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Realistic or Modern Stranded on an Island


Lady, running down to the riptide
Lizzy submitted a new role play:

Stranded on an Island - A group of friends is suddenly stranded on an island with magical creatures, will they survive?

A few teenage friends take a boat ride in the ocean, but suddenly a storm comes from out of no-where and somehow the teens find themselves on a rather small island. Soon they realize they aren't alone. There are creatures, monsters, and magical beings there, all curious about these strangers.

The roleplay will take place when all the teens are at the beach near the boat with nothing but a beach-bag, a swimsuit(And clothes possibly), and a life jacket. In the beach-bag(If your char has one) there can be average things such as sunscreen, change of clothes, sunglasses, a snack, water, the like.


(It looks like this but it's more this size and shape..)


The boat



1. All Rpnation rules, of course

2. No powerplay, godmodding, may-sues, etc

3. Nothing romantic 18+, but of course relationships are allowed

4. Instead of saying 'My character did this to yours', say something like 'attempted or tried'. Give the other person time to respond as well.

Put "Shipwrecked" at the bottom of your CS if you read the rules. You must read the rules to be accepted.
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Anya was laying on the beach sunbathing in her swimsuit with her sunglasses on to shield her eyes. She heard a couple other kids were going on a boat ride, and Anya was hoping she could go as well. For now however, she was just lightly dozing.

It was at least 85 degrees here on the beach, there were no clouds in the sky, and the water was crystal clear. Some people may think it was too hot to do anything, but currently, Anya thought it was perfectly wonderful. She sighed contently.

Now all she had to do was wait for the boat's owners to get around here so she could ask if she could go along with.
::Lei and Sakura walk to the side of the boat and look at the Ocean::

"How did we ever get into a spot like this.." Lei glares at his sister "I can tell you how. You went running off again like the crazy person you are that's how." Lei says as he sighs.

Sakura ignores him as she looks at the water. "No one said you had to come along with me, You came running after me when I was trying to get away from you." She moves her head up and looks at the clouds in the sky. 
"I have to make sure you don't get into any more trouble. But it seems like trouble always finds you, Crazy girl" ::Lei chuckles as he shakes his head:: "What am I going to do with a crazy person that won't even listen to her brother." ::Sakura turns around and kicks Lei in the leg. She gives him a mean glare:: "Stop calling me crazy you stupid boy!" ::She then storms away from him:: "Don't you dare follow me Lei!" "What the hell Sakura..." ::Lei says holding his leg::
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Tracy was walking the waterfront and stopped by one of the quays when she heard her phone ring. She checked it out. Yes! It was a message from Amanda, her editor-in chief. She finally agreed to publish both her features. The one about dangerous dog mistreated by the owner and threatening children attending into nearby kindergarten and the other - on proposed changes of school's dress code policy for the next school year... She was free! Finally she could go on that boat trip. She'd go anyway, but now at least she didn't think of other things...

Tracy checked her backpack when she put her phone there - she had everything she needed, including her black swim suit (she was still in her regular clothes, she planned to change on the boat), snack, a bottle of water and glasses.

'Now, where's that boat' She thought to herself wandering the quays. She noticed two people standing by the boat - a nice guy and a girl in school uniform. She wasn't sure, but it seemed that the girl had just kicked the boy...

Tracy chuckled and walked towards them. "Hi, I'm Tracy, Tracy Ford" She introduced herself. "Do you plan to board the boat?" She smiled "I guess I'm looking for the one that has a trip on schedule soon."
::Sakura stops as she turns around and looks at the girl walking to them:: ::Lei still rubbing his leg some looks over to the girl also:: "It's funny that you said that, its a funny story really. You see this crazy-" ::Sakura goes over and stands in front of her brother with her back facing him as she looks at the girl and smiles, she steps on Lei's foot to shut him up:: "Yes we are going on the boat trip as well. I do believe this is the right boat. I'm Sakura and this soon to be bald guy behind me is my brother Lei. It's nice to meet you Tracy" ::Lei gets his foot free as he moves over to the side so he is facing Tracy to:: "Our last names are Nikos, Sakura forgets to say that when meeting new people." ::Lei smiles at her::
"I guess brothers and sisters need to fight constantly." Tracy smiled back. "So we are the first ones, huh?"

She glanced up at the sun, covering her eyes with a palm. "I read it's 85 degrees today and no rain planned." She noticed only a small cloud on a horizon. "It seems it's going to be a perfect day!"
::Lei and Sakura both glare and each other then looks back at Tracy:: "Yeah I think we are the first ones." ::Lei says as Sakura looks up the sky:: "Well that's good, I can get a sun tan." "It's too bad you did not bring any change of clothes." ::He says::
Anya quickly stood up and dusted herself off then walked over to the other three with a friendly smile on her face.

"Hello! I'm Anya Rose... I heard someone was planning to take a boat ride and I was interested in coming along... Anyone know the owner?"

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"I guess that's really bad" Tracy said worried. "I had a lot of stuff to do, was worried I could be late. Decided to pack my swimsuit at the last possible moment" Tracy looked at siblings "You look like you weren't planning the trip for today. Kinda 'last minute' decision?"

