☔Stormy Days☔


underwater gem
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Jade blinked blankly at the TV screen, listening to the whispers become mumbles. Stuck? Oh, her poor grandpa, the house will be ruined! She decided to leave the house as little as possible when she finally returned. She wanted to get up, but the people hovering around her prevented her from even scooching her arm. "This is gonna be a long day..." She muttered.

Dave gazed at the front desk, a grin creeping across his face as he pulled a pink letter from his pocket. He quickly placed the letter on the desk, and cupped a hand to the side of his mouth. "Hey everyone, the dude left a letter!" He screamed, gently opening the envelope. "Dear guests, thank you very much for attending. As you can see, this storm raging outside is a bit too wild for anyone to be leaving, but don't worry, this luxury hotel will suffice. All of the staff are not here, so you may do as you please. All I will say about myself is that I'm hiding in plain sight. Good luck, Anonomys."
Acadia bounced around from person to person, smiling brightly. "Hi! I'm Acadia!" she announced each time she met a new face. Her smile seemed to grow larger and larger every time she encountered a person. Looking over to the person reading the letter from the mysterious person that allowed all of the guests to come to this hotel, Acadia shrugged upon hearing the message. She quickly dashed over to the male, and repeated her greeting, shoving out her hand.

Kellin stood very socially awkwardly in the corner, silently sipping on a drink. His eyes drifted over to a quite attractive female sitting down. A look of surprise came over him as he was met by her beauty (geez if i was a guy i would get all the ladies), which was somehow intoxicating. However, it made him slightly upset to see her trapped on the couch because of all the people milling about. With a deep breath, and a last gulp of his drink, Kellin made his way over to the girl. He made a clearing so the girl could easily get up, and he shyly smiled.

"H-hi... I'm, um, Kellin... he uttered out, barely audible.
Dave took a step back, baffled in the least. "Aren't you scared at all? You're taking the whole 'trapped in a hotel with strangers' thing kind of well." He muttered, a bit annoyed by her optimism. "I'm Dave." He added, awkwardly taking her extended hand and lightly shaking it.

Jade stared up at the stranger, breaking her arm free to pull hair behind her ear. "Oh.... Hi." She squeaked, wiggling uncomfortably in her seat. She attempted to get up, but moving people refrained her from moving more than a couple inches. "I can't really get up right now." She said to Kellin, adding a quiet, artificial laugh.
Annelise, although a very kind woman, had never been one to introduce herself. She would rather wait until somebody were to come up to her and introduce themselves to her, as she would do the same in return out of courtesy. It wasn't that she was socially awkward - she simply wasn't quite as bubbly as some others might be. Just much kinder, more caring, to be exact. She could speak to someone if she wanted to - she simply didn't want to.

And so, there she rested. In one of the cushy armchairs surrounding a warm fireplace, with a television giving out the news above. Her hands were folded in her lap, her gaze blissfully blank as he lost herself in her thoughts. She was snapped from this state when she heard one of the males in the room announce something to them, and she glanced towards where he was with curious, mismatched irises sparking momentarily as she listened in closely to the news on this note that was just found, her expression calm and dismissive.

Her eyes widened slightly at the news of being stormed in. Hm. So, they'd be in the hotel for a while? Ooo. Her head tilted back forward, an excited, small smile creeping onto her lips. That sounded like fun. She didn't take in the fact that she should be fairly scared about all of this, being ignorant to those details, only focusing on the pluses of such an occurrence.

She glanced up at someone whose name was stated as Acadia, eyes widening slightly again at he very bubbly introduction. With a smile and a bright tone, she reached out and shook her hand, responding, "Annelise. A pleasure to meetcha, Acadia." The girl moved on around the room, shaking hands and announcing her name, grinning to herself and holding back an amused chuckle at such potent optimism.

Letting the bracelets slide down her forearm, she began to examine the multiple scars scattered across it with inquisitiveness. She only had brief glimpses of getting these wounds, yet was always befuddled as to why she had gotten them. Sitting alone, she watched them as if the multiple red lines would begin moving on her arm, lapsing into silence. 
Zacharie, on the other hand, was sprawled out on one of the plush chairs, his legs stretching far in front of the chair itself. His head was lolling back, his arms laying limp on the armrests, his position completely relaxed. His deeply shadowed, strangely colored eyes were currently closed, his expression flickering from peaceful to annoyed as he tried to make himself fall asleep for a little bit, yet only managed to rest his eyes - his other senses were still fully intact, which annoyed him to absolutely no end.

