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Realistic or Modern Stranded (Always Accepting!)

Quiet Is Violent

Eight Thousand Club
Airplane 746 disappeared while traveling to London from Australia. Stranded on a mysterious island in the Atlantic Ocean, the survivors of the crash have to band together to survive until rescue arrives. If rescue arrives at all.

Cast List

  1. Ausen Boltens - @Little gasmask
  2. Olivia Cole - @NightSky
  3. Cleo Valentine - @Iskolde
  4. Ángel Aiza - @IntoTheOblivion
  5. Ada Kim - @ERRQR
  6. Anya Dyatov - @Phasma
  7. Abigail Taylor - @Smoaki
  8. Raja Kalfka - @Quiet Is Violent
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The Crash

It was hour 7 of the trip from Australia when a loud booming was heard and the plane shook. The pilot instructed everyone to remain calm. Then the aircraft plummeted. All passengers were knocked out by the impact. Now, the survivors of the crash have to learn to survive.

It has been 20 MINUTES since the plane has crashed.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.05e2f0bcb974c9183caf736486dc7aca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.05e2f0bcb974c9183caf736486dc7aca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.e715330abedb385411771ecabd50f7a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.e715330abedb385411771ecabd50f7a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.d639883f95e9f9f8c6359b9c2dae2ace.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.d639883f95e9f9f8c6359b9c2dae2ace.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



And that was it. The world around her was in flames, decimated by the impact when the plane crashed. The screams of the many people - men, women, and children - filled her thoughts. In just minutes, her world spiraled downward. She could feel the pressure aganist her chest as she hung there from her seat, blood running down her cheek from the debris that ultimately injured her. Who knew that meeting with her English counterparts would result in this pain. Ada struggled to move, a sharp paining jolting each time she moved. All this pain. All the suffering. All of the screams. Some were still alive, however burning to a crisp and even slowly dying as they were impaled by the many metal parts of the plane. She'd seen many horrors, but nothing comparing to this. Ada winced in pain as she finally unbuckled her seat belt, falling to the ground - chest colliding with the hard ground.

"Ah... Agh..." she groaned, slowly pushing herself up. Her hair was disheveled, there was blood dried and some of it was trickling down her face. Ada looked down at her thigh, a gasp leaving her lips as she eyed the metal rod that impaled her flesh. Luckily, it was just shy of her bone. She understood that only pulling out the rod would make it worse. She understood that the medical attention that she needed was not present. Her hand gripped her thigh as she continued to struggle in order to stand. Ada looked back at the Hell behind her. People were unconscious. They were dying and yet, the only sound she could hear were the flames against the winds. All she had was herself and her skill, but would that all be useful in a jungle that she wasn't familiar with? She'd explored many terrains, but this.. This was very foreign to her.

Ada's throat felt like sandpaper. Her mouth was dry. Eyes would refuse to focus. She blinked, caught herself as she dropped to the ground after a few steps. Ada bit her lip as she ripped off the end of her shirt, using it as a way to stop the intense bleeding. "Hello?!" She shouted with all of her might, hoping that there were more people that were alive. There could've possibly been natives of the island. But it seemed rare. It looked untouched by man and all there was, was foliage and animals she could never have identified. "Hello!" She screamed again, pushing herself up in persistence.

MOOD: I don't know. In pain.// THOUGHTS: Fuck.// LOCATION: Unknown// TASK: Survive.// COMPANY: No one. // OOC: Sorry if it's "long." First posts for me are usually "long."




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"Ouchie!" Anya said massaging her head roughly. Blood rushed down her arm, her hand, and streamed off her finger. She muttered indistinctly to herself, getting dizzy at the sight of the blood. Anya poked the blood and then rubbed what was on her finger off on her pants. "Hey, where are we?" She said losing balance. Then she noticed no one was around.
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Splitting pain. Pain across the entirety of his left torso. Pain splintering just above his left temple. It was like he had been thrown across the ground on the left half of his body, scraping across the earth until a large tree suddenly halted and stopped the earth becoming a wall for the same half. As the male stood up and was faced with a pool mixture of blood and water, he realized that he had.

