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Realistic or Modern Stranded on an Island

"I guess we ask them as they reach us." Tracy lost her interest with the couple. "I hope our trip will be unforgettable. It's a great thing to sail into this beautiful ocean, even for a short while. I'm so tired with the city..."
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Anya smiled again. "I know what you mean!" She replied. "It is almost 2 o'clock, when will the driver get here?" She asked, brows slightly furrowing a moment.
"Hope it's gonna be soon..." Tracy replied and looked up at the sun briefly" It's really warm today, do you know how hot is it today? Seems like about 90..." She added touching her forehead.
She shrugged, "Probably in the 80s or 90s." Her gaze drifted about, somewhat bored. She was really hoping she could get on the boat... What if the driver wasn't coming till that night? Anya hoped not.
Kirito rushed onto the ship right before it took off. He panted saying... "I.... made it!" Giving the ticket to the boatman.
Around three o'clock an 18 year old guy came over to the teens gathered near his boat. He rose an eyebrow, which showed his confusion, then said, "Hello everyone, there doesn't happen to be a reason you're all gathered near this boat..is there?"

Anya quickly faced the man and gave him a friendly smile, "Well we were hoping we could get a ride on the boat from the owner... Do you know who that is?"

"Well that happens to be me..." The guy said, looking at all the teens around, he supposed it wouldn't be too much to take a few people on a ride in his boat.
Kirito walked up to the boatman and slipped a few words "This boat has too much weight pushed on it in the front." "if damaged, it could sink easily." he continued.
The guy glanced over at Kirito. "Oh really? I doubt that. The weather is beautiful and there isn't any chance of a storm. It won't be damaged."

Anya took the following moments of silence to ask, "Would you be willing to give us a ride?" She gestured to the other few around her.

The man nodded, "Of course. Hop on in." He smiled lightly. "My name is Mason by the way." Anya replied with a small nod and small smile, "I'm Anya and this is Tracy" She pointed over at the other girl. "... I'm Not sure who the others are." She shrugged, then climbed into the boat with her bag and sat down on a small char in a corner. She gestured to Tracy to join her.
Tracy climbed up the boat, following Anya. She sat down next to Anya, making as much place as possible for the others. She threw her backpack under her chair and was watching the others taking their places.

"I got a hunch I'll never forget this ride" She said to Anya excitedly.
Anya smiled over at Tracy. "You never know." She simply replied, then waited for the others to board.

((I know some characters are inactive... so let's just pretend they boarded as well, didn't speak much, then made it to the island with the rest of us.))
Nick made it to his room once the boat had set off, he puked and puked. He was very sensitive to water sickness and passed out with a bit of puke on his face.
Way to start a day on a small ass island, according to one very large wolf that happened to currently be stranded on said island, was with food. Avok had managed to literally devour himself a cove large enough for his wolfy bulk to snug into. Today would be spent making his not-so-little cove a bit bigger and then going to find some of the other things he could smell on the island. Whatever mess of concoctions he'd been given in the lab for seven years had effectively turned his stomach and intestines into organs that could digest practically anything. That happened to include whole trees - which were at least kind of reasonably entertaining to gnaw on.

He stood on his hind legs to shove down the next tree in his cove clearing effort, not like it took much. The tree served as his pre-pre-breakfast. Because real food always included meat. At least according to Avok it did. Sadly, there wasn’t exactly a plentiful stock of it here for a wolf of his size and appetite. Maybe if another ship got close enough they would have food – or be food? He’d need the help of other people to get off of this island, but rationing them couldn’t be that bad. How long did people eve get stuck on islands? He kind of half remembered some sort of rerun on tv once about Gill-something-or-another’s Island but he couldn’t remember any details of the show at all so that wasn’t helpful. His lab environment hadn’t exactly been conducive for island life and he couldn’t remember anything of use from his childhood either. Large canines sunk through the wood with a loud crack. He’d have splinters again, but they always healed so Avok didn’t think too much of it. This tree had lots of bugs in it though. While completely useless in sating his appetite, the tiny creatures provided a means of entertainment while he lapped them up in swarming heaps.
For some time Tracy was trying to talk to the people on boat, unfortunately it seemed that they got bored with her questions and did not want to talk as much as she did. She smiled as she noticed the fact, as similar situations had happened in the past... 'It's time to stop interviewing everyone around' she thought. 'Miss Journalism needs a vacations as well'.

Tracy grabbed her backpack and put it on her shoulders on her shoulders. "I'll go downstairs" she said as Anya looked at her with her eyebrows risen and a question in the eyes. "I guess I'll better change before I start melting here"

The colder wind blown delicately. Tracy started feeling a bit silly with her statement. She looked up at the sun. There were some clouds around, she was sure there were none before. Strange. And it was definetely colder. Not much, but still...

"Hey, Mr. Boatman... Is it supposed to be like that?" she asked the man, pointing at the clouds. Suddenly she needed to sit down, as a stronger wave hit a boat a bit harder. "I don't like this" she said to Anya, awaiting a boat owner's response.
Mason started the boat and they all set out farther into the ocean, he not talking much until the wind came in and the waves were obviously much harder and slamming against the boat's sides, tilting it to a side every now and then. "Crap..." He grunted, trying to turn the boat around.

