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Realistic or Modern Stranded in The Blue

Lord Aphrodite

To conquer death, you only have to die.
God? What happened?

James pushed himself up, ignoring the pulsing headache that was apparently provided with waking up in a foreign place. He willed the pain away, sitting up and resting on his knees, and looked around.

He was on a beach, with fine white sand. He was in the surf, and the beach was relatively narrow, before leading into an extremely dense rain forest. There was a small cove to his left, and debris surrounded him. He slowly got to his feet, going to the boxes to see if there was anything of value. There were bundles of replacement cloth, ruined food, and scrap metal, all useful if he was truly stranded.

As he examined his surroundings, he tried to remember what happened.
"Captain, we're headed directly into a storm!"


"We'll be fine, keep a straight course!" The captain, did not think that they'd be fine. He'd never seen a storm like this, not in the forty years he'd been on the sea. He was too old for this nonsense. He was almost certain they would be fine, until the boat started sinking rapidly.

There was little the captain could do as the front of the shop disappeared beneath the waves, with few lifeboats making it away I’m time. Other people simply jumped off the ship.

James rubbed his head as he remembered. He was probably knocked out by hitting something, and it also explained the large gash in his arm. He hadn’t noticed it until the present moment. It was maybe an inch deep, but had since stopped bleeding, though it was pretty gunked up with sand. With the injury, it seemed he lost fine control over extending and retracting his wrist. That'd be a pain to deal with, literally.

“Hello? Anyone?” He shouted. “Anyone?”

He neared the boxes, fishing through for a first aid kit. Luckily for him, he'd washed ashore with one. He fished out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, twisting the cap off. Five minutes of painful flushing later, he had his now bleeding arm wrapped in bandages. He stashed the bottle away, putting the kit back in the box it came from.

With that, he went down the beach, searching to see if anyone had washed ashore. As he stumbled down the shore, he looked at his surroundings. He'd need enough materials to make a hut, maybe he could dig a foxhole? No, storms would flood it. Bad choice. Hut it was. Use the tropical leaves and clay as a roof, cut logs to make thick walls, or use the clay again to make bricks?
Soreness overcame Ruby’s body as she began to regain consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and sat herself up, taking in her surroundings. The cool breeze of the ocean water blew against her face as she noticed the remnants of the ship scattered across the sand.
She groaned as she pulled herself up from the sand as the soreness became more prominent. By the looks of things, she was alone.

A soft panic settled in her stomach and rose to her chest. She kept calm nevertheless. Ruby examined herself, checking for any possible injuries that could have occurred.

Her eyes were sore and her hair was damp, presumably from the water. Other than that, the soreness, and a few small cuts here and there, everything appeared to be relatively fine. She was unsure of how much time had actually passed since the crash. Her mind drifted back to the accident.

Everything had happened so quickly, it was very difficult for her to process. One minute she was safe and sound on the ship, and the next she was in the ocean clinging onto a piece of debris from the ship.

Ruby began to walk along the shore, avoiding the debris. She quickly scanned the area, searching for anything that could possibly aid her in her survival. She came to a halt as she noticed a familiar face searching among the debris. It was unclear whether or not this was just a hallucination.

"James? Is that you?"

James, being deaf, had not heard her. He was too busy trying to pry the lid off of a box. Safety locks be damned, he was getting this lid off!

After a few minutes of prying, he'd successfully sheared the hinges, allowing him to open it from the back and break the lock. Not what he'd wanted, but it worked nonetheless. Inside was mechanical tools, screwdrivers, wrenches, along with drills and such. It was all waterlogged, so there was no way that the drills still worked, but it looked like there was a set of boring bits that would come in handy.

He found a proper prybar in the box, and was about to pry open another box when he saw a person in the distance. He dropped the bar, heading in their direction. "Rachel? No! Ruby!" He said to her.

While he wasn't the fondest of her, she was still a great companion to have here. Two heads were better than one.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, cradling his arm. "I have a deepish cut, but I've already cleaned it out."
It had not immediately registered to Ruby that James was deaf. Irritation began to stem as he seemed to ignore her, but she soon came to the realization. She continued walking towards him, having difficulty walking through the sand.

As she closer approached him, she was finally acknowledged by James.

Ruby, trying to regain her breath, looked down at his cut, cringing slightly at the sight of blood seeping through his bandages. “I’m alright, I think. Just sore with a pounding headache,” she stated.

“Is there anything I could do to help you?”
James nodded. "I think we need to either pry these open to see what we can salvage, or we can move them off the beach."

He stuck the bar inside one of the boxes, beckoning her over. It hurt to use his arm, so with her here they'd get it open faster. “And one, two, three!” Together, the lid popped off quickly. This box contained what looked like replacement fabric for chairs. Certainly useful.

He led her to another box, helping to pop the lid. Glassware, mostly shattered. Perhaps they could be used as cutting tools? Or spears?

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