Idea Stories I'll Never Write (But Maybe You Will)


I am not nocturnal. I am not diurnal. I am Awake.
Roleplay Type(s)
In line with any good author, I come up with plots that I like at first, work with for a little bit, and then never touch again. I think they could be good stories, but I don't have the force of will to write them so I'm hoping you all might enjoy some of the plots I've come up with. I've tried to make them as vague as possible to allow for customization but if you'd like I wouldn't mind helping you develop your roleplay.

1) The main character gets isekai'd or otherwise transported to a different world. They have to do A Thing to get back but multiple Things are happening so the main character has to figure out what Thing to get back but if they chose wrong a Thing happens.

2) Superheroes and supervillains are on the rise. However superheroes are doing hero things and supervillains are doing villain things and they both need people to manage their operations. Corporate monetization happens now there are sidekicks for hire. Though due to the sudden demand there's a shortage and one sidekick has to work with both a villain and a hero at the same time.

3) The main characters(s) are doing a main quest, but decide to do a side quest. That side quest ends up developing into its own main quest, but then there's still the original main quest they have to deal with as well.

These are the ones I can remember right now. Thanks if you read <3
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The main characters(s) are doing a main quest, but decide to do a side quest. That side quest ends up developing into its own main quest, but then there's still the original main quest they have to deal with as well.

This one might work best not as an intentional plot but a spontaneous one. It's actually a fairly common thing to happen in a lot of RPs that have more plot or GM flexibility.
That is a good point. Either way I like the idea because its just such an interest concept to me. Like my favorite plots are ones where the MCs have divided attention/they have more than one main problem to deal with.

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