Stars, Campfires, and Romance

I hope I'm not too late to join! If I am just let me know. c:

Favorite Constellation or Comet:

The Little Dipper

"How am I supposed to know? I don't even want to be here. I guess I'll just say the one that looks like a spoon or whatever."


Matthew Greenly

"Name's Matt. Call me Matthew and you'll have a black eye so bad you won't be able to count your precious stars."



"I'm not some sort of fåg, idiot. I like chicks."



"Enjoying yourself?"


Matt is guarded, sarcastic, and quite hostile. He gives off the "bad boy" sort of vibe, but as most stories go it's really just a wall because of a damaged childhood. He's flirtatious and manipulative, quite the playboy around women and offhandedly homophobic towards homosexuals, even though he is a closeted one himself.

"Just stay away from me, alright?"



Playing Guitar


"Physical Activities" (*wink wink*)

Smoking pot

Drag racing

"What is this, some heart to heart bullcr*p?"


People of Authority



Smart arses

His father

"I dislike you okay? Can I go now?"


The only reason why Matt is on this trip is because if he didn't join the astronomy club and get his grades up reasonably he'd get kicked off the surf team, that is not to say that Matt is stupid, he's quite bright he just doesn't apply himself, turns in unfinished tests with insults towards the teacher covering them, doesn't do his homework etc. That is to say, he is not thrilled about being on this trip.

"Ugh, lets just get this trip over with, yeah?"
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Favorite Constellation or Comet:

Comet Swift Tuttle

Name:(first and last)

Paislee Marie Lockhart



Appearance: (Picture preferred, description accepted)


Personality: (1 sentence required, then afterwards you can say, "Find out more in RP")

She's not shy most of the time, she's usually a talkative person. Paislee is also sweet but just like every one else, she has a side where she can stand up for herself.

Likes: (optional)


soft drinks


best friends

Dislikes: (optional)



Favorite Constellation or Comet: Aquila (The Eagle)

Name: Henry Greenfield

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance :


Personality: An easy going person, albeit will be scary if he's mad. He is the first child in his family, so he's used to carry responsible (and babysitting) his younger siblings (and sometime his friends)


- music (especially country)

-playing guitar (he really likes playing james blunt or jason mraz instrumentally)

- Sports (mostly Basketball)

- morning air

- Gazing the stars



- Irritating people

- waiting too long for something isn't worthy

- disturbed in his sleep

- two faced personality

- junk food


Henry is a strong member of Basketball team but surprisingly vegetarian. He often gets teased because of it.




Dove May Delemar



Dove is kind and sweet she likes everyone who enters the club since they share the same passion She has been stargazing her whole life and her father is a astronomer promoting her interest in the beautiful flaming stars that hurtle around the atmosphere. Dove is an artsy girl and because of this she spends most of the time sketching the constellations for the club. Dove is a good leader since most like her and she always stays calm but does not enforce rules unless they Actully matter. But inside dove is quite self conscious she spends three hours every day doing her hair and makeup and is scared that others would think her fat or ugly

I don't like

- missing planes

- people who don't take responsibility for what they do

- running out of hot water when I have shampoo on my hair and soap all over my body

- crowds

- dropping a lovely cheese toast cheese-side on the floor

- waking up late


- little boring rain drops

I like

- rain storms

- spinning at sunset on a beach

- curling up and snuggling in bed with my boyfriend (PM me)

- chocolate

- Traveling, meeting new people and learning languages

- hugging friends

- smiling at random people in the streets

- when it is 22:22 on the alarm clock and I make a silly wish

- cheering people up, even if that includes making utterly ridiculous things

- my grandmother

- massages

- cooking

- anything orange and purple

- the word "oxymoron"

- planning a trip for hours and then welcome any crazy change of plans

- kisses on the forehead

@Doll can I make her Club President
The basics..

Name- Tess Freeman

Sexuality- Straight


Personality- Very friendly, is quiet for the most part, but once you get to know her, she is really funny.Very awkward! FIND OUT MORE IN THE RP!

