impulsive and not too bright. I absolutely loved the shit out of playing her.

Our party was met with a pit, and we had to get across. So, Sydney sees there's like a stalagmite or whatever on the other side. She makes a lasso and throws it, and what a throw it was, the lasso catches the stalagmite!

DM says "Roll intelligence." I rolled, I failed.

Sydney forgot to hold her end of the rope.

...Probably my favorite D&D moment. Everyone at the table Lol's, and I still smile sometimes thinking back on it.
Aaaand, heres the dialogues.

Char1: "I'm sorry."

Char2: (Holding on to the legs of char1 and on knees.) "Th- Thank you." (Quivering to hold back tears.)

Char1: (Kneeling down hugging Char2.)

(It starts snowing.)

Char1: (Wrapping a thermal blanket around both chars.) "It's okay, You're fine now."

Char2: (Crying uncontrollably now.) "Oh... God."

Char2: (Asleep now.)

Char1: (Carrys Char 2 inside.)

(RP Ends because Char 2 kills Char 1 the next morning.)

Me: (Ragequit.)
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Arion said:
Aaaand, heres the dialogues.
Char1: "I'm sorry."

Char2: (Holding on to the legs of char1 and on knees.) "Th- Thank you." (Quivering to hold back tears.)

Char1: (Kneeling down hugging Char2.)

(It starts snowing.)

Char1: (Wrapping a thermal blanket around both chars.) "It's okay, You're fine now."

Char2: (Crying uncontrollably now.) "Oh... God."

Char2: (Asleep now.)

Char1: (Carrys Char 2 inside.)

(RP Ends because Char 2 kills Char 1 the next morning.)

Me: (Ragequit.)

was that the whole RP?
Just an example from an rp. Not the full rp.
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Ooh, ooh, did I ever mention the roleplay where this chick seriously - non comically at all- tried to hit on my ten foot tall chthulhu-ean monstruosity who had just finished murdering a room full of people? Surely, I must have. And now, now, I'm sure some people think tentacles are cute, but she was screaming in terror only a couple of moments before.

Needless to say, my poor monstrusity should have had her busted for sexual harrassment and spent some time in therapy.
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Okay i just remember this, i was part of the RP, called Clash and two players derailed it (one being the gm and then one of the players) because they were shipping their character together so it was planned to have a Wedding Arc and everybody was against it. but they were still gonna go trough until i pointed out that weddings are an end goal not something that happens in the middle of the story
This is from an old RP from a few years ago, but I think the truly oddest thing that has happened is in a Highschool roleplay, where someone invited my character, which was unsubtly hitting on her, over just so they could read Homestuck together. Okay, I don't think it's THAT odd compared to the other stories here, but it was pretty meta. I don't think I could have forgotten that moment, even if I tried.
Well crumbs I can't think of anything specifically that happened in a rolelpay. But there was a character I had whose offscreen canon was that she had this strange obssession with "lucky symbols" and she tossed her mermaid roommate into the school lake just so she could have the new anthropomorphic rabbit as a new roommate. And she had a weird obssession with this girls feet. Not in the creepy fetish-y way. But in the creepy if I cut them off would they be lucky?

Now that I think on it that character ended up a lot creeper than I had intended.
I was in the tumblr rp scene a few years back and there was this one couple that stole the hearts of everyone. Eventually the two characters, Kay and Joe, decided to get together and tie the knot. Everyone, beyond excited, decided to do one giant group thread for the wedding. Invitations were sent out IC and, as my character was Kay's best friend, Kay showed up to invite her personally.

Only, instead of inviting her, Kay confessed her love for my character and the two ran off together all while the entire group of roleplayers were screaming in the background because no one saw this coming, myself included.

It was hilarious.
@IrradiatedWarden, that's glorious. That player is the perfect troll.

A couple years ago I was into a Star Wars group. I fully intended to take it seriously and have a ~*gritty*~ character arc.

First day on the jedi temple planet my character makes a new, instant best friend. She was insane; a drunk, gambling nymphomaniac who for some reason was dedicated to becoming a jedi. Welp, so much for gritty.

Some of what they accomplished after that:

- stole a tree from the temple greenhouse because it 'looked sad'. Both characters were lifelong spacers, didn't really understand trees. In the process of air-lifting it out they killed the tree and shattered the greenhouse roof.

- Failed to learn lightsabers, but did manage lightning to the point of one getting electrocuted.

