(Steel & Killer1000%) Entertainer x Hater

Mason puts on his shades, entering the old Chevy pickup. He was wearing a false beard, which seemed to have been done by a special effects artist. The young man was happy, he was finally returning to his roots, getting out of the big spotlight that followed the country star. He turns on the radio, only to find his song playing. With a chuckle he switched it over to Blake Shelton. "There. Now I don't feel as narcissistic." He laughed.

The old truck pulled into a diner, and Mason hopped out. He walks into the establishment, taking a seat.
Ayana had just gotten to work, she was dressed in a white dress shirt, normal black cargo pants, and a black apron. She walked over to a man with a beard and smiled politely, "Hello, my name is Ayana, you can call me Aya, and I will be your server. May I get you a drink and are you ready to order?" Her voice was soft, and not monotone like most servers were. She pulled out a pen and a small notebook from her apron pocket and was ready to write down what he wanted.
Mason smiled his bright white smile. "Hi. I'd like the grilled cheese." He removed his shades, revealing the bright green eyes he had been coined for. The young man looks back at the menu. "What do you suggest?"
Ayana smiled and said, "Personally, I love the calzone one of the chiefs make. Most of our patrons here prefer the hamburger or a soups, but there is a lot of variety and everything is good in my opinion . Though I may be bias because I work here." She shrugged nonchalantly, and waited patiently. "Shall I get you a drink as you decide?" He was attractive and his eyes were to die for, but she was working and that meant business. She did not flirt with the customers during business hours, of course. 
(I'll be on later)
Mason smiles again. "I'll take a coke, please." His phone goes off, but he quickly snaps it silent. "Sorry." Mason leans back and waits for his drink. He liked her, and he almost wished he WAS just a stranger in a diner. Not Mason Whitworth. His fingers drum lightly on the table, and he hums a tune quietly.
Ayana nodded politely, "I'll go get it then." Her mind flew to the beat. Ayana loved music, well she liked it as much as any other person. The tone sounded somewhat familiar, but she could not recall exactly where she had heard it before. Going to the kitchen, she pulled out a clean and clear crystal glass. She filled it with ice from the freezer and then filled it up with coke.

She walked back to the table he was at and placed the drink down, "Here you go, sir. Would you like a straw?" She motioned to her apron where she carried a few straws enclosed in paper wrappings. "Also, have you decided on exactly what you like to order? Or are you going to stick with the grilled cheese?"
He smiles that smile and takes te straw drink. "I'll do without a straw, and I'll actually take a burger if that's alright." He sips the coke and closes his eyes. "Mmm. So good. You a coke girl?" He leans back in his seat and looks up at the waitress.
Ayana smiled, "Actually, I'm not really a coca cola fan. I like Pepsi more. Is there anything special you want for or in your burger? Or are the things in the description just fine?" She scribbled down that he wanted a burger, but waited for more details.
"I dunno, uh. Throw on some jalapeños! Love those." He chuckles and shrugs. "Just gotta confess." He looks at her again. "Yeh, that'll do it!" He smiles again.

((Sorry! Was unable to respond for a wee bit there.))
Ayana nodded with a smile. She jotted down everything that he wanted, "It shouldn't be long. I'm going to turn this in, if you'll excuse me." She rushed to the kitchen and went to help other customers. When she knew the order was ready, she went to get it and bring it to him.
He takes it, not wasting time to bite a large bite. "Yep. That's a good burger, thank you tons!" He sips his coke. Time passed and he ate his burger. Eventually he called for the check, his plate empty.

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