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Realistic or Modern Stranded

Amira coughed up the water residing in her throat. Slowly she raised herself from the white sand. She stepped towards the sea, looking far out into the horizon. "Shit..."

Dominick found himself lying face first with a mouth full of sand. There was a fear that rushed through his body as his eyes opened, rendering him immobile.
The ground was shaking, wasn't it? Raye felt the soft sand beneath her finger tips. Her vision blurred and muffled screams could be heard faintly in the background. Eric...where are you? Red droplets spattered down her black shirt. She was bleeding. She must have hit her head on something on the way down. That's right...this was supposed to be...a fun vacation for brother and I. The voices suddenly became clear.

"Raye!" Eric's voice edged closer. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. One moment they had been having a bland conversation about the hot weather, and now this.

"Are you okay? Oh my god you are bleeding, here."
He ripped off a strip of his shirt and dapped it on the wound on her head. It wasn't too severe, but enough to be a notable injury.

Raye looked around at the rest of the people. She was happy to be alive, even if her facial expression seemed gloomy.
There was an artificial calmness to Amira, be it to look strong for others or to look strong for herself did not matter as she didn't know herself. She looked back to the others who had awoken. "Do you know anything about this?"
Isabella slowly lifted herself up off of the sand, her vision was slowly coming back. She looked around at the few others around her, slowly walking towards the others "no" she replied to the question she moved her long hair onto her right shoulder running her fingers through it
Jessica woke up on the sand with a headache. "No way..." She thought to herself. She wasn't ready to believe in the reality she was living in right then. Seeing others, she stood up off the ground. Her shirt had been a little bit torn and wet. She lifted up the shoulder of her shirt and walked over to the other survivors. She had a slight limp with a sort of injured leg. "How could this have happened..." She said, being most worried as she had ever been in her life.
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"Shit." She mumbled. "I'm taking a walk around this place. Someone walk with me." She tugged at her soggy shirt that stuck to her skin. She sighed, looking at the sea once more.

Dominick slowly raised himself, sitting hunched over in the sand. Everything hurt but nothing too badly. He was too flooded with fear to expel a sound. His mind raced with infinite possibilities of what could happen to him.
Daniel shifted in the sand, starting to come to his senses again. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry. There was a sharp pain in the back of his head and his body was bloodied with cuts and scratches. As Dan stared into the bright blue sky, recollections of what had happened before he wound up... wherever... he is now comes to mind. He was on a cruise with his mother and father, in the grandest of restaurants on the ship. Dan's father was running a campaign and... midway through... that's when the crash happened. That's when Dan watched his parents and many other families fall overboard, out into the sea, where they would never be found...

Daniel started to choke and he sat up, coughing furiously until salt water poured out of his mouth. He felt dizzy as he looked around. There were other people not too far from him. Before he went to join the group Dan walked to the water and washed the blood off to avoid infections. He stripped out of his dress shirt and jacket, those being far too gone to salvage, and ripped off a loose piece of his pants. Dan then approached the group, holding his head and squinting against the bright sunlight. Daniel listened to one of the women speak and then asked the group, "Well first, is everyone here okay? No one critically injured?"
2013 - Mirage | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum


Finn awoke from his comatose with confusion. Upon wakening there were people around him who seemed to be just as confused as he was. He got up from the ground slowly and shook his head trying to get the sand out of his wet hair. Looking around eh saw that as far as he could tell he got lucky making it with little more than scratches on his arm. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lynn on her side eyes closed with a horizontal gash on her right leg. Finn dashed over to her and began CPR, he pumped his fists on her stomach and when that failed he touched his lips to hers and breathed in and out until eventually she coughed, Finn backed his head away from hers and her eyes opened. He smiled and hugged her for a solid 5 seconds before letting go of her. Lynn asked what had happened and Finn told her what he thought had happened.
I'm going to go ask these other people if they know what happened, okay? Also try not to move. you have a...uh...well you have a cut on your leg, so I'll ask for help with that too." Finn said to her and he started to walk toward the group of people in an effort to find out more about the events that had taken place. Hey, any of you know what just happened? Oh and is anyone here good with medical shit?"


Lynn woke in her boyfriend Finn's arms. She sat up and took a look around, sand and water was all there was to be seen in the distance, but it brought some form of comfort to her.
"What's goin' on?" Lynn asked with a groan. "Okay so don't panic but... I'm pretty sure the cruise ship sunk or something." Finn replied. Finn said something about her leg being cut so she looked down and saw a gruesome slash across her leg that was way more than a 'big cut' and was oozing blood onto the sand.

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Raye watched as more people awoke from the shock. She turned her attention to the man speaking. She simply shook her head slowly. Besides a pulsing headache she would be fine.

"Well...damn some cruise huh?" Eric sighed. "At least most of us are alive." He mumbled a little more to himself. This was supposed to a trip to rekindle his and his sister's relationship after a few years separated, and it had gone completely awry. Suddenly another mysterious figure approached the group with a slightly panicked face. Medical shit. Is that what he calls it?

