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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.



Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild only grew more cheerful as she wagged her tail a little at being called Koralia's little shark, simply purring in enjoyment as she laid on and snuggled into the shark for the time being. Even if Koralia wasn't as warm as someone like Metalmans, it was still very comfortable for her since it felt closer to a reptilian's leathery or scaly body rather than... well, metal or humanpeoples skin she supposed. Simply sitting in the large sharklady's hold as the lizard watched Koralia reach for legal tender in order to make a legal purchase rather than using a Gunhildian existence to get what one Gunhild could want for free. Not sure why people decided this silly system of giving worthless unpretty-squished rocks into circle shapes or whatever was a good way of deciding who was allowed to get what, Gunhild didn't know why they didn't just allow everyone to have food and everyone was nice to eachother. Although...

Silently thinking about it to herself, the cogs in her mind started turning. Why do some people think Gunhild so likeable and great, but others think she's weird? Regula, Teuihua, Koralia and Finn all pretty much liked her immediately... though one of those was probably removable from that list for tail-related reasoning behind it. Finn was the only one who immediately took to petting her and all, yet didn't seem to have an ulterior motive behind it as far as she could remember. It seemed like an interesting idea to find out what part of being a Gunhild made some people like Gunhild so much, maybe life would be easier if everyone know Gunhild as the bestestest Gunhild all the time.

"Hmm... " Gunhild grumbled quietly to herself in deep thought, wondering if there truly was a superior artform through the method of Gunhildian charm that even the most serious, smart and fancy types could fall to. Though, for the moment at least, she returned her attention to what was going on as she stared and gently tried to pat at Koralia's face lightly.
"Shorkie-friend giveses smol-shorkie Gunhild honey-foods? Yesses? Is Gunhild smol-shorkie foods toos?" Gunhild asked, wondering if Koralia was also going to share some of the honey with her as she looked to Gwenith who was offering more tea.

"Yesses, is foods. Gunhild foods is Gunhilds, yummy teeeees foods" Gunhild instated as she made grabby hands in desire of wanting to be given more tea, since it was indeed drinkable and did not taste anywhere near as bad as that gross alcohol they all celebrated in that one farm town she went to. Since she wasn't on the high shoulders of Metalmans, it was probably easier for the tea to be handed to so she didn't have to leave sharklady's hold, which she was still very comfortably enjoying.

"Shorkie-lady no likeses teeeeees?? Is yummys, is food-teeeeees. Shorkie?" Gunhild asked her shark-friend as she tilted her head, wondering if Koralia actually didn't like tea since it was still something that could be consumed.
"Eatsies foods, is beastie-beastie ways? Yesses? Must foods. Is good. Gunhild is smol-shorkie, Gunhild eatses all foodsies, ahm nam nams... nam nam..." Gunhild added, gently reaching up and lightly poking the shark's cheeks with her claws like she was still intrigued with the feel of her skin, doing it multiple times to keep hold of Koralia's attention. Considering how close she would get with Teuihua and the amount of questions she asked him, this was probably going to start occuring to Koralia too. Either way, with each of her 'nams', she harmlessly closed her mouth on and 'bit' Koralia somewhere within head reach. Although, she never actually bit with her teeth so it wouldn't have hurt in the slightest.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1")

Aiden chuckled softly at Gunhild's innocent and eager demeanor. The little lizard girl’s enthusiastic curiosity was infectious, and he couldn’t help but be charmed by her energy. He nodded, his wings fluttering slightly.

"Hello, Gunhild," Aiden greeted warmly. "Yes, honey is food. It's sweet and delicious, made by bees. Would you like to try some?"

He took a small wooden spoon, dipped it into one of the honey jars, and held it out to Gunhild with a friendly smile. "Here, give it a taste and see if you like it."

Turning to Koralia, Aiden smiled warmly at her straightforward manner. "Nice to meet you, Koralia," he said, holding out a jar of honey. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this. It's made from the nectar of wildflowers, giving it a unique and rich flavor. It's three silver coins for a jar."

Aiden gratefully accepted the cup of lavender tea from Gwenith, nodding at her suggestion to test how it blends with his honey. "Absolutely, let's see how it turns out," he said, opening a jar of his lavender honey and adding a spoonful to his tea. He stirred it gently and then took a careful sip, savoring the unique combination of flavors.

"Wow, that's really nice," Aiden remarked, his eyes lighting up with genuine appreciation. "The honey definitely adds a richer, smoother sweetness to the tea. It enhances the lavender flavor without overpowering it."

Brandy was following along her friends as they crossed the market, hopping from place to place with much glee. She enjoyed seeing Aedri this happy and gleaming.


She remained mostly quiet and laid back, her hands over her head as she sung herself a hymn, her ears flipping around to hone in on different sounds, her tail swaying playfully while she listened to the lecture Aedri was giving. It was pretty cute, how she seemed to be in her element here. It made Brandy wonder what her element was, if anything.

Why is this RP so rapid ;-; I have lost the plot completely XD ... Anyway.

Moonberry Moonberry
Elvario Elvario
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


When it looked like Smallhild wasn't going to climb down to grab the tea, Gwenith was forced in the awkward position of having to get up close to the Shark in order to hand it over. Those teeth really looked like they could bite off a limb in no-time. Aiden was (Empathy F) empathetic enough to sense Gwenith's discomfort, although latter would push through it and hand over the tea to Gunhild.

Being able to step back and relax a bit again, she'd try the lavender tea with lavender honey as well. “Hmmm... you're right, it gives a deeper flavour to it. Although... I do wonder if it'd be better to try contrast it instead. Hold up...” She took out some ground-up roots. “This is some of the most bitter, yet refreshing tea I have. If anything would be made better with honey, I'd be this. It has a rather earthy taste to it, so I'm not sure what honey profile would help it along.”
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna listened intently as Eliza shared her thoughts. She nodded in understanding, appreciating the insights into the preferences of higher courts. When the lady mentioned the idea of a dye applicable to nails, Aedrianna's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm.

