Steampunk/ Sky pirates

Elspeth Caraci

Goddess of Fandoms
Elspeth Caraci submitted a new role play.

Hi! Please know that everyone needs to end up on the pirate ship at some point, be it as a pirate, a prisoner, or as a traveler or whatever.

Signup sheet!




(Appearance. Written or picture, whichever is fine!)

(Already a pirate? If not than what is your job?)


(Powers (if any)


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(Name) Atticus "Four Eyes" John

(Age) 18

(Gender) Male



(Backstory) Atticus grew up in the sky's like alot of people, he was born on a merchant ship and his dad the captain his mother his first mate. Atticus's life mostly consisted of shining the guns and repairing some steam engines. He was taught how to use the guns at 10 and flew the ship at 14. At the age of 17 he left his parents merchant vessel and went out on his own, buying himself a ship and nice piece of equipment that let him see farther with his goggles and track onto objects with them, earning him the name Four eyes. Four eyes is now going to town to town with his ship "The Barrel of Gun Powder" and trying to pick up a crew to go and be a real pirate.

(Powers) His goggles

(Other) Flamingo
(Name) Skie Clear

(Age) 22

(Gender) Female

(Appearance.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398823543031.jpg.1b668ed80b4f00de7b84f527111726aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398823543031.jpg.1b668ed80b4f00de7b84f527111726aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Freelance Pilot)

(Backstory) She was born in one of the great trading hubs, and dropped off on a captain's ship. The captain, being a mere merchant, took care of her aboard is ship, fed her well, taught her fencing, and trained her how to control all kinds of ships. But, he was not an imaginative man, and named her after the weather she was found in: clear sky. When her "father" was busy, she was left with the ship's mechanic, who later took her in as an apprentice. Most of the time Skie spent with him was purely repairing things, but every so often, they got the chance to create something purely from scratch. After getting some leftover materials when she was sixteen, the two of them spent fourty hours making her a wingsuit, which she still carries to this day. When she was twenty, the captain sold the ship and settled down on a residential vessel, but Skie still had a passion for flying. She bought her own metal flying machine and started her own small courier service, which she's been doing ever since. She tinkers with her "plane" in her spare time, improving it little by little.


(Other) Skilled mechanic and pilot, decent swordswoman, terrible with guns of any kind.

EDIT: There just had to be that one rule that I missed in my skim over...



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(Name) Raven Romeo

(Age) 17

(Gender) Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf263d2db_ScreenShot2014-04-30at2.17.16PM.png.ee18674d5f81afe0d504027f974ae060.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf263d2db_ScreenShot2014-04-30at2.17.16PM.png.ee18674d5f81afe0d504027f974ae060.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Already a pirate? If not than what is your job?) Ship Thief

(Backstory) Raven was born an orphan in a busy trading port. Raven survived since birth on her own. At age 4 she became a master thief and was taken in by a group of outcast robbers who lived in an abandoned ship. At the age of 16 Raven left the group and became a stowaway on a cargo ship. Raven is now the most wanted criminal alive and still after hundreds of robberies and murders, she has never been caught.

(Powers (if any) Street style fighting, sharpshooter, and fast reflexes.

(Other) (Flamingo)



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Name:: Maxwell Cinis

Age:: 23

Gender:: Female

Appearance:: Maxwell has long black hair with a streak of white, that is typically worn back within a pony tail. She tends to be covered in grease and machine oil, and in public wears brown trousers and a white button up blouse. Her right arm and left leg are made of silver metal, a rare one that her and her father use quite often. She normally wears longer pants to hide her leg, and a faux flesh like sleeve to cover her arm. Maxwell's eyes are a golden colour, not because that is what the colour of her iris' are, but because her eyes are custom made by her father. Small gears can be seen within her eyes, grinding against one another making them dilate, as well as a soft ticking noise. These eyes work as contacts, allowing her to see. She's broken them several times getting within fights, and has "normal" contacts, that work to make her look like she has iris' and pupils, but leaving her blind while her father fixes them.