Suddenly however the boat turned on it's side, when waves pushed it and everyone was pushed out and into the crazy waves.

Anya's eyes were wide at all the waves, and she suddenly screamed when the boat tipped. She grabbed her bag, and managed to get some of the lifejackets scattered near the people falling in along with her. When she jumped/fell and went under, but came back up and grabbed hold of a lifejacket just as another large wave went over her.

"Tracy?!" She called, coughing a moment after.
Tracy fell to the water as the boat turned on it's side. She lost Anya and the others from her sight. She thought someone was shouting her name, but more important to her was not to drawn at the moment. Especially as her boots wre dragging her down...

She grabbed a lifejacket that was floating on water... then the other one. She was safe for now. She tried to swim but due to the waves it turned simply impossible.

Fighting for the ar she was trying to keep her head above the water. She was not thinking, just grabbing those lifejackets and then was just taken by the ocean somewhere. Away from the boat and away from that voice. The voice that probably came from their own head anyway.

She woke up suddenly. She was lying in the sand with her face buried there partially. Tracy turned on her back. It was a beach. A beach on some island. Being too tired to do anything else she just closed her eyes...

When she opened her eyes again she was feeling sunbeams all over her, almost burning her. She turned on her belly again and started crawling towards the tree shadows. 'Coconut palms' came through her mind, just like from a wiki. She smiled to herself. It was her first light-hearted thoght since the storm.

While in the shadows she took another nap. It couldn't be long, as the shadows didn't move, but gave her enough energy to stand up. She felt there was something wrong with her back. No, not wrong, but there was something... She touched it and almost screamed with joy. Her backpack!

Tracy took it off and checked it''s contents. A swimsuit, phone, some small stuff and... Yes! A lighter! Now she can leave a message to the rescuers, even if she would have to burn all the trees on the island! Tracy took a deep breath putting her stuff into the backpack again. She put it on her right shoulder, straightened herself and started walking.

She chose to walk the beach by the treeline. The see was on her right side. After just a few minutes she noticed a person. A girl. She recognized her immediately.

"Anya!" Tracy called and started running towards her.
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Anya had struggled to stay awake and above the water while in the storm, but eventually had blacked out, to awaken on a beach later on.

Had she just fallen asleep while laying on the beach while waiting for the boat? This beach was different... Suddenly someone was yelling her name and Anya slowly turned her head to see Tracy. "Where are we? "She asked in a hoarse tone when Tracy reached her. Her entire mouth felt like sandpaper and she spit some sand out. Ew, She thought.

Anya slowly sat up, rubbing at her face with a small moan.
"I don't know, I woke up just a few moments ago. You are the first one I see." Tracy looked around her. "I guess we should walk the beach searching for others or some stuff from the boat..." Tracy stopped. In reality she knew nothing of what should've been done. "... And then we search for some shelter".

"Actually I'm not sure anything and what's worst here - the sun, the rain or wildlife" She sighed. "I'm from the city". She sighed again but reached her hand down to Anya. "But I'm sure walking is better here than staying in the sun. Come on!"
There was a strange smell on the breeze, something he hadn't encountered before. The large white wolf's paws padded across the wet ground as he sniffed at the air, what was that smell? What had the storm bought them? He took off at a loping run, heading from the far side of the island towards the strange new smell.
Anya took her hand and weakly stood up, feeling dizzy and weak at the knees. "O-ok..." She said, slowly starting to head into the forest of mostly palm trees and bushes.
Kirito woke up, head throbbing and on the wall, why was the boat on the side? He thought. Kirito walked and walked until he found the door and lifted it up, outside the front of the boat had crashed and no-one was in sight. He climbed the boat and jumped the fall. He found no-one and was observing the island.
Tracy helped Anya to her feet. They both slowly walked towards the palm trees. Tracy felt her feet were getting sore. She was walking in her wet combat boots too long. She gently sat Anya down with a palm tree behind her back, sat herself down next to her and started taking off her soaked boots. She took the first one, then put her Swiss knife from the other, put it into her backpack and released her other feet from the boot. 'What a relief' she thought to herself, taking her socks off. She needs to dry them. She was just hoping that on his hot island it would not take too much time... The rest of her clothes were still a bit damp, but were getting dry every second... She bound the laces together, to grab both her boots at once if needed.

When she finished she looked up, at the beach, the ocean, the sky... "Oh my... It's so beautiful here..." She said to Anya.
Kirito ran off into the forest, he checked his backpack and what consisted inside of it, there was a pocket knife, a cask, and a pair of running shoes, he verified his surroundings in the forest. He noticed the sky, it didn't look normal...? A mix of colors he's never seen before circular like a tornado. "Where the hell am I?" He whispered to himself and looked back down at the forest floor.
Anya sighed as she sat down and shut her eyes, leaning her head against the tree. A sigh came from her, and she didn't stir.
Kirito thought about the usage of shelter and started work, first, the ground had a weird small crater in it, he laid down in the crater, it was uncomfortable. The area where he laid his head was the one creating the discomfortability and he thought he could terraform it. Kirito looked around, there was bamboo. Weren't they on a cruise the Zimbabwe? Why are they in the Chinese-Japanese region?

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