TV & Film Stevenbomb

ha lol xD

that's actually a pretty good comparison, she's intelligent and SHOULD be able to present a threat but she's also extremely over-confidant, egotistic yet physically weak, despite her so far repeated failures beyond managing to repeatedly escape she still considers the Gems idiots (on that note though, why exactly can't the Gems just shapeshift into something that can fly to catch her instead of just watching her get away, heck they ought to be able to just freaking JUMP high enough but they just don't, it makes no sense)
A lot of fans think she might just be the youngest Gem we've ever seen.

A quick summary of their reasonings; watching her use her abilities she seems surprised she can do any of it, she knows nothing of Earth while others do [like Jasper], she didn't know about the battle on the planet all she knew is all the gems were gone, the existence of the Crystal gems surprised her [not Jasper, with the exception of Steven though that doesn't count]

I think it's rather valid, she does act a bit childishly as well as all the other things you mentioned.
I love Peridot so much like ????? I don't even know why. She's like a thirteen year old on Xbox and I love her so dang much. I love all the Steven Universe characters.... It's such a wonderful show. I loved seeing more of Ruby and Sapphire!!
if we're talking about favorite characters, Garnet is my bae. Lapis Lazuli is a close second, but I also like Peridot.

I actually like the idea that Peridot is a relatively young gem in comparison. She does act childish and seems a bit surprised by her own abilities, but I always thought it was just because of her dorky, clumsy personality and that she's usually doing more technological/analytical things as opposed to actual combat, so she may not get to use her abilities for fighting often. But thinking of her as a younger gem actually makes me like her even more; it makes me think of her as a bit more cute ^/^
I love Lapis as well, I feel so bad for her and everything she's had to go through.

Garnet is my favorite though, with Sapphire a close second.
My favorite is Ruby :3

She's a lot like I used to be when I was younger (short tempered, emotional, prone to violent outbursts) and the way she and Sapphire are together is so cute x3

I like Sapphire more because I act very much like her, though Ruby is hilarious and I love her too

Everything is fine and nothing hurts. xD

Does anyone know when Stevenbomb 3 is? It's totally slipped my mind.
Steven Bomb 3 already happened

Next new episode is in September, despite them saying it would air this week. Though no more special weeks for now, one episode a week on thrusdays now.
Right, right. After the week of Sardonyx I totally lost track of what was going on, schedule-wise.
huh... that gif just made me realize something... Ruby summons her gauntlet on her right hand but her gem is in her left, weird
I feel like I would like this show, bu the art style drives me away so hard. Something about it is just SO off putting to me personally.

Also, never trust anyone who wears sandals. Sandal wearers are Satan's minions.
Tamassran said:
I feel like I would like this show, bu the art style drives me away so hard. Something about it is just SO off putting to me personally.
Ah yeah, that's always so annoying. I think I'll like One Piece, but the art just drives me so crazy. I don't know why, it just irks me.

Well I'm sad you feel like you can't watch SU. There are two things I can suggest.

Do things while watching SU, so you're hearing it in the background but you aren't watching it.

Or you could force yourself to watch it despite the art, to see if you do like the story. And if you do like the story, maybe youll get emotionally invested enough to forgo your feelings about the art.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c404c4432_ScreenShot2015-08-16at7.57.06AM.png.4052e2501ba2ad5f1464505f6f4ccf51.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c404c4432_ScreenShot2015-08-16at7.57.06AM.png.4052e2501ba2ad5f1464505f6f4ccf51.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c404c73ea_ScreenShot2015-08-16at7.57.14AM.png.fa0474144a559da94ed3078a07e17041.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c404c73ea_ScreenShot2015-08-16at7.57.14AM.png.fa0474144a559da94ed3078a07e17041.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tamassran said:
Something about it is just SO off putting to me personally.
I feel you. There are some series I have to FORCE myself to start watching because I think the art style is so odd. SU is one of them, although I think the designs are a little sleeker later on in the show.
Oh, I have no problem with Gravity Falls. I just think the mouths are crazy weird in SU.
::Valentine comes in late to the conversation:: I avoided Rick and Morty because of the art style and only watched an episode because I couldn't find the remote. I love that show now even if the art is still kinda ugly but at this point I'm pretty sure it's done on purpose as a big fourth wall breaking point or something.

Also I just saw the new episode list. Geezus! I can't wait it all sounds awesome and I'm super excited for an Ametheyst arc and more Sadie!!!!

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