She turned around as she noticed a new girl "Hi, I'm Tracy and I'm afraid I don't know him or her..."
::Sakura smirks at her brother:: "Well two things, You could run and buy me a new swim suit along with yourself. Or you could just wait in the boat with no windows while I get my tan on" ::Lei blinks at her for a bit:: "Why would I wait in the room while you-" "Swimsuit or not I'm getting a tan, So you better run to the store." ::Lei takes a deep sigh then looks at the other two girls:: "She likes to go places without a plan. Well I'll be back." ::As Lei says this he runs off the boat and heads to the nearest swimsuit store::

::Sakura waits a bit then it hits her:: "Why did I send my brother..to get a swimsuit for me?" ::She sighs:: "This can't end well"
"Let's hope he knows at least your size" Tracy agreed with Sakura "But I'm afraid guys know nothing about colors" She cleared her throat. "It was very... well... brave letting him go there all alone..."

"I hope the owner arrives soon..." She added looking at Anya. "Nice suit, by the way" She said with a smile. "and glasses"
"He should know by now, Hes been taking care of me ever since our parents passed away. " ::She smiles to Tracy:: "Knowing him he will get me a school suit." ::She sighs:: "He does not want me to show any skin because of all the guys out there."

::Lei runs around trying to find a swim shop. He finds one and enters it. As soon as he does it hits him:: "Why did she have me go get her a swim suit!" ::He then looks around and sees people looking at him and he sighs:: "Damn you Sakura.."
"You're lucky he cares about you that much" She smiled back to Sakura "Although I cannot even imagine myself in a school uniform." Tracy shrugged.
"Yeah and hes a pain sometimes. Last date I had he was following me around, I could not even hold hands with the guy I was with because he is over protective of me." ::Sakura sighs:: "Hes a pain in my ass."

::Lei still in the store looking at the woman's swim suits:: "Come on, just pick one..anyone will do, She won't mind." ::Just then he sees a group of girls walk in and he freaks out and grabs a suit without looking at it::
"A pain in the ass... Sounds just like a description of my mother" Tracy answered. "We always fight with each other, about almost everything... Do you think there is a chance Lei brings you anything? I mean maybe you should go like... follow him?"
"Brings me anything?" ::Sakura thinks:: "I don't really know what you mean by that Tracy. But as for following him hes good on his own. The last thing I need is Lei always by my side."

::Lei begins to walk back to the boat with the swimsuit that he got for his sister:: "Glad that's over with.."
"I think he's coming" Tracy pointed at Lei walking towards them. 
Tracy's phone rang "Sorry, but I have to answer..." Tracy said and walked to the side. The call was long, but Tracy was aware she needed to board the boat with the rest, when they arrive.
"Never again Sakura, never again!" ::Lei says as he throws the bag over to her. Sakura smiles as she catches it:: "Thanks Lei" ::She then opens the bag up and her eyes go in a deep hate as she looks at the swimsuit:: "Lei..what the heck is this!" ::Sakura grabs the swimsuit and holds it up to Lei. The suit was a one piece orange and blue lines all over it:: "Well umm I was not really looking at them, People were coming in and I had to pick one real quick."
JP by Mitheral and Sharlene79

James Stevens and Jennifer Webb

James tried not to let it show that his arms were starting to feel the burn of fatigue from carrying the supplies he had brought - along with the picnic. He had boiled the list to the bare minimum - food, swimming gear (towels, aloe, suntan lotion, sunscreen, first aid kit, snorkel and mask, ...) He was still a little annoyed that Jennifer had vetoed some of the other stuff he had thought they should bring. But then it wasn’t supposed to be an overnighter. Neither were they planning to cook anything. So he had left the tents, sleeping bags, marshmallows, mess kits - doing his best not to grumble.

Jennifer kept dancing up a few steps ahead of James. She didn’t want to be late for the boat. Of course, all she had to carry were the canteens and her purse. James had written up a whole LIST. The list made it look like they were preparing for a safari - which might have been the case in James’ case. Her boyfriend was always talking about exploring the Everglades. “C’mon slowpoke. We’re going to be late.”

James just looked over at Jennifer. “Ma’am, yes ma’am.”

“Now you know why I said we needed to cut down on all the junk we brought. Told ya.” Jennifer smiled.

“Note to self. Jennifer is always right. Even when she’s wrong, she’s right. Got it.” He grinned at her to let her know he was kidding.

“That’s right,” Jennifer decided to simply agree - with an air of triumph. “I think that’s the boat.”
Tracy hanged off the phone and looked at the newcomers. 'These do not look like siblings, more like an old married couple' She thought to herself and grinned. "Hi, I'm Tracy" she said using the same grin and waving her had towards the couple. "Do you know the owners of the boat? I was wondering if it is possible to board already."
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Anya stood silently, just listening for a while while looking around for the boat owner. She lifted the sunglasses away from her eyes and sat them atop her head so she could see better. Suddenly she walked back to where she had been tanning and packed all her stuff up in her light blue beach bag. Then she pulled her swimsuit cover-up over herself and walked back to the others, phone in hand. Once back she checked her phone and sent a quick text to her mom, telling her she'd be back later then she expected because she was going with some... friends on a boat trip.
Tracy noticed, with a corner of her eye, that a familiar looking girl was standing nearby. "Hi, Anya, I'm Tracy, remember me? We met like a couple of weeks or month ago..."
Anya looked away from her phone and studied Tracy a moment. Oh yea!

"Yea! How's your writing going?" She asked with a smile, phone forgotten as she foccused all her attention on the other girl.
"Great! I've just got confirmation from editor that both my stories gonna be published." Tracy smiled back to Anya. "So, you are on this trip too... Do you think that >old married couple<" Tracy chuckled as she pointed at the arriving two people who kept talking loudly to each other "...have some connection to the boat owners? The guy carries a lot of stuff."
Anya shrugged. "No idea..." A small grin was on her face as she glanced at the two Tracy teased.

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