Starting with Sorcery

I see no reason you can't continue it here. Tangents and threadjacks happen all the time. *chuckles* So it goes. If someone wants to drag it back on topic, possibly despite it kicking and screaming, then feel free, IMO. :)

After all, the topic is what the thread is supposed to be about, after all, so why start a new one when it already exists? *g*
By all means come back to topic. I would also like to pose this question:

Let us say that you can only pick three spells at CharGen. What three do you pick and why?"

Disclaimer: I am not asking for you guys to pick for me, I already rolled up that character and whatnot, so there is no ulterior motive lurking in this question.
Greatly depends on what you want to be able to do.

Counter Magic is of course a must, but after... Summonning elemetals can be as efficient as summoning demons...

Seriously, sorcery can be used effectively in any field/ability (even athletics), but there are indeed classics.
I find one of my favorite spells to be the Ritual of Elemental Empowerment.  It is uber-usefull.  Depending on what element you atach to a object, it gets different benefits.  One regenerates damaged items to their original condition.  Going into hot weather?  How would you like a nice, airconditioned set of clothes?  You can add extra soak to an item.  Lower its weight.  Do extra damage.  The list goes on.
Hmm. Three spells at chargen? It does in part depend on what the game is likely to encompass. Countermagic, almost certainly. Emerald, naturally, since I won't get a 4 essence to be getting Celestial Circle at chargen (and I don't often get higher than Terrestrial magic anyhow on most characters). Secondly, Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, or maybe Incantation of Effective Restoration, or likely both. Unless it was likely we'd need to travel a lot, then I'd probably grab Stormwind Rider or Horse that Travels Earth and Water. Hound of the Five Winds is cool, too, but that can be gotten later.

However, I'd also quite possibly nab Iron Countermagic instead of one of those, if it would be likely for my character to have had a reason to have learned Necromancy and a place to have done so too. Yeah, I like being able to block what's thrown at me...usually for cheaper. :)

If I were making an investigative sort of character, though, I'd probably take Emerald Countermagic, Hound of the Five Winds, and Incantation of Effective Restoration. I might switch Hound out for Iron Countermagic if they're involved in the Underworld a lot, but only maybe.

It's hard to say what one would pick unless one knows exactly what sort of character they're making and for what game. However, with me, you can tell that I much prefer the utility magics over the combat spells. *g*
Eh, I have to agree with my wife that such is highly dependent upon character. Still, for Sorcery spells, my three favorites are Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, Incantation of Effective Restoration and good old Counter Magic. Generally at chargen, even if I have access, I don't feel it's worth the expense to gain second circle spells, as the first circle of sorcery has many useful spells of its own, and frankly has more overall utility...even if it lacks the power of its bigger brothers. However, depending on your goals, many spells are highly useful. For Exalted characters, I usually find actual combat spells of little utility, unless one's goal is decimation of a large area in a short period of time...and even then, an army of demons or elementals may prove more useful. Demon of the First Circle and Summon Elemental can both prove highly useful in a variety of circumstances...and get your poor Sorceror laid, if they can't manage such otherwise. :P Purifying Flame and Sorceror's Irresistible Puppetry are both quite fun within their own fields. Unconquerable Self is incredibly useful if you are ever caught in a no win situation, like, say, a Deathlord's grasp in a Monstrance of Celestial Portion, knowing that soon you will lose your will to resist...

Frankly, even the first circle of sorcery is a beautiful, beautiful thing, with many, many useful effects. If you take Necromancy into consideration as well, then things get even more interesting.
I'd probably say Demon of the 1st Circle, Emerald Countermagic and Obsidian Butterflies. Say whatever you want, but it fills my heart with joy to see (or imagine, anyway) my enemies eviscerated by a tempest of obsidian awesomeness.
Eye of the Alliance, Dragon of Smoke Serpent of Flame...

But I still don't understand why River of Blood is still a sorcery spell (Bone Lion is now necro).
I'd have to go with:

Conjure the Azure Chariot, as we rarely play with more then can be carried by the spell and it's the fastest way to travel (for terrestrial magic's),  

Sworn Brothers' Oath because having more dice to roll is always a good thing,  And Invulnerable skin of bronze I like my spell slingers to be soak monkeys since you can't dodge while casting.
magnificentmomo said:
I just found out that there is a ruling on page 75 of the core book saying you can exchange spells for charms at chargen.
I'm sorry, I don't understand that statement but would like to. Could you clarify?
Instead of getting a charm, you pick a spell, one for one. So you'll end up with say 7 charms and three spells, not exceeding ten unless you use bonus points. I thought a lot of players knew that.
Well in the earlier parts of this thread it was seemingly expressed as a houserule because there wasn't a ruling, at least that was the distinct feeling I got.
I know about it now, I am not questioning him. I was just saying I didn't know there was an official ruling on it until it was shown to me. It is mentioned in the CharGen section, but not in the summary at the end of the chapter, which is how I missed it. I was merely stating that no one had pointed out the charm for spell switch was canon in this thread, so I did and CW explained it.

magnificentmomo said:
I just found out that there is a ruling on page 75 of the core book saying you can exchange spells for charms at chargen.
I've always known about the spell-for-Charm trade's pretty much like the Lunar Charm-for-Knack exchange system...the house rule I use (and this one is indeed a house rule) is that if you actually take the Charm (Terrestrial, Celestial or Solar Circle Sorcery), you get one spell free with learning the charm. This is not normally the case...but I find it a little illogical to be able to learn how to cast spells (IE, do shape sorcery actions) without learning a spell in the process. However, as it is, this is how the game operates.

Can't help but wonder if this is where the house rule confusion on the standard exchange at chargen came about...ah well.
We've been using that very same house rule since 1st edition, although back then it was due to confusion and we didnt know it wasn't just what the rule was. Once we figured out that you didnt canonically start with spells we shrugged and kept going with how we had been playing.
Well, I'm reviving this thread because I have a problem.

I'm starting to run an abyssal game on the pbp forum (inscriptions are closed), and one of the player took the Necromancy background up to 5.

I checked the MoEP:A, and as momo and the rest noted, there's no more Necromancy/Sorcery Background in 2e.

I understand, from a certain point of view, that giving 7 spells of 2 circles (ie: 70xp if occult's a favored/caste ability) for a total of 7BP is a bit broken...
If you are looking for a compromise of some kind, you might say that in your game, the Necromancy background provides information about that many spells, not the knowledge of them. That is, the character has a spell book with those spells, but hasn't yet spent the xp needed to learn them.

This only makes sense if spell books are hard to come by in your campaign, of course.
I took the dracogryff solution, thinking Mentor granted by liege would represent the teachings of the deathlord.

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