- went joyriding so often they were banned from the hangar

- brought strange men home from the village tavern to thoroughly violate every aspect of the jedi code

She eventually acquired a secret Sith lover, who of course tried to turn her to the dark side. When she dropped him (too much brooding, not enough fun) he became a creepy stalker. I think that was the most serious that RP ever became.
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I'm into Twitter-based RP which has a habit of lending itself to some pretty wacky crossovers. I think the most interesting thing that's happened recently is that Catherine (the succubus, from the video game) has taken to teasing one of my characters relentlessly because she thinks the face he makes when he's flustered is funny. He can threaten her all he wants but she'll just go "ooh, kinky" and nothing he does actually permanently hurts her so he basically just has to deal. ;u;
I once had someone in my star wars DnD group trip my character over onboard the millenium falcon, so I opened the airlock and laughed as they got sucked into space.

Regular roleplaying (pure text based) would have to be...well, I once had my character get killed and reborn about 7 times in a single RP. That was intense.
IrradiatedWarden said:
That sounds like the most amazing thread that has ever existed.
Haha thanks >.< It was a good time. Luckily it was a forum rather than a single group thread - people only had to tolerate our bullshit if they wanted to. A surprising number did, even those with very serious characters.
So, a couple things.

So, you know those moments when two people are on completely opposite sides and are fighting to the death and one of them is either crazy or a pervert and decides that they want to basically "recondition" or "retrain" the other character and make them into their personal pet whore?

...My main OC is literally like a magnet for those xD It's happened like ten times at this point and it's frankly hilarious. She always tells them to not waste their time and they're like "Ooh, spunky" while I'm laughing myself to death.

Also, there was the time I was playing a very nasty villain. He had two charries at gunpoint and someone tackles him. The guns went off, of course, and I left it to the other people to decide where the bullets hit. One killed an important character, and the other hit another character in the head, and she basically went through the rest of the roleplay with a hole in her forehead. Suffice to say, I was scarred for life :P People said all throughout the roleplay that he was a good villain and I was like "HE KILLED THAT WONDERFUL CHARRIE WHY"

So yep. That's me xD Unless you count my D&D ranger's weirdness, but there's way too much of that xD
My god, all of this put me to shame xD The only thing I can think of, was years ago, when I was still horrible at writing. I guess I'll point out that it was solely text based, as I lack any experience with dice-related or other styles. So this one character of mine had this friend. And this friend, who was some on and off love interest had a thing for some super-edgy psycho bastard. With a last name like Slaughter, people keep band-aids on hand whenever he's around.

I guess through some way or another, she pissed him off, so he and another brooding dude (Who had two different colored eyes, and wore a gas mask all the time) decided to chop her up into teeny tiny pieces. Long story short, she arises as a zombie, who would regularly use her dismembered hand to crawl around and spy on me.

At the end of the day, my charcter had a disfunctional friendship/relationship with Tim Burton's corpse bride.
billthesomething said:
I was hosting a Crossover RP and somebody signed up as alexander hamilton and he ended up killing a zombie headcrab
I remember that one, he shot one with a flintlock pistol, right? :P
Probably the weirdest and funniest thing that happened to me during a DnD campaign, was all of our characters getting turned into My Little Pony characters after failing a trap roll. I just turned to my DM and said, "Did you really just do that?".

And in the same campaign, my character got pissed on by a scared goblin up in a tree that he tried to knock down to get to said goblin. I had a couple of failed rolls after that, and I blamed it on "There's piss in my eyes still".
For me, strange and funny shit in RPs are more often than not of my design.

I once had a character of mine call another character, who had white hair, "Cum hair guy". Yes, that "cum". Much to the chagrin of the player of that character, the name stuck. In fact, another player ended up using the same name for a different character, directly quoting me as the origin of the joke. The dude that played that character was also not pleased with their character's new moniker.

In the same RP, I had a penchant for turning mundane missions into ridiculous shenanigans. What would've been a "go to place, kill bad guys" mission soon turned into a bizarre smear campaign against another player's character (implicating them for a bunch of crimes and stuff). In retrospect it was kinda stupid, but stupid was my MO when I first started.
I was comfortability having a one x one role-play when suddenly some person decides to post something saying the following:

(person's name) walks in and kisses (character 1) and (character 2), resulting in both of them getting herpes.

Seriously, what the actual hell?

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