Stranded {Sign Up}


One Thousand Club

So if you want to know what the rp is about then just go to my other thread, Stranded. But for those of you who do know, here the sign up!


Full name:

Look: (pic is prefered, but you can describe)


Boy/girl friend:





Student or teacher:


Keep it nice and descriptive. Keep the character developing.


- noooo God moding

- keep posts long and descriptive

- I'm ok with foul language but for the sake of others, keep it to a minimal

Failure to follow these rules will lead to the following consequences:

-first offence: warning

-second offence: suspension from rp until further notice

-third offence: you will be dropped from the rp and will no longer post in it.

Full name: Paul "Smexy" Newbarg

Look: So, Uh, yeah My Charries Wears Purple Hoodies, and thing you can see of his real shirt is a Bow Tie. He wears Jeans with a normal Leather belt. He has Auburn hair that Curls Naturally. He Never wears glasses and his Brown eyes are Beautiful.

Personality: He is really nice, but he is basically your classic wierd kid, He Screams "SWAGGER IS A VERB, THEREFORE YOU CANNOT HAVE IT" Sometimes. Theres nothing he enjoys more the Turtles, Pigs, A Cold Coke, and Sleep. With his Crazy mind he will probably outlive All Yall. (or not.)

Boy/girl friend: As he once said "Your Mother" -giggles-

Crush: No Charachters to Crush on yet. Ill ((Occ it like this.))

Sexuality: He's a man. But he's all for deh ladehsssssss

History: At Age 5 He was tested and he was found Positive with Adhd and Hearing Impaired. At age 10 he won a Sleep off, and so pauls victorious story began, He also has narcolepsy so he brings his Pet Ferret (He Calls him Thunder for no reason) (Also narcolepsy is a Disorder were you litterally just fall asleep randomly.) Oh yeah he read this book one time and is convinced Chiuahas are the Spawn of the Devil, Also because of his Jewish Heritage he will refer to everyone as "Hebrews and Shebrews" Also Heshebrews for your sexually confused charries -winks-

Family: No One so far (no other Charries so far)

Student or teacher?: Studenttttt

Age: 17
Full name: Amber Villaquete


View attachment 1966

View attachment 1967

Personality: Kind of a mean girl at times but still a great friend and is very funny. She is also called a slut a lot due to her suductive behavior.

Boy/girl friend: Jin Kazama

Crush: she has a boy friend!

Sexuality: straight and loves guys

History: She grew ul in Japan and moved to the U.S. when she was 12. Her father is a martial artist and taught her at an early age. She is a very good kicker and broke someones rib once. She is also very flexible. She is known fir sluttish behavior and her looks.

Family: 2 sisters, mom, dad

Student or teacher:student

Age: 16
Ah, Kiki...

The character sheet thread goes in the character sheet subtopic. Go to Other/Uncategorized, and scroll up. ^.^'

But no worries, a moderator will move it for you, eventually.

I'll make my character sheet this evening.
Full name: Flower Full Moon


Personality: She is shy most of the time and likes to hide behind her hair. She doesn't like to talk much and can sometimes seem hopless in getting any friends. Although because of her hair color she often is afraid of getting teased. There's nothing more she would love then just to stay home and hide. Although she seems like the perfect person to pick on, Flower knows how to defend herself. She knows hand to hand combat thanks to her dad. She hardly uses it though and never hits another student unless it is nessassary. Losing her father and mother resently surely doesn't help with her shyness.

Boy/girl friend:

Crush: Haven't met anyone yet.

Sexuality: She's into guys no worries. Straight.

History: She born a shy girl and lived with her parents, till they were killed in a car crash. Now even more shy then ever she has moved to a knew city a new school with new people. She lives on her own mostly with no other family to take care of her but her older sister and manages to survive on her own. With her older sister always working she has no choice but to survive the lonelyness.

Family: Older sister

Student or teacher: student

Age: 16
Full name: Naomi Belle Calypso

Look: View attachment 1956

Personality: Naomi is very secretive and often keeps to herself. (Her last name even means secret) There have been many rumours about her being a spy or assassin of some sorts because of the simple fact that she has never been seen hanging around with another kid and doesn't have any friends since she doesn't want them. There isn't really much to tell about Naomi's personality because no-one has ever really gotten close enough to her to figure it out. Naomi is very opinionated however, and will stand up for what she believes is right, don't expect her to approach you though, she has her reasons for keeping her distance. Naomi is not a mean person and has a kind heart if you can get past the walls she has put up around it.

Boy/girl friend: Nope

Crush: Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Who knows?

