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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

"Alright...Once you people are finished being self righteous pricks Who's going to help me carve up the damm thing so we can eat eh?" Johnathan pulled out a sizable knife that will allow him to cut through the dead beast's scaly hides along with a whetstone if the knife became to dull for his liking. He then jumped off the cart and walked his way to the deceased camptosaurus sharpening the knife along the way. Johnathan knelt to the ground next to the dead dinosaur after removing his dust coat and placing it on the ground, he then began to cut chunks of meat out for him to use later on the trip and promptly placing said chunks of meat onto his coat which to him was clean enough to eat food off when it isn't covered in the blood of one's prey. He looked at his compatriots and motioned for them to join him on the arduous and bloody task of cutting up a dinosaur.
Kat looked away. She was find with eating meat but to her that animal had been tortured before it died. Tugging on Rin's reigns she pulled him away as she know he wouldn't like it, pressing her heels into the sides of him they took off I to the sky where she circled above the group. She had plent of meat and so should they so there was no need to have attacked it in the first place. But at least they were using it, right? Sighing she stroked her hand across Rin's scales.

Rex shrugged and went over to the dead dinosaur. He then pulled out his bastard sword and cut the tail clean off. "You can have some of it now and the rest at the out post" Rex said cutting a piece the tail off and throwing it to his raptor to eat. The raptor caught the meat in the air and devoured it quickly.

"I'll... join you, Johnathan," Gravedigger says, trying to move away from the uncomfortable situation. Gravedigger agreed with Johnathan; they were being self-righteous. Of course, Gravedigger had his own opinions of who was in the wrong, who in the group didn't? However, pinning the blame on someone solves nothing, and only causes discord in the group, not to mention it's nobody's right to judge. "Can we just... agree on one thing? Don't... draw your guns unless... there's an actual emergency. I can imagine... this is only the first of many mistakes... made in haste." Gravedigger was shaken from the whole experience.

@Aughto von realname
"Agreed, next time someone wants to save something, they should announce their intentions before siccing giant carnivores on them." The inventor starts off again, grumbling about critics and the lost bullet. Not like he can just not defend himself or any of the other assets when he had the chance.
Agnes stood in silence, smoking, as Katya the Russian woman walked past her. In her mind the past few minutes were replaying over and over. So it seems that camptosaurus are indeed herd dinosaurs that display aggression towards larger, intimidating foes if their offspring and mates are endangered. Some more skittish species would have certainly scattered in their stead, but these dinosaurs seemed to have just enough carnal instinct to attack the source of danger instead despite not being the largest. Intriguing...

Johnathan's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She stomped the cigarette butt before strapping the sniper rifle back to its place.

"Oh well... Let me get something more... sterile than your coat to put the meat in." With that she left to snatch a large leather bag from her wagon and promptly placed the pieces of meat in it. She had to mentally remind herself that it would indeed get well cooked before becoming anyone's meal.

"Just place the rest in here. Pick out the good parts, Rex and Mark's allociraptor can feast on what's left. I'll just take some measurements." Soon enough she returned with a measuring tape, taking notes of the dinosaur's head and teeth measurements, doing her best to stay out of way from anyone who was working on the deceased creature. Camptosaurus were not the rarest species under the sun, but taking measurements of a wild one could never hurt. At least with that they would get a better insight into how large they could get compared to their domesticated counterparts. The whole process only took about 15 minutes. Her mind was on auto pilot, the proceudure of measuring out a dead dinosaur was something she was well versed in.

"I'm nearly done. Finish up guys and then we'll move on. We'll probably need to find a place to spend the night before we see another outpost anyway."
Al walked up to the group and said. "Its sad to see such marvelous creatures die in such a slow and painful way." He then looked at Agnes. "Are you alright Agnes? You seem shaken. Is this the first time you've seen a corpse or is it because of the actions taken in the last few minutes?" He then looked at the sky seeing Katya. *Hope she is doing alright.* He thought then saw John and a new figure approach the dead dinosaur and started chopping up. "I wish you wouldn't do that. We haven't even been here a day. We have plenty of food and there are plenty of dinosaurs to hunt when we run low. I may be acting self-righteous but I believe we should let it be. Dinosaurs do morn their friends and family. Its the least we can do for the rest of the herd. He said as looked at what was left of the herd.

@Sora @Sizniche @Aughto von realname
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Katya placed s cigarette inbetween her lips and lit it. Smoke travelled upwards as she inhaled and exhaled lifting it from her mouth between two fingers. Rin glanced up wards in the direction they were traveling. The sun seemed to have already dropped a considerable amount, leaning over the side of her dinosaur she called down, "we need to move if we want to made some distance."

Rex got on his raptor who had the tail of the dead dinosaur in its mouth and was eating it slowing. "Im ready and I think my little raptor is ready to move quickly" Rex said petting the raptor head as it was eating the tail with blood dripping from its mouth.
"Al out here no one has time to mourn, Not even men." Johnathan said whilst he stuffed whatever meat he thought to be fit for human consumption inside the leather bag. "Also the Ruskie is right we should be moving soon though I think we should press on despite the time of day. Also Gravedigger, Lighten up and use your own hands not your mechanical hands we don't want to pulp the meat now would we" He chuckled as he rapped one of gravedigger's lumbering arms before disemboweling the creature which caused an ungodly smell to permeate through the air.