From the top of his left shoulder down to his fingerips, it had looked as if he had stuck his arm through a game of Find the hay through the needle-stack. To be quite frank, it was not a beautiful sight. Blood and cuts were strewn across the entire limb, but thankfully the bleeding was minimal and cuts had been minor. As for his hip, left thigh, and leg, their injuries were much less noticeable. The clothing in some areas had been torn and shredded, revealing much of his lower ribcage and outer knee. His head, on the other hand, had looked like a much more severe injury. A combination of blood and dirt clotted the wound, which looked like a small chunk of skin had been removed just above his left temple. The wound itself burned, almost like it seared his flesh to the bone.

But what Cyrus was worried about was finding the First Aid kit, because hopefully there were some pain killers there with his name on them. With this thought in mind, he looked up into the sky in hopes of finding a column of smoke. Which luckily for him, was hardly far off. Sand was already mixed with dirt at his feet, so he only assumed that the plane crashed near the shore; making him hardly far at all from the crash site. Along with the kit, there may be some survivors. With this idea in mind, he began to walk towards the assumed site, with only a slight limb from his left half.
Raja woke with a start. He was still in his seat. He was stuck there. The metal had dented in so far it had trapped the boy's legs so that if he tried to escape his abdomen would be sliced in half. Raja whimpered lightly in fear.

He looked around himself. Total carnage. People burned to death, crushed by the metal or killed on impact. Some bled out. It was gruesome. Sickening. Raja closed his eyes tight. "Help..." He whispered hoarsely. He shifted his legs ever so slightly and yelped in pain. He couldn't see beyond the metal, and so couldn't realize that his right leg was burned terribly. His left leg had more minor burns.
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Ausen sees the plane has fallen. He gets up easily because he was sitting by the emergency exit. Looking behind he sees a man struggling to get up because a piece of metal blocked his way.

"On 3

1 2 3!"Ausen said as he pulled the metal bar away.

"*#%*"Ausen said as he rembered he had some plutonium in his carry on bag and that could easily kill them all off.
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After wandering about for a good 5 minutes, Cyrus finally looked like he was making progress through the island's underbrush. His hopes of being near enough to the shore was wrong, as he soon discovered that nearby pools and rivers also had deposits of sand at their banks. But continuing with his search for the plane, he did manage to find something. As Cyrus pushed away a portion of a bush, what he found hadn't surprised him in the least. This portion of the greenery looked as if the plane had skid through it as it hit the ground, as trees and bushes were pulled away. Especially near the center, where some of the dirt may have been scraped away by the underbelly of the heavy machine. It did leave behind a portion of the plane however, as the small cabin in the back of the vehicle was here with him, seperated from the main body.

With a sigh, Cyrus approached the rubble, stepping around a corpse or two of people he had only managed a small glimpse of before the accident. "No one here then, eh?" He asked, really speaking out to the open, not expecting a response back. Once in the small cavity of the plane's rear, he was lucky enough to discover one of the first aid kits had been stowed away here. Keeping in mind there should be two more, one near the midsection, and near the front, of the plane's pieces, but those were unavailable to him as of now. Pulling the case open, he scrounged through it until he found what he was looking for, the painkillers. He almost let out a sigh of relief, until he pulled it out of the container. "Just two, this is all I have to last me until help arrives..?" His relief turned to frustration, and it didn't help that his piercing headache didn't want to go away. Well, and the fact he's got enough skin missing from his forehead to use as a small spoon. He opted to instead clean out the gash to his head, and cover it in a piece of gauze held up by the medical tape offered. Letting put another sigh, he sat down on the floor of the plane, and rested his head against the bulk. He'd search again later, but for now at least he had a small cabin for shelter.
Anya looked up. Her head was pounding from the anxiety she was gaining. "Ugh." She moaned trying to regain balance. Most of the blood that had streamed down her arm had dried up. "Hello?!" She cried out, weakly. Anya continued walking down the beach, whose sand was mixed with the dried blood on her arm. She looked around to see if anyone was there, but no one was. "Hello?" She asked softly beginning to cry knowing she was not at all safe. Anger and anxiety building up inside she screamed for help.
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Olivia's eyes twitched before they slowly blinked open. Her sight was blurry and distorted as she turned her head to look out of what used to be a window but now was all smashed and broken. As her vision came back to her do did the reality of the situation; and also the sharp pain in her right thigh. She ran her hand over her leg to feel a sharp piece of glass wedged into her upper thigh. This was the only injury she was currently aware of. She didn't notice the large cut across her cheek or the burn marks down her right arm.