“Thank you for your kind words, Eliza,” Aedrianna began, her voice sincere. “I appreciate your feedback and understand the need for elegance and subtlety in noble circles.”

She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Actually, I have been experimenting with creating dyes and products that cater to different needs. For nails, we could use natural ingredients like beeswax, which provides a smooth, protective layer, combined with mineral pigments like crushed malachite for green or lapis lazuli for blue. Mastic gum can serve as a clear base or thickener, ensuring the polish is durable and glossy.”

Pulling out a small jar of lip rouge from her satchel, she opened it to reveal a rich, red paste. “This lip rouge, for example, is made from alkanet root or beetroot powder for the vibrant red and pink hues, mixed with beeswax and tallow to create a creamy, smooth application. It’s gentle on the skin and provides a beautiful, lasting color.” She dabbed a bit on her lips, demonstrating its smooth application and vibrant hue.

“As for covering grey hair,” she continued, “we use a blend of natural ingredients like henna from the Lawsonia inermis plant for rich red or burgundy tones, indigo from the Indigofera plant for deep blue and black, and ground walnut shells for dark brown shades. We also use herbs like sage and rosemary to darken the hair and enhance its shine. These natural dyes can be formulated to match various shades of natural hair, effectively masking grey.”

She was so excited, but she paused as a small realization washed over her. She was over explaining, and giving all the secrets away. She put her hand to her lips, a small tint of pink coming to her lips as she smiled at Eliza. Hoping to try and redeem herself, she cleared her throat and quickly tried to fill in her little lapse of quiet. “I’ve been experimenting with several different manners of beauty products, including creams to help protect from the sun and reduce wrinkles,” she added, her tone more measured.

She paused, gauging Eliza’s reaction before continuing, “My hope is to expand my family’s business, Belmontes Benevolent Brews, and eventually set up shop in Ryke. We aim to cater to a diverse clientele, offering products that combine natural beauty with practicality. Your suggestions are incredibly valuable, and I’d love to collaborate further to develop products that meet the needs of both playful experimentation and refined elegance.”

With a warm smile, Aedrianna turned her attention back to Sorieiel. “Alright, it’s time to reveal the color,” she said cheerfully. She pulled her canteen out of her bag and gently rinsed the dye from Sorieiel’s hair and the tip of her tail.

As the water washed away the paste, a vibrant golden strip emerged on Sorieiel’s white hair and tail. The golden color gleamed brilliantly in the sunlight, contrasting beautifully with the pristine white fur.

“Look at that!” Aedrianna exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. “Isn’t it stunning? The color turned out perfectly.” She smiled at Sorieiel and then back at Eliza, the success of the demonstration evident.

Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario

Thanks to Gunhild's caressing of Koralia's face, the shark only eyed the tea merchant's slightly, as the woman was handing the tea over to Gunhild. Smirking at the question made by the little lizard in her arm, she nodded, without a second thought. "Of course, I will get ya 'sum honey too!" Declaring as such, she did some quick maneuvering with her hands to get six silver rykes out of the coin pouch, before storing it away once more. "Wild flowers, huh? I bet this one is gunna be good." There was a certain anticipation on her voice, as she waited to try the honey eagerly, planning to get a jar for herself and another one of Gunhild, extending her left arm towards Aiden and handing him the coins.

To the little lizard's question about her liking tea, she shook her head, her muzzled face going from one side to the other. "Ain't that much of a fun, even cold tea doesn't sit well in me. Only drink blood and water." She said with a straight face, as if she were talking about any topic, which quickly relaxed into a happy grin, feeling the little clawed hand poking her cheek. "Yah, the beast way of eating meat: in one go! You did it just as I did, so you did it right. You really are my little shark, arentcha?" Koralia was more remarking than asking, seeing the small biting motions which Gunhild was doing, mimicking a shark.

The one that ended up biting her innocently, using only the Gunhild's lips, near Koralia's muscular collarbone, prompted the shark to narrow her eyes, playfully.
"Ya little runt!" Her voice was friendly and lively, clearly not being angry with it. Looking at Gunhild intently, the shark herself began doing the same biting motions as the small lizard was doing previously. In her case, however, the serrated teeth opened and closed, biting against each other with audible strength, almost if they were metal clashing. With each bite, her face got closer and closer to the little Gunhild, until finally, it was Koralia's elongated muzzle that made contact with her, rubbing playfully against her cheek for a moment, before her attention was, once more, directed to Aiden, eager to receive the jars from him.


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild eyed Aiden's pretty wings and fluffy bee fuzziness as she heard that she was being offered yummy honey all for free, sitting up and looking to the wooden spoon that he had offered honey with.
"Yesses, is foods, Gunhild has... " Gunhild briefly answered in a quick tone as she suddenly leaned forward, not even considering to grab it or anything as she so casually just stuck the end of the spoon into her mouth and allowed Aiden to spoonfeed the honey directly to her. Sliding her mouth off and cleaning the spoon of all honey in one go, she cheerfully laid in Koralia's hold as her little clawed hands rested on her exposed midriff living and enjoying her current moment of essentially being a spoiled child. So this must have been what royalty was and what all those people the likes of Regula and such wished to push them through. What silly billies, why would they go through such nonsense effort with so many dumb rules and words and silly moral obligations decided by others when one could just be like Gunhild? With a mouthful of honey, she joyfully chewed at the succulent and sweet treat in her mouth as she wagged her tail. It was very much delicious and great, the Caelia Barony could do with more of this honey production.

"Honeeees guds, is yummies, Gunhild likesies" she answered with her mouth full, a big wide smile as she eventually swallowed and looked to Aiden.
"Is very guds, Gunhild likesies. Very verys yummieses. Thankies bah-buh-beebee, is like pretty-goldgoo. Yummies goldie-goo honee, beebee-boi hases a bestest honeeses" she answered with a small delightful grumble, noticing the tea offered to her by Gwenith also and gently clasping the cup into her hands.

