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Fantasy Starson Academy for Gifted Students


Eggos 4 Eleven
WOLF & HOUND (1).jpg

The students at Starson Academy for Gifted Children have never left campus. They have never seen their parents nor the outside world. They are not allowed to leave campus and the only thing that is seen passing through the school gates are the jet-black vans that take the graduating seniors away each year.

They are constantly watched by guards and video cameras; however, this is not out of the ordinary for them. It’s always been like this. They receive the best education in the world, Algebra and English are core classes, the best healthcare, the nurse is on call 24/7, and the best food, prepared by a real French chef.  They also learn how to use their magical powers that have gifted them since birth.

The students at Starson Academy for Gifted Children are just like any other students. They have drama, they take finals, they stay up all night cramming. However, unlike the rest of us, Starson seniors are picked up by a jet-black van on their last day of school and are never seen again.

Now it is your turn. You are a student at Starson Academy for Gifted Children in your senior year. All of your life, you have been preparing for Travel Day, the day where you are taken from school forever. Your teachers are proud of you when you receive your diploma. Your underclassmen friends only dream of the day where they undergo the Traveling Ceremony. You and your class wait until midnight when you hear the tires of the van through the forest which surrounds the school. You hold your breath. And then…. And then…



Welcome to Starson.

In pulchritudine mutatio



Heyo all! My name is Mimi and welcome to Starson Academy! In this RP, you will be a graduating senior from Starson who is forced to undergo the Traveling Ceremony and face the outside world. With magic at your disposal, you will face terrible enemies, meet wonderful friends and change the history of the world.

This is going to be an RP not for the faint of heart. It is going to be detailed and as the Manager, I am going to pour my heart and soul into this and I expect you to do this as well. Writing should be clear and without noticeable errors. At least a paragraph should suffice, but I would really prefer more. I wish I could work on Starson all day but since I am a student (and senior in highschool XD) juggling extracurricular activities, I won't be active every day. I decided that there would have to be a tradeoff between detail and amount of posts and I chose detail. So, this means that this RP will be moving fairly slow. I will probably post once or twice a week in full detail. If you can churn out a page of good writing in a day, then great. Congratulations. You may post, but the RP might not catch up to you. 

But enough with rules and regulations!

I hope to meet many new friends and become a better writer. If you have any questions, please do PM me. I really want to hear what you guys all think and if you have any suggestions. 

Thank you, lovelies!


The wonderful world of Starson is waiting for you. All you have to do is enter.
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Greetings! I'm quite interested in participating in this roleplay...how surprising, I know. Anyways, it's quite interesting to see, somewhat different then all the other school roleplays. This school isn't quite a focus point anyways. Seems I'm rambling here, oh well.
You have my interest. The slow pacing works to my advantage too since I'm in senior high school too.
Wait, you're telling me I can play a character in a magitech setting which is completely new to the outside world and will face new stuff they'd never expected, stripped of all luxury, causing them to freak out?

Yyyyyeah, I can dig.

EDIT: Also, fairly important thing: How does the magic in this universe function? What laws does it follow? Can it conjure or only manipulate? Are the possibilities endless or are they segregated into a few types? Does someone who specializes in one magic type lock them out of using another?
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OMG! I am completely enthralled with the response this is getting.

So, I made a character creation topic. Now, the "magic" or powers system I came up with is kinda confusing, probably because I am bad at explaining things. So, first of all, I was looking up different ways to classify magic and I stumbled upon the Right Brain/Left Brain theory. I know that Left Brain/Right Brain is kind of pseudoscientific, but it is interesting anyways. I came up with three divisions, right brain or "Right Hand", left brain or "Left Hand, and Ambient, which contains both features of right and left type magic. Left brain magic conforms to the mind. AKA, typical powers of like controlling an element with your mind or being telekinetic fall within this category. Right Brain is more intact with the spirit and the body. AKA, typical powers of super strength or super speed fall within this category. Ambient magic has both right brain and left brain characteristics and is rare. More about them is posted in the Character sheet.

Frankly, this whole Right Brain/Left Brain system is pretty much used within the school to customize the training each student has. You can choose your own power and put it into the category which you think it fits into. If you're confused about which category, we can chat. Don't get too caught up in this system. It isn't that important and is mostly used to augment the magic system. If it gets too complicated, then we can just forget about it. 

Please, PM me with any questions and suggestions. I am always open to constructive criticism <3

So, my lovlies, I have made the topic and I am going to link it below. When everyone has their character sheets in and all questions are cleared up, we can begin. I can't wait to enter the world of Starson with you guys!

@LilyannaGaming @MoltenLightning @Ammokkx @AI10100 @KAmber @Sekeolath Vengryn the Mad

Do we really need to fill out that behemoth of a character sheet? I don't even see the point in filling out half of those. (E.g.: Nicknames are something you earn in-universe, having to justify an explanation just shows how much of a bad idea it is.)

Also, there's a section called 'List five personality traits', but then down at the very bottom is says 'Traits' and gives you a huge list. Am I missing something or is this the same thing twice?

Also, 'usual body posture'...? Why does that even matter? Isn't that something that varies on a moment-to-moment basis? If it really matters to a scene, I'd wager you'd write it out in the RP itself rather than give OOC information on it.

And uh... with all that said, the one thing I think would be important to know ISN'T included, and that's how the user's magic works. I'd imagine we'd have to give you a clear theme and how it functions in the signup itself, but there's no section provided to write it down.

(Also I don't like asking stuff in PM. Should prolly be public info.)
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Just fill out what you see as necessary. IMO, character sheets are more baseline than anything else. Sorry for the confusion!
@-Oliver Ha. Didn't even see you made a sickly-looking kid. How coïncidental.

I have to wonder, though, isn't 13 and 14 a bit... young? We're supposed to be seniors going on leave, so I thought it'd be adults or adolescence. 

EDIT: Also, posting here since no OOC yet.

EDIT2: @KAmber ...Isn't time manipulation kind of a high-end, nigh-on impossible, game-breaking power? 
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Yeah, it is a bit young... I didn't even see the thing about us having to be seniors. Maybe we just skipped a few years of school due to being smart...?
@hes-dead-jim I kind of wanted to take advantage of the way Ambi works with a character who looks like he could keel over and perish at any moment. Would fit with the shortened life expectancy. Adding on top of that he hates his own powers, I thought it'd make for a neat subversion. If you want me to change it to right or left hand magic, though, I could.

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