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Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) Not Your Average Catfight

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
Round duration will be lenient, lasting anywhere from daily to a maximum of once a week, depending on what pace is possible to be kept by the parties involved. The total duration is intended to be between a month and two months, depending mostly on the pace of the RP.

The RP is planned to be a slice of life 1x1 with the goal of Tomoko Brandy going through a training arc by training along with some of Caelia Barony's knights.

What to expect in character:
Having met some of the barony's residents during the Fair, Brandy has learned about the fact that some of Caelia's guards are about to go through a rather strict training. With a mixture of luck, great timing and another dosage of luck, she was allowed to take part.

Tag and character goal:
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Go through a training arc. | Get ripped.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard

Ezekiel Hayward

The guard captain looked at those that had gathered in the training fields this day. “Good morning.” He'd start nice. “As two of you know, I'm Ezekiel Hayward. Guard Captain of Stonewall. The baroness herself has asked me to ensure the quality of some of our more senior guards isn't below expectations, so I've called you here for a training that is sure to whip you all into a better shape than you've ever been.”

He nodded to himself. “That said, as you're in this together, I'll give you a brief moment to introduce yourselves. Including our honorary guest.” He'd add, looking at Brandy.




“I areth Ethel! I areth thee defenereth of thee Stonewall and proector of life!” The knight proclaimed. “I welcome thee felilne graces upon these halloweth trainingeth groundeth!” She would 'greet' Brandy.

“Otto Walton, son of sir Walton III, I just arrived here after serving as a village guard in Kirkwall. It'll be a pleasure to work with you all.” The Otter guard would greet them with a salute.


The last one seemed to be wishing to vanish, as their eyes were turned towards him for his introduction. “Sherwood... Scout.” He'd eventually 'introduce' himself.

That left only Brandy.
Tomoko Brandy
Brandy moved with caution, each step deliberate, her presence almost ghostlike in the gathered group. There was a solemn weight to her that hadn’t been there before, a heaviness that clung to her after hearing the news.

Her gaze shifted over the other knights, her expression impassive, the fire in her eyes masked by a blank facade. She didn’t offer much as she spoke, her voice flat and distant, as though disconnected from herself.

"Stray." The word fell from her lips like a shard of ice. It was all she had to offer by way of introduction. She wasn't Brandy, and she wasn’t Tomoko—not without her. Her eyes held a dangerous gleam, flickers of flame threatening to ignite, to sear the earth around her. Every inch of her body was taut, brimming with tension, her muscles coiled as if ready to unleash everything at the drop of a hat.

"I appreciate you having me, but let's get started," she said, her tone curt, her eyes never quite meeting anyone else’s. She wasn’t trying to be rude; she simply didn’t have the energy for connection, not anymore. She had closed herself off, built her walls high and reinforced them with steel. She wouldn’t let anyone get close—not again, not after what had happened.

( Elvario Elvario )

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