"Thankies tee-lady" Gunhild briefly added, clearly her day was going so amazingly well as she tenderly held the cup close to her mouth and so delicately lapped up the tea with tiny licks with the tip of her tongue. It was still very good. Huh, Gunhild considered how amazingly great she must have been at getting attention and also free food. It was great. Being Gunhild was great. Gunhild was glad she was Gunhild, and the bestest one too. Still no clue what was so difficult about 'nobility' and 'respect' when she clearly had all the respect and adoring love she could ever want wherever she seemed to go. People should have just learned to be more like Gunhild, then they could get pets, food and be held too.

Quaintly enjoying her tea like a good little Gunhild, she was pleasantly joyful to hear that she would be receiving more honey out of the generous pockets of new shark friend Koralia. Along with being truly her affirmed little shark, Gunhild cheerfully and proudly continued to enjoy her 'throne' that was the sharklady's strong arm as she enjoyed her tea. It was really getting her thinking at this point how far Gunhild could take said charm, maybe there was some innate secret to it. Clearly there was a taste for it, and Gunhild did like being appreciated in such ways. Though for the time being, enjoying the things while they were lasting was what was most important as she took to being the 'little runt that was biting Koralia'.

Lifting her head and giving a blank stare as the big shark had made biting motions towards her, Gunhild didn't move or say anything up until her cheek was poked. Though, her only response was a blank-minded honking sound which inadvertently in turn made her do a gentle little sneeze afterwards. Sniffing softly and looking back at Koralia, perhaps this fair had been one of the bestest days ever. She had made like... two, good new friends, actually three as far as she could remember. Counting was not a strong-suit. But things were going amazingly well. Deciding that thinking about the power of Gunhildian charm and liking such praise was something she had to do later, for now she would just instead stare back at Koralia's face and go back to doing the same thing.

"Ahm nam? Gunhild ahm nams. Is scariers shorkie. Prettyshorkie fearses a Gunhild!... Prettyshorkie spikky-stick borkey-brokesies?? Prettybirdie borkey the spikky-stikky? Is weirds spikky-stikk. Is strong-prettyshorkie spikky-stick persons? Shorkie spikky-sticky meanies and monstersies?" Gunhild asked about Koralia's sword curiously.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1")
Note: Gunhild is still a floofy.


Aiden chuckled softly at Gunhild's enthusiastic reaction to the honey. Her innocent and eager demeanor was infectious, and he couldn’t help but be charmed by her energy. His wings fluttered slightly as he watched her enjoy the treat.

"I'm glad you like the honey, Gunhild," Aiden said with a warm smile.

Aiden handed Koralia the two jars of honey after she gave him the coins. "I hope you both enjoy it. The wildflower nectar gives it a unique and rich flavor."

He then turned his attention back to Gwenith, curious about her suggestion. "Contrast, huh? That sounds interesting." Aiden watched as she prepared the bitter tea, intrigued by the combination. He selected a jar of darker, buckwheat honey, known for its robust and earthy flavor. "Let's try this one. The strong taste should complement the bitterness well."

Upon seeing Koralia's sword, Aiden's eyes lit up with interest. "So, are you an adventurer?" his curiosity piqued. "Did you know honey has great medicinal properties? It's not just delicious—it can help with wounds and infections. Honey has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat wounds. It's also great for soothing sore throats and boosting energy."


Mad Maw
Mad Maw couldn't help but chuckle, maybe she really was her own worst enemy. She had been under the impression her kind was loathed around here, yet it only made others bewildered. Was she really so different than those marrow suckers living in giggle caves? It didn't feel like it, but when Regula decided to come over and spark up conversation. It make her feel a little better; She really only based royalty off of the novellas and media she had consumed in her previous life so perhaps she was more wrong here than right.

"Hellooo~" She replied, standing up with an awkward formal bow that ended with her slamming her forehead into the table with an unmistakable yelp. Mad Maw slumping back into her chair as she rubbed her forehead "Ow Ow Ow, Stars aplenty in these eyes of mine" She said with exaggerated plight, coming back to "Uh...sorry about that! I may be a...little nervous. I don't think I've met anyone aswell dressed as you! Gnolls prefer to eat sequins rather than decorate with them
" She said with a dismissive wave.

"This one...My name is Madeline, but please just call me Mad Maw" She said with vibrancy, already over the accidental head slam "Dress for the job you want yes? I suppose I am dressing to be the court jester! Wouldn't that be fun? I digress, The fair has been fantastic thus far. This is admittedly my first stop, but taverns are usually the first bastion on the war of boredom" She said eagerly "Forgive my ignorance, but I take you are a noble here? It's an absolute pleasure, and honestly a treat you'd decide to speak with this giggly old dog" She said, cocking her head curiously as she took another sip of her mead; a mustache of ale left as she set it down.

I am a bit aimless you see, since I was forced to flee my home, I've been traveling in a single direction until it took me somewhere fun...Here I am
" She said, humming a bit as she raised her mug again "Im hoping I can find some fun, and purpose, while im here"

Elvario Elvario

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Teuihua would nod at Janja’s assertion of them being her pride and joy. “Understandable, I am certain that their wool must be very nice.”

“I imagine it would sound rather foreign, it is in a language which is very old and I cannot imagine there are many left at all who can speak or read it. Thankfully Lady Caelia has picked up on it, so for the time being it has a good chance of living on for quite some time.”

He’d nod again.

“It is safe to say, yes much has changed, there are still words I do not have equivalents for with how much innovation there has been since my time and place. There are plenty of new magics, inventions, architectural techniques, culinary feats, military advancements, not to mention the many more buildings which I see now which did not used to be in areas which I have been before. I could probably go on and on about how much is different then when I used to see it, so it is certainly accurate to say that. I am just fortunate that I have met so many kind people like yourself, I thank you for that Janja.” Teuihua said with an edge of genuineness in his voice with a purely appreciative voice.