Feeling a heavy weight on her shoulder she looked over and found somebody leaning on her. "Umm are you okay..?" She asked with a croaky voice, moving away slightly causing the body to heavily slump down. Olivia gasped sharply and covered her mouth, as she saw a vast amount of blood over the man's head. She looked away from the painful sight before reaching her hand to take off her seatbelt. Thankfully she managed to slip off the seatbelt and step over the lifeless body almost losing her balance as she put weight onto her injured leg. "Damnit." She cursed under her breath. Some seats on the plane were empty which filled Olivia with a slight bit of hope that some people who were alive had to be around somewhere. With this thought in mind Olivia hobbled a few steps down the aisle of the plane. "Is anyone here?" She tried to call out but her voice was hoarse, almost a whisper.
Sitting down in contemplation, Cyrus now had to make the decision that very well may lead him to others. Back towards the shore, where the plane most likely hit first, or further inland where the rest of the plane should be. Oh, decisions, decisions..

Cyrus lifted the plastic case, about the size of a lunchbox, as he stood up. Leaving behind the First Aid kit would've been stupid of him, but his left arm had become surprisingly sensitive with the cuts and exposed flesh. Especially his fingertips, even lifting the hefty box stung, so now he'd have to carry it with his only good hand and stand being full-handed for a good while. Taking the kit with him, he proceeded to walk inland, hoping seatbelts actually did their job for once and kept people from flying away.
[QUOTE="Little gasmask]Ausen sees the plane has fallen. He gets up easily because he was sitting by the emergency exit. Looking behind he sees a man struggling to get up because a piece of metal blocked his way.
"On 3

1 2 3!"Ausen said as he pulled the metal bar away.

"*#%*"Ausen said as he rembered he had some plutonium in his carry on bag and that could easily kill them all off.

Raja sighed in relief. He tried to stand, but he couldn't. His leg gave out from under him. "Ow." He whispered, looking down to see his right leg covered in second and third degree burns.
Ausen says" Be right back ill try to find a med kit and try to neutrlise the plutonium. If I don't come back that means I died from radiation."

Ausen rushed down to the front of the plane were he put his carry on bag.

"Perfect"Ausen said as the case didn't shatter and the radation was neutrilised. He saw a med kit laying on the floor.

He rushed to rafa nd said "Look buddy I am not a doctor. I am a chemist. So help yourself." He said as he tried reading the half torn first aid manuel.
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Hearing no response worried Olivia slightly. With the help of the seats around her, at least the ones still attached to the plane, Olivia managed to limp to the front of the plane. She had kept her eyes on her feet as she made her way down the aisle. She wasn't fazed by blood but the sight of dead bodies made her feel uneasy. Slowly she turned around to face a big hole in the side of the plane. The surroundings outside didn't look like Australia or London so they must've crashed in somwehere in between. Curiously Olivia hopped out of the plane to a better look, maybe there were survivors out there. As she was scanning the unfamiliar surroundings she forgot her leg was too weak to stand on and lost her balance slipping onto her backside. "Go figure." She muttered before signing in annoyance realizing there was nothing around her she could use to help herself stand back up.
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Raja looked around him. The scene was making him nauseous. He gazed almost blankly at the first aid kit, and reached for it silently. Inside, he found gauze and what looked like an ice pack. He didn't know what to do. Raja carefully wrapped his calf in gauze, and tried icing the burns on his thigh, but that didn't really do anything. He looked helplessly at the man who had given him the first aid kit.
Ausen said "Ok so first we need to apply this but his might sting a bit." Ausen poured anti-infecting agents into the open wounds.

