[starts sick beatboxing]


Heyo, I'm Levi. I'm not too new to this scene, as I've been rping for I think three years now? Four? Either way I'm here and I really, really, really want to rp with someone. I'm desperate. Like Spongebob in that one episode where he needs water but denies himself and everything is wacky. Why should I deny myself?

Anyway, if I keep typing like this, it's gonna get real boring real fast (but I'm not a very interesting person in the first place) but here's them basics:

Why the username Bad Doctor? To be honest, I am a very bad doctor. I'm just laying down the truth.

What types of rps do I do/am interested in? I tend to stray closer to the 1x1 rps and closed groups, since how all of the large group rps I've previously been involved with have always just drifted, horribly. As for genre, I love everything, but I especially like fantasy, romance, and fandom (mostly Dragon Age rps). If those three are all rolled up in one, I'm happier than a bug in a rug.

Simple/Casual/Detailed? Er, I lay somewhere between casual and detailed, so I'm partial to both of those. I don't really go for simple rps because I thrive on details, but I can't throw out five immaculate paragraphs on the fly (or even in a hour).

How often am I on? If I'm to be honest, I'm a bit of a vagabond in terms of rping. I can reply five times in an hour and then you won't hear from me for a day, or maybe two at most. If I am off for an extended period of time, it means that I'm either really, really busy or am in a low point and can't manage to drag myself to the computer.

That's all I got to offer on the basics but please ask me more questions since how I love to talk about myself

[ceases beatboxing]
Hello and welcome to RPNation! (Wow I sound like I'm a moderator or something... Whoops!) Anyway I'm not new to rping either but I have a very important, halfway humorous question for you. Have you ever thought of roleplaying a romance and/or horror themed medical story? If I offended you, I apologize... Anyway I love 1x1s and I'm about to write an rp idea so if you'd like to join feel free. Well I hope this makes you smile, peace! (music)(^U^)
sukaithemoonlord774 said:
Hello and welcome to RPNation! (Wow I sound like I'm a moderator or something... Whoops!) Anyway I'm not new to rping either but I have a very important, halfway humorous question for you. Have you ever thought of roleplaying a romance and/or horror themed medical story? If I offended you, I apologize... Anyway I love 1x1s and I'm about to write an rp idea so if you'd like to join feel free. Well I hope this makes you smile, peace! (music)(^U^)
Well, you achieved your goal in making me smile. And nah, you didn't offend me, though I'm not quite sure what a romance and/or horor themed medical story would be like? I'd love to get the 411 on that, since it seems interesting.
The idea is inspired by a Nox Arcana album (great band, I suggest it if you like creepy music before Halloween! (^U^)) about this place called "Blackthorn Asylum". It's actually like three years old but I was thinking of two characters. A devious doctor and a seemingly innocent nurse go on some of kind of murderous spree. Or something along those lines and with a bit of romance it'd be really neat. Lately I've been into the whole "Gothic romance" vibe... But it's just an idea right now. If it intrigues you enough, I can make that 1x1 rp but if not I'm cool with the other idea I had. I don't think anyone would respond to that one, but I could be wrong... It's always nice to have a plan B! (Insert cheesy quote here.).
Now I'm not one for fate, but... I made an offhanded Spongebob reference in MY introduction, too. Feel this connection? I do. I'm also feeling you on the whole "Midas touch of RP group deaths" thing. Way too real.

Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of playing Dragon Age, but if you have any other fandoms you're dying to RP I'd love to hear what you're thinking. You've got some good bedside manner for a bad doctor (BEST SNAP PUN I'VE EVER MADE), so I'm interested in any kind of collaboration to be honest.

Oh! And even though it feels funny welcoming you when your account is older than mine, welcome to RPN.
obito said:
Now I'm not one for fate, but... I made an offhanded Spongebob reference in MY introduction, too. Feel this connection? I do. I'm also feeling you on the whole "Midas touch of RP group deaths" thing. Way too real.
Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of playing Dragon Age, but if you have any other fandoms you're dying to RP I'd love to hear what you're thinking. You've got some good bedside manner for a bad doctor (BEST SNAP PUN I'VE EVER MADE), so I'm interested in any kind of collaboration to be honest.

Oh! And even though it feels funny welcoming you when your account is older than mine, welcome to RPN.
Thanks for the warm welcome and, I gotta be honest, I did laugh at you sick pun, and I loved how you worded the rp group deaths thing (it is truly too real). As for fandoms, I do mostly anime and video games, but there are a few others as well. What are some that you're interested in? (Also a collab would be top notch)
BadDoctor said:
Thanks for the warm welcome and, I gotta be honest, I did laugh at you sick pun, and I loved how you worded the rp group deaths thing (it is truly too real). As for fandoms, I do mostly anime and video games, but there are a few others as well. What are some that you're interested in? (Also a collab would be top notch)
Hahaha, no problem! I try my best. As far as anime goes, you can skim through my MAL to see if there's any title that sticks out to you, but in case you need a TL;DR: we're looking at either sports anime, Naruto, or HxH. I have far less experience with video games, but I would be super interested in trying a TF2 or Fallout thread. I like the Persona games, too. I used to roleplay the stuffing out of Minato.

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