“It’s reassuring to hear that you have some capability to hold your own then, I hope that you will not have a need to do such just the same however.”

“Constructs like myself..like myself certainly. There are many constructs from my time who were created with what their creators had in mind for their function and what would suit them best as a result, a construct like Zeouli or myself might be more heat resistant due to our prime objectives requiring us being outside a lot in sometimes harsh heat conditions, particularly in my case where I might need to combat foes who can wield intense heat as a weapon. The same would be true for any constructs sent and assigned in more desert like areas of the Mict empire regardless of task, I imagine their creators would take that into consideration in their design. In general however yes, It is to my understanding that a inorganic sort such as myself can tolerate a great deal more than many organics can.”

With the next question, Teuihua might have smiled if he could, but instead his voice was warm. “That question is not a problem at all for me to answer. When I first awoke, I was not all knowledgeable about the world, I needed to learn about it much like an organic who was newly created might, with less development stages and effort however. I was shown and told about the world, my questions were answered, and my primary objective was made clear, in some ways when you’re learning about a new world you have never seen before I suppose that is comparable to an adolescence learning.”
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario

"Hah! Seems like Gunhild liked it! Can't wait it to try it myself!" Koralia bellowed, as the small lizard showed her satisfaction with the honey, after being spoon-fed by Aiden. The shark would get one of the jars of honey, giving it to Gunhild, noticing her small hands were occupied with the cup of tea. "Think you can hold this with your tail? This one is yours" She held the jar for a few moments longer, so that the Smolhild could grasp the flask with her tail. The shark assumed that the appendage would still be strong enough to hold it.

Next, it would be the turn of getting her own jar. Bringing it to her face, she would open her maw and just start to drink and lick its contents using a dexterous tongue. Koralia clearly cared little for manners, from the way she kept consuming the golden-goo as Gunhild had put it. She lapped and lapped the inside of the jar, her mouth working overtime to ingest all the viscous substance. After quite a few moments of doing so, basically entranced and focused solely on eating the tasty-liquid, she would let out a long and audible sigh of satisfaction. Holding the now empty glass, which had just a few smears of honey in its interior still, the shark's eyes focused on Aiden, while the tongue darted out to lick her lips which were stained with the honey. "You ain't lying when you said this had a rich flavor. Probably the strongest I've had. I like it."

With satisfaction etched across her face from the extremely caloric snack, Koralia now focused on the little one in her arms once more, seeing how she repeated the biting motions once again. And then came the question, which she pondered about it a few moments. "There ain't no need to be 'fraid of me, less you are up to no good. As for me sword... yeah, it is broken. Glad the baroness found its fault in a friendly duel rather than me finding out in the field. This here sword made quite a few meanies into 'goo', can tell you dat much!" There was some pride when she talked about her sword, as the weapon has been her ally for a long, long time.

Having her attention called back to bee-boy as he asked her a question, she nodded. "Yah, Imma mercenary. Been in many places already: West Empire, Republic, Duchy and Lake. Nice tussles in each one of 'em." She chuckled, as if remembering the jobs she had been thus far. As Aiden continued, she tilted her head a bit. "Knew about the energy, but not the other stuff. One more reason to keep me eyes open for wild beehives..." She nodded to herself a few times, as if taking a mental note to search for them if she needed it. "How about you? Stay in any place for long?" Asking Aiden, she noticed she hasn't asked that about the little lizard yet. "How about you, lil' shark? You stay in Ryke?"
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


Exchanging some tea for honey, she'd switch a cup of tea for a spoon of honey with Aiden so they could both try out the bitterness combined with the dark, robust honey. “Hmm. You're right. Having something like this would really open the amount of flavours I can brew without worry...” She mumbled to herself, already exploring a world of new opportunities. “A bit odd for a neighbouring merchant to ask, perhaps, but would you sell me some of that honey from just now?” She asked, coming up with new tea options to explore already. She'd normally add that tea could do the same as his honey, but it seemed the shark wouldn't be a customer to begin with, so she remained silent.

Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

Upon being told that the baroness spoke the odd language, she'd nod. What she was more surprised by, however, was that he thought that meant it'd live on for quite some time. “Don't you think you'll be the one to live longer than the baroness? I mean... Assuming you don't age? I don't think you do? Or do you?” She had no clue what she was talking about.

“Nah, nah, problem. It's alright~” She waved away his appreciation. Although her 'nah' almost sounded like a sheep going 'baaah'. There was one more thing she was curious about. “What about the sheep? Did they have sheep this fluffy and with such a high quality wool in your time as well?”




It seemed like Rosalia and Janja had ended up interviewing Teuihua together, without really having planned for such, but he'd got both the ladies' attention. Who wouldn't want to chat up to such a handsome fellow, after all. “The empire stretched all the way to the deserts? Or do you think the area here used to be a desert?” She asked, rather curious.

The next bit was what she was truly curious about. “Isn't it really difficult to be so big and without understanding most things, only to be told about everything all at once? With humans, we learn about the world gradually as we grow older, not all at once during adolescence. ”


Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Are.. you alright?” She'd ask, about the gnoll slamming her head on the table. She wondered if she should activate her healing cloak again. “Nervous?” She asked, wondering why, until it was explained in the next sentence. “Ah, it's something my advisors suggested to better reflect my status. It does go well with the wings, I think.” She'd explain it away, as it was very different from what she'd have chosen herself.

“Are you sure I can't call you Madeline? It has a lovely ring to it.” The name sounded a lot lovelier than the nickname, at least. “A court jester?” She knew what those were, no why anyone would volunteer to become one. “I'm glad you've enjoyed it thus far.” She'd state with a smile.

“Ah, yes. I'm baroness Regula Caelia. Pleasure to meet you, miss Madeline.” She'd reply, by now confirming to herself that her guards hadn't messed up by allowing a gnoll to enter, as this one was clearly capable of being civilized, even outright pleasant to interact with.