Sexuality: Straight

History: Naomi was born to two happy, loving parents. She grew up in a normal neighbourhood and when she turned 6 her mum gave birth to another beautiful little girl, they named her Aurora and their happy little life carried on. Naomi became very close to Aurora and was always looking out for her. When Naomi was 12 and Aurora was 6 their parents a plane crash. Naomi and Aurora were staying with their nan at the time and their parents had gone on their 'second honeymoon' to Hawaii when the plane ride home crashed and killed them both. The sisters were able to live with their Nan for a year until she died from a stroke when Naomi was 13 and Aurora 7, the girls were then put into foster care and split up because they were unable to find a home that would take the both of them. When Naomi's Nan died she took a very interesting outlook on life and once she got new Foster parents and started High School she told anyone who asked that her foster parents were her real parents so everyone believes that Naomi has two happy, loving parents and her life is normal. Although her foster parents are not the angels they seem either.

Family: Her little sister Aurora who she has not seen for three, almost four years.

Student or teacher: Student

Age: 16


Full name: Ali Castle / Lia Castle

Look: View attachment 1955 Ali is the one on the left, you can usually tell her apart because she always has red lipstick on.

Personality: ​Ali and Lia are best friends...and worst enemies.

Ali is outgoing, loud and always ready to tell anyone and everyone what she thinks of them. She is smart despite the fact that many people class her and her sister as 'the dumb blonde girls' and is very good at getting her way, she has no respect for teachers and often gets into fights with her sister Lia, but when it comes down to it she loves her a lot and she would always be her first worry when something bad happens and the first person she wants to tell when something good happens. She cannot live without her red lipstick.

Lia is also very outgoing like her twin, but she is known as being popular for being nice rather than being popular for being a bi**h like her sister. She still has her own opinions and thoughts, but will not tell them to people if she thinks it will upset them. She is also smart and always puts other people's needs before her own. She can also cause a lot of arguments with her twin aswell but just like her, when it comes down to it they both love eachother alot and would always look out for eachother. Ali seems to be the stronger physically of the two whereas Lia is stronger mentally.

Boy/girl friend: None / None

Crush: None / None yet

Sexuality: Straight / Straight

History: Ali and Lia were born to a Father who always invented stuff that never worked or was never needed, when they were 10 their Mum left their Father for a rich man and didn't even seem to care about the two daughters she left behind. Their Father became very loving towards them and no less than a year later an invention - inspired by his daughters - caused him to make millions. The girls now live in a HUGE house and have everything they could ever want, except their Mum and their Father's lost attention.

Family: ​Eachother, and their dad Nicholas Castle, their mum is long gone and may have even changed her last name. They never heard from her again.

Student or teacher: Student / StudentAge: 18 / 18
Jobo your characters are both accepted. I especially like the first one, Naomi. Shes very pretty. I also like the Olsen twins, I mean the castle twins. Lol!
Haha xD

Thanks, and yuppers the Castle twins are the Olsen twins. I just couldn't find a good picture of two decent blonde identical twins, so I gave up and used the Olsen's instead xD
Well thanks for joining. I'm planing on starting in like, 2 days. Ill let you know when we start. And remember, ADVERTISE! !!!
Full name: Sarah Garber

Look: (pic is prefered, but you can describe) minus the tatoos

Personality: Sarah is a very stround independent person. With sarcasim on her togue and a strut in her walk, she will not step aside for anyone or let them push her around. She is not afraid to say her opinion even if it might get her into trouble most of the time. Though she is tough and loud, she is still very sweet and caring when you get to know her and break away her sheal, not letting people in. She will not open up to just anyone and very few people know of her sweet side.

Boy/girl friend: none

Crush: Little one on Paul

Sexuality: straight, likes boys

History: She grew up in a very pour family with parents who fought almost every night, untill one day her father left them even more pour then they were befor for some other woman who had money. Therefore they had to take sarah out of school, so she could get a job to provide for the family, when out of now where her mother got ill. Every day Sarah would read her mother's favorite book to her, but because they could not pay for her surgery her mother died soon after she got sick. Sarah was heart broken and went to a bording school

Family: none

Student or teacher: student

Age: 16
Totally accepted, jabber! I like your character. Shes very developed.

Also, I have edited my characters appearance in case some of you didn't know.
Did any one see my character's new look? Any way, what do you guys think of starting tonite
Seen it, Ready 2 go! :D

--- Merged Double Post ---

What time zone are you in? Im in Eastern United states, just wantred to know when to expect posts

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