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Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) Reveal Thy Innards!

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined.

What to expect out of character:
The RP will keep a lenient pace of anywhere between daily and a maximum of weekly, depending on what's possible The RP isn't meant to last (much) longer than a month. It'll be a chill slice of life with the focus of 'Blacksmithing' on Teuihua.

What to expect in character:
Having found odd crystals at the Magic Tower and the Interdimensional Apple tree that seemed to somehow react to Teuihua, Regula and him decide that trying to 'reveal his innards' in order to see if they notice anything that might explain some things is worthwhile. A certain barony knight ends up learning of it and wishes to join in. Alister offers to assist.

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
1 ) Any specific achievements/goals your character would have within the overall goal of the RP, such as trying to increase standing with a certain faction or obtaining a certain item/asset. So long as it doesn't diverge too much, I'll see what I can do to include it.
2 ) Any point boosters the character might have. (Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster, etc.).
3 ) Any [Wanted] or criminal titles your character might have. (Note, some city or guild-related settings will make entry for criminals considerably more difficult and would need discussion pre-joining.)
4 ) Any Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills or Complex Assets your character might have.

Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Reveal Teuihua's innards.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Get his innards revealed.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister Marrok – Assist the Baroness.

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula sighed deeply. The recent drama in Sootspire was still weighing her down. The fact the mysterious tower and apple tree hadn't been 'resolved' fully, especially regarding those odd crystals, didn't help either. All in all, she was feeling rather down. That said, perhaps they would at least learn something.

“Are you sure about this?” She'd ask Teuihua, as they were at her forge. Trying to 'open up' one of her closest friends was a very, very weird idea. Yet it might give them a clue as to what had happened with those crystals and if they should expect more, seeing how they'd reacted to him previously.

Alister had been allowed to join in, though he'd have noticed the baroness was horrible at taking care of herself when under stress, seeing how she'd had very little sleep and her eating habits were down to only the the utmost necessary ever since what had occurred at Sootspire.

Finally, someone else had arrived.




“Is it trueth? Wilt thou revealeth thy innards!?!” She came running into the forge, asking Teuihua. Only afterwards recalling procedure. “Baroness, thou areth greeteth!” She'd say, saluting.
Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+" "%Analog%"

Interactions: Elvario Elvario

Teuihua felt pretty ready to let Regula open him up. They already had prior conversations where she suggested doing possible work on him for the purposes of upgrades and he wasn't particularly opposed to the idea, particularly now that he had gotten much closer to her subsequently.

And if not solely for the purpose of upgrading, there might be something new to learn from opening him up, particularly pertaining to the crystals which were seemingly from his time that kept appearing places, that and the other oddities around Sootspire which appeared from time to time.

The whole thing made Teuihua wonder if Sootspire didn't used to have something more prolifically Mictlantecuhtlian related on the very same ground possibly thousands of years ago, as that might explain why such oddities were present at least to an extent. It wasn't unreasonable to Teuihua that it was possible even if he hadn't seen much evidence beyond what they'd seen so far.

When Regula asked him if he was sure, Teuihua nodded.

"Regula Caelia, now that my original creators are probably long gone in their lives, you are most certainly the remaining person alive who I am most comfortable doing this sort of work on me. I trust not only your abilities, but you as a person on a sincere and deep level."

"In addition I recall we discussed the possibility of some work being done prior and I was open to the notion, nevertheless I do appreciate you asking me again to make sure I am still comfortable with the idea."

By the time Ethel came in, Teuihua gave her a friendly wave.

"It would appear so, if the Baroness is fine with you being here while she works, I personally have no objections to you seeing my "innards' as you put it, Ethel." Teuihua responded in a fairly warm tone.

"I just hope that they live up to your expectations." Teuihua added light heartedly, given how it had been a topic which Ethel had brought up frequently for a period of time when it came to him, in wanting to see his innards.
Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“That is a high level of trust you put in me, I appreciate it.” She'd genuinely thank Teuihua. “The feeling is also mutual, so I hope I can do this well.” She'd rather not betray his trust. “Naturally.” She'd reply to the idea she'd ask for reconfirmation.

As for Ethel. “You're welcome, but don't get in the way. Keep your distance, as this might get complicated otherwise.” She'd warn the knight.

To that extend, she wondered how to even start. “I'm afraid my work-bench is far too small, so if you'd just lie down besides it?” She'd ask. Operating on him whilst he was standing would be a sure no-go with his size. Putting him next to her work-bench was the next-best thing. On that note, she started putting some tools on it to have them on-hand. “I don't assume you know how to actually open up, so to say? I don't see any obvious screws, bolts or latches. Either they're hidden or it's some mechanism I've yet to find out. Or, well, worst case, I'd have to break through and reforge you, which I'd honestly not like having to do.”




“I shalth neigh cometh closeth!” The knight promised. “However, Teuihuath hath thou innards containeth foul evileth monstereth spirits for thee innards to require to be purgeth?” It seemed the knight wasn't entirely sure what this was all about.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+" "%Analog%"

Elvario Elvario

Teuihua gave Regula a nod. "It makes me happy to hear you say that." He responded with a warm tone, when she mentioned the feeling was mutual. " And I am certain you are more than capable."

He would have smiled if he were capable of it, when she mentioned that Ethel could stay.

"Oh of course." Teuihua then promptly, as gently as he could got down so that he was prone, trying not to damage the floor with his shifting weight and material pressing up against it, balancing his form to the best of his ability while he did so.

When she asked if Teuihua knew how to open up, his mind just sort of..wandered back as he went into thought..it had been a very long time after all, he hadn't seen his original creators in many years who had worked on him, even after being operational for many years so it was..doubly many years since he had been worked on at all as far as he knew, lest someone did it when he was in stasis and he didn't know.

What he did recall when he thought back to the distant bit of data, was that they definitely said something in Mictlantecuhtlian before they worked on him like that. "If..I recall, they readied their tools at my front and said.. +Creator of those of metal, stone, and wood, may you guide us in our work so that through our work may we respect you and carry on your wishes.+"

"What I also seem to remember is that those words were said to only work if the person doing them was a skillful enough Mictlantecuhtlian crafts person who was in good enough favor with the Mictlantecuhtlian divine being of constructs."

"We've had stranger things happen between Ringo and other incidents, so perhaps it is worth trying to say the words."
Teuihua figured it was better than trying to open him up manually and then have to reforge him if it could be avoided.

Teuihua let out a bit of what could be interpreted as a chuckle at Ethel's dialogue.

"I certainly hope that is not the case Ethel, that would be rather unfortunate to find out now, but I suppose if I'm opened up and some monsterous spirits come out It'll be excellent that you'll be here to vanquish them."

"What I also wanted to say was, how have you been? It has been awhile since we last spoke much."

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