"Oh, right," Gravedigger says, turning off his arm-pack. He helps Johnathan cut the dinosaur down, taking out the organs and setting them in a pile. "The dinosaurs can eat these." When Johnathan removes the intestines, Gravedigger barely flinches, as the filter in his gas mask removes most of the scent. "So, do we have everything we need? I don't want to have to change filters just because we decided to pack extra meat."
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"Dammit, don't look at me like I killed your family! You hired me as a hunter, and it is in my contract to shoot anything acting hostile." Mark then pulled out his knife and joined in on cutting up the dinosaur. "Don't act like these animals are special. They aren't special, not anymore, they're just big lizards, and they're a part of our world now. There are an uncountable amount of them, and it never hurts when one or two dies." Mark began cutting off large slabs of meat, and occasionally tossed an eyeball or other small part to his Allosaurus. "And I'll bet that Russian meat was drugged or something, I've seen stuff like it before."

@Sora @JustCallMeAimee @Sizniche @Aughto von realname
"Geez it's like you guys have never contemplated our lack of significance at all in comparison to this world or something." Johnathan chuckled as he crawled into the dinosaur and took out its heart. "So how much do you think this is worth hmm?" He crawled right out of the Camptosaurus holding it's heart and covered in its blood. Johnathan now covered in blood and the horrid stench of death began walking back to his cart with his bloodied coat and the leather satchel filled with meat which could be used as bait or a meal though he did wonder as to how many hours bathing it will take to was the scent of death off of him. "Oh and If we get moving there's an abandoned cabin we could shack up in an hours ride north though most of the locals said there's some sort of evil spirit haunting that cabin though."

Jewel Archer

"Evil spirit?" Jewel scoffed. "You've gotta be kidding me. That's probably just some lies to keep the teenagers out of it." She put her shotgun away and glared at the dead dinosaur. "I say we head to it. I'd rather not sit around in the middle of no where while dinosaurs could come out of no where and eat us alive, y'know?" She shrugged. "I've learned from my own mistakes."
"Ah, don't worry Doctor, it was more or less the assassin's reaction that startled me." Agnes replied, jotting data about the dinosaur in her small notebook. When Johnathan spilled the creature's guts she couldn't help but to crinkle her nose in disgust. She always hated this part of hunting and was never to keen on doing it herself.

"You'd be surprised how quickly such a massive group of people can consume food supplies, Doctor. It's better we make use of it if we can." With that she gestured Al to follow her back to her cart. The sun was starting to set thanks to them wasting time at every given moment, so it would indeed be better to make a move.

"Right. Ghosts in the cabin and I'm a fairy godmother. The cabin probably just makes noises due to logical reasons such a wood creaking or wind blowing through it in a particular fashion. I say we make haste and go there as fast as possible. Please help me lead the way, Johnathan." The young scientist took her mount's reins firmly in her hands, signaling Para that they're heading on.

"And for the love of our sanity get a bath as soon as you can."

@Alushey @Aughto von realname
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"I will, I will. Fortunately theres a pond by the Cabin but for now bear with it miss." Johnathan walked towards the cart and threw in his belongings into the cart. He then pulled wiped his hands and pulled out his hat, which was still clean as he didn't wear it whilst carving out hos dinner, And handed it to agnes for he wished to keep his hat clean.

"Lose or damage this hat in anyway and I will hunt you down to ends of the earth and drown you in your own blood" Johnathan pulled out his map and began walking towards the direction of the cabin instead of riding with anyone since he did not want anyone else nor their mounts getting dirty.

"Alright little kiddies come along If we move now we may just get there before the wolves start coming out" He motioned for his compatriots to cease their lollygagging and start moving.

@Sora @Anyoneelse

Jewel Archer

"Agreed on the bath thing," Jewel muttered. "That stench is killing me." She slightly kicked Sterling in the side to have her start going. "Yes, let's be afraid of the wolves more than the gigantic lizards roaming the earth. Oh noooo."

Mark loaded all the meat he could into where he could then mounted his allosaurus once more. "Can't wait to actually cook some of this stuff up and have some fresh camptosaurus for dinner." Mark rode up to the front and was at the edge of a large valley. Inside the valley there was a small herd of mammoths, and a forest of pines covered most of the valley. In one of the clearings, Mark could see the cabin with the pond that had been mentioned. He ride back and reported it. "Hey, I can see the cabin you were talking about. There are some mammoths a bit away from it, but they won't attack us unless we attack them."

@Aughto von realname @Sora @Winged Destiny
Katya kept fly in the direction of the cabin. She was the first person to reach the cabin since she was flying. Landing she climbed off of Rin who nuzzled her palm when she patted his nose. With a straight face she walked towards the cabin door and pushed it open with the palm of her hand. It creaked on its hinges and the smell of damp wafted from inside.