"Er, my sister. She's attending a medical university to become a nurse." Eric spoke up. Raye shot him an uncomfortable gaze, which didn't exactly change when her eyes settled on the new guy, but a sudden urge had stricken inside of her. "Where are they?" She was referring to the person he was trying to help. She only hoped it wasn't that bad. From the guy's tone nothing too bad had occurred, probably a minor laceration? Or so she hoped. She wasn't too well off with surgeries so she hoped it wouldn't come to that. Her experience only leapt so far.
Isabella moved around to various people helping them out as much as she could, being an EMT did have its perks especially in times like this, helping to stop the bleeding was really all the could do at this point.
Raye made her way quickly to the injured girl. To her relief it was a laceration. However, her heart sank a bit at the depth of the wound. "Well, on the bright side, the blood is oozing so an artery wasn't cut. That's good." She spoke to reassure herself more than the girl. The fact that they weren't really surrounded by clean water was disappointing. She looked around quickly and noticed one of those small bottles containing alcohol. The ones you usually saw flight attendants giving out on planes. There was only half left inside, but she salvaged what was left and poured it over the wound, not even really thinking about the pain it would cause. She looks strong she can handle it. She took the strip of cloth from her head and tied that around the girl's leg tightly. "She's going to need stitches. If we can't any equipment..." She bit her lip. "Melting the skin together is the other option. It's too deep. This wont hold forever."

"Maybe we can find some other medical supplies that washed onto shore?" Eric suggested, he noticed another girl a little ways off attending to some people. "Hey!" he called. "Medical supplies??!"
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Amira looked back at the group for a moment before she started walking off on her own. Her objective was not only discovery but fresh water as well. She figured something to bring it back with would be nice as well.

Dominick stood and slowly walked over to the group, he looked them all over for a moment, with a face filled with concern, not knowing what he could do he simply stood there.
Eric decided to get up on his own, leaving and search for anything else for the injured girl. He noticed someone venturing further into the tropical wilderness. He rushed to catch up with her.

"Hey, you mind if I join you? I'm sure we are both looking for the general thing. Any necessities, like fresh water or food?" He was hoping to find anything that would help. Surely doing with what was on shore wasn't doing everyone much good. If anything, the supplies that washed onto shore was damaged. @Rad frog father


"That's about all I can do until we can find something to stitch it up or mend it." Raye sighed. @TYGERShrk
She looked at the man who had rushed over to her. "That's what I'm looking for, yes." She looked at the area surrounding her. Sand, sea, and flora. "I'm also looking at what's around here, any people." @NyxNightmare
Daniel was no very skilled in the medical field so he realized that he could not help patch up any wounds. Plus there were enough people working on that already. He wanted to make himself of some use, somehow. "Mind if I come along too?" He asked the woman who had earlier mentioned exploring this place. His scratches were still very apparent with the few occasional small streams of blood still flowing but he did not view that as something that could stop him from functioning.

@Rad frog father
Her eyes shot open. Sitting up faster than expected Lillith began coughing up salt water and bile. She stabled herself with her elbows as she fought for a breath. She was finally able to take in a breath around her retching, but instead of the sweet relief she expected the cold air cut her lungs like ice shards. She collapsed back on the ground, her chest heaving. She hadn't even begun processing what had happened. Instead, she listened to the sound of the waves crashing along the shore. Her body shook from the shock as well as the coldness.
"Come. Anyone can come so long as they can move. This is bull shit and we gotta sort it out. Agreed?" She sounded irritated. She took her shirt and raised it, tying it higher up in the back.
Echo sat up inhaling to much air, and instantly started coughing, salt water poured out of her moth and it slowly went from clear, to orange then to red, eventually becoming blood she was coughing up. She tried to stand up but the pain in her body, but especially her legs caused her to fall on all fours.

Suddenly aware of the people around she asked, her mind still fogged, "Wha-" she coughed up a spurt of blood and then said "Wha- What happened? How did we crash?" She said to particularly nobody, but was meant for somebody to answer.
Lillith sat up slightly at the sound of coughing. A girl stumbled, trying to get to her feet, but only fell back down. She stuttered, finally asking what had happened. What had happened? She looked to the water, trying to remember what she was doing before she found herself washed up on this beach. She was on a boat... there was the shrieks of metal being torn, then she found herself in the ice cold water. "The boat sank.." Her eyes widened suddenly. She didn't mean to say it out loud and hoped the girl didn't hear her or think it was a smart-ass remark.
"Well, if we're gonna be looking around we should probably head out fast," Dan said and pointed up to the sun before stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Before the sun sets". Daniel then started walking on his own, towards the thick shrubbery of the island. He examined the leafy green-ness with his eyes and he spotted a nearby coconut tree. The tree wood did not look rotted and there were plenty of giant leaves around (these could be used for shelter). "Well, at least this island isn't lacking in resources that we'd need to survive for the time we're here..." He commented.

Daniel approached a coconut tree and grabbed hold of the trunk. He wrapped his body around the tree and began to pull himself up, the wood scratching at his already sensitive skin. Once Dan reached the top of the tree he made sure that no one was underneath him before knocking down a few coconuts. Daniel then slowly slid down and picked up the coconuts, walking back to where he was talking to the female. "I think I'll actually just stay and search through the debris for a machete or something, then I'll find ya and join you on your adventure," Daniel said and walked off, back to the shore where miscellaneous objects loitered the shore.

@Rad frog father
Bethany woke face down in the sand, her head pounding, she rolled onto her back and rubbed her forehead, her hand came away wet and bloody. Cursing, Bethany sat up and brushed sand from her hair, she looked around for signs of other people and sighed in relief at the sight of other people and stood up.

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