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STATE ZERO | Hired Guns

Bento digs his chin down between Calvin's forearm and his neck, grabbing the choking forearm with both of his hands. Once he has a firm grip, he will collapse down onto one knee, yanking Calvin overhead and hopefully flipping him onto the ground, at which point he would deliver several quick blows from a North/South mounted position before getting to his feet and refocusing on Wyatt.
As much as you try, Calvin holds firm. Wyatt punches you multiple times in the face. Finally, after digging your chin further enough, you feel like you have a firm grasp and maneuver to flip Calvin. He lands on his back and you deliver a few punches to his face. Wyatt was able to move out of the way from the falling Calvin. He's readied up in his fighting stance again, preparing to punch you once more.
Bento spits and tastes blood on his mouth as he stands up from over Calvin, breathing deeply as he catches back up on his breath.

"Slippery bastard," Bento growls, before lunging at Wyatt full-strength, shooting for a double-leg before pulling him up into the air and slamming him down into the ground.

Once, if, he has him on the ground, Jacob will posture up and swing for the fences, eager to knock Wyatt out of the fight before Calvin recovers.
Wyatt is also slammed on the ground, and he begins rolling around, similar to Calvin. You land multiple blows on Wyatt but then you feel something slam into your spine. You fall over on top of Wyatt, then rolling over to see Calvin standing over you. He puts his knee on your chest and begins to punch you multiple times in the face.
Bento places both of his hands up in front of his face to defend himself as the fight begins to become much more of a brawl than anything else. He angles his hips upward and attempts to upkick Calvin, in the arms, legs, stomach, neck, head, anywhere he could hit that would force him to fuck off. If successful in driving Calvin back, Jacob will get to his feet and fall into a defensive posture, again looking for counterpunches.
You manage to get Calvin on his back as well. Looks like you beat both of them. Your mercenary companions around you cheer, throwing up money into the air and then shouting expletives at the two new recruits.
Bento chuckles after grounding the two recruits, and gives them both a hand up to their feet. He turns to the rest of the mercenaries and scoffs, a bit of blood bubbling from his lips.

"Oh, y'all such big tough dudes, how about one of you step in the ring and show these recruits how it's REALLY done then? I'll take any of you on!" Jacob declares, daring a challenger to step forward.
"Nah boss, we're good," your mercenaries say, "we'd rather walk aways with all of us in tact."
(All of them say it in unison)

Jacob laughs, and walks away to ringside by the reinforced SUV. "Don't feel like the recruits got beat up enough. Yount; you, and Wyatt. Stoppage on this one is either knock out, or surrender; but know that if you surrender, I'm going to hurt you. Now get in the ring and entertain us, boys!" Bento shouted.

His plan was to put the new recruits through quite a bit of hand-to-hand combat to at least show them that there is no mercy here in YU&B Hired Guns.
(It was a general response.)

Rob Yount is aggressive when it comes to fighting the recruit. He manages to strike first, landing a blow on Wyatt Davis' nose. Davis tries to throw a bunch but ends up just lunging forward where Yount was standing a moment before. Yount uses this fumble to his advantage, kicking Davis in the back, who then dives into the dirt beneath the two. Davis tries to kick Yount as Yount starts to get on top of Davis but Yount grabs his leg and flips Davis around. Davis tries again to grapple at any of Yount's body parts, but he fails to do so, which is met with Yount delivering a blow to Davis' jaw. Davis feebly attempts to hit Yount with his arm but his hits don't connect. Yount, on Davis' back, brings up Davis' head by his hair and tries to punch him, but Davis just narrowly escapes Yount's fist. In a sudden flurry of movements, Davis hits Yount in the mouth with the back of his head, gets up, and throws Yount into the ground. Spitting out blood and a tooth, Yount gets up and punches Davis above his nose and between his eyes, delivering a knockout blow.

The onlookers go wild.
Jacob claps and roars with the rest of those watching the fight, watching as blood began to pour from cuts opened up on Davis' face from the many punches he received being on the other end of Yount's aggression. "Alright Rob! That, was impressive. But what do you say we make this more interesting?" Bento questions his men, before flashing a trio of hundred dollar bills from his pocket as a few of his mercs move to drag the unconscious Wyatt to ringside.

"I need a challenger for our champion here, and for the love of God it better be someone good! I want to see a fight, not a slaughter!" Jacob calls, mocking the recruits for their inability to stand up to Bento and Yount. He didn't truly hold any ill will against them, though; they both performed admirably against a much tougher and more experienced adversary. But it was like freshmen in high school; there always had to be the gamma wolf in every pack.