“Fleeing your home? That must be difficult. Were you forced out by a war or something?” She wondered aloud. “As for finding purpose, the barony can always use more capable hands. Though I'm not entirely sure if this 'court jester' position would be needed...” She shook her head. “No worries, I'm sure you'll find something suitable. If you can tell me what you're good at, I might even be able to point you in the right direction.”


Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild lightly grumbled and nodded to Aiden as he had spoken, enjoying her tea at her own pace to herself as she heard Koralia offer a jar full of honey for the little lizard to have. Going along with the shark, she reached and encircled her tail around the jar [Prehensile Tail] and held it close to her body as if it were going to escape her. Having eyed the bee's fluttery and delicate wings as well as their fuzziness for a little while as she enjoyed her tea, it had took now to realise that Gunhild didn't even pay for tea either time. Then, Koralia had ended up paying for a jar of honey for her of which she had also gotten a free sample too.

Being a Gunhild truly was the most beneficial perk of all time. It was starting to feel like Gunhild was truly the most supreme nobility of all if she could just go around and be treated like such royalty just for being herself. Seriously, what was all the fuss about Regula and 'doing things in public' and 'morality-slash-weirdness'. Clearly, it was so easy to make capable friends and to get what one wanted. This was exactly why Gunhild didn't bother with such nonsense, just be honest and oneself and everything works out. Especially if that ones' self is Gunhild. With a proven successful method and dirt-low desires of which some people would just naturally feel an urge to want to give her, such as petting, Gunhild's life plan was clearly rock-solid. And rocks were great. They were dense, solid, kept the world together and could be big and small. Like Gunhild!

"Gunhild like rocks... " Gunhild quietly and softly grumbled to herself, not feeling an ounce of surprise at her so casually mumbling about what she was thinking about.
"No mores tees... is emptieses... " Gunhild added on with a small mumble, sniffing and pushing her face into the empty cup just to make really sure that there was nothing left. When her investigation was full-proof, she gently nibbled it to see if it was worth eating before finding it tasting like bad not-rock fancy-stuff and instead just looking around wondering where to put it since she didn't want to just drop it. With the jar still being held in her tail, she just confusedly fumbled with it moving it around her for a comfortable place to leave it before she turned it upside-down and just left it on her head because she couldn't find where else she should hold it for the moment. It seemed like a good enough place at least. She knew it wasn't a hat, but if it fell off then it wouldn't be her problem anymore.

Gunhild just lied in Koralia's cradled arm patiently listening to everything the big shorkie had to say to her and Aiden up until she was about if she stayed in Ryke. Taking a weird moment to have to think about her answer, she pondered in silence for a moment before giving her answer.
"Gunhild go big dark place, go ahm nam nam, like shorkie. Gunhild ahm nam nam, thens awaaahwah- " Gunhild started as she made random 'awah' noises in order to describe something that she clearly wasn't describing well.
"Gunhild does a poofs and go's some whereses.... Gunhild not-remembies, finds caveses ands a dirts ands a treesies, Gunhild go town-place. Meet floofy-red magicman, was a very pretty's, a one mores one biglady but not shork or Gunhild, and smols, ands go's trees-place. Find magic-house and stupid-stinky mean floofa and, frens and Gunhild do a smarts, every-smol happies. Stupid stinky juice thens. Thens stuffs, treeses, dirts, rocks... Gunhild likeses rocks. Gunhild find Stonetownplace and- the MAGIC WISH HOLE, Gunhild knows magic wish hole, is secret but Gunhild knows, Gunhild is smol smort shork. Thens Gunhild meetsies all frenses ever, do a do a one-ones-ever-ones advenchoors, meetses MORE NEWSIES FRENSES AND BACK-TIME FRENSES, Gunhild go big water-landplace place, Gunhild saided is bad evil fire-maker and burnsies a townsies to burnsies but Gunhild- Gunhild no do dat. Gunhild no do dat evers, is liesies, Gunhild is good Gunhild. Den Prettybirdie ReguLady made birtheded a magic house, baby magic house!! Den purpy-floofapup liveses magic-baby-magic-shrinehouse and Gunhild protecc it. Gunhild do a protecc. Gunhild protecc, and do a happi for frens and Prettybirdie Baronylady, and goeses and does a do whens Gunhild want do a do" Gunhild answered in a long, continuous sentence without taking even a moment to think about what she was saying and in what order. This was truly the pinnacle of her storytelling... maybe, Gunhild was not a storyteller. Gunhild was Gunhild.​

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza's eyes twinkled with interest as she observed the demonstration, the golden color gleaming brightly against Sorieiel’s white fur. She was genuinely impressed by Aedrianna's enthusiasm and knowledge of natural dyes.

"That is indeed quite stunning," Eliza admitted, her tone softer now. "You have a keen eye for color and an impressive understanding of natural ingredients."

As Aedrianna shared more about her experiments and her family's business, Eliza listened intently.

"I must say, your passion and dedication are truly commendable," Eliza said, leaning in closer. "Beeswax, malachite, and lapis lazuli... such combinations could create beautiful and sophisticated colors. Not to mention drive up the price..."

Eliza paused for a moment, considering the possibilities. "Your lip rouge is also quite lovely," she added, glancing at the rich red paste. "But sun-protecting creams? isn't that a bit far-fetched? Would such a cream not destroy ones powder based makeup? Not to mention, parasols are a common item."

She gave Aedrianna a warm smile, appreciating the young woman's enthusiasm and willingness to share her knowledge. "I believe you are on the right path, Aedrianna. I would be very interested in discussing a potential collaboration. However you'll need to give me some time to get my affairs in order. At such a time I'll be sure to extend an invitation for tea."

Eliza then straightened up, her demeanor more formal but still warm. "For now, I shall take this jar of blue dye and the rogue and as a token of your ingenuity. And to sample of course. I look forward to seeing how your products develop in the future. And should you ever wish to discuss your ideas further, do not hesitate to seek me out at the Brysta Estate if not the Royal Ryken Academy."