Favorite comet-Halley's comet

Likes- Comets





Dislikes- Jerks




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_na442sJTps1txo1i9o1_250.gif.1e002a63e5d1a3e9aa061f63fc7f3769.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_na442sJTps1txo1i9o1_250.gif.1e002a63e5d1a3e9aa061f63fc7f3769.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Favorite Constellation or Comet:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/200px-DracoCC.jpg.cbcdb8713edad16ed0d79f70a1281edf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/200px-DracoCC.jpg.cbcdb8713edad16ed0d79f70a1281edf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jamie Wellington




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Jamie-Campbell-Bower-Robert-Sheehan-01.png.ec96d337cd4ab0fa2cd89af2f472063c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Jamie-Campbell-Bower-Robert-Sheehan-01.png.ec96d337cd4ab0fa2cd89af2f472063c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A little taller than average height, around 6ft tall. Also a little bit thinner built than average. As it may be hard to see in the black & white pictures he has dark blonde, almost light brown, hair that curls ever so slightly. He owns a pair of green eyes as well. Mostly dressed in a pair of black jeans along with a simple t-shirt and several accecories such as a watch, a bracelet and maybe a couple of rings.


Jamie is the one guy you know to be laughing pretty mutch all the time. It's not that he is way too immature, it's just that he is the one who tries to keep everyone happy by simply laughing. It seems to work though. Jamie is also a guy who gladly start a conversation, a guy who loves to get to know people. But despite his increddibly social side, he loves being left alone. He love it when he's along in some dark room with just him and his thoughts, and a night sky with that wouldn't hurt either.

If you ask him for a favor, he sure as hell will do them. He's the kind of guy who loves helping people, even if it is someone he barely knows. It's not that he likes the act of helping, he's actually kind of lazy, but it's the resutling smile on the persons face. That bright smile of gratefulness is what keeps him so happy all the time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0e323713_Jamiebabe.gif.249b8c7bdc7e91fb4650be91cae77335.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0e323713_Jamiebabe.gif.249b8c7bdc7e91fb4650be91cae77335.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



-A starry night sky

-Happy people

-Languages, either studying them or simply listening to them


-Lemons dipped in honey

-Tea, especially Earl Grey or Darjeeling

-The winter

-Sometimes, lonelyness

-Music, mostly old ones but sometimes even classical.

-Vegetarian food

-Movie nights


-Thunders. His most serious fear.

-Annoying people

-Spicy food


-Thick air, like when it's hard to breathe inside a crowded room

-People who crave attention.

-Loud people, especially in the morning.


He speaks fluent french and latin because of his passion for the knowledge of languages. He recently began to study Swedish but well, it's not going so well.

Jamies' father showed him the art of a beautiful night sky. The way the stars aligned on certain dates. Ever since that day, he's been glued to the telescope.

Jamies' fear of thunders may result in a panic attack. But since thunders aren't as common as simple rain, this rarely happens. He developed this fear by being out camping with his father once when a lightning struck the tree next to the tent. Both of them survived but has been terrified of thunderstorms ever since then.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_nbjzq4nFvp1txo1i9o1_500.gif.62813704494ca322c286d531a8d3a7be.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_nbjzq4nFvp1txo1i9o1_500.gif.62813704494ca322c286d531a8d3a7be.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Oh gosh, I am suddenly attacked by a mob of characters.

All accepted, join the role play if you'd like.

And, no at the person who wanted to be president. Sorry, it 's because if you were president, you'd have the power to change the role play, and there might be changes to the roleplay that aren't supposed to change. Also, we'd have to pm a lot so I could tell you things to change etc. And it's hard to keep in touch and so on.

New Characters are not accepted after this point. Sorry!
I believe it is. Every Rp I have ever created hasn't made it long enough for me to actually close it. Hell they've never even taken off the ground.

If you go to Thread tools>Edit title> Then click on the bar and say closed. That should take care of it.
I'm joining if there are an odd number off love interests. ^_^

If there are an even number, i'll be here enjoying, enforcing, and guiding the role play. Like when the shower is happening, updates, the end of the day, and other stuff.

Or maybe i'll join and be the person who is only friends with everyone :P
(Meh, ended up making a character. It would be easier if I was in the role play so I could direct what's happening during the trip and when the shower is supposed to happen. My character won't appear much, though, unless I become less busy)

Favorite Constellation or Comet:


Name: Terrence Rose

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: (brown hair, green eyes, 6ft tall)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0ee89ce2_images(57).jpg.bb615077313c5c7003b0bf3df63bdf90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0ee89ce2_images(57).jpg.bb615077313c5c7003b0bf3df63bdf90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's a friendly and trustworthy person, not many people he calls more than aquaintances because he is not interested in relationships at the moment. He takes his responsibilities seriously, but is still kind and he doesn't like to burden others. He is very down to Earth but is still very creative. He often overworks himself since he's very independant and he finds it easier to do things himself than with others.


- stargazing

- night

- nature

- children & cuddly animals


- rudeness

- slackers

- those who do not do what they say

- broken promises

Other: Lives only with his divorced dad and is the president of the club



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