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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

"Yeah thank god I'm usually in the bridge, and sure I got this gun for five or so dollars which seems to be to good of a price." Johnathan hands Grave digger his gun which was covered in dirt and grim especially around the barrel. "Also I've been wondering are you man or woman I'm just curious whether I should regard to you as he or a she."


"That's for me to know and you to find out," Gravedigger says, chuckling as he inspects the gun. He unloads the ammo and hands it to Johnathan, then cleans the barrel of the gun. He inspects down the barrel of the gun, squinting. "Huh. It looks like this gun has been used quite a bit, because the rifling in the barrel is completely stripped. You could fire it as is, but it would be very inaccurate. I can retool the barrel, but I'd have to retool the entire gun for a new caliber, so the important question is this; are you comfortable firing thirty-six caliber rounds instead of thirty-two caliber rounds?" He asks, inspecting the rest of the gun. "Other than that, it seems in otherwise perfect working order. It shouldn't soft-strike, the cylinder action is okay, the grips are intact."

@Aughto von realname
"Schle it is then, and thirty two please. Also do you know a place where I can get a sextant, a telescope, loaf of bread, jam, some pencils, and a whetstone?" Johnathan takes the ammunition off of Gravedigger's hands and stored it in his pockets. "Because as of right now all I have on me are the clothes in my back, an empty canteen, a saber, my hat, and that gun you're holding."


"I'd imagine we're making a supply stop soon, but are you absolutely sure you don't want me to re-rifle the gun? It's a thirty-two right now, but since the next caliber up that is reasonably common to acquire is a thirty-six, I can't retool the barrel unless I retool it for that caliber, because I have to strip out the current rifling entirely to redo it, which will make the barrel too big for the bullet."

@Aughto von realname

"Give it to another gunman? I'd imagine you can get thirty-six ammo at the general store we're probably going to stop at for supplies, maybe even get something back for your ammo, but your ammo isn't going to do you much good if you can't shoot straight," he says. He then pulls out his toolkit and begins to strip the rifling out of the barrel. "So, walk-in, tell me about yourself. Where are you from?"

@Aughto von realname
"Well my name isn't walk in, it's Johnathan and uhm I've served in the navy for twenty years, and uhm I can make sandwiches" He pulls out a box full of thirty two caliber bullets then leaves it on the ground for anyone needing thirty-two thirty two rounds. "What about you a Man-Woman of your skill set didn't just learn it overnight there must be a story to go with it that you can tell me."


Gravedigger froze for a moment. If he wasn't wearing his gas mask, he'd look clearly uncomfortable. "Well, I... I was an apprentice for a man in Philadelphia. He was a former military sapper, and I learned everything I know from him." Gravedigger was lying, of course. He didn't know how he knew so much about engineering. After all, all he remembers of his life is the past five years. Sometimes he daydreams and imagines he trained at some prestigious college such as MIT or Cambridge, but he knew that was likely not the case. He may be pretty good at his work, but he certainly wasn't that good. Gravedigger went back to working on the gun in silence.

@Aughto von realname

Jewel Archer

Jewel quickly hopped off her silver Mustang, taking the ropes and tying them to a pole. She dragged her fingers across the Mustang's mane, patting it before releasing her hands. "Alright, Sterling. We've made it and you're all tied up. Now. 'Wright.' We need to find a Richard Wright somewhere around here." Her gray eyes shifted to a crowd of people, a large Parasaurolophus's head and neck poking out of the crowd. Perhaps I can find Wright over with them.

"Sterling, stay here. I'll come check with you soon," she muttered in a calm, clear voice. Jewel patted the horse's neck one last time before turning to the crowd and trotting over there. There was a breeze in the air, blowing her hair to the left. Jewel froze in front of the crowd. She was a little hesitant considering the death of her mother from a dinosaur. She shook her head and made her way into the crowd, looking around for Wright.

Gravedigger overhears the woman as he puts his finishing touches on Johnathan's gun. "You're late. Apparently, Richard can't show up because of an accident, so his daughter over there is filling in. I think she implied he died. Anyway, she's calling role call, so I hope she didn't already call you." Gravedigger bores open the final chamber in the cylinder for thirty-six caliber ammunition and hands it back to Johnathan. "The rifling is a tad bit rough as I don't specialize with guns, but it's definitely a step up from where it was before, especially now that your ammo is gonna pack much more punch. This gun is definitely worth the five bucks now. It ain't a Colt Peacemaker, but it'll get the job done."

@Winged Destiny @Aughto von realname
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Jewel Archer

Jewel turned to see whoever was speaking to her, opening her mouth to answer. She looked up and down the very "robotic" person. She wasn't sure of the gender, and she wasn't sure what was even going on. She shook her head, frowning. "I had business to attend to, that's why I'm late." She shook her head. "Welp, let's hope he's doing alright. But does the name 'Jewel Archer' ring a bell from the role call?"

"I don't think so, no," he says, "Then again, I didn't listen much after my name was called. The name's Gravedigger, ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you." He holds out a hand to shake, and his arm-pack mimics the movement as he forgot it was on. He then hastily turns it off and offers his hand again.

@Winged Destiny

Jewel Archer

"Jewel Archer, good to meet you, Gravedigger. And . . . unique name, I suppose." Jewel shook his hand lightly. "That's quite something you're wearing. Did you make it?"

"The arm-pack and gas mask were designed and constructed by me, and the fireproof suit was specially tailored for my measurements. Steam engines aren't too finicky most of the time, but too much pressure and they're prone to explode, hence the insane getup. There's a reason so very many military companies' motto is 'be prepared'."

