Stranded {Sign Up}

Me to! I'm also Eastern United States! Every one keep an eye oylut for the new thread

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I finally made the rp forum!!! Get to posting! I'm so exited!! It'll be a great rp and we'll have tons of fun!
I made a thread thats called "stranded" that explains it. Then there's the rp and the sign up. Any way, its about teens on a class trip to Athens Greece. The plane had a freak crash and now there on a bizarre exotic island....hence the name stranded. Does that help? :)
yeah, thanks! I'm pretty sure I'll join in a bit.

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Full name: Corsette 'Cora' Marise Hawk



Personality: Cora is a head strong, but quiet girl. She will stand up for what she believes and isn't afraid to share her thoughts. She's quite intelligent and lives for dance. Sadly it's hard to dance in the sand. ;)

Boy/girl friend: Nah.

Crush: What? No!

Sexuality: Straight. Straight as a line drawn with a ruler.

History: Cora's mother died when she was born and her father wasn't ready to be a single parent. She was left on an orphanage doorstep and at the age of five she was adopted by the Hawks. She lived with them and her five older brothers.

Family: Her foster mother, father, and five older brothers.

Student or teacher: Student

Age: 17
Totally accepted! Start posting any time! We can always wrok out relations with the others.
Thought'd I should include one for thunder! :P He IS a developing Charrie.

Full name: Thunder Cocoa Newbarg


Personality: Funny, Active, Not scared that much, Nice, Fuzzy, Warm, Excellent Companion,

Boy/girl friend: Bachelor Ferret.

Crush: Bachelor Ferret -sunglasses-

Sexuality: Straight, BACHELORRRR

History: Was Bought by Paul when he was a little kit, not even a week old, Paul got him when Paul was just 13, And the last 4 years have been awesome.

Family: Paul, Mainly.

Student or teacher: Ferret.

Age: 4

Full name:

Sevil Luca Yahana

Look: (pic is prefered, but you can describe)



Sevil is smart kid who loves skateboarding, music, and, well, just being himself. He doesn't try to copy anyone and tries his hardest to be the best he can be.

Boy/girl friend:







He was in a car accident two years ago and the only things he remembers from before that are his name and how old he is. After that he made many new memories in Summitville, Tennesse. Then he moved and had to go on this trip.


His Aunt Lilly, Uncle Jarren, and four cousins, Avril, 11, Jayden, 8, Lucius, 6, and Azriala, 6 months. All of who, he lived with.

Student or teacher:




Accepted! Thanks Katherine for stepping up and creating another male character. I still don't know who's gonna be co-writer yet but I think ill have it decided by Friday.
Full name: Samuel "Skunk" Peterson


View attachment 2235

Personality: Normally thoughtful and shy, seems to be even cold to people he isn't comfortable with. Once someone gets him talking he's funny and philisophical.

Boy/girl friend: "If I could get one to talk to me"

Crush::dot dot:

Sexuality: Straight

History: A troubled artist in every form of the term. Is usually writing songs or poetry, drawing or painting, always putting his creative skills to the test.

Family: Abusive father, untill his mother left him. He lived with his single mother, always too tired or too busy to care about her sons near-prodigal skills.

Student or teacher: Student

Can someone have a charachter with no abusive father, divorced parents, or dead parents or something. Like seriously i'm getting depressed reading theese bios. Go read Paul's on the first page. :P
Well i think all the characters are fine and we should be proud of them. Plz don't dis other peoples characters.
Oh, well in that case its fine. Your kinda right. Lets keep future characters a little happier Kk?
Just because a character has a harrowing backround doesnt mean anything, its how the player interperets his characters experience, my character for example, Skunk used his background for the best, honing his skills and sharpening his wits.
Fullname:Harumi Tenshi Garcia

Look:medium length straight black hair with china doll bangs,almond shaped chocolate brown eyes,cheeks she considers chubby,full lips,olive skin,a naturally almost always clear face

Personality:She usually seems like a shy smarty,but is bubbly,funny,and sweet once you get close to her.She also has a bit of a confidence problem from a lifetime of a teasing family.

Boy/girl friend:single and not really searching

Crush:none to trying girls tho

History:She grew up mostly with her family who love teasing her,so she grew up as a shy little girl.Around the preteens,she doveloped some self confidence and a definate love for animation.By the time she started high school,she'd doveloped good art skills along with a growing hate for her family that she hides due to remaining timidness.

Family:mom,dad,older sister,older brother,and a big extended family

Student or teacher:student


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