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"I Also...Have Something I Wish to Protect."
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
best title in the world btw

[Insert the 'Around whatever years ago,' Intro thing here.] Essentially, this phenomenon started to take the world by storm, making the fantasies of Heroes and Villains normally only seen in people's imagination a reality. However, this brought a new plethora of problems into the light that had to be dealt with. That is until about 15 years ago, where Japan brought up the idea of a Hero school. While it was at first ridiculed, the rise of villains and crime all around the world made it a necessity. An experiment was made for it and as of recently, Japan was given the all clear to create the first ever hero academy to accommodate this new way of living and crime fighting. It's been 3 years since then and Year 3 of Shinuchi Academy is in session. The third time's the charm...



The story focuses on the Academy's 3rd class of students as they apply for one of the first Hero academies to ever have been conceived. Constantly changing and adapting the program to make better and finer heroes, this year they've implemented a new and experimental challenge system as a new and more simple way to monitor a students progress while attempting to make things fun and interesting, a competition some may say.

However, just as things are starting to kick off, a few strange happenings start to manifest within the school and around Japan and while subtle at first, become more evident as the year goes on. To make matters worse, the external threats on the school has spiked, causing investigations to be pushed back to flatten the curve. But just when they think they got it figured out...

Rules or whatever.

This RP is a reboot of one that I was originally in with my own little spin at least I think lul.

Also I'm too lazy to make my own rules so I guess I'll just port the rules from said RP

- this is an au, so there are no canon characters.

- this is a kinda detailed rp, so absolutely no one-liners! a minimum of 1~2 paragraphs is preferred.

- faceclaims should be anime (or something close to it).

- this is a pretty character-dependent rp, so people should be posting at least once or twice a week! that said, if something comes up and you won't be able to, please don't be afraid to let me know! we can find workarounds this way, so when you return you'll be all ready to go!

- ooc communication is super important!

- characters should be unique from one another! if your character is too similar to someone else's, things will need to change.

- (updated) 15 esque characters is the limit, but we need at least 10 characters to get started

I will be adding more information as interest increases.

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I have a idea or two for quirks that I could use for characters. On the chance you get enough players let me know please
A bit of both. Some with a single character and some with 2 or more
I personally will be going with 3 minus the other characters needed to help drive the plot
And that's perfectly fine. You can most definitely just go with one character. I need 3 because all 3 are important for the first arc.
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Aight great but don't pressure yourself into something you can't do

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