"Winner takes this $300!"
"Come on you pansies! I'll take any of yous!" Yount yells at the crowd, thrusting his arms into the air intimidatingly, which is met with expletives shouted back by a bunch of your mercenaries. When you mention the $300 prize, however, many people raise their hands. Among this crowd is Flakco Gonzales, Paul Harris, and Daniel Mauro.
Jacob points to Flacko, and nods to the ring, selecting him to be Yount's competitor. "Flacko, this man just kicked the shit out of one of your new squadmates. What're you gonna do about it, huh?" Jacob questions with a boisterous laugh. "Stoppage is knockout or surrender, surrender and I'll beat the fuck out of you, now kill each other!" Jacob commands with a primal, guttural growl, his eyes wide as energy and excitement in his men to watch these fights happen make him swell with pride. He had truly raised a band of vicious, ruthless soldiers who doubled as one anothers' brothers. For most of the men, the company was all they had in the world left. So that gave good reason for such camaraderie.
Flacko Gonzales eagerly steps into the makeshift ring, banging on his chest as he enters like a gorilla and sticking out his tongue and flicking it around wildly. "Back in my village in Sumorcias, they called me Lo Sangrio Deblo, the Bloody Devil because my fists were constantly bloody from beating pussies, like you's, asses!" Flacko shouts, letting out a hearty laughter afterward.

"You Sumor men are just the same as your women with your singsong words. Let me show you how a real man fights!" Yount says, beating on his head with a closed fist. After this, the two engage, locking each other in the grip, resembling two bucks locking antlers in a fight in the wilderness.

Flacko Gonzales tries to push Rob Yount onto the ground from the lock they've put themselves in, but Yount proves stronger and stands his ground. He manages to shift Gonzales' weight a bit, throwing Gonzales off balance and landing a hit in Gonzales' stomach. With Yount opening himself up with this attack, Gonzales takes advantage and lands a punch, knocking Yount's jaw. Yount throws another punch, but Gonzales sidesteps the punch and delivers two blows to the stomach. "C'mon, is that all you got?" Gonzales shouts provokingly as Yount regains his breath, then responding with an uppercut that makes Gonzales stumble back a few feet. Gonzales spits into the soil and throws an overhand punch, but Yount dodges and delivers a solid blow to the side of Gonzales' face, who falls face-first into the soil, his body limp.

Yount coughs and then breathily mutters, "Pussy," still trying to regain his breath. After a few moments of coughing and inhaling deeply, Yount walks over to you. "$300 for me, right boss?"
"$300 for you, champion!" Jacob replies with a pat on Yount's shoulder, handing him the money that he had promised. "Looks like Lo Sangrio Deblo has lost his touch, ha! Now, go and help him to his feet; I still expect you to kill someone for him, even if you did just beat the fuck out of him. No hard feelings from this shit; this was just some good 'ol bloodsport," Jacob declares, looking sidelong at the two new recruits, both looking dazed from their recent ass-kickings.

After the dust had settled, Jacob decides to let the mercenaries set up camp where the ring had been prepared, albeit a bit further away from the road so that they weren't out in the open and making the Fowlerville locals nervous. He permits his mercenaries to be let loose on the town, encouraging the champion to spend at least some of his winnings on something more productive than whores and drinks.

Jacob himself distributes a fragmentation grenade to himself, Yu, Mauro, Atnip and Gonzales before heading into Fowlerville himself along with the rest of Squad 1, Yu being tasked with looking for more recruits. Tusing, Hansen and Jacob would be searching for vendors who would be worthy of the company's money. He specifically hunts for someone carrying suppressors and an empty rig to put those plates he picked up in Boonton to use.

During his patrol for a suitable merchant, Bento also keeps his eyes on the crowd for any particularly affluent looking individuals. Perhaps a quick mugging was in order? Night was falling, and while Bento held no ill will against the people of Fowlerville, he would rather fill his pockets with their money than spending all of it with their merchants.
Yount gives a nod to Paul Harris and Walter Grant, who pick up Flacko's body and takes it to a tent, then counting the money in his hands and walking away to gather up with the rest of his squad. The group sets up the rest of camp, pitching their tents and laying out their bed rolls before heading into town, cooking dinner at the camp, or retiring for the night.

Yu walks away with a wad of cash from the group's coffers looking to persuade more people to join up with the group. He heads towards the bar first, maybe he'll hit home lucky with a group of drunk individuals who are down to sell their souls to a gun barrel.

