Strange Fated Happenings: A New Life in Karakura Town(Bleach RP)


Junior Member
This RP takes place after the whole Aizen dilemma. It starts off with me starting school at Karakura High as part of a bet I agreed to with my best friend, who takes off to who knows where soon after. I end up meeting a few of the origional characters, including Uryu. If you would like to join, just say so and give your character description and if you like a specific character, but Uryu is mine. I want the origional characters from the anime/manga to keep as close their actual personalities as possible. Arigatou!
Kyaha! I can keep to just about any character's personality, but I would rather only RP a few....I usually let myself get out of hand and RP a lot of them, yet somehow not mess up. Kyaha! So....You're going to join?
Kyaha! My ghost friend is of the personality of my best friend who had run off after my agreeing to the bet to which you shall find out the terms of somewhere during RP. She'll be using my account to RP with us, but I'm the dominant persona! You'll find out what I mean when she appears in the RP after a while. *w- I also had a freaky weird dream about Uryu last night.....
RP time! ^w^ Starting....NOW!

I walked down the hallway in Karakura High, headed towards the top 100 score sheet. I half hoped that no one would be there. I had come early for a reason.
Seirah and Sozunosuke looked at the scores. Sozu in third, Seirah following fourth. Seirah was suprised that she got such a high rank for someone who didn't study and try. (There is one difference with Sozu in this rp. She likes Ulquiorra)
As I walked I sensed the aura of two girls. Their auras felt like that of a soul reaper's. I apparently wasn't going to be the only nonhuman here. I always had found it ironic that I could sense aura, but never spiritual pressure.

When I got to the score sheet and pretended not to notice them as I looked at the sheet on the bulletin board. I sighed, seeing that I was in first with a perfect score. Of course. My perfect memory wouldn't let me forget a single thing. Not even things that I wished I could forget.

Soory. My dumb-ass grandma blocked your number. So freakin' pissed right now.) :Time lapse to whre we were at via text.: "Oh." Seira said, now slightly confused. Sozu blushed a deep crimson and stuck her nose back into the book she was reading.
(Go to my profile, look at the groups I'm in, and go to the one with the same title as this RP. Then post your character info there like how I did.)

"Confused now, aren't you?" I asked with a wry smile.

"Your becoming embarrassed tells me you do," he said.

Seirah nodded. "So tell me, how could you tell I was a soul reaper?"

Sozu slammed her book shut and got up, running out of the library.
(My mum took my nook away and said that I'm never getting it back.....I can only RP here now, too because she won't allow me to call or txt you guys. Wasn't at my grandpa's...I was on for a few minutes on my laptop at home, though.)

"I can sense and see the aura of others. The same goes for inanimate objects. Not to sound rude, but why are you in the human world if you are a soul reaper with the lack of soul eaters around?" I asked. I had always called hollows soul eaters, which would probably confuse her.

A boy with raven-black hair and blue eyes wearing glasses was walking to school. He was a bit later than usual, but was still early. He was reading a book written in German as he walked.

He watched her leave, intrigued by her. He couldn't exactly place how he felt about her, but he did know he had never felt that way about anyone before, which unnerved him slightly.

Random Colour chart for when I RP characters(POV changes randomly except for my character. LOL!):
















Other/unknown/mixed (More may be added later.)
"I'm here to watch over the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki." She said then sighed. "And also to watxh over my clumsy sister Soz-" Her sentenced ended abruptly as Sozunosuke ran into her.

Sozunosuke was in utter desbelief. She was absolutely sure she hadn't said it aloud. Mindlessly running, she ran into her sister.
"I'm here to watch over the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki." She said then sighed. "And also to watxh over my clumsy sister Soz-" Her sentenced ended abruptly as Sozunosuke ran into her.
Sozunosuke was in utter desbelief. She was absolutely sure she hadn't said it aloud. Mindlessly running, she ran into her sister.

I watched the scene unfold in slight interest. I gave a single blink, then spoke.

"Are you all right? You seem to be quite startled," I asked the girl who had run into Seirah.

The raven-black haired boy walked over just in time to here the last two words of my sentence.

"What happened? Was one of you actually incompetent enough to run in the hallway?" he asked, pushing up his glasses in an obvious attempt to try and act like he was cool.

I glared at him. If I weren't so selfcontrolled, I would have hit him at that very moment. Then I noticed his aura, which had me utterly baffled. His aura was stronger than that of a normal human's, but that wasn't what got me. It was the fact that his aura was that of a quincy's. I was of the belief that the quincy were extinct.

He opened his book and began reading to try and take his mind off of the girl he hadn't gotten to know the name of. It worked. Halfway
(Fail spelling! XP Also, Arisu died her hair cherry blossom pink!)

"Oh! Sorry sis! And yes, I'm alright. I guess...." Sozu said, then muttering the last part quietly to herself. She then turned to the boy with the glasses. "Who are you calling incompetent?" She said, growling slightly.

"Sozu, you ran into someone didn't you?" Seirah asked her sister, having had seen her in this state once before when she ran into something unhuman but intelligent and mysterious.

"Only someone incompetent would actually run in the hallway," he said

"Well, you're obviously the least rude person in this world," I repremanded, sarcasm apparent in my voice. I had an unintentionally cute pouty face on.

"Me? Rude? H--" he started to say.

I cut him off by hitting him aside the head.

"You are rude. And you're the one who's incompetent if you really can't see that," I quipped. I hoped I hadn't hit him too hard. I didn't usually hit people like that.

"So why did I?" I though, not speaking aloud. I kept my pouty face on.

An orange haired boy walked down the hallway, sulking. He was muttering something to himself.

He couldn't concentrate on his book any longer. He closed it and got up, leaving the library.
"No-one calls my sister incompetent, you Qui-" Seirah yelled but was cut off by Sozu.

"It's alright sis. And besides..." Sozu said then whispered the rest in her sister's ear.

I stared blankly at the two girls, wondering what Sozu meant. Me and my hypersensitive hearing.

Uryu rubbed his head where I had hit him.

​The orange haired boy continued sulking down the hallway.
"Can you please just let me say it once? Please?" Seirah begged her sister.

"Fine....." Sozu murmured.

"Tsubakega Quincy!!!!" Seirah yelled at Uryu, smiling smugly afterwards.
Uryu stared at her open-mouthed, not really knowing what to say to that.

(Uryu stunned to silence! Kyaha! Awesomness!)

"He's actually kind of cute when he isn't acting like such a jerk," I though in my head. I immediately began blushing as I realised what I had just thought.

"What am I thinking? I'm such a baka! What the bloody hell is wrong with me?" I repremanded myself, holding my head and shaking it from side to side rapidly.(Yep! I'm in denial! Kyaha!)

Uryu gave me a look as if I'd lost it,
wich I probably had.

"Are you all right?" he asked as if he couldn't think of some other way to make me shut up and quit freaking out.

I continued calling myself an idiot in no less than 84 different languages and shaking my head.

The orange haired boy stopped when he got to where we were and quit sulking as he watched the slightly comical scene.

"What's going on?" he asked
as I continued with my freaking out.

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