Strange Seas [Apocalypse World engine]


Have Towel - Will travel
This is a recruitment message for people looking for a world of strangeness. However, unlike a post-apocalyptic survival, this will be using tremulus, a derivative of the Apocalypse World engine, to bring horror and strangeness to the "real" world.

The setting is a cruise ship traveling from New York to Rio de Janiero, continuing on to Sydney and Hong Kong, during the late 1800s. We are looking for a few more people to play along. The focus of this game is exploration, deduction, and solving mysteries -very unlike the Apocalypse World setting, but very good in the world of tremulus.

The game is just finishing the framework stage, but we are just starting on the character interaction phase. If you would like to join, please post here and we will create space for you. If you want to observe what we have done so far, you can reach our forums here.
Head over to the OOC thread and introduce yourself. I do require that you either get the tremulus play guide, or have some familiarity with Apocalypse World, but it is really easy to pick up as we play.

Introduction should be less of where you live and where you work, and much more about your play history, especially since you are new to the boards. Give us an idea of what you like in a game. Some people may be able to play into that. Then you will need to pick a play book, which is like a character outline. Alienist and detective are claimed so far.

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