"By the Manuel I should not bandage it."Ausen said as he started to bandage it."And also I need to get you to where you can lay down. Want a ride?"
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Kit in hand, Cyrus followed the torn earth in hopes of finding the other pieces of the plane. Scattered around was a few of the papers stuffed behind all the seats, light wind brushing them all and leaving them flying. Few corpses littered the ground, but not any he had any interest in checking. After all, no way they would still be alive, at least, not with the way they looked now. Hardly distinguishable, he would've thrown up ages ago if his stomach was any weaker.

Moments of wandering later, and he finally came to the main bulk of the plane. Heading over, he had high hopes of other survivors, if any, were in there. "Hey! Anyone there?" He yelled out, trying to catch any attention. "Anyone ali-" He then slipped over something, landing on a bloodied corpse in front of him. His good hand, only trying to grasp at something stable for balance, came crashing down on the already damaged skull of the poor figure. The poor bone shattered under the weight and force, releasing a horrid stench and a covering his hand in a bloody musk. "Crap.." Cyrus muttered under his breath, letting out a wince in pain as he looked around him.

( @NightSky Should be around your area, if you want to make contact.)
Olivia tucked her hair behind her ear before trying to push herself up. She had got half way up before losing her balance and falling straight back down pushing the glass further into her thigh. She winced as more blood gushed out from her leg. Just as she was about to give up she heard a voice in the distance. "Over here." She croaked but it wasn't even loud enough for her to hear properly. The only way to make her presence known was to move closer to the voice. She pushed her hands into the ground to push herself up onto her good leg. After regaining her balance she limped towards the trees where she heard the voice. Just before she was about to tell herself she was hearing things she the shuffled noises of someone falling over; she followed the noise a little further past the trees. The smell hit her first before she saw someone sat on the ground near a dead body. Olivia hobbled over to the figure and outstretched her hand while gripping to the closest tree for support. She cleared her throat hoping her voice had come back to her. "Need a hand?" She asked, her voice still a little rough.

[QUOTE="Little gasmask]Ausen said "Ok so first we need to apply this but his might sting a bit." Ausen poured anti-infecting agents into the open wounds.
"By the Manuel I should not bandage it."Ausen said as he started to bandage it."And also I need to get you to where you can lay down. Want a ride?"

Raja cried in pain, writhing and trying to get away. He didn't want this, he didn't want the pain. "Stop, please." Raja whispered. His face was flushed and beginning to sweat. "That hurts..."
Anya turned back and saw the airplane. "Oh, no!" She gasped worried. Sprinting to the plane she lost balance, but quickly regained it. Once she got to it, she climbed in. "Is anyone alive?!" She asked loudly
NightSky said:
Olivia tucked her hair behind her ear before trying to push herself up. She had got half way up before losing her balance and falling straight back down pushing the glass further into her thigh. She winced as more blood gushed out from her leg. Just as she was about to give up she heard a voice in the distance. "Over here." She croaked but it wasn't even loud enough for her to hear properly. The only way to make her presence known was to move closer to the voice. She pushed her hands into the ground to push herself up onto her good leg. After regaining her balance she limped towards the trees where she heard the voice. Just before she was about to tell herself she was hearing things she the shuffled noises of someone falling over; she followed the noise a little further past the trees. The smell hit her first before she saw someone sat on the ground near a dead body. Olivia hobbled over to the figure and outstretched her hand while gripping to the closest tree for support. She cleared her throat hoping her voice had come back to her. "Need a hand?" She asked, her voice still a little rough.
Cyrus was muttering to himself in disbelief, pulling his hand away from the corpse and and wiping it into the dirt. As he was about to look up, the first thing to surprise him was her voice. He didn't expect someone to approach him at that moment; second thing surprising him being the hand offered to him. With a light nod, he rose his hand up accept her assistance; although reluctant as he realized he had dirtied hers with the dirt, blood, and grime that he had just fell into.