"Wonderful, thank you Mark!" Agnes said, whipping her reins slightly, signaling her Parasaurolophus to move faster. He picked up the speed slightly and soon enough the valley came into her view. "This is lovely! With mammoths around we can even rest assured that most other far more dangerous creatures probably won't come sniffing around at night. Let's just keep out of their business and they'll keep out of our.

Agnes lead her caravan down a narrow forest path that seemed to be out of use for a while but still offered enough space and good enough grip that her caravan slid smoothly towards the clearing were the cabin was situated. Pine branches brushed by, their pleasant characteristic scent filling the air around. Albeit a few bumps on the road the ride was rather smooth. Mammoths didn't seem to mind the expedition group as they stood rather nonchalantly in the distance with only their cries echoing through the air every so often.

As the sun nearly vanished behind the horizon, she too reached the cabin. It was an old building, probably used by a hunter back in the days with only the ground level and possibly an attic. A pond was visible behind it, filled by a small stream that seemed to cross the valley.

Katya was already there, beating everyone to it with her Pterodactyl.

"Well, seems like a surprisingly good place to spend the night." The young scientist chimed before parking her cart near one of the walls and hopping off of it and releasing Para from thick leather straps binding him to the wagon. The dinosaur let out small happy puffs, nuzzling Agnes in an attempt to chew on her hair. Keeping the dinosaur's snout away from her messy bun, Agnes turned to the rest of the group. "What do you say we start a small campfire and settle for the night?"
Chesco reacts to the mention of ghosts with forced laughter. After all, he's seen crazy people pretending to be mediums in the circus. None of them really did anything legitimately supernatural, though one or two of them did have some impressive showmanship.

As the party approaches the cabin, he finds an appreciation for the pine trees shrouding it. "Good news, everyone," he announces, "I have a man-portable flamethrower. All I need is someone to gather some firewood and for people NOT to scare me and I can have us the world's quickest campfire!"

@Sora @peoplewithsharpcuttinginstruments
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"I dunno, this place gives me the chills," Gravedigger said, "Maybe we can take shifts and power through to the next outpost? We'll still all get rest that way, and we'll arrive at the outpost early." Gravedigger didn't expect much. He expected his opinion would be shot down almost instantly, or he'd get laughed off for even considering the 'evil spirit' idea, though it really didn't have to do with that. Something about the place just gave him a bad feeling... a very bad feeling.

"Oh, lighten up. I'd expect an engineer like you to be more skeptical of the supernatural." Mark dismounted and looked around. "This is actually really nice. I might use some of my expedition money to take this place for myself." He walked inside the cabin and looked around. It was modest, with a bed in the corner, two wooden chairs and a table sitting in the center, and a stove in another corner. Mark actually liked it. It reminded him of his home in the Canadian Rockies.

Mark returned outside. "There's only one bed, so you guys will have to figure out who gets it." Mark grabbed his gun and tied up his allosaurus. "Big dinosaur meat can be tough sometimes, so I'm going hunting. Maybe see if I can get a small raptor or pterosaur or something. We can gather some firewood while we're out, too. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome."

@Sizniche @anybodyelse
"Goodness Gravedigger, relax, we won't find a good place to stay the night like this for a while." Agnes grinned before following Mark inside the hut. Sure enough it was damp and a bit dusty, but it would do for the night.

"Oh Mark if you hunt down anything unusual do bring it to me before you dismember it please. Stay safe!" The scientist called out to him before he left, before focusing back on the cabin. "As far as I'm concerned anyone can take the bed, I have a bedroll in my caravan, so I'll just occupy a spot on the flo-" Agnes stopped as she noticed an open window rattling against the walls of the cabin. She could have sworn it appeared closed as they were approaching it, but payed no mind to it, simply closing it shut and hoping for it to stay that way.

"Johnathan feel free to take a bath in the pond, I'll clean up the kitchen space around here so you can make us dinner afterwards, okay?" She called out the stinky gentleman as she returned to her caravan to retrieve some loaves of bread and other consumables, spreading them on the small wooden table. The camposaurus meat would probably have to be cooked outside, above a campfire, but in case he decided to prepare anything else, it would be a good idea to at least dust the kitchen a little. With that, she removed most of her belts, straps and gun holsters feeling rather safe in the cabin, and placed them all on one of the chairs along with Johnathan's hat that she had been safeguarding until now. Taking a disposable piece of cloth in her hands she set out on a mission to make this place at least a bit more inviting in a shot amount of time.
Despite the enticing opportunity of bonding with sane, rational men on a hunting trip, Chesco relents on the opportunity to find ways to straighten out the Struthomotor's leg with Gravedigger's help. While he can't do much more than offer assistance on how to align it, he can spend that time on finding out a way to make his presence to the expedition a lot less...grating.

For one, he'd need to seem more endearing to the environmentalists in the crew. Not much he can do there, but he does have an idea for some crossbows. Give him time, and some bolts would be the hardest part to it...

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