With that, Eliza handed Aedrianna a small pouch of coins, a generous amount that reflected her appreciation for the young entrepreneur's efforts. She then gave a polite nod to Sorieiel, acknowledging her role in the demonstration.

"Thank you for your time, Aedrianna. I am sure we will cross paths again soon. Until then, I wish you the best of luck with your ventures. I'm sure that should cover the cost of a dress for you both. A token of thanks." [Wealth F]

Eliza turned to leave, her steps measured and graceful, but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes as she thought about the possibilities Aedrianna's dyes could bring. As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future, knowing that innovative minds like Aedrianna's would continue to shape the world of beauty and elegance.

Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

Mad Maw
Mad Maw had already forgotten about the table slam, though perhaps that because of the slam itself. She didn't seem to mind regardless as she listened to Regula. It seemed it wasn't her decision on the outfit, was that what royalty was like? Being told what to wear down to the turtle doves? It sounded like a very difficult position. It was amazing she looked as beautiful as she did, some royalty looked far past their expiration date. She had already finished her meal and was content sipping her mid; offering Regula a seat. Her nerves from earlier ebbing away; Regula's warmth brushing away her insecurities for the moment.

"I think the wings are just beautiful! I didn't know they could be on people! I guess I'm still getting used to the weirdness of the world I suppose, though look whos' talking!" She jabbered on, pointing at herself and causing her eyes to momentarily spin in different direction before returning to their cardinal positions. "If you enjoy it that much, then by all means!" She didn't mind in the slightest, she could tell it was genuine. "I think of it as a stage name, but hearing it from you is...weirdly nice. It means alot coming from A Baroness" She said awkwardly. She hadn't been called that since before she died.

"War between the clan perhaps; The chieftain believed me to be a prize worthy bride. I disagreed" She said, quirking a curt eyebrow. She loathed those buffoons and wished them all a hellish descent. Regula's continued warmth and words simmering the attitude her memories brought up. "Court Jester was mostly a joke" She said with a giggle. "My talents are mostly steeped in magic, I've gotten a pretty good hang of it, despite having no 'official training'" She said, throwing up quotations with her fingers.

"Gravity and plants call to me in a way other elements do not. It has absolutely nothing to do with our current topic, but what about you? what can you do?" She asked eagerly, switching from a strangely professional response to an eager impulse she could no longer control. "Can you shoot lasers out of your wings? Wings out of your eyes? Do you speak parmesan at all? It's a *gouda* language" The gnoll cackling at her joke, her attire almost coming alive when she exuded this much joy. Her mana greatly tied to her emotions.

Elvario Elvario
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Figuring she could take a short moment, she'd accepted the seat at the gnoll's table and ordered herself a drink (cold tea with honey) as well. “Oh, the weirdness of the world?” She'd ask, realising she might be dealing with another 'isekai' type person. That would explain the lack of gnoll-like behaviour, or well, the restraint of it, at least. “I'm sure you'll get used to it in no-time.” She'd state with a smile. She'd chuckle at the sudden appreciation of something as simple as appreciating a name. “In that case, I'm pleased to be calling you Madeline.”

“Hmm...” She'd think upon the next answer. “That does sound rather troublesome. I'm glad you managed to get out.” She'd state, although she didn't wish to get into politics much further than that. “Oh, a mage? I've dabbled in it as well.”

She wanted to ask for Madeline's expertise, but the gnoll answered it before she had to ask. “Plants and gravity? That's a peculiar combination.” The question what she could do was a bit random. “Ehm, no I'm afraid my wings are just for flying. I do have an enchanted weapon with a laser-like level of firepower though, I also know some Pocket Dimension magic.”

As for the 'languages', she sadly didn't know the joke. Parmesan didn't exist in her time and Gouda was unlikely for her to have heard of. She did, however, notice the gnoll was at likely trying to joke about language in some form or manner. “I speak several languages, but not all of the differences in dialects gnoll of the tongue all that well.”
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario

As Koralia DESTROYED every last bit of the honey, the placed the empty jar on top of Aiden's stand. Maybe the bee-boy would have some use for the jar, possibly clean and use it again. The sight of the little lizard on the Shark's arms, having her tail coiled around the honey jar, holding it, was very endearing to her. The mercenary couldn't quite place why that is, but she doesn't remember ever getting that close to someone so quickly. But it could have to do with the innocence she perceived from Gunhild and how she behaved like a little animal, despite being capable of becoming huge.

And, when the little lizard decided to use the empty tea-cup as a hat, the endearment only increased. Koralia allowed for Smolhild to wear the piece of porcelain a few moments more, as a makeshift hat, before taking it with her left hand. Taking a few steps towards Gwenith, she would place the empty container on her stall, thinking it would be better than to risk it falling on the ground and breaking it. While for Koralia the piece was worthless, she knew that the more humanoids, like humans or fae, often time put ridiculous values in things like that. "'ere is your cup, miss." The shark said to the tea vendor, before stepping away from the stall.

Then her attention was capture by the tale coming from the little lizard cradled on her right arm and against her chest. Koralia attuned her bestial instincts while listening to it, trying to decipher every single sentence in the fast, nonstop, explanation. There was something about a red-magician, quite several other people, one who appeared to be a stinky floofa and possibly a... fire? When she mentioned the 'Prettybirdie Baronylady', it clicked easily enough that was talking about Regula Caelia. "You like adventin' then... Hah! You really are a smarty lil' shark!" Koralia exclaimed, using her free left hand to tickle Gunhild's stomach lightly. After a bit of tickling, the shark stopped, wanting to ask about something else entirely. "Uhhh... how 'bout devorin'? Ever ate a monster whole?" Asking that question to the small lizard, the mercenary would open and close her jaws to further show what she was talking about.