"Thank you," he spoke as he stood up, forst noticing the large wound she had on one leg, "I almost gave up and thought I would be here alone. Let me help you.." Cyrus offered, turning his back to her and kneeling, a signal to carry her. "We can get to somewhere cleaner to treat that wound of yours, then we can talk more. Ah, but first.." He fished into his pocket, pulling out a small plastic package with two white medicine pills inside. "Pain killers, should do you good for a few hours."
Olivia smiled slightly as she helped him up, thankful that she had found someone else. She wasn't particularly fazed that her hand was now a little more dirty. She was already mostly covered in mud from when she had fallen over before.

"Don't mention it." She replied after he thanked her. "Same here, I was almost convinced everyone was.." She paused for a moment. "..dead." She said slightly quiter; the image of the man sat next to her flashed through her mind. She shook her head before looking back to the man who was indicating to carry her. She raised her eyebrow slightly.

"You don't need to carry me, I can walk." She said taking to small step towards him, biting on her lip to stop her reacting to the pain. "See." She said turning to him with a half smile.

"Thanks." She nodded to him and took the painkillers, not hesitating, she needed those.

@AceOfSpades0210 ((sorry for the slow reply I was eating. xD ))
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“What the hell? Agh! My head…” Rodney Kilroy had been in the plane’s lavatory during the crash, but he had come through alright. He had a few superficial injuries around his body, but the most serious was a gash on the right side of his forehead. As forehead injuries have the tendency to do, it had bled a lot. Rodney’s right eye was covered in the blood, though he could feel that the eye itself wasn’t hurt. He tore a sleeve off of his T-shirt and held the scrap against the injury. Hopefully he could find someone who actually knew how to treat it. Medicine too.

He tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. Part of the doorframe had been deformed, so the door was stuck. Luckily the door was rather thin, so he was sure he could just force his way out.

“Agh!” He yelled as he kicked at the door. Rodney dented the door, but it stayed in place. After another shout followed by another kick, he decided he had to take it up a notch. He slammed himself against the door, using his full strength and entire body weight against the flimsy door. He smashed right through!

Rodney, already unstable from blood loss and the many minor injuries he had sustained, fell as he burst through the door. He looked to his left from the floor, finding several pieces of the plane were simply gone. He struggled to his knees, and observed the carnage within the plane. It was getting hard to breathe, the stench of blood and death overwhelming.

Rodney pressed forward, shakily walking through the aisle. He saw a young woman still strapped into her seat! He stopped to help her, only to find the side of her head had been smashed! One of her eyes had popped out! He just stared in abject horror for a few seconds. There was a silver briefcase on the floor just a few feet away, one corner heavily bloodstained. He finally threw up all over the case and stumbled back, falling into an empty seat on the opposite side of the aisle. He gazed up at the partially-destroyed ceiling, wondering what in the world had happened to knock their plane out of the sky. Engine failure? Natural disaster? The wrath of God? He’d probably never know. He sighed, feeling defeated, but then movement caught his eye.

He saw two men, one really a boy, struggling in the aisle. Rodney pulled himself up, and loosened up his body for a few seconds. He walked over to them, already feeling a bit better than he had earlier.

“Hey, are you guys… Shit,” Rodney muttered, as he saw the boy’s burned leg. “Hey kid, I can carry you out of here. Alright?” He looked around and saw the nearby emergency exit. He tried it, still looking at the two people, and the door actually opened!