@Winged Destiny
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"Well, the arms are much heavier duty than the average arm-packs longshoremen use to load cargo since each arm as well as the pack has its own independent engine, as I need to sometimes lift entire steam engines just to replace parts. They should be fairly useful during the expedition as well, as we will most certainly be crossing through the high peaks of the Rockies, and they will be very useful in the climb."

@Winged Destiny

Mark heard his name called out. "Mark Winberri, hunter and defense if needed, one allosaurus." Mark turned back to Rex. "Sorry about that. Glad to meet you, the name's Mark, Mark Winberri. Been traveling around in this area for a while. What brings you here?"

@Sora @ChazGhost
"The pleasure is mine." She returned his firm grip, trying to ignore the dirty look clearly shot her way. Surely her father would be able to communicate with them better, but still...

With that she returned to name calling, only to spot a dark haired woman arrive on a slightly late note. The fact that people were starting to chatter among themselves didn't help to ease her nerves either. Leadership never was her role of choice. To top it off, the large lizard behind her nuzzled her playfully with his beak, appearing much like a large puppy. The fact that he must have sensed her unnerved state crossed young scientist's mind.

Her right hand slipped into the pouch on her belt where she normally kept her tobacco as she began to roll herself a cigarette single-handedly while continuing with the role call.
Johnathan looked longingly at the cigarette Sora had begun rolling, He may not drink but he is quite fond of cigars and cannabis as they are great for the nerves. "It may be worth five dollars but I could've gotten myself a blunt or two for five dollars." He takes his gun off of Gravedigger's hands then realized he has no thirty six caliber rounds on his person right now which was quite stupid of him as he could have just asked gravedigger to modify his gun during the supply stop.

"Hey Gravedigger...Got some thirty six on you? if not well you just lost me three dollars and thirty cents my friend. He chuckled at his overlook and threw the revolver into his bag which he slung over his back.
"Well the people who were setting up this expedition contacted me. They said they wanted me to join after hearing through the grape vine a story about me killing a T-Rex. So I accepted offer and that's why I'm here" Rex said smiling. I hope I get to tell that story in the future... That was one of my most greatest of hunts... Rex thought to himself. "How did you found out about the expedition?" Rex added.

@Fishman Lord

Swinging her leg over Kat climbed off the pterodactyl and stood on solid ground. Reaching up she stroked Rin's head, who bumped his head against her palm before tying it's reins to a near by post. She then glanced around, the woman wasn't usually one to join in an expedition but she'd been offered money she couldn't refuse, however Katya quickly caught on that the Mr Wright wasn't here. Her brow furrowed as the heavily armed Russian neared the group gathering, a girl seemed to be at the heart of it, "my apologies I seem to be late, are you Wrights daughter?" She looked at Agnes with her dark eyes. It also became apparent quickly that Katya was probably the only Russian here.

@Sora @anyoneelse
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Meet Chesco Mardini.

Chesco's an arms dealer, though he prefers the more proper, legal term of "Firearms Merchant" and specializes in weird custom builds.

Chesco's been on the road for the better part of a week, tracking down an expeditionary route that'd contacted him to see some of his wares. The trip had been long, and the ammunition on his walker's machine guns have been past half-empty for the last day, but he's hopeful. He's already seeing a building in sight.

The former circus act-turned-gunsmith goes over his stuff again: Roma and Remy? Check. Raptori? Check, but...he remembers that he hadn't yet finished the modifications for the sight yet. Eh, check. Stick of Bedazzling Shock? Check. He opens his backpack. Toolkit and supplies? Check. Ammunition? Check. Wheeled Bombs? Check. Briefcase Explosion Spectacular Mark 2? Check. That man-portable flamethrower? Check, heavy tank and all.

He checks over his stuff again, thinking he missed something when suddenly a gust blows his hat off.

"No, no! Not while I can help it!" He jams on the pedals on the walker and it makes a hard 180, grinding it to a halt. The hat is quickly obtained and then banks his way back forward. "Alright now, everything is in order!"

He raises the hat again, grip tight on the brim. "TO FORTUNE!" He shouts as he cackles his way forward.

@Fishman Lord

"Sorry, buddy, I don't pack weapons. Ask around. I'm sure one of these people has a few thirty-six caliber rounds," Gravedigger says to Johnathan. He looks at the group of new arrivals; A Russian, and... another engineer, apparently. He looks at the intricate machinery of the arms dealer's mechanical walker.
Chesco notices people and dismounts. Before he goes on, he investigates the walker and realizes a bit of a bend on the left leg. Dammit, that turn was too sharp.

"So, then! I'm supposing you fine gents are part of the expedition? What am I talking about? Of course you are!" He extends his hand. "Chesco Mardini, Arms Innovator extraordinare! Want a gun? Why not get a gun that does more than just be a gun!" He then notices the dilemma. "Now, I overheard something about gun trouble? If you need ammunition, I can assure you that whatever that general store sells it at, I can sell it for three-quarters of the price guaranteed!*"

*Subject to availability and supplies.

"Wow, sir, that's a mighty fine piece of machinery," Gravedigger says to the arms dealer, "Oh, right, the gun. I just did an emergency re-tooling on the rifling of his gun, but because of the condition of the gun, I had to strip out the rest of the rifling and redo it, bumping up the caliber of bullet it fires in the process. He now needs thirty-six caliber rounds, and now he's left with thirty-two caliber rounds that are too small for his gun." Gravedigger looks at the leg of the mechanical walker. "Oh, the leg looks damaged. Would you mind if I take a look at it?"

@That One Bruvva

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