As you walk around town, you don't spot anyone who looks like they're carrying around a lot of money on them. Aside from the occasional wedding band, there isn't any jewelry on the people of Fowlerville, either. The rich in this town probably aren't going to be walking around the streets with the lowly peasants. Instead, they're in their houses with their collections of aged spirits and a body guard or two to protect them from anyone who has malicious intent.

It's late at night, so most of the vendors are closed save from the inns and bars.
Failing to find any of what he wanted to find, Bento elects instead to do his shopping tomorrow and tonight help Yu with the recruitment. He finds Matthew and probably a few more of his mercenaries in one of the local bars, and helps him pick out recruits for the company.

"Think we should have fight events more often. Run our own league, have tournaments n' such. We've got enough money to offer some pretty big grand prizes. Would keep morale up to watch their buddies pummel one another; especially the recruits we pick up," Bento comments to Yu as he walks over, surveying the crowd of drunks.
You find Matthew Yu and a handful of your mercenaries in a bar called "The Fishing Boat", paying homage to Fowlerville's aquaculture sector. Inside, your mercenaries are at the bar having a drink and smoking cigarettes while Yu is sat at a table on a stool, talking to three men who are listening intently, beers-in-hand.
Jacob smiles as he sees Yu getting his job done, and he heads to the bar with a $20 in his hand. He intended to do the same thing he had done in Boonton with the barkeep there.

"Hey there," Jacob greeted the bartender, flashing the twenty in his hand. "Wanna share what's been on the grapevine recently? I'm looking for jobs, of the variety that would require the rifle I'm carrying. Anyone you can think of that might need that sort of help?"
The bartender looks at you as you approach the bar, "Howdy! What can I help you for today?" he says, before you ask him about any jobs. He rests on the bar for a moment with crossed arms, moving his lips to the side of his face and looking upwards, thinking about any rumors he heard of.

"Well, the Motherland's Soldiers in Sutton always need mercenaries, since their numbers are so small, that is if you're willing to put up with fascist propaganda for a few weeks. There's also a woman holed up in New Sentinel who's looking for a group of people to go explore an old military bunker out by the mountains. And of course there's plenty of caravans needing escorting along the highways. That's all I can think of right now."
"Do you know the name of this woman in New Sentinel?" Jacob asked, extending his hand to give the twenty dollar bill to the bartender, satisfied with the information that he had received and also in an attempt to encourage getting the name out of his newfound informant, along with any more information that he could coax out of him.
"Rosie... Rose... Rosetta... something like that. It sounds like Rose, that part I know. Sorry, I can't help you much more than that, though," the bartender says, taking the $20 and then realigning his posture and serving one of his customers, pouring them a beer from the tap.

Your inventory has been updated.
Your job notebook has been updated.
"Well, that isn't much to go on. But I'm sure if I grease the right palms I could find her. And thanks for the information about the fascists in Sutton as well," Jacob says, giving the man a polite nod of his head before bidding him farewell and headed over to Matthew.

"How's it going over here, fellas?" Jacob asks, taking a seat next to Yu. "I'm Jacob Bento, the Captain of the company," he introduces himself.
One of the men, with a pretty impressive beard and a weathered and wrinkled face, nods at you, and then offers his hand, "Name's Emil," he says. His voice matches his appearances, rough and coarse. As you shake his hand, you can feel the callouses and the texture on his hand. The other two offer two-finger salutes.

Emil speaks again, "Mr. Yu here says you're willing to offer us weekly wages for our strength. What exactly would we be doing?"
Jacob chuckles at the question, and itches his stubble on his chin. "Whatever someone pays us to do. Whether that be guarding someone, escorting someone, robbing someone, killing someone. Yesterday the company defended a farming settlement a bit north of here near Boonton from a bunch of Crimm raiders - big battle, lots of losses on both sides. But today we escorted a merchant caravan from Fitzhugh to here and it went off without a hitch. So what we do on a day to day basis depends upon the jobs we receive; you could lose your life working for me, that's for sure. Or, you could make it -- never have to worry about money again," Jacob explains bluntly; if such talk would scare this Emil character away, then Bento didn't want him in the company at all.

"And if you ever wanted to travel, then this is a prime opportunity. We've been all across Atlano, and have even considered poking around Sumorcias, however we have not yet done so. And, though it would be welcome for you to equip yourselves with your own weapons, you will be given the proper tools once you join the ranks. You'll also of course be fed and watered, and free to purchase whatever else you wish when we go into towns."

"One thing you must know is that insubordination is not tolerated. You will be expected to obey and respect your superiors when it is considered vital for you to do so; fail to do that, and...well, I don't know yet, because none of my men have dared to do something like that, but I'm sure at some point an example will have to be made."


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