@Quiet Is Violent @Little gasmask
NightSky said:
Olivia smiled slightly as she helped him up, thankful that she had found someone else. She wasn't particularly fazed that her hand was now a little more dirty. She was already mostly covered in mud from when she had fallen over before.
"Don't mention it." She replied after he thanked her. "Same here, I was almost convinced everyone was.." She paused for a moment. "..dead." She said slightly quiter; the image of the man sat next to her flashed through her mind. She shook her head before looking back to the man who was indicating to carry her. She raised her eyebrow slightly.

"You don't need to carry me, I can walk." She said taking to small step towards him, biting on her lip to stop her reacting to the pain. "See." She said turning to him with a half smile.

"Thanks." She nodded to him and took the painkillers, not hesitating, she needed those.

@AceOfSpades0210 ((sorry for the slow reply I was eating. xD ))
(Yeah no worries! I try and reply whenever I have a small break from work, so take your time. I don't mind at all!.)

The edge of Cyrus's lips curled, trying to maintain his amusement. "Ah, well, don't force yourself alright?" Looking around, he picked something up off the underbrush; turning out to be a rather large branch, most likely detached when the plane went through the area. Placing one end into the dirt, he pushed it down, watching it bend slightly and then straighten into its original shape. Satisfied, he walked back to the girl and offered it to her as a support. "This should make it easier for you to walk until we get to somewhere more appealing then."

Retrieving the first aid kit from its discarded position, he turned to survey the area for some sort of shelter. "If you don't mind the short walk back to what I found earlier, we can head there. It's the other end of the plane, so roomy enough for us and a couple more if we find others. A little over a 15 minute trek, but the path is smooth and shouldn't be too bad."
Kencen said:
“What the hell? Agh! My head…” Rodney Kilroy had been in the plane’s lavatory during the crash, but he had come through alright. He had a few superficial injuries around his body, but the most serious was a gash on the right side of his forehead. As forehead injuries have the tendency to do, it had bled a lot. Rodney’s right eye was covered in the blood, though he could feel that the eye itself wasn’t hurt. He tore a sleeve off of his T-shirt and held the scrap against the injury. Hopefully he could find someone who actually knew how to treat it. Medicine too.
He tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. Part of the doorframe had been deformed, so the door was stuck. Luckily the door was rather thin, so he was sure he could just force his way out.

“Agh!” He yelled as he kicked at the door. Rodney dented the door, but it stayed in place. After another shout followed by another kick, he decided he had to take it up a notch. He slammed himself against the door, using his full strength and entire body weight against the flimsy door. He smashed right through!

Rodney, already unstable from blood loss and the many minor injuries he had sustained, fell as he burst through the door. He looked to his left from the floor, finding several pieces of the plane were simply gone. He struggled to his knees, and observed the carnage within the plane. It was getting hard to breathe, the stench of blood and death overwhelming.

Rodney pressed forward, shakily walking through the aisle. He saw a young woman still strapped into her seat! He stopped to help her, only to find the side of her head had been smashed! One of her eyes had popped out! He just stared in abject horror for a few seconds. There was a silver briefcase on the floor just a few feet away, one corner heavily bloodstained. He finally threw up all over the case and stumbled back, falling into an empty seat on the opposite side of the aisle. He gazed up at the partially-destroyed ceiling, wondering what in the world had happened to knock their plane out of the sky. Engine failure? Natural disaster? The wrath of God? He’d probably never know. He sighed, feeling defeated, but then movement caught his eye.

He saw two men, one really a boy, struggling in the aisle. Rodney pulled himself up, and loosened up his body for a few seconds. He walked over to them, already feeling a bit better than he had earlier.

“Hey, are you guys… Shit,” Rodney muttered, as he saw the boy’s burned leg. “Hey kid, I can carry you out of here. Alright?” He looked around and saw the nearby emergency exit. He tried it, still looking at the two people, and the door actually opened!

@Quiet Is Violent @Little gasmask
Raja looked at the other man with tears in his eyes. He didn't want to speak, but... "Please, I can't walk..." Raja whispered. He had broken into a cold sweat. "My leg... it's too burnt... Please help me..."

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