He wore something fairly comfortable today. A pure navy blue sweater patterned lightly with designs, his loosely hanging sleeves going to about his elbows. The neck of the sweater was very wide, allowing the majority of his neck area to be visible. He wore dark gray skinny jeans on his legs, along with his dirty Converses, the necklace hanging around his neck holding his small sword charm, fitting perfectly in the hollow in between his visible collar bones. He wore a recently acquired, black wrist watch on his left wrist, and his overall very tall stance was sprawled forward as his legs hung off of the chair almost completely, his height making such a thing occur.

He was snapped awake a little too quickly by the sudden loud voice of one of the males - he jolted upward, his hands gripping the armrests, his head whipping around to locate the noise. Once he had glanced back at the brown-haired male and found it was his doing, his expression became visibly annoyed, his stance calming somewhat, the grip on the armrests of the chair loosening somewhat. He listened to whatever the letter the guy had found said, and one eyebrow raised as he turned back forward and loosened himself back into the armchair. He was stuck here, eh? He glanced around at the elegant, clean-cut decor of the room he currently inhabited and shrugged. Meh. It's a nice hotel. It shouldn't be too much of a problem for me. When he thought of what the letter said, he became slightly suspicious as to why it was so...specific. And the absence of the staff was slightly suspicious, as well. He sat there, mulling these things over, his molten amber eyes thoughtful as he stared into the crackling flames of the fireplace.

He jolted slightly again at the sudden appearance and the slightly shrill voice that rang in his ears of one of the females, his gaze having to tilt downward slightly in his sitting position to get a glance at whoever had just spoken. The woman introduced herself as Acadia, and she was holding a hand out for her to shake. With a small sigh passing through his pale lips, he raised one hand and let it wrap around her own, shaking and saying in a tired tone, "Zacharie." His grip loosened and returned to the armrest as the woman bounced away to go introduce herself to other people, his stance loosening again, sinking down into the arm with a long, sleepy sigh.

His gaze trailed around the room once more lazily, landing upon each person as it did. If he was stuck here to wait out a storm, he'd need to get to learning these people's names at some point in time. He noted that for future goals as his calm, dismissive amber gaze trailed across the room aimlessly.
Acadia shrugged, smiling happily. "Well, I mean, you gotta make the best of a situation, amiright?" she inquired, quickly taking her hand back and placing it back to her side. "I can meet soooo many people now, it's so exciting! And, it's even more exciting that one of the people here is the creepy person that knows our addresses somehow. Like, it could be me..." she paused, glancing around before continuing in a whisper to Dave's ear, "but it's not, so you shouldn't worry."
Dave sharply turned hs head in order to move his bangs away from eyes, but quickly returned his gaze at the peppy girl. "I didn't think it was you anyway. I'm confused, so many people are just fine with being trapped here? Humph. Ah, well, I don't see why people are cramped up down here when there are free hotel rooms upstairs. I'll wait until the shock settles to say anything." Dave decided, stuffing his hands in to his pockets.
Acadia's eyes instantly lit up. "Wait, there's hotel rooms! How do you know?" she asked, trembling with excitement. However, it seemed odd to her that this stranger knew so much, and that he seemed slightly disappointment with the lack of panic. There's something different about him... Acadia though, squinting and cocking her said to the side, desperately trying to figure the man out.
Dave took a step back. "You don't get out often, do you? You see, hotels have these things called ROOMS that people STAY IN." He said in a loud, sarcastic tone. "I know we have hotel rooms because thats what hotels are. Big buildings with rooms. I thought everyone knew that."
Acadia snorted. "Whoa, calm yourself, okayyyy?" she said, rolling her eyes, "I apologize for not knowing everything like you." Crossing her arms, Acadia rolled her eyes again. "Like, don't be so condescending, it's really annoying. I mean, I wanna be your friend, but I dunno. Not if you're gonna be like that every five seconds." she ended with a nod of her head and a hmph.
Dave squinted his eyes and leaned in close to her, bending over so that their noses were almost touching. Her breath on his face was oddly intoxicating, but he brushed it off. "See if I care." He whispered, standing himself up quickly. He walked to the spiral staircase and stared at the wandering people, who didn't dare to leave their spot. "They won't even move?" He mumbled to himself, rubbing his chin and thinking.

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