History:: Maxwell was brought up by her father, a creator who could harness a great flame within himself. Her mother died when she was young, giving birth to what would have been her younger brother. She doesn't remember much about her mother, just when after she died, her father grew depressed and would lock himself away within his study. By the age of six Maxwell had already created her first clock, a sign that she was taking after her father. They began working together and creating magnificent inventions, they accidentally burnt down their old home working on a new means of transportation. They finally bought a new home, one with a shop on the first level so they could sell things as they made them. Maxwell's father even gave her her very own study to work with as she pleased. At the age of eleven, the began working on the new mode of transportation. Maxwell was beneath it, tuning the last bits of the great machine, and her father didn't know and powered it on. The last thing Maxwell remember seeing was bright flashes and then blacking out. Maxwell woke up within a hospital bed, unable to see or move the right side of her body. Her father told her that she had lost both her right leg, right arm, and her sight, and that she may not be able to invent anymore, but that he did have some ideas. He had created her automail limbs, and it took years for her to learn to control it. He had also given her a dark purple opal in the form of a necklace that made it easier for her to move the metal limbs. After going about blind for so many years, when she turned twenty one, her father went to her with a pair of contact lenses that he had crafted for her, it required surgery to have other bits of her eyes removed, but they would allow her to see. And they worked. Maxwell uses these clockwerk eyes to get around now, and able to invent much easier not that she could see.

Abilities:: Maxwell has the ability to control the element of fire, one of the things that makes her such a fantastic engineer is she has her own flames under her finger tips. She also uses her fire ability to "see" when her clockwerk eyes have broken and she is blinded. She uses heat like sonar that wraps around items and allows her to "see" shapes that are near her.

Because of an opal around her neck, a gift from her mother when she was born, Maxwell has the ability to control metals, giving her right arm and leg an advantage within battle, she's also known to have metal pieces flying about her study as she creates items.


Flamingo. :3
(Name) Maverick (surname unknown)

(Age) 25

(Gender) Male



His violin:

(Occupation) He calls himself a travelling musician, but he’s really just a (sometimes) well-dressed pirate who can play the violin.

(Backstory) Maverick grew up hopping from ship to ship as a deckhand, taking the jobs the others really didn’t want. He’d never known his parents; His mother was a prostitute and his father a pirate who met his mom all of three times. Slowly, as he grew up, he began making a name for himself and was eventually regarded as a pirate. At fourteen, one of the older men on his ship found an old violin, and gave it to Maverick. The boy spent months trying to figure out how to play it. Eventually, the sounds he was making stopped sounding like screeching, and more like actual music. Soon, a new recruit to the ship who’d played before taught Maverick to read music, and ever since he played violin nearly every chance he got. He went into adulthood leading his life just as he always had: Working aboard ships in various positions, and continuously improving his musical skills. flamingos

(Powers (if any) He possesses the ability to captivate all of his enemies with the beauty of his music. (Not really)

(Other) Despite the focus on his music, Maverick is pretty skilled in combat. His child is rough, so he learned to fight young. This isn’t to say he’s some god among gods, but he knows what he’s doing.
((So sorry it's so late xD ))

Name: Rikian M. Vettori

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Job: Medic

Bio: He comes from a mafia who stays on the ground (Flying city/continent thingy lol). He has mostly cut his ties with them at age 10 and doesn't really see them much. He soon found himself living in a monastery until the age of 18. When he left he bought a ship and named it Relys. It was small enough for him and his cat, Bast, to live in comfortably.

He has had Bast since he was 15 and he is able to understand what Bast says while others casnnot. Both R and Bast has growth hormone deficiency, which might be why he has grown so attached to Bast. This deficiency usually begins around puberty but was a little late for R, he also doesn't have much stamina because of this. R hasn't changed since he was 16 and Bast has stayed a kitten for the past 3 years. I rp out the rest.

Personality: He is shy but cheerful. He tries his best to help anyone and everyone around him. He is often seen blushing in embarrassment at odd and awkward situations and doesn't really know how to react if people flirt with him.

Abilities: He has a scanner that can scan any plant and gives information on it. there is a small device on Bast's collar that translates what she is saying but the translations go to another small device that is on the ends of his glasses.

Other: He fights using kunai and shuriken







Relys interior, but the more steampunk and matching the picture above (Walls bronze everything that is black stays black, those decorations are gears, the pictures are paintings from the 1800s, the book shelves are covered in books and beside the bed is papers, books filled with dried herbs and jars filled with more herbs its basically a desk. etc):

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