View attachment 1163779
Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza's eyes twinkled with interest as she observed the demonstration, the golden color gleaming brightly against Sorieiel’s white fur. She was genuinely impressed by Aedrianna's enthusiasm and knowledge of natural dyes.

"That is indeed quite stunning," Eliza admitted, her tone softer now. "You have a keen eye for color and an impressive understanding of natural ingredients."

As Aedrianna shared more about her experiments and her family's business, Eliza listened intently.

"I must say, your passion and dedication are truly commendable," Eliza said, leaning in closer. "Beeswax, malachite, and lapis lazuli... such combinations could create beautiful and sophisticated colors. Not to mention drive up the price..."

Eliza paused for a moment, considering the possibilities. "Your lip rouge is also quite lovely," she added, glancing at the rich red paste. "But sun-protecting creams? isn't that a bit far-fetched? Would such a cream not destroy ones powder based makeup? Not to mention, parasols are a common item."

She gave Aedrianna a warm smile, appreciating the young woman's enthusiasm and willingness to share her knowledge. "I believe you are on the right path, Aedrianna. I would be very interested in discussing a potential collaboration. However you'll need to give me some time to get my affairs in order. At such a time I'll be sure to extend an invitation for tea."

Eliza then straightened up, her demeanor more formal but still warm. "For now, I shall take this jar of blue dye and the rogue and as a token of your ingenuity. And to sample of course. I look forward to seeing how your products develop in the future. And should you ever wish to discuss your ideas further, do not hesitate to seek me out at the Brysta Estate if not the Royal Ryken Academy."

With that, Eliza handed Aedrianna a small pouch of coins, a generous amount that reflected her appreciation for the young entrepreneur's efforts. She then gave a polite nod to Sorieiel, acknowledging her role in the demonstration.

"Thank you for your time, Aedrianna. I am sure we will cross paths again soon. Until then, I wish you the best of luck with your ventures. I'm sure that should cover the cost of a dress for you both. A token of thanks." [Wealth F]

Eliza turned to leave, her steps measured and graceful, but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes as she thought about the possibilities Aedrianna's dyes could bring. As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future, knowing that innovative minds like Aedrianna's would continue to shape the world of beauty and elegance.

Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

Moonberry Moonberry

Soreiel looked at Eliza and did her trained bow from her slave days. “I appreciate the compliment my lady” she then stood back up and looked worriedly at Aedrianna. She didn’t mind the streak in her hair, however she did think she would now look silly since one tail out of nine had also a gold streak and a gold tip.

Leo slowly walked up the road towards the large stone gate and walls. Most of his weight rested on his simple, but tall wooden quarterstaff, he clearly looked weak. He looked up from under his hood and saw that many people were walking in and out of the city, he did not know what was going on, he was struggling to think straight. His rations ran out days ago due to getting lost multiple times, it seemed now his luck was looking up.

As he approached the gate he suddenly felt the strength in his arms and legs begin to give in. He managed to take a few more steps before falling head-first towards the ground. His body felt incredibly heavy and refused to move, he could not even cry out. His eyelids start to drop as he lost consciousness. Was this the end? Will I never find my brother and sister? he thought to himself as his eyes closed.



  • felinegod_18_year_old_nekoboy_with_green_cat_eyes_black_hair_an_c154fd9e-1a2e-434c-9ee1-e9ec1c...png
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Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


As scary as the large shark looked, Gwenith was surprised she had a lot more manners than her mannerisms would suggest, as the shark returned the cup. “Eh, yes, thank you!” She'd reply, surprised to learn that someone whom could make even eating honey look so vicious and gruesome could still be so considerate. The topic that the two brought up next was enough for Gwenith to take a step back again, that much sure.


Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?




Ethel was pretty upset. She believed she'd done a good job at keeping folk safe, but no, she was sent outside of town to patrol the outskirts where totally nothing happened and things were boring and where she couldn't ask anyone to duel her. Perhaps the latter was why she was sent here, but that was outside the question.

To her surprise, however, someone HAD, in fact arrived here. She'd head up to Kiyo and stared at the dude lying in the sand. “You! Who areth thou? Why areth thou grounded? Hasth thou becometh one with thee soil?” She asked, as she tried poking him with her foot, ready to engage should he make weird movements or something.
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Mad Maw found so much joy in this conversation, Regula had become an unexpected delight. She felt the edges of her face cringe momentarily as she caught the whiff of whip smart intellect. She might have given herself away being from somewhere else; did they have cheese like that here? She supposed there was nothing to do be done about it and hoped Regula wasn't too invested in the particulars. The splotches of orange and brown across her cheeks lighting up a little brighter as Regula said her name with such warmth again.

"I only hope they don't try and cause trouble for me, some beasts don't know when to let go" She said with a quirk of her eyebrow "Magic has become something of a specialty; Yeah it's a weird combination right? I think it's like two peas in a pod; Plants without gravity to weigh them down...can grow wildly out of control" She said with a cheshire grin "Wings for flying are just as cool, I just have an overreactive imagination. you'll have to show me this dimension in your pocket sometime!" She rambled, Clearly not understanding some of the fundamentals on magic.

Mad Maw's face lit up when she fired back with a gnoll pun, laughing with genuine tears as it seemed to get her gander quite well, so much so she fell out of her chair kicking up her legs. A moment or two later she would recover, clambering back into her seat and continuing to snicker behind her teeth.

"A baroness and a comedian, ohohoho I am simply elated to have met you Regs. If there is any need of an estranged wizard roleplaying a bard, I couldn't think of anyone better" She said, wiping away a tear as she finally calmed herself "Im not trained in royal duties or the more finer things, but I can always learn!"

Elvario Elvario


  • 1716484869894.png
    8.5 MB · Views: 0
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Isn't most plant-based magic used to let them grow much wilder and out of control?” She'd wonder aloud, upon the odd explanation. “Then again, I'm far from an expert.”

The other question had an easy answer. “Sure.” She'd state, after which she'd use [Take It All] to throw Madeline into her Pocket Dimension for a bit. Letting the gnoll sit there for just long enough to wonder what happened for her to suddenly find herself in a vast empty and lightless space, before letting her out again.

Take It All – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

“That's basically all there is to it. Just a vast and empty space that I can use to store items, weapons... one time a Shrine... and sometimes people, into.” She'd elaborate on the experience she'd just made the gnoll go through.

Seeing her joke hit so hard made her surprised. It wasn't that great. Yet perhaps the effort was appreciated more than the result? “Regs?” As much as she appreciated the familiarity, she doubted that was appropriate. She figured she'd leave it be for now. “Well, I'll know whom to call upon~” She'd state with a smile.

Silvia Tebrick

As they were talking another woman walked. “Milady baroness, the guards informed me that there is someone you may wish to meet with.” She'd state, after giving Regula bow.

“Oh, right.” She'd reply, finishing her drink, putting money on the table and getting up. “This one's one me.” She'd state, having left enough pay for the gnoll's drink and meal as well. “It's been nice meeting you, but duty calls.” She'd say, getting ready to head out.

Mad Maw
Mad Maw didn't have time to explain her magic further before she was transported somewhere else entirely; her thoughts erratic and excited before she was pulled back out into the bar once again. Her vision warbled only for a moment, shaking her head like a rattle before coming to. "Woah...that isn't what I expected at all! I always thought girl pockets were too small" She said with an offhanded scoff "Wait a shrine!?-" She almost shouted, eyes cartoonishly bulging for a moment. Regula was quite the leader, she wondered what would happen if someone was caught halfway through-

Ohp...It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Baroness Regula!" She realized she may had been too relaxed with her excitement and interest; she didn't want to come off rude and disrespectful despite her kind's magnetism toward such ideals. She gave a gentle bow this time, keeping tact in mind as one of her subjects required her attention.

Thank you so much for the conversation and meal! I hope we get to meet again; this is the perfect time to check out more of the fair. Take care, and it was also nice meeting you too lady cat-ears" She said, waving at Silvia. She would abruptly give Amika a wave and a quick hug before parting ways from the delightful Keg. Her next destination inadvertently taking her to the sounds of a heavy voice amidst two stalls of tea and honey. Was that...a giant shark? She was glad to see she wasn't the wildest thing moseying the streets.

She slowly crept toward the edge of one of these stalls, curiosity overtaking her as she saw a whole cast of interesting people, though the giant shark and...lizard?...dog?...alien? She was baffled by whatever the hell it was, but it was also what made her inch ever closer. She didn't know how lizards and sharks would handle a gnoll, but it would be fun to find out!

Now this is the sort of excitement I was looking for, Regs sure knows how to throw a good fair!
I smelled honey and tea, but this-" Her head slowly turning toward the giant bee; eyes wide behind her goggles. "Is completely new to me. Crazy right? Kettle calling the bee...striped uh...sorry! My name is Mad Maw and it's wonderful to meet a new people, especially when they are races i've never seen before!"

Elvario Elvario Naythophyl Naythophyl Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy
Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Having said her goodbyes the gnoll, she'd made her way back into the town proper. It didn't take long for Silvia to point her in the right direction, as the woman in question was pretty noticeable. Both by her dress and by the amount of guards surrounding her.

She was about to approach the woman, when she realised something. She'd dealt with preciously few other nobles thus far. What if she... you know... looked totally stupid?

“Psst, Silvia. Any hints?”

Silvia Tebrick

The advisor, surprised at the sudden question, was quick to answer. “It feels the nicest at the base, although I don't mind other places, but perhaps it's better left for in private.” She'd reply without much hesitation as her tail was starting to wag.



“I mean, for approaching the noblewoman.”

“Oh, right. Apologies milady. I believe, considering the light-hearted situation and unofficial visit, a simple and open-hearted approach might be best.” She suggested.

Regula sighed in relief. “I'm glad to hear that. That's what I'm best at.”

She'd state, as a smile formed after which she'd approach Eliza. “Good afternoon, you must be lady Brysta. I'm baroness Caelia. It's a pleasure to have you visit my barony. Has the fair been to you liking?” Perhaps she'd taken the advise a bit too much to heart, or perhaps she was just being a [Hip Noble]. The fact she was reaching out for a handshake might suggest the latter. Either way she was pretty relaxed about it, smiling at receiving a guest she figured nice to have, especially for those among her barony that might benefit from publicity or income.
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Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Mention: Elvario Elvario
“I hadn’t really thought about that.” Teuihua replied when Janja mentioned the him living longer bit. “What I more so meant was the language will be more active if more people understand it..since I am under the assumption it is under the brink of extinction.”

“I can attest that I look the same as I did during my time, so it is safe to say that if I do age, it is incredibly slowly, and even then it is not the same way organics do.”
Teuihua knew pretty quickly how to answer that question.

“There were sheep in some areas, perhaps nice sheep, but I do not believe I have seen any as nice as your own.” Teuihua replied warmly.

“And yes there were wool products but perhaps not as sophisticated as there are now.”

He then looked to Rosalia.

“I have not actually seen in person, the eternity of the Empire, there are some areas which I did not see, but I did have an understanding of the current map since I was last active, there was some desert which it stretched too, but believe there may have been other areas which are different now than they were then, particularly with what I imagine magic allowing for beneficial terraforming and shifting areas of land to be more inhabitable for people.”

“I believe that acquisition may have been easier in my case than it would be for an organic in a similar position. I did not need many hours of reciting to remember things. I do suppose being so large and being unsure may have created some more awkward moments, but there are constructs of all shapes and sizes and abilities, much like there are for organics, so I imagine that each’s experience might be a bit different, mine however I can say yes there were some incidents, but nothing more than inconveniences rather than dire situations.”

Teuihua paused for a moment before continuing, “Thank you both for conversing with me. I know I am different, so I appreciate it.” articulating his thoughts, about how many wouldn’t even bother with a construct.

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