Strange Fated Happenings: A New Life in Karakura Town(Bleach RP)

Sozu and Seirah smiled, realizing what was going on with her. Seirah then turned to the orange haired boy. "Are you Ichigo Kurosaki?"
I bit my bottom lip and calmed down.

Uryu started pouting when Ichigo arrived.

​"Yeah. Why? Who are you?" Ichigo questioned.
Sozu disappeared down the halls, hoping she wouldn't run into 'him'.

"I'm Seirah Umazuki, a soul reaper. Soul Society sent me to keep an eye on you."

(Do you happen to have a quizilla account?)

"What the hell are they sendin' you to watch over me for? I don' need a damb baby-sitter!" Ichigo yelled, one eye twitching in annoyance.

Uryu tried to hide his amusement at this, but I could see right through him.

He was walking down the hall, only for that girl from the library to run into him, knocking him on his back.

A girl with short, spiky black hair and violet eyes came running and stopped right next to Ichigo.

"What's all the yelling about?" she demanded in an authoritive voice.
(Unfortunately no)

Her eyes widened. "O-oh! I- I'm terribly sorry!" She said, then gasping as she realized it was the boy from the library.

Seirah facepalmed.
When he saw who it was that had knocked him down, he just stared blankly at her for a second before saying anything.

"You should be more careful of where you're going. would you mind getting off of me now?" he said in the same monotone he'd used earlier.

Rukia sighed.

"Ichigo isn't taking the information too well, is he?" she asked.

"What?! You knew about this and you couldn't have said something earlier?" Ichigo yelled.

"Enough yelling aready! It isn't as if I have normal hearing like the rest of you. My ears are hypersensitive," I scolded, glaring at Ichigo. My eyes flashe a silver-red as I glared.

"Just who the hell are you? Are you with Soul Society too?" he questioned, pointing at Seirah for emphasis on Soul Society.

"First off, do I seem like a soul reaper to you? If so, you are quite dull. I'm Moonlight Myst," I said. It was true. Anyone who actually could sense spiritual pressure should be able to tell that I wasn't a soul reaper, nor was I even human. My spiritual pressure should prove only to cause questions as to what I was. Ironic, considering that I myself couldn't sense spiritual pressure.

"Speaking of which, what exactly are you? I've never sensed a spiritual pressure like yours before and it definitely isn't human. and you did indirectly mention that you're not a soul reaper," Uryu said.

A solemn expression crossed my face and I looked down.

"If I told you, you would either be frightened of me or would not believe me. Of this I am quite certain," I answered.
"S-sorry!" She stuttered as she quickly got off of him, holding out a hand to help him up.

"I believe everything. So tell me." Seirah said, curiosity getting the best of her.

He took her hand and let her help him up. He didn't exactly know why. He could have just gotten up himself. And usually he would have, with detatched remark.

I breathed in and let out a small sigh before saying anything.

"Well....I'm part witch, part vampyre, and part wolf. Not werewolf, mind you," I said.

"But those are myths. They don't exist," Uryu said, bieng all logical.

"Besides. Wouldn't you have to be bitten by another vampire or something? How are you all three of those?" Ichigo asked.

"First off, how would you like to called a myth and said not to exist? There are many creatures of myth that are of existence," I reprimanded, then went to Ichigo,"That's a stupid question. There are two subspecies of vampyre. There are made vampyres, who are humans or witches who had been turned, and then there are the lamia(pronounced lay-me-a), the born vampyres. And just to be clear, vampyre is truly spelled with a y, not an i like how you humans made it out to be. Just as with that stupid stereotype about how vampyres will die if they go out in the sunlight. It burns, yes, but it doesn't kill any vampyre and is tolerable."
"Well that is certainly interesting." Seirah said, suprisingly unsurprised.Sozu smiled slightly at him then said, "I'm Sozunosuke by the way."
"Ulqiorra. You changed your hair colour," he commented.

"If what you say is true, you might want to watch out for Kurotsuchi," Rukia said.

I tilted my head to the side cutely like a confused puppy.(And I do mean cutely.)

"Why?" I asked.

"He might want you as a test subject if he knows about you," she answered.

I made a pouty face.

"That is just wrong," I said.

A big guy with brown hair and eyes walked over. He looked to be the type to say very little.(Woop! I just brought Yasutora "Chad" Sado into this!)
Seirah looked at the newest person. "Hello"

Sozu looked confused. "Hair colour?" She swiftly ran her fingers through her incredibly long snow white hair.
"Hi," he said. Definitely not much of a talker.

At that moment, another, but notably smaller and very hyper, boy came running in and yelled,"Ichiiiiggggooooo!" as he tried to tackle him, anly to run into Ichigo's fist.

I gat the feeling that this happened often.

Uryu anime sweatdropped.

Rukia also anime sweatdropped.

"What is it Keigo?" Ichigo asked.
(Sure! Just go to the group I created and set up your chara profile sor of like how I did. The group I created should have the same name as this RP.)

"You'd better not be in the top twenty again, Ichigo!" Keigo accused.

"I'm in 18th again this year," Ichigo said, annoyed at Keigo.

"Whaaaa?! You traitor! You-you nerd! As a present for your nerdiness, I award you with this nerdy headband!" Keigo weirdly had a mood change, taking out a random headband.

Ichigo hit him.

"I don't want it," he said.

Uryu anime sweatdropped again.

"Why do I have the feeling that this happens often?" I asked no one in particular, already knowing that answer to my own question.
Name: Sakura Morasaki

Age: 16

Birthday: August 25

Star Sign: Virgo

Favorite Weapon: Tenshi no Hakai [Fallen Angel of Destruction] (Zanpakuto)

Favorite Food: Cherries

Loves: Cherries, Drawing, Reading Manga and Watching Anime

Likes: Cats, Singing, Candy

Dislikes: Bullies, Spinach,

Race/Species: Shinigami

Theme Song: Mordred's Lullaby

Abilities/Powers: Bankai, Hollow Mask, Kidou, Flash Step, Flash Blossom (
A special Shunpo technique where one moves to their opponents back. Directly attacking and sealing one's Soul Chain (Saketsu) and Soul Seal (Hakusui) in one strike. The movement is so fast that an opponent may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are.)


View attachment 8366

Cold and emotionless

Love Interest: Grimmjow

(Accepted! Just do whaterver. Meet us however you want. Just don't do OOC for any chara from the anime/manga itself if you RP them. ^w^)

"I was wondering the same thing. She seemed a bit edgy when she took off," I said.
I padded down the hallway softly until I saw a group of people and recognized Ichigo. I got a weird feeling from the girl talking to the snow haired one so I leaped onto her head and my right paw against her forehead. "You have an interesting scent," I stated in my deep voice with my gold eyes shining with curiosity.

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