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Fantasy Still need members for Oblivion

Yes, oh great lord yes! Finally there's a D&D RP with orcs in it! Count me in please.
Hahah yep. Orcs arent common since most have them been enslaved and tortured by King Vincent but there are some free ones running around. Its the same with giants, ogres, and others alike. :)
I love you! Can we have 2 characters or are we reestricted to one? I won't love you any less if we can't have 2 though.
Allright. I'll try to make a CS today is it okay?
I have a half elf rouge dnd character that I've had for a while would there be any interest of adding a female to the troop?
What's the average lifespan of orcs in particular?
slimmyjimjim7 said:
I have a half elf rouge dnd character that I've had for a while would there be any interest of adding a female to the troop?
Its not exactly DnD but that was the best way to describe the role play but yeah you can bring her in. I just don't want you to think its DnD only to be disappointed. Oh and class does not mean the class of the character. Its the social class which I describe in the overview. So if its a rogue than she would something like, Idk, a thief or asssassin or something.

DryPunishment said:
What's the average lifespan of orcs in particular?
I haven't thought about it really. For DnD it says venerable age is 60; for Wow the max age is 82-100 but they rarely go over 72. I'm going to go with Wow because to get the max age for DnD, I'd have to roll 2d10s which I don't have and its just a pain.
I mean so far every character is over 200 years old and that's a little intimidating.
Yeah that is true. I mean demons are immortal and so are dragons so theres that.

I will post ages in the overview for not so immortal beings like elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.
I love that this also has a taste of WoW which is a huuuuuuge plus. Thank you,based Wolfstrain.
Hahah Ive played a little Wow(only played the trial cause Im a cheapstake) and I played some DnD. I want to get back to playing DnD but all of my friends that I used to play with... well we've had our differences and were not friends anymore.
That is sad. I'm positive it was for the best. As for games like WoW the thing that attracts me the most is lore and characters. I also love the soundtrack so much.
Yeah the soundtrack is cool. One soundtrack I absolutely adore is the soundtrack to Dragon Age. Have yet to beat any of the games xD Those are games that I put on hold and will play when I feel like getting frustrated and wanting to throw my controller at the screen. When I do play, Im always like "oh, this is why I don't play this game."
I have DA:Origins,but haven't completed it. I'm basically at